Never Let Go ✔️

By flicker_shawn

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Sophia Hemmings is 14 years old. She is living with her brother, Luke, and his girlfriend, Sierra. They are b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Checking in- A/N
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 19

1.5K 26 20
By flicker_shawn

Date: Wednesday, March 16th

Sophia was getting a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy today. She was having so much anxiety about it. She was terrified of needles and Michael was about to stick one into her hipbone. Crystal and Sierra were trying to calm her nerves as best as they could.

"There is so much that I have to do as the maid of honor. How am I going to be able to do all of it?" Sophia asked looking between Crystal and Sierra.

"Simple. I will help you," Crystal said. She loved both Sophia and Sierra so she would do anything to help them.

"Oh my gosh really? Thank you so much, Crys," Sophia said smiling at her.

"Well, first order of business is what are we going to do for the bachelorette party?" Crystal asked.

The three girls looked at each other for a few minutes thinking and then all three of them at the same time said, "A Taylor swift themed party."

"Great minds think alike," Crystal said laughing.

"It's going to be so much fun," Sophia said squealing.


Michael and Luke were walking to where Sophia was with the girls.

"What would you want to do for your bachelor party?" Michael asked him.

Luke asked Michael if he would be his best man and Michael of course said yes.

"I don't know but whatever you plan make sure it isn't extravagant or expensive. I would honestly be ok if we just hung out at my house and did whatever," Luke said.

He didn't want to spend a fortune on the party. With the wedding and Sophia's treatments, he needed to be smart with where he spent his money.

"I have a perfect idea of what we can do but I am going to surprise you," Michael said smirking.

"I'm scared," Luke said laughing. Michaels's ideas are always insane.


Ashton was allowed in the room while Michael did the biopsy but Luke wasn't. Sophia desperately wished he was. She needed him but Ashton was going to have to be enough.

Sophia just changed into a hospital gown. She hated it. It made her feel exposed and the gown was just ugly.

Michael was prepping the tools he was going to use but made sure Sophia could not see them so she wouldn't freak out. He looked up and saw that she was standing by the door. He could tell she was freaking out but he was going to make her be as comfortable as possible.

"Soph, I am going to need you to lay down on your side and face Ashton," Michael said.

Sophia did just that. Ashton looked at her and immediately grabbed her hand to try and calm her nerves.

Michael put on a pair of gloves and grabbed a needle.

"Ok, right now all I am going to do is give you an anesthetic to numb the area. You may feel a little sting but that's it," Michael said calmly.

Sophia didn't say anything but Ashton gave him a nod meaning he could start.

Michael inserted the needle into her hipbone and Sophia immediately felt the sting. She had tears welling up in her eyes. She hated this. Within just a few seconds he pulled out the needle.

Michael pulled off his gloves and walked over to the other side to see Sophia's face. He said, "Ok we are going to wait a few minutes for it to work. You are doing an amazing job so far Sophia. I'm proud of you."

She just looked up at him and gave him a small smile. She just wanted to get off this table.

A few minutes passed and Sophia was numb. Michael put on a new pair of gloves. This next part wasn't going to be fun for either of them. He had to do a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy so he was going to have to put two needles in her.

"Ok, next I'm just going to cut a small incision. You should not feel this," Michael said as he was making a small cut on her hipbone where he would insert the needle.

He was right she didn't feel it.

"Ok, soph this next part won't hurt but it is also not going to be pleasant. You are going to feel some pressure but I need you to lie completely still for me," Michael said and grabbed the needle from beside him.

Once again she didn't say anything but Ashton gave him a nod.

Michael inserted a needle and heard a whimper from Sophia.

He did say the truth. It doesn't necessarily hurt but I feel pressure and I hate it.

Sophia started crying and said, "Please take it out. Please I don't like the feeling."

Ashton knew he needed to calm her down.

"Soph, it's ok. He is almost done. You are doing a great job," Ashton said while squeezing her hand.

"I want my dad," She cried out.

That shocked both Ashton and Michael. They haven't seen her dad in 9 months. They thought she would cry out for Luke since he was actually here or maybe even Ben but not her dad. They weren't even sure what to say.

"Soph, he's not here but Luke is. You can see him as soon as we are done," Ashton said with sympathy. He felt so bad for her.

"No no. I want my dad. I need my dad. He needs to come back right now," She said crying even more.

Michael was getting worried. He wasn't done with the bone marrow aspiration yet and he was afraid she would start moving. He also still needed to do the bone marrow biopsy.

"Sophia, I know you are upset but I need you to calm down and stay still for me. I'm almost done with the first part," Michael said calmly but he also sounded stern.

Sophia didn't stop crying but she did hold still. Ashton despite all of his training had no idea how to keep Sophia calm. The only person he knows that can is Luke.

About a minute later Michael finally pulled out the needle which Sophia didn't like the feeling of. She could feel a pulling feel and it was not comfortable.

"Ok, Sophia I know you aren't going to like this but we have to do it. I need to do the biopsy," Michael said.

"Sophia was starting to move around and then said, "No I'm done. No more."

"Soph, he has to do it. It's going to be ok," Ashton said trying to calm her down and coax her into letting him do it.

"No. Nope," Sophia said crying with her body shaking.

Ashton was failing. He just mouthed one word to Michael. Michael gave in even though it was against protocol.

Within minutes the person came running into the room and Michael walked over to them.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked concerned.

"Luke, she is refusing to let me do the bone marrow biopsy. You should also know that she was crying for your dad. Ashton was trying to calm her down but it's not working," Michael said.

Luke groaned. He and Ben have been trying to get in touch with their dad but right now they have just been hitting dead ends.

Oh shit, I haven't even told Ben that she has cancer. I guess I'm going to have to get in touch with him tomorrow.

"We still haven't found our dad yet. I am so pissed that he left but I want him to come back because Sophia needs him. I hate to say it but she probably needs him more than me or Ben. I'm just her brother but he is her dad. He should be here," Luke said, slightly annoyed.

Michael knew how much Luke resented his father for leaving when Sophia needed him the most and just leaving her with him and Ben. Then now when she needs him again he isn't even here.

"I know Luke but he isn't here so you need to step up and be the responsible adult in her life. She looks up to you. I hate to cut this conversation short but I need to get the biopsy done before the numbing wears off," Michael said.

Luke looked over at his little sister who looked like a complete mess. She looked so uncomfortable. He wished he was able to trade spots with her.

He walked over and Ashton moved out of the way so Luke could be in front of Sophia.

Luke kneeled down and looked at Sophia. He pushed her hair out of her face and wiped a few tears away and grabbed her hands.

"Sunshine, I am here. It's ok. You are going to be ok. Let Mikey do the biopsy, It will only take like 5 minutes. Afterward, you, me, and Sierra can go home lay down in my bedroom and watch whatever movie you like," Luke said.

Sophia sniffled and asked, "Can we watch Harry Potter and drink milkshakes?"

Luke smiled at her and said, "Yes we can."

She smiled at Luke. Luke looked up at Michael and gave him a nod.

Michael was so thankful Luke was able to get her to calm down. Michale loved how even though they had a 10-year age difference they had such a close bond.

Michael quickly but carefully inserted the needle into Sophia's hipbone. She tensed up a little but Luke told her to relax and she did.

Like Luke said Michael was done within 5 minutes.


As Luke promised him, Sierra and Sophia laid down in Luke's bed with Sophia in between the both of them while they drank Milkshakes.

"Yer a Wizard Harry," Sophia said copying what Hagrid said to Harry.

"You really love this movie don't you?" Sierra asked her.

"The Harry Potter movies are one of my favorite movie series. I also like Toy Story but that's something I share with Luke. I also like the High Schoool Musical movies. Oh, and Camp Rock," Sophia said answering her question.

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