My Quirky Love

By Imisshoe

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This book can be read as a stand alone Greyson Blake Rosen-Hower Who doesn't know that name? Everyone with a... More

Chapter 1: The floor is lava
Chapter 2: Three idiots
Chapter 3: Loner
Chapter 4: Stranger Danger
Chapter 5: Mr. Hoodie
Chapter 6: cute dresses
Chapter 7: Popeyes
Chapter 8: Intelligence
Chapter 9: Adopted
Chapter 10: catch you
Chapter 11: Excessive
Chapter 12: Kung Fu Master
Chapter 13: isn't he in Star wars?
Chapter 14: Twin
Chapter 15: Stud
Chapter 16: Old man who sells Fried chicken
Chapter 17: Male pregnancy
Chapter 18: The Rosen-Howers
Chapter 19: hemorrhoids and cushion seats
Chapter 20: Are you rich?
Chapter 21: Cunning Mrs. Rosen- Hower
Chapter 22: Bouncy castle
Chapter 23: God help me
Chapter 24: Let's talk about Periods
Chapter 25: dimples
Chapter 26: English 101
Chapter 27: Gagged
Chapter 28: Alligator
Chapter 29: Mrs. Austin Power
Chapter 30: Operation first date
Chapter 31: Alfred the AI
Chapter 32: Who runs the world
Chapter 33: Junk
Chapter 34: Pesky Flies
Chapter 35: Mr. Mute
Chapter 36: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Chapter 37: snakes and ladder
Chapter 38: suspicious
Chapter 39: Elephant's trunk
Chapter 40:Pollination
Chapter 41: Extinction
Chapter 42: Cockroach and Mold
Chapter 43: Camping
Chapter 44: 911
Chapter 45: Chokehold
Chapter 46: Procreation
Chapter 47: Purple Unicorn Onesie
Chapter 48: kidnap
Chapter 50: The chaotic plan
Chapter 51: Sky is the limit
Chapter 52: K.O
Chapter 53: Five years
Chapter 54: Power

Chapter 49 Are You ready?

15.8K 810 164
By Imisshoe

Sunshine's POV

Uncle Blake place me safely inside their black car.

Why does Greyson's family loves black cars?

I was surprise when Bryson sat on the driver's seat while Brandon sat on the passenger seat while Uncle Blake sit  beside me at the back.

"You don't have Mr. Hulks to drive you around?" I ask.

"Nope. We can drive by ourselves thank you very much." Bryson replied.

"I am not that wanted like James you know. If I don't love James, I'd already set the police on his ass." Uncle Blake added.

"Pfft. As if papa. They are all under Uncle James payroll." Brandon said.

"True. You see what I'm dealing with Sunshine?" Uncle Blake said.

Again. In a true Sunshine fashion. I just nodded even if I did not understand anything.

"Aww you're so sweet!" Uncle Blake exclaimed then he hugged me tightly.

"Where to Pa?" Bryson ask.

Uncle Blake glare at the back of the head of Bryson.

"You meant to tell me you've been driving all this time with no destination in mind?!" Uncle Blake said.

"Yeps." Bryson replied cheekily.

"You're just like your mother."

"I'll tell mama." Bryson countered.

"I am just joking Bryson!" Uncle Blake immediately replied.

"Anyway let's go to the shop that Cassandra went whenever she buys clothes."

"That's a lot. Balmain, Gucci, Versace, Chanel, LV, Moschino-"

Uncle Blake cuts off Brandon."Whatever is the nearest then we'll go from there."

We arrive at a mall and a suited man opened our door.

"This called Valet, Sunshine."

"Wow same name as me." I said.

"No. No. Only Valet sweetheart."

"Oh. Sorry." I replied sheepishly.

Uncle Blake went out of  first then he assist me to go out.

I notice that all of the male in Grey Grey's family are like that. They literally follow the saying "ladies first".

I am flanked with Brandon and uncle Blake on both side while Bryson was following us.

This 3 dudes are turning heads literally. One poor woman even hit a pillar because she's not paying attention.

I even run to help her get up and she embarrassingly accepted my help.

"Next time ma'am don't stare it's rude you know and look where you are going. God gave us eyes for a reason you know. " I told her sweetly.

Once I am sure that she's okay, I run back to Uncle Blake.

"Did you hear what she said Brandon?" Bryson said while holding his laugh.

"She basically insult that woman in a nice fucking way." Brandon snickeringly replied.

"My God. Greyson's attitude rubbing off on Sunshine." Uncle Blake added.

I don't even try to comprehend what they are talking about.

I just walk inside the nearest store.

My three kidnappers catches up with me.

I walk aimlessly inside the store when I spotted something familiar.

I walk towards it and touch the hoodie.

"You like that one?" I heard Uncle Blake ask.

I nodded.
"It was the same as Grey Grey's. He would love this."

"Then get it princess."

I excitedly unhook the hoodie to its hanger.

I skip towards the cashier and wait for Uncle Blake to pay it for me.

I'll pay him back later. I promise. Cross my heart.

Once Uncle Blake finished paying. I thank the cashier and carefully grab the paper bag.

"I'll hold this for you Sunshine." Brandon offered. I hand him the bag and thank him.

"Can we go to Chanel papa?" Bryson ask.

Uncle Blake nodded.

We entered a massive store with a suited staffs. How expensive is this store?

"Look around Princess. You might see something you like. " Brandon suggested.

I nodded at him and carefully roam around the store.

I glass case with beautiful bottles inside catches my attention.

A staff wearing a suit and white gloves greeted me.

"Goodmorning madam. Would you like to smell some of our perfumes?"

"Sure. Why not?" I replied.

She elaborately brings out a white paper and sprays the perfume with elegance. She weirdly fans the small paper before giving it to me.

Everything smells amazing but I was taken aback when I smelled the last strip she gave me.

"Oh my God! It smells like Grey Grey!"

I swear! He always smells like this 24/7!

"Blue de Chanel. Perfect choice madam. Would you like to buy one?''

"Yes please!" After I said those words. I instantly regretted it.

I don't have money and Uncle Blake already buy the hoodie for me.

The staff already gave me a new stock of the perfume. I am already embarass to return it so I sheepishly went back to where Uncle Blake was standing with his 2 sons. I can hear them bickering.

"Bro that sunglasses make you look fat." Brandon said to his brother.

"How the fuck a Sunglasses makes me look fat? What the hell?!" Bryson exclaimed.

Uncle Blake nodded. "You honestly look like a bee son."

"Wow. Thanks a lot."

Uncle Blake shrug his shoulders and replied. "Anytime."

I scrutinize the Sunglasses that Bryson is wearing and he look handsome. He looks like a movie star.

"You look handsome in those Bryson." I butted into their conversation.

Bryson smiles brightly.

He excitedly skips in front of me and hugged me tightly.

"This is why I love you Sunshine!" He exclaimed happily.

He removes the sunglasses and his 2 different colored eyes are twinkling.

He looks down at the box that I am holding tightly.
"You want that?" Even before I answer he grab it from my hand and said "I'll buy it for you since I love you. I'll even add a few bags for you because  I AM NOT CHEAP like someone I know."

"Hey!" Brandon and uncle Blake protested.

"Excuse me! Give me two of the most expensive bag in this store. I'll buy it."

The staffs who heard Bryson nodded enthusiastically and went to God knows where.

"Damn it. I promise on the next store I'll buy everything you want Sunshine." Brandon said to me indignantly.

"Uh. Uh. I will buy the whole store for you Sunshine." Uncle Blake added.

"I change my mind. I'll buy the mall." Brandon said.

"How cheap. I'll buy the whole block and give it to Sunshine." Uncle Blake boasted.

Brandon glared at uncle Blake while Uncle Blake glared back.

"Why don't you just kiss already? It's effective you know."

"Fuck no." They both exclaimed angrily.

Brandon's expressiom clearly shows his disgust with my suggestion.

I shrug my shoulders.

It was only a suggestion.

"I am done! Let's go! Princess here is your 2 bags and the perfume that you want." Bryson showed me the bags that he was holding.

"It's too much Bryson." I protested.

"Tsk. Princess for all of this, it was what like only 500k?" Bryson nonchalantly replied.

$500,000? For 2 bags and perfume?
I don't even know what to say.

Before I start protesting I was already nudge towards the exit.

"Let's eat. I am starving." Uncle Blake suggested.

We enter a restaurant.

"What do you want to eat Sunshine?" Brandon ask.

"Anything. I'm not really picky."
I answered. I am craving burger right now.

Brandon nodded and he ordered for me.

"It's weird that Greyson's not calling us. I can't even spy any of his goons around us."
Bryson said.

"You're right. If it was James, I'll be detained immediately even if I am gonna just go out with Ella my own sister. Possessive bastard."

"Just wait once we return Sunshine. I am sure one of us will go home with a broken bone.

"Oh no. Grey Grey will not harm you. He's the nicest person ever. Very patient, understanding, caring-"
While I am enumerating the qualities of Greyson these three are all grimacing.

"Love is really fucking blind." I heard Brandon murmured.

"Are you sure we are talking about the same person?" Bryson ask me incredulously.

"Boys. She honestly needs an intervention. She needs a cure. Poor Sunshine." Uncle Blake murmured sadly.

Am I sick? Why do I need an intervetion and cure.

Oh no. Am I dying?
Poor me indeed.
Anyways I am still breathing now so it's still a blessing.

I'll definitely do what I want to do so that If I die at least I have no regrets.

Our food arrived.

Brandon gave me a burger, fries and a side of kitkat.

I cheered internally.

"Do you know this is the food that I shared with Grey Grey before?"
I pointed at the burger and fries.

Then I showed them the KitKat.

"I even gave him a KitKat when I first attempted to talk to him because he looks lonely." I shared.

"Yup. That's sounds our Greyson alright. He didn't talk at first right?" Uncle Blake ask while eating some kind of Pasta.

"Nope. I totally thought he's mute."

"You're not alone Sunshine. I heard him talk when we are already in college. Go figure." Brandon said while Bryson nodded in agreement.

"So cute." I giggled.

Brandon, Bryson and Uncle Blake looks at me in disbelief then simultaneously shakes their head in disappointment.

I enjoyed eating my food. I even save the KitKat for Grey Grey.

After we ate we passby a garden in the middle of the mall.

Literally a massive garden.

I was attracted with a set of colorful flowers in the middle of the garden.

I excitedly walk towards those familiar flowers.

"Wow. This flowers are much more bigger than in central park."

I did not even think about it. I kneel and pluck different flowers and decided that I will give it to Grey Grey when I get home. I'm sure he'll be happy to receive this flowers.

Once I was satisfied on the amount of flowers I got, I stood up.

"You still did not change." I freeze when I heard his voice.

Should I turn around?

Am I just imagining his voice.

"Turn around precious."

I gulp and robotically turns around.

Lo and behold.

Grey Grey's wearing his black Hoodie and his usual pants and black sneakers.

Grey Grey remove the cover of his face and my eyes automatically gravitate to his eyes.

"Grey Grey." I murmur .

"Precious." Grey Grey smile. His dimples blessed me with their presence.

"I thought, I'll give you a trip down to memory lane precious.  I like to tell you that you gave a whole meaning to my life when you gave me that KitKat bar. I would never thought that I'll meet my forever that afternoon."

What's happening??

"Precious would you turn around and try to read the sign?"

I look back and try to figure out the sign.

"Wheel.....You? That's  Letter U right? Aw a cute married couple. M. E.?? HUH?"
I murmured.

I look again at the sign closely.

"Wheel U Couple Me??" Doesn't seem right.

Again Sunshine. I tilt my head to the side as if that will help me read the sign properly.

"Wheel U Mar-ry me?" I choked when I finally figure out the sign.

I hastily turn around and I was in debelief when Grey Grey was already on his one knee and showing me a black box with a meteor sized ring inside.

"I would love to make this proposal extravagant precious but I figure out you would not like that.
As the sign says. My precious, My love and My life.

Will you marry me?"

I am now already a crying mess at this point.

I wordlessly nodded.

"I need a verbal answer precious." Greyson teased.

"Y-es!" I blubbered.

Greyson smiles widely and stood up to his full height.

The ring that he bought was so beautiful. It was shaped like a sun.

"Fitting design since you are my personal sunshine, am I right?" Greyson murmured.

I nodded happily, still crying.

I hugged Grey Grey tightly and tilt my head up to ask for a kiss for him silently.

He did not just give me a peck. No. It was a full on kiss.

I was getting into it but we stop when I heard a loud kaboom and a bunch of flower petals fall from the malls ceiling mixed with confetties.

"Oh my God!!!! Our son's engaged! Gideon! Hurry up and take a picture!"

"Love you're gonna fall! Stop jumping!"

I looked up and saw Mommy Ella jumping up and down on the 2nd floor and waving at me excitedly while Daddy James was holding her waist preventing her to jump from the 2ndfloor.

I wave at them happily.

Gabriel, Parker and Jamison are fake crying and patting their backs as if saying "good job brothers we did it" while Ameera was poisely wiping her tears while smiling at me widely.
The daughter and wife of Uncle  Blake is also present.

"They are all here for you precious." Greyson said then wave his hand to my side.

I was shock to see Miss Lorna and some of the volunteers at the shelter.

I run toward Miss Lorna while crying.

"I miss you Miss Lorna!" I shouts while I hug her.

"I miss you too Sunshine. Congratulations honey!" Miss Lorna who was also crying said to me.

I hugged all the voulunteers with her. I am happy that they are present at one of the best moments of my life.

I went back to Greyson and pinch his waist.

"I can't believe you orchestrated all of this!" I shouts.

Greyson just laughs.

I point an accusing fingers to my three kidnappers.

"All of you lied to me!" I exclaimed.

Brandon shrug his shoulders. "I honestly thought it will not work, but you suddenly gravitate to all the things Greyson  expects you to go too."

"He's a genius alright." Bryson agreed.

"That brain definitely comes from his mother's side." Uncle Blake boast.

"Motherfucker don't make me come down there and smack you!" Daddy James shouted.

"Are you saying I am dumb and stupid Gideon!?" I heard mommy Ella accused Daddy James.

"No! No love! Never!" Daddy James suddenly said. We laugh at his situation. He tries and fails to defend himself. I even saw mommy Ella discretely wink at me.

Greyson hugged me to his side tightly and kissed my head.

"I love you Grey Grey." I shyly told him.

"I love you too precious."


We still have chaptersss left.

So. Who expect this kind of development?

I deliberately publish this later than expected because I thouhgt it would be my gift to all of you since it was my birthday last May 29.

I love you all!!🥰

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