Blue Harmony || Classroom of...

By YellowPrimordial

194K 5.6K 3.2K

Kiyopon X Haruka Fanfic. Kiyopon will not Hold Back in some Ways, He only get serious when it comes to indiv... More

Bus Scene - Rude Encounter
Entrance Exam?
Introduction? Convenience Store?
Routine? 2nd Day?
Club Fair? Piano?
Swimming Class? Race?
Post? Bento?
Queen? Revelation?
Fight? Test Paper?
Midterms and Results? Celebration?
Class C's Attack? Camera Happenings?
Trial's Results? Saving Airi?
Monster and Tyrant Interactions? Council and Room Stuffs?
Preparations and Esperanza? Beginning of the Island Exam?
Adventures? Kiyo's Plan?
Deal and Party with Class B? Calm before the Storm?
Demon's Rage? Change of Plans?
Island Exam Results? The Moment of Truth?
Deal with Class 2B? Gym Moments?
Blissful Return? Beginning of the Sports Festival?
Training? Sports Festival? Downgrading Every Enemies?
Sports Festival's Result? Perfect Victories? A Fucking Celebration?
Ongoing and Aftermath of the Party? The New Leading Figure?

Study Group? Two Faced Angel?

8.2K 232 178
By YellowPrimordial

Kiyotaka's Pov

Chiyabashira-sensei Just left the Classroom as the Shock and Silence Still Lingered 

The Silence was Broken when Someone Spoke in a Quite Shaky Voice

"M-minna! L-let's Talk about how we will Handle this First!" Kushida Exclaimed 

The Tense Atmosphere lightened up as Praised can be Heard throughout the Whole Room

"Let's Correct our Behavior First so we Won't Lose any more Points! We Don't know for a Certain that our Score could go Down! I Already have a Plan to Counter the Midterms Exams" Kushida Enthusiastically Exclaimed 


"Kikyo-chan's Right!!"

"As Expected of Kushida-chan!!"

"L-let's do our B-best, Minna" Hirata Stuttered as He Also Supported Kushida, Tho it's enough to Control the Girls in Class

"So What should we do Then?" Yukimura Asked

"I'm Planning on Starting a Study Group, Led by the Smart Students in the Class" Kushida Proposed

The Smarts People except me and Koenji asked Some Questions before Agreeing to the Propositions 

"Leave me Out of Planning, I'm not 1 bit interested in your Proposition, It's also a Waste of Time for a Perfect Existence Like Me" Koenji Suddenly Spoke up as he Looked at his Reflection before Praising it

Kushida Frowned for a Second Before Reverting back to her usual Cheerful Aura as she Looked at my Direction

All of the ones Joining this Study Group looked at my Direction, Expecting Something

"What about you, Ayanokoji-kun?" 

"I Already Created my own Study Group Consisting of 4 people" i replied

"I didn't mean to Pry, But Could you tell me the Members of Your study Group " Kushida Asked

I Looked at Haruka and Akito, In that Single Glance, They already what my Gaze are Saying as they Nodded in Agreement 

"Hasebe Haruka and Miyake Akito are the only Ones I'm Sure that'll will Join me, I'll the Other 2 If they Wanna Join" I said as i looked at the Direction of my First Target

"Sakura Airi, Sudo Ken" I said Loudly so that the Whole Room could Hear 

The Mentioned 2 looked Surprised that were Chosen by Me, Everyone are also Surprised because I Chose a Knucklehead like Sudo

"If you want to Join, Come to the Library After Class, It's up to you whether you want to Join my Study Group or not. No Need to Feel Obligated, No-one's Forcing you" I informed "Oh. And I'll Accept 1 more Person, Whether you want to Join is up to you"

I said as i Rested my Chin in the Palm of my Hands as i Slowly let myself Fall into Sleep, Ignoring their Plannings for the Midterms


Library, 4:30 pm

3 students from Class D are Waiting  Quietly in the Library

"Kiyopon, They aren't Coming, huh?" Haruka Said as She Scribbled on the Back of her Notebook 

"Yeah, I was Quite Surprised when you said Sudo's Name in Class, Sudo's Quite a Handful. He might not even Show Up to this Study Group, But if he does, Do you have a Plan?" Akito Asked, Apparently, His Club already Informed them that They Could take a Break from the Club till the End of Midterms Exams. Though, I bet he still go to his Club Room to see his Goddess 

"Don't Worry, Let's wait for Them in a Bit, I'm 100% sure that the 2 of them will Come" Kiyotaka explained

Kiyotaka can Already Feel Sakura's Gaze Directed Towards us, She's just Sitting Behind Our Table. She Must be Feeling Shy right now but She Came here on her own, That's Already an Amazing Feat, Tho All that Effort will be Wasted if she Won't Initiate a Conversation with Us

After a Few Minutes, Sakura Approached us as she Stand in front of our Table 

I Internally Smiled because of Sakura's Courage, Even Though she has this Shy Nature, She tried to Overcome it by Talking to us

"U-u-um" Sakura Stuttered 

"Sakura Airi, right? I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and This Two are Hasebe Haruka and Miyake Akito, It's a Pleasure to Meet you" I introduced as i Sent her a Warm Smile to Help Her Calm Down

She Took a Few Seconds before Continuing 

"Y-yes! I-i'm Truly G-grateful for I-inviting me in your S-study Group. E-even Though I-i'm bad with a-all the s-subjects, I-I'll d-do my Best t-to not d-disappoint you"

She Said as She Bow Deeply that her Head was About to Hit Table, I immediately used my Hand to Stop her Forehead from Hitting the Table

"Woah, Be careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt in the First Study Session" I said as i Patted Her Head

She Looked Surprised for a Moment before Blushing Brightly as she Nodded Multiple Times 

I could Feel Haruka's Different from the Usual Gaze being sent Towards me. I don't Know why Though

She Took the Seat Beside Haruka as She Just Look down

I looked at Haruka, Who's also Staring at me. I sent a look of 'Help Sakura be Comfortable with us', She Nodded in Response as she Initiate the Conversation Between them 

After a Few Minutes, Sakura's already Becoming more Comfortable with us. She's still Stuttering from time to time but it Decreases as the Time Passes by

I looked at the Time, It's 4:57 now. Sudo's Still not Here, But I'm still Sure that He'll Still attend 

Speaking of the Devil, I saw Sudo Approaching our Table with Somewhat Different from the Usual Expression

"Yo" i greeted 

"Y-yo! Thank you for Having me. Sorry it Took me a while to get here, I went to my Club and Informed the Senpais that i'll Skip Practice till the end of Midterms and Study. Though I have a Bad Reputation and an Idiot, i hope you'll still accept me, I'll do my Very Best to Learn!" He Exclaimed 

He's Changing at a Rapid Pace, Guess my Coldness Give a Boost to his Morale for Changing. He still have a Lot to Learn but that's fine, I'll guide my Friends in a Good Way

"Yeah, Great to Have you, Sudo"

i said as i Reached out my Hand for a Handshake which he Accepted Gratefully 

I sense a Presence Watching Us from Behind the Bookshelves

"Let's Start our Session but before that, The One Hiding behind the Bookshelves, You can come out now"

The Members of my Study were Surprised as we suddenly Heard a Squeal behind the Bookshelves

After a Few Seconds, A familiar Student came out of her Hiding Spot with a Sheepish Expression

"Inogashira?" I called out

"Y-yes! I Heard that you were Looking for Another Member so I came to A-apply if Possible" She Said Quite Shyly 

Hmm… I was Quite Sure that she'll join Hirata's or Kushida's Study Group but Oh well..

"I'm Surprised to see you here, I thought you'd either Join Kushida's or Hirata's Study Group, Any Reason why you Wanna Join my Group?" I said with a Calming Tone to no give her Unnecessary Pressure 

"K-kikyo-chan's Study Group Already Have Many Members, I'm quite a Slow Learner so I'll probably S-slow them Down, I might do the Same here, But I'll really try my B-best!" She Exclaimed as she Bow Deeply

"Raise Your Head, Inogashira. The only reason i need is that you'll be willing to Work Hard for Studying, That's all you need to Join my Study Group" I said with a Smile as her Expression Lightened up

She Sat next to Haruka as they have a Girls Talk along with Airi

I let Everyone get to Know Each Other for 10 minutes before Gathering Their Attention 

"Alright, Let's begin our First Session, We'll be Having a Short Test, Don't Worry, It's only for my Evaluation. I need to Know )what your Strong Points and Weaknesses." I informed as i Took out 5 Test Questionnaires Made by me before Handing it to Them 

"Woah! Did you Make this, Kiyotaka?" Akito Asked, Surprised as he Look at the Test Papers

"Yeah, I Handpicked some Middle School to High School Level Questions. Some of them Are Quite Hard but I'll Assure you that After this, Your Score will Leap by a Huge Margin" I said with Pure Confidence

"Ohh… As Expected of Kiyopon!" Haruka Said Enthusiastically

"You have 45 minutes to Answer it. I'll go check what the Library has to Offer in the MeanTime, You may Begin" I said as i Stood up and Look for a Book


My Phone Beeped, Indicating the end of the Test, All of them Slumped Down on their seats as they Released a Huge Sigh

"You all did Great" I praised as i Collected their Test Answers 

"It was so Hard!" Haruka said in a Quite Loudly, Good thing it Didn't Reach where the Librarian in Seated

"Yeah" All of them Replied in Unison 

It took me 15 minutes to Score their Test 

"Ok, The Results are Slightly Different from What i Expected but They'll Do"

i said as they All Gulped, Waiting for my Feedback, I looked at the Papers Containing their Score

Inogashira: 67





"First of All, Inogashira" i paused as she looked more Restless "You Did Great, Though I could Tell you can do Better but No worries, That's why I'll teach you all Properly" i said

They All nodded at the Same Time, Inogashira released a Huge Sigh of Relief

"Then Akito and Haruka.." I released a Fake Sigh that Made them Tense up "Did you two Cheat?" I asked

""What? No!"" They said in Unison 

"Then How do you Explain this, Same Score And Same Mistakes on the Same Questions" I said as I showed them their Answers 

"Woah! That's some Coincidence!" Sudo said Loudly, Good thing were Quite Far from the Librarian  

""She's/He's The one that Cheated"" The Both exclaimed as the Pointed at Each Other 

I let them Banter with Each Other for a Few Seconds Before Stopping Them

"Alright, That's enough. I'm just Kidding when I accused you two of Cheating, if you Did, These three Probably Reported by now. You two are impressive, You Scored Higher than the Test we did Yesterday. Good Job." I praised

Akito released a Heavy Sigh of Relief as she Just send me a Smile, Haruka only Lowered her head

It took me a Few Seconds to Know the Meaning of her Action as i Patted her Head

She Giggled Cutely before Return to her Original Position

"Lastly, Sakura and Sudo" I paused "You guys did Quite Badly but you're both Improving at an Incredible Rate. Sakura's Already Using Proper Formula for the Answers but Wrong Method of Solving it, If we Fix this Problem, Your Scores will Skyrocket. And Sudo, You're not Profound in Studying according to my Observation. you're having a Hard Time in the Middle School Problems because You're Focused on Improving in your Sports, right?" I asked as he Only Nodded

"Yeah, I Thought that Studying is not Important since I'm Striving to be a Pro Athlete, Guess I'm an Idiot for thinking that " he replied dejected 

"Yes, You are. But I didn't mean it as an Insult. It's True that You're an Idiot at This Moment but Can you Say that after you've changed yourself? No. What i'm sayings is Even if you're not what you want to be Today, There's still a Chance to Change Tomorrow, The Day after Tomorrow and till the Day You Give Up" I encouraged, It might Sound Cringey 

Everyone Looked Surprised as they Just stared at me. After a Few Seconds. They Started Clapping at my Words of Encouragement 

"You're so Cool, Kiyopon!"


"I-i didn't expect that from Ayanokoji-kun"

"As Expected of Kiyotaka"

"Thanks, Ayanokoji! I'll do my Extreme Best to not Disappoint you!"

"Now that's Settled, Shall we Begin the Real Deal Then?" I asked with a Smile

"Yeah! / Y-yeah!" all of them Exclaimed in Unison

The Time is now 7:00 pm, I observed their Studying with an Undivided Attention. They're Growth is Improving at an Enormous Rate. Even Sudo and Sakura, Who had a Hard Time keeping up Earlier, are now Learning with the Others

"Alright, Let's end our Session here, We'll Continue this Tomorrow" I said as they Slumped on the Table

"It was so Hard and Exhausting!" Haruka Exclaimed, Still Slumped on the Table 

"Yeah, But it was Worth it. Even the Formula that I can't Understand became Easy now!" Akito Also Exclaimed which all of them Agreed

"Y-you're a Good Teacher, Ayanokoji-kun" Inogashira Praised

"Y-yeah, A-all of those Hard Questions became because of your Help" Sakura Supported

"I'm just your Average High Schooler Friend" I said Nonchalantly 

'Liar!' everyone thought as the Same Time

We Packed our Stuff before Leaving the Library and Made our Way towards the Dorms

On the Way, I Suddenly Stopped in front of the Convenience Store and Stared at it

"What's Wrong, Kiyopon?" Haruka, Noticing my Sudden Stopping, Asked as she Followed my Line of Sight 

"Wanna have some Ice Cream? My treat" I said as i Continued Staring 

"Yeah! " Haruka, Akito and Sudo exclaimed in Unison

"A-are you sure, Ayanokoji-kun? W-we can Buy our O-own" Sakura and Inogashira shyly Suggested, I guess Shy People get along with one another 

"No, I insist since I'm the one Who Suggested it" I said as they both Reluctantly Agreed

We Entered the Convenience Store and Made our Way towards the Ice Cream Isle

Me, Haruka and Sakura picked Cookies and Cream, Akito and Sudo picked Chocolate while Inogashira Picked Strawberry 

I took the ones they want to the Counter and Paid for Them as we Left 

We Sat in a Nearby Bench as we Eat the Ice Cream 

"So Delicious!" Haruka Exclaimed 

"Ice Cream is the Best after Studying!" Sudo Supported

The others only Nodded as they Continued to Eat their Ice Cream 

"You Look like a Child who just Ate his First Ice Cream, Ayanokoji" Sudo Pointed out as the Others Agreed 

I was too Focused on my Ice Cream thatIi Didn't Noticed what they're Talking About

"See, He's too Focused on his Ice to even Noticed" Akito Teased as the Others Chuckled 

"Believe it or not, Kiyopon's First Time Eating Ice Cream was on the First Day of School!" Haruka Informed

"Seriously!?" Sudo Asked, Surprised as the Others

"Yep" Haruka Replied 

"His Physique says it all though, No Unnecessary Fat, 8 Pack Abs, Lean Body, He Probably has the Best Build in the Class. scratch that. The Whole Year Even" Akito Answered 

"I may be more Muscular but his more Well Toned than I am" Sudo Supported

"Y-yes, I-i Don't  Know much About M-males Physique, But h-his Well Toned-body is T-top Notch" Inogashira Shyly Continued

They Continued Talking about me without me Noticing 

"What are you Guys Talking About?" I asked after i Finished my Ice Cream 

"Nothing" They all said in Unison, Strange

"Whatever You Say" I said Nonchalantly 

After we Finished our Treats, We Started the Walk towards the Dorms. Casually Talking with One Another 

"Hey Everyone!" Haruka Suddenly Stopped and Called out to us Enthusiastically 

"Hmm? What's up?" Akito asked as the we only Wait for what she's about to Say

"Let's Create an Official Group! Just us!" She Excitedly Suggested 

It Took us a While to Absorb what she Just Said but I recovered Quickly than the Others

"I up for it, I don't about them though" I said as i pointed my Thumb at the Others

"I'm in!" Sudo and Akito joined in

"I-is it F-fine if we J-join in?" Inogashira Shyly Asked

"Y-yeah, W-we're kinda S-shy and Gloomy so W-we might just B-b a Bother" Sakura also Shyly Continued

"Of course you two can also Join in! right Guys?" Haruka Said as she Looked at us for Confirmation 

We Only Nodded in Response as Haruka Tackled the Two Ladies for a Tight Hug

We Watched the Three with a Warm Gaze

"Hey! What should we call the Group?" Haruka asked enthusiastically

I suddenly Felt a Shiver Down my Spine about the Question she Asked, I fear Something Unexpected will Happen 

Everyone Suggested their own Ideas but Didn't sit Right with Haruka

My Fears Turned into Reality at Haruka's Sudden Suggestion

"What about Ayanokoji Group?"

I was Gobsmacked by the Suggestion, Haruka wore a Smug Expression, Akito and Sudo laughed Loudly while Sakura and Inogashira are Snickering Lightly 

"Seriously? Why me?" I asked

"Because You're the Reason this Group was Formed! It's Cute if you ask me" Haruka Replied Smugly 

"Isn't it Fine, It sounds kinda Cool too!" Akito Supported. 

"Yeah, It's way Better than Sudo Group" Sudo also Joined in

"U-um… I-i also Think i-its a Good Name." Inogashira shyly agreed as Sakura  Nodded Multiple Times 

"It's Decided then!" Haruka Exclaimed 

"Hey, Don't I have a say in this?" My words Fell in Deaf ears as Haruka Continued

"Now! For the Rules, Everyone must Call each other by their First Names! No Objections!" Haruka Announced 

"Hey, Haruka. We're Fine with it but what about Sakura and Inogashira? You know their kinda S–" Before I could Finish, Both of the Girls Cutted me off

""WE!"" Sakura and Inogashira said in a Loud Voice, Realizing their Actions, Both of them Blushed Brightly "W-were F-fine with It" They Continued 

We Looked at Each Other before Nodding

"Alright, Now that's Decided, I, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Announce the Creation of the 'Ayanokoji Group'" I Announced Loudly

"YEAH!" all of them Exclaimed Loudly

"Haruka, Airi, Kokoro, Akito and Ken, I look Forward Studying with you Guys" I said with a Genuine Smile

All of them were Surprised by the Warmness of my Smile as they Smiled Brightly back at Me

"Of Course!!" They all Exclaimed in Unison

Then We Headed Straight towards the Dorms and Bid our Farewells


It's been 2 Weeks since the Ayanokoji Group was Formed

Everyone's Averages Skyrocketed, Especially Sudo and Airi. They're Growth was Amazing, Scary if you could put in Other Terms. Inogashira Caught up with Akito and Haruka who's always having a Contest on who could get a Higher Score

Observing the Results of the Other Study Group, Only Mine Showed a Good Results. The Average of the Morons Only Increased about 2-5%, Sudo, Who's Probably on the same Level as them Last Week, is 5x Better than Them Now. The Tutors only Wasted their time on them

The Group that Suzune Created for the 2 Idiots, I don't know how she Gathered the Morons which I'm not even Interested in Knowing, Self Destructed in only the 1st Session. 

She Probably thinks that a Girl like her with a Huge Defect, Could teach Morons who's lower than a Defect or even a Trash. She just Wasted her Time

Plus, The Mood of the Room is in its Gloomiest State, Sensei just Informed that she made us Study the Wrong Topic, Though It's Truly Troublesome for the Others, Not for Us because I Hand Picked my Lessons from different Topics , Ranging from Learned Topics to About to be Teach topics. So Meaning, Everyone in my Study Group is Safe. But I need some Countermeasures incase Something goes Wrong

My Train of Thought was interrupted when the Ayanokoji Group Huddled up in my Seat, 

"Phew, Good Thing Kiyopon's Topic is Handpicked!" Haruka Sighed out of Relief

"Yeah! I already know some of the Topics! Thanks Kiyotaka! " Akito and Sudo exclaimed as the Shy Two only Nodded 

Our Talk was Suddenly interrupted by Kushida, Who Heard Sudo and Akito's Statement 

"U-um, I don't mean to Interrupt but Did you guys know that the Topics we've been Told to Study was Mistake?" Kushida asked

We Looked at Each Other before Sudo Answered for Us

"N-no, We were just Studying what Kiyotaka told us to Study" 

"So, Did you know about it, Ayanokoji-kun?" Kushida Continued Asking 

"Who Knows" I said Nonchalantly 

Everyone in the Room Erupted, Throwing insults at me

"You Gloomy Bastard! Then why does Your Group already know the Topics!? "

"Yeah!! We Could've Save time from Studying the Wrong Item!!"


I could Feel Everyone in my Group Starting to Get Angry, Especially Sudo and Akito but I answered before they Could Erupt 

"Woah! Am I your Group Study Leader? Blame them not me" I informed 

"Why is it our Fault!?" The Prideful Yukimura Stood up as the Suzune and the Other Leaders Glared only Glared at me except for the Few

"Seriously? You're Seriously asking me That? No Wonder why you're in Class D"

"What the Hell did you Say?!" He Glared which Did Absolutely Nothing

"It's your Fault for Creating a Study Group with no Countermeasures if Something goes Wrong, This is an Elite School, You Moron, This School is Created to Make Future Pillars of Japan, The ones who'll carry the Whole Japan in their Backs, If you think a Normal School's method will also Apply here. Then you're better off Expelled" I said Coldly as the Others Shutted their Mouths

The Others Didn't Speak, They Couldn't. The Atmosphere was so Dense that you could Cut with a Knife

"I just Simply Handpicked different Study Topics in the Study Guide incase Something goes Wrong" I paused for a Few Seconds before Continuing "And That's what you Call a 'Countermeasure'"
I mocked in a Cold Tone

No-one Dared to speak up as the Ayanokoji Group tried to Calm me Down. None of them is Wearing a Fearful Expressions. I Wonder Why

I Easily Calmed Down as we Continued the Talk we Had Earlier like Nothing's Wrong

It was now 8 pm, The Ayanokoji Group Just left my Room, We Changed our Study Place today since the Library was Already Full

Sudo's being Hated by his friends since He's Already Ahead of them and He's in a Group full of Huge Breasted Girls. What a Moronic Reason to join a Study Group, Not Like I'll Accept them

That Can't be Helped since the Class has this Mob Mentality going around but if they ever Make us Uncomfortable, I'll Crush Them to Bits

I stopped my Monologue and Walked towards the Kitchen, to be Exact, The Fridge to Look for some Juice 

I forgot that i Gave my 5 remaining Juice to Them when Studied Earlier. Welp, Guess I'll just buy from the Vending Machine on the Rooftop 

I could Buy from Outside the Dorms Lobby but i wanted to Stargaze for once in a While 

Arriving at the Rooftop, I immediately go towards the Vending Machines and Bought some Juice 

I Sat to bench near the Trees and Silently Observed the Stars 

The Silence was Pleasant, Relaxing Even. It's Nice to be in Peace for Once in a While

After i Finished my Juice and Stargazing, I left the Bench and Headed Straight to my Dorm Room 

I instinctively Hide behind a Tree when i Felt a Familiar Presence approaching the Rooftop 

The Door Opened and it Revealed the Angel of Class D, Though it's only in the Eyes of Others

She Silently Approached the Railings before Kicking it Loudly

I opened the Recording application and Started Recording for Evidence or Blackmailing Purposes

“Ah— so annoying.”

Her Voice was Low and Different from her Usual one, So this is her Other Side

"Those Perverts kept on Staring at my Breast with no Self Control!! I wish They'll be Expelled and Die!! I wish They'd be Burned to Death!!

Even the Angel of Class D hates those Morons, They're Doomed if they Heard her Saying This

"And That Bitches Wannabes! Asking for Points with no Shame! Tell that to me Now and I'll rip you Apart!! Don't even forget Hasebe and Sakura! Those cowtits! Just Because they Have Bigger Breast doesn't mean they're better!! It's only because of Ayanokoji that you're not getting ogled by Those Perverted Trashes!! " 

She Insults she Spatted went from Karuizawa to my Group

"Especially Horikita! You're just a Dumb Bitch who's like a Spoiled Child, I hope you'd Die!! Die!! Bitches like you should just Die!! And You Ayanokoji!! You Cold Freaking Bastard!! The one you should be Treating like a Queen is Me!! Not those Cowtits!! You should be my Dog and Follow my Every Order!!!" 

Woah! She even went After me, And she's jealous of Haruka, Oh Cmon, 'Am i really that Handsome'. Ok, Praising myself is kinda Weird so I'll Stop

I silently went to the Bench behind Kushida and Sat there as i Slammed my Can Drink to the Bench, Startling Her

"A-Ayanokoji-kun?" Her Voice Return to Normal

"Yep! Your one and only, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka" I replied Sarcastically as her Dark Demeanor Returned 

"Did you Hear?" she asked as she Approached me

"Yep, Totally Heard it" I replied Mockingly 

This Made her Brows twitched in Irritation as she Stopped in front of me

“What you heard just now… if you speak a word of it to anyone, I won’t forgive you.” She Spoke in a Threatening Tone

"And if I did?" I asked Mockingly which made her Irritated 

“Then I’ll Tell the School that you Raped me up here.” She Threatened

“Oh~ That’s a false charge, you know.” I Continued to Play Around 

“That’s ok, since it won't be.” She Said

I was Extremely Interested on how Kushida will make my Mouth Shut, What method will she use, How will she use it to her Advantage, What could Happen. Guess I'll found out right now 

Kushida then grabbed my left wrist and slowly opened the palm of my hand. She held the back of my hand and put my palm on her breast. 

'This is it? Seriously? I anticipated for Something Like this? 'sigh' What a Waste' I thought as i Only Stare at Her with Disinterested Look

“Your fingerprints are on my clothes. There’s evidence. Got it?” 

I only Stared at her with an Disinterested Look 

“I’m going to leave this uniform in my room without washing it. If you tell anyone, I’m going to give this to the police.”

She Clearly Doesn't Know how Fingerprints Work, There are Different Flaws on her Countermeasures, Like Dust Accumulation and Atmosphere on the Place. Fingerprints on Clothes Last only for a Small Period of Time

"I see… Then what are you gonna do about this then?"

I said as I played the Recording on my Phone 

Ah— so annoying.”

"Those Perverts kept on Staring at my Breast with no Self Control!! I wish They'll be Expelled and Die!! I wish They'd be Burned to Death!!

"And That Bitches Wannabes! Asking for Points with no Shame! Tell that to me Now and I'll rip you Apart!! Don't even forget Hasebe and Sakura! Those cowtits! Just Because they Have Bigger Breast doesn't mean they're better!! It's only because of Ayanokoji that you're not getting ogled by those Perverted Trashes!!" 

"Especially Horikita! You're just a Dumb Bitch who's like a Spoiled Child, I hope you'd Die!! Die!! Bitches like you should just Die!! And You Ayanokoji!! You Cold Freaking Bastard!! The one you should be Treating like a Queen is Me!! Not those Cowtits!! You should be my Dog and Follow my Every Order!!!" 

Her Face Expression turned into Fear, Fear of Losing Something Important 

"Y-you! Why do you Hav–" But before she could Continue, I played the Final Recording

“What you heard just now… if you speak a word of it to anyone, I won’t forgive you.” She Spoke in a Threatening Tone

"And if I did?" I asked Mockingly which made her Irritated 

“Then I’ll Tell the School that you Raped me up here.” 

“Oh~ That’s a false charge, you know.” I Continued to Play Around 

“That’s ok, since it won't be.” 

“Your fingerprints are on my clothes. There’s evidence. Got it?” 

“I’m going to leave this uniform in my room without washing it. If you tell anyone, I’m going to give this to the police.”

"Delete That!" She Didn't Waste Time as she Instantly Tried to Tackle me from Behind

"Nope~" I mocked as i only Stepped Sideways to Avoid her 

She Continued her Attacks, From Kicks to Tackles. and I kept Dodging her till she's out of Energy

"Hah- Hah- You Bastard! Delete tha–!" Before she Could Continue, I Closed the Distance between as i Grabbing her Neck and Pushing her to a Nearby Tree

It Took a Few Seconds before She Could Caught to what just Happened as she Tried Her Very Best to Flee from my Grasp

"L-let me Go!" She Exclaimed Clawing her Nails into my Arms

I let her Neck go and in that Split Second, I grabbed both of her Wrist with my Right Hand as i Slammed to the Tree behind her

She let a Small Groan filled with Pain as she Flailed once more 

"Oya? What's Wrong, Kushida? Can't Escape?" I said in a Mocking Tone

"Let me go! You Pervert" She Exclaimed 

"Woah! How am i the Pervert when you're the one who Pushed my Hand towards your Breast" I replied 

"Tch! You Better delete that or Else" She Hissed

"Or What? Gonna Scream? That's not a Good Idea. I can just Post what i Recorded on the Forums, I can Save Myself from the Crime Allegations while your Name will Suffer the Most, Maybe even Beyond Repair" I mocked

"W-what do you want?" She Asked as she Stared at me with Full Hostility and Gritted Teeth but I ignored her Question 

"Be Mine" I answered as I revealed my True Eyes, The Playful Tone Earlier is nowhere to be Found 

She Looked Straight at Eyes, As Dark and Empty as the Abyss. Her Eyes Started to Water as she Continued to Stare at Me

"D-don't J-joke Around" She Said but her Hands and Legs were Trembling 

"Do I look like I'm joking to you?" I asked in a Cold Tone

Tears Freely Fall from her Eyes as she Stared at me

"P-please let me go, I-i'll do Anything!" She Begged as she Stuttered, Her Attitude Earlier is nowhere to be Found 

"Then Give me your Body" I ordered 

Her Face Turned into one of Disgust as She Started insulting me 

"You Pervert! You're just Like any other Guys! Always Finding a Way to get on our Skirts!" She Hissed Angrily but her Trembling Betrayed her

"You Don't want to? It's Fine. I'll just Post The Recording" I let her go as Took my Phone out of my Pocket and Started to walk Away

Her Face changed into one of Fear, Traumatizing Fear As she Tried To Catch up to me 

"Please! I beg you! Anything but That! I'll do anything!" She Begged as she Tugged on my Clothes, Tears Falling Freely on her Cheeks 

"Then Do as I Say" I commanded as i look down at her

She had an Disgusted Expression But Still Reluctantly Unbuttoned her Uniform

She Stared at me with Eyes full of Hate, Almost Dark that is Similar to Mine but 10x weaker as she Continued Stripping 

I couldn't help but Smile Internally, A pawn who would do Anything to Protect their Secrets. This School is Filled with People Like That, Though Kushida can't be Trusted at the Moment, I hope she won't Betray me, Cause if she Did. I'll Personally Finish her Off

"After This, You'll Delete it, right?" she Assured 

"who knows" I replied 

"Tch! I'll absolutely never Forgive You!" She Hissed Angrily as she Continued Stripping Till she's about to Remove her Blouse and Skirt

"Stop" I commanded

"H-huh?" She Looked at me, Surprised "Why?" She Continued 

"I was only Testing you to see how Far You'll go to Protect your Secret" I replied

"So You won't R-rape me?" she asked with Glimmer of Hope

"Yep~" I replied as i Revert Back to my Playful Tone

She Released a Huge Sigh of Relief, Which also Gave me an Idea to Tease her

"Why the Dissapointed Sigh? Do you want to Continue? If you want, Let's head to my Room, and I'll Fuck your Brains out" I Teased in a Seductive Tone

She Blushed, Redder than a Tomato Before Screaming at me

"Baka!! Pervert!!" She Screamed as she Threw her Shoe at my Face which i Easily Catched

"You should Wear your Clothes, You're making a Certain Part Go Wild" I teased as i Turned Around, She Looked at her almost Naked Body before noticing that she's only in her Undergarments

Her Face Flushed, Redder than a Tomato as she Hurriedly Wore her Clothes 

"You Done" I didn't wait for her Answer as i Turned Around

She Sent me a Glare as she Crossed her Arms. Lady, I know you Finished Changing before i Turned Around so No Need for the Glare

"So, What do you want now?" she asked

"hmm." i paused as I made a Thinking Expression "Be Mine, Kikyo" I Continued

"H-huh?" She Looked Flabbergasted by my Wording As she Blushed Brightly , I even called her First Name 

"W-what do you m-mean by that?" she Stuttered

What a Surprise, The Kushida Kikyo, The Angel of Class D, was Blushing Brightly by my Teasing, I can even make it Redder in Bed though 

"Be Mine, Your Darkest Secret's safe with me, as long as you Follow my Orders, And Your Social Standing will Skyrocket, I'll even Treat you like Haruka, A Queen, Though i won't follow your Orders since You'll Follow mine" I Proposed 

She Looked shocked at my Proposal as she went Silent, Probably Weighing the Benefits and Downsides

"What's the Catch" She Asked, She's Quick to Notice

"Your Loyalty and Past, Give them all to me and me Alone. I want to Know how a Certain person faking a Personality Enjoys her Life, her Freedom, I want to Learn the Being Named Kushida Kikyo, I want you to Satisfy my Curiosity!" I exclaimed as i hold her Shoulders, Excitement Laced in my Voice 

She Looked Surprised, no. Flabbergasted by my Words and Action. Her Face Started Blushing as she Have Different Thoughts Running through her Head 

'Can I Trust Him?' 'Will He Accept the True Me?' those are the Thoughts that are Probably Running Through her Mind

I let her go as i waited for her Response as she only Looking Down

After a Few Seconds, She Finally looked up at me Straight in the Eye

"C-can i T-trust you?" She Asked, I could Feel her Fear in her Voice, Fear of Getting Betrayed, that won't Happen unless you Betray me first

"Yeah, I'm evenly willing to Drop Out if i Betray you, I recorded our Agreement today, I'll send it to you Later. Though Forget this Deal being Created if you Betray me First" I said the Last Part in a Cold Tone

She Nodded Multiple Times at my Statement 

"So, What Happened to you Kushida?" 

Timeskip after Kushida's Explanation 

"So That's how it was, Though it's quite intriguing on how you Find Pleasure in Faking a Personality but You do you, I guess" I said

She Released a Huge Sigh of Relief before Standing up, Dusting Herself 

"You Know, I'm Interested in your Mentality, Kikyo. Though you Faked your Personality, You also looked like you're Searching for Something, A True Friend maybe?" I Informed as her Eyes Widened in Surprise 

"A-am i that Obvious?" she asked Shyly

"No, I'm Probably the only one who noticed. Though I wouldn't mind Being your True Friend, Kikyo" I suggested as I Chuckled Lightly 

She Blushed Brightly when i Called her Given Name as she Sent a Kick to the Shin which i Easily Dodged

She Kept her a Attacks for a Few Seconds before Suddenly Stopping 

"Will you Truly Accept my True Self, Won't you also Judge me Badly as the Others?" She Asked as she Looked Down, Tears Started to Fall

I approached her and Gave her a Pat

"I'll accept you, Kikyo. No Matter What other think of you, I won't Abandon you" I said, I truly meant what i Said but if she did something that'll Get in my Way, I'll get Rid of you Faster than Yamauchi Getting Expelled in the Canon 

I released the Pat, She Released a Dissatisfied Aura for a Split Second before it Disappeared 

"Hey, Come with me for a sec before you go" I commanded as i Walked Towards the Vending Machine 

She Reluctantly Followed my Tracks with a Surprised Look

I bought Juices, A Strawberry Juice and a Milk Juice

"Here, Pick 1" I said as i Showed her the 2 juices

She Made a Thinking Expression as she Pondered what she want to Choose between the Two

"You Picked my Favorites so It's Harder to Choose" She Said as she wore this Conflicted Expression which i Find Quite Cute

After a Few Seconds, She Picked the Strawberry Juice as he Started to Drink it

"Haahh!" She Released a Huge Sigh of Delight after she Finished her Drink

I Couldn't Help but Release a Small Smile at the Different from the Usual Kushida

I Pierced the Drink with the Straw as i also Started to Drink my Juice

We Enjoyed the Relaxing Silence for a Few Moments as we Stared at the Stars

"You Know, Kikyo. You should Tone in Down with the Venting Outside, Even though I'm Kind enough to not Blackmail you for your Body but I couldn't say the Same to the Others. If you want to Vent, You should do it your Room or even my Room" I suggested 

She Looked at me with Wide Eyes, Surprised by my Suggestion before She Wore this Smug Smile

"Heeh.. So K-Kiyotaka-kun wants to do Something N-naughty to me in his Room" She Teased But her Stuttering Betrayed her

"Nothing Like that, But if you Wish that Then I wouldn't Hesitate to Fuck you Senseless" I said Seductively 

She Blushed Profusely as she Sent a Kick towards my Shin which i Intentionally Accepted to made her Feel Good for at least Once as She Runned towards the Door before Suddenly Stopping

"I-i'll Take you up on the Offer on the Venting One" she said as she Blushed before Letting out her Tongue Teasingly in a Cute Way as she Hurriedly Walked out of the Rooftop, Probably Heading Towards her Dorm Room

I Released a Sigh as i Smiled Slightly at her Antics

What an Interesting Pawn, no, Friend i Acquired 

(A/N): So, What do you Think of this Chapter? Sorry if i Kinda Rushed it

Kiyo earning Another Ally, or rather, Friend 

Kiyo Making a Harem? Probably not.

Friends with Benefits? Maybe.

Over 6500 words

Sorry that I couldn't update Faster because i Caught this Cold which made my Mother Extremely Worried so she took my Gadgets for 4 days so I couldn't Write nor Update 

Next Chapter is about Kiyo's Battle and Test Papers

Which Senpai should i ask for the Test Papers?

I'll do my Best to Upload Faster Next Time! 

Welp, Thank you for Reading! 

YellowPrimordial Out! 

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