The Avengers: Rayne

By Midnight9396

21.3K 510 53

After being off the grid for years, Rayne Black is forced to come out of hiding to help S.H.I.E.L.D. recover... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

360 8 0
By Midnight9396

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry that it has been so long since my last update and this chapter is pretty short. Still, there is probably only one chapter left for this fic. However, I do plan on doing a sequel. Wish this chapter was longer, but still hope you enjoy! Any feedback is appreciated!

Part 16
Surprisingly we encountered no guards through the halls as we went to the scrapper’s ship. It was small, so it was good that Bruce was actually Bruce and not Hulk. I stood behind their seats as Bruce took the passenger seat and the scrapper took the seat behind the controls. In no time, she had us in the air, but we weren’t the only ones in the air. Dozens of Sakaarian ships were airbourne, going after a round, red and gold craft that I assumed Thor and Loki were on.
“I’m guessing that’s Thor”, I said as we sped in the direction of the other ships. The woman nodded.
“That’s him.” She turned her head back a moment to glance at me. Silver markings were on her skin. “You’re Rayne, right? The grand champion?” Bruce turned his head at that, a quizzical expression on his face.
“That’s me”, I answered. Bruce faced the front, the confused look not wavering.
“What’s the deal with you and Loki?” I raised my brows. She was bold, but it was refreshing to have somebody blunt to talk to for once.
“I love him”, I said simply. No fancy words, just exactly what it was.
She raised a brow, “Really? I have to say, I’m not exactly a fan.” I laughed.
“Not many people are, but I love him. I thought he was dead this entire time that I’ve been on Sakaar.”
“I remember Thor saying that he was dead”, Bruce muttered, “Before Sokovia.”
“Did you meet my daughter?” I asked him suddenly. Surely, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have known about her arrival, the big energy surge and all.
Bruce turned to face me then, “Your daughter?”, he asked with a raised brow.
I nodded, “Mine and Loki’s daughter.” His eyes widened but he made no comment on my words. “Raven?”
“Raven is your daughter?” I nodded. “I don’t understand how she’s an adult then.”
“Time works differently here Bruce.” He opened his mouth to say something else, but a blast hit us from behind, making me stumble as the ship lurched forwards.
We sped forward suddenly, shooting down a ship in front of us, “Good shot.”
“Thanks”, the woman answered, catching up to the ship that Thor and Loki were on. “Open the doors”, she said over the radio, as she positioned the ship directly beneath Thor’s. The roof over me lowered and my hair began to whip violently around me in the wind. I gripped the back of Bruce’s seat firmly as I felt the pull of the air, trying to rip us from the ship. Looking above, I could see two side hatches open on the red ship.
Bruce glanced up at the opening roof and then back at the woman, “Valkyrie?” So that was her name. At least I had something to call her now.
“She looked over at him, “I hope you’re tougher than you look”, she said loudly to be heard over the wind and the engines.
“Why?” he yelled back. All of a sudden his seat shot upwards, launching Bruce through the hatch of the ship. I glanced up, making sure that he had made it onto the ship. Valkyrie caught my eye, gesturing up towards the ship. I shook my head. As much as I wanted on that ship, I would be more useful on this one at the moment. The hatch overhead closed and my hair stilled. I plopped down in the seat next to Valkyrie as another ship began firing at us from behind. She steered away, expertly maneuvering the ship to avoid as much of the blasts as possible. Blue energy blazed to life in my hands at my thoughts and I pressed my palm to the glass of the ship. At my will, the energy spread from my hands, coating the entirety of the ship in blue energy. Immediately, the blasts from behind seemed to be less affective, hardly even shaking the ship anymore.
“Where are the guns on this ship?” Thor asked over the radio.
“There aren’t any. It’s a leisure vessel”, Valkyrie answered. “Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff.” I wrinkled my nose, well that was gross. Valkyrie fired at another ship, sending it down in flames. The ship veered sharply as it went down, crashing into the side of our ship. Despite my shield around the ship, it still hit us pretty hard. I lurched to the side, my head smacking the glass hard enough that my vision went dark for a moment and then blurry.
“Rayne? Rayne?” I blinked a few times, clearing my vision before focusing on Valkyrie. Something hot and wet dripped down my temple. I pressed my fingers to it, my hair wet and sticky, and looked at my fingers. Blood. Damn, had I hit it that hard? My head was pounding and the shield vanished from the ship.
“I’m fine”, I told her as I wiped the blood on my black pants. A large explosion sounded from behind us and the ship lurched forwards once again. An alarm started to blare loudly in the ship and an image of the engine appeared on the screen.
We both turned at the same time to see smoke coming from the engine. I recognized the ship behind us as Topaz, the Grandmaster’s second-in-command, and she looked rather pleased with herself. She’d never really like me all that much anyways. It seemed that she never cared for anyone that had the Grandmaster’s favor.
The ship suddenly careened to the side as the engine went out, billowing black smoke behind us, and Valkyrie turned her attention back to the controls of her ship. “Engines shot. We gotta bail.” She grabbed a short sword from behind her seat and looked over at me, “Ready?”  I nodded as the hatch overhead opened, sending my hair into a frenzy once again. I summoned my power, the blue energy surrounding my body in a blazing cocoon. Another blast hit the ship, obliterating the engine and I followed Valkyrie, jumping from the hatch and into the open air. I only seemed to fall for a moment before I felt my power taking over, letting me fly through the air with an ease that I had only known Thor and Tony to possess. The red ship that Thor was in was being pursued by a great number of ships firing at them. I watched as Valkyrie leapt from the ship, aiming for those ships.
I sent a few blasts of energy at them, taking out several of the ships and sending them down to the junk piles below. After I saw that Valkyrie was capable of handling the few that remained, I lowered myself into the red ship. She followed moments later, leaping from a ship below that she had commandeered. The hatches on either side of us closed and I looked to see Thor and Bruce up at the controls of the ship, but no Loki. I walked to the front of the ship, keeping my gaze on Thor.
“Where’s Loki?” I asked quietly. A flicker of pain went across his face briefly before he met my eyes, holding my gaze.
“He has decided to stay here on Sakaar”, he said evenly. I felt my heart drop in my chest. He was going to do this to me again. Thor noticed my expression because he quickly smiled up at me, “Perhaps he is handling a few things.” I nodded without replying, a numb feeling starting to take over me.
“Guys, we’re coming up on the Devil’s Anus”, Bruce called. Valkyrie came up to the controls where we could all see the large red portal. Bruce stood, letting Valkyrie take his seat, and she took over the controls. I took the seat behind her as he sat behind Thor.
“Here we go”, she muttered as we started into the portal, dodging the various falling debris. The further we went up into the portal, the closer the debris seemed to get, making it impossible to dodge. “Shit”, I heard Valkyrie hiss under her breath. Blue energy began to spark in my fingers as we went further up and I knew it was from the portal. It had done this before. I clenched my fists, trying to keep the power under control. The ship began to shake and I felt the pull of the portal, making us go impossibly fast. The last thing I saw was a blinding flash of red and blue light.

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