By ElleBold

981 22 16

'I knew I was never going to see him again. I knew it and yet in my heart I had hope. I could still sense him... More



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By ElleBold

Rose's POV

I woke up to the sound of clinking cups in the kitchen. I figured Harry was making breakfast, but when I looked next to me he was still there, asleep. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. I figured it was probably the maid. So I walked in, prepared to introduce myself, when I was stopped in my tracks by who I found.

"I'm pretty sure you're not the maid." I giggled as I walked up to the kitchen counter.

"Morning Rose!" He smiled.

"Good morning Zayn. Were you planning on making breakfast because I'd be up for some eggs." I said as I sat down at the kitchen counter.

"Oh no don't you mistake me for the maid, Rose. I'm not making you anything." He said sarcastically as he put a pan on the stove.

I laughed. It was good to see him. But the happy feeling was quickly replaced by a worried one. The smile on my face turned into a frown as I watched him make me breakfast.

"Zayn, why are you here? I thought you got out." I was worried that he might be involved in all of this again now that I saw him here. Also after the note he slipped me I kinda wondered.

"I had to keep an eye on him." He sighed. "I wasn't gonna let him walk into this mess on his own and my life is already a mess, so I figured I'd help out."

"But are you involved with Jason again? Or just following Harry around?" I asked. I hoped it was the latter.

"First it was just following, but of course Diana spotted me, so it wasn't long before I joined them again." He said looking down. He looked ashamed. I understood why, but I was grateful. At least one of his friends cared enough. I felt anger rise in the pit of my stomach. Weak-ass Liam couldn't even track Harry down for me because he thought it was too dangerous. Unbelievable. The only reason I found Harry is because of Zayn, so I'm grateful.

"Thank you, Zayn. For looking out for him and for telling me where to find him." I smiled at him. He smiled back and shrugged his shoulder as if to say 'don't worry about it.'

"Zayn?" I heard a raspy voice behind me. Harry came out of the bedroom in his underwear rubbing his eyes. He looked cute that way.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he sat down next to me and gave me a kiss on my hair.
Zayn looked at Harry, then at me and back at Harry. I understood he was silently asking Harry if he wanted to do this in front of me or not, so I took the hint.

"I'm gonna go shower. You boys have a nice chat." I said as I got up. I gave Harry a kiss on his shoulder and made my way to the bathroom. I know why they didn't want me to hear this. Because they feel like they need to protect me from everything and that apparently means, me being unaware of the threats against me. To be honest I didn't really care. The last two years had been a complete hell without him. I was determined to face whatever if it meant being with him.

When I got out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, Zayn was gone. Harry was still in his underwear eating the eggs that were probably meant for me. He looked worried. I walked over to him and sat down. He wasn't looking at me. His focus was on his plate and I'm guessing his mind was lost in a sea of worries and possible dangers.
I put my hand on his arm to alert him of my presence and he looked up from his thoughts and for a second I felt sorry for him. That he was in this position at all.
He gave me a weak smile and pushed his plate to me.

"You should eat something." He said as he got up.

I could tell he was still in his head. He gave me a kiss and walked away. I looked down at the plate he just passed to me and saw it was empty. He really was worried.
I made myself some breakfast and after I had finished the meal I cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen. I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. It made me feel at home. I missed David. Weirdly enough I didn't miss Liam. Maybe because he really was, just a rebound and now that I had Harry back I didn't need him anymore. It sounded so selfish. I was selfish. Liam deserved better. I decided to call him. I needed to clear this up right away otherwise it would eat away at me.

"Hey." I heard on the other end of the line. He sounded sad or maybe just tired.

"Hey." I responded.

A long silence followed and I knew something was up. He probably already knows. Or maybe he's also not missing me.

"Did you find him?" He asked. My heart stopped. So he does know.

"Yes I found him." He stayed quiet.

"I'm so sorry Liam, but I think we both already knew that this could happen."

"I just never thought it would. I didn't think you would actually find him. Alive at least." He mumbled.

"Well I did. Find him alive." I snapped. I got defensive because he sounded like he was disappointed Harry was still alive. What kind of friend thinks that way? "The kind that's in love with you." She said in the back of my head, but I shushed my subconscious.

"Liam, it's was always gonna be Harry. You must have known that."

After a long silence I heard him sigh as if accepting the words I had just said.

"Is he okay?" He asked. "Are you okay?"

"We're both okay. Do you wanna speak to him?"

"No that's alright. When will you be back? David misses you." He sounded harsh. Like he was annoyed. He never really spoke with such a cold tone to me.

"I'll fly home next week." I said

"I'm so sorry Liam. I am grateful for what you've done for me these past two years. I really am." I tried. I hate that I made him feel like this.

"It's okay. I'm gonna hang up now. Bye Rose." And he hung up. I didn't even get the chance to say bye to him.

I felt horrible for the way I had treated Liam these past two years and I felt horrible for not feeling horrible. I was deeply depressed and Liam must have known it was always gonna be Harry. He must have known that I was never gonna let him go. So even though I have put him through hell, he could've left. This wasn't on me. "Keep telling yourself that. You're just a cold hearted bitch." My subconscious reminded me.
I was gonna have to tell Harry about this. Otherwise it would get weird or even hostile if Harry and Liam were ever gonna be in the same room together again.

"So you've dated Liam. Good to know." I heard Harry's voice coming from the bedroom. He sounded annoyed. Here we go.

"Yes. He took care of me and David and we were together for a while. But it doesn't matter now Harry. I cut it off. I only wanna be with you." I said as I walked over to the bedroom where I found Harry laying on his back staring at the ceiling. He'd just gotten out of the shower and only had a towel around his waist. His wet hair all over the bed.

"Maybe you should go home to him." He said without looking at me. He didn't sound mean. It sounded like he actually meant it. Like he really thought that would be better.

"Harry, Liam and I were never gonna last. I don't love him. I love you." I said softly as I sat down next to him on the bed.

"I know, but I just don't know how we're supposed to do this. I can't keep you safe. And I can't come back with you." He finally turned to look at me

"What did Zayn have to say?" I figured now was a good a time as any, for him to let me in on all the stuff that was going on. Maybe he underestimated me. Maybe I could actually come up with something.

"Zayn told me Jason plans to relocate me. He knows you're here and obviously wants to take me as far away from you as possible." He said defeated looking back up at the ceiling.
"I don't know what to do anymore. I can't escape him." I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"How about we go to the police?" I tried

"And have them arrest me too?" He scoffed looking at me.

"Yeah, stupid idea. Never mind."

I didn't really know what to do either. I wasn't planning on leaving him again, but I also can't stay. I wanted the happy family. The white picket fence. The parent teacher meetings. The family holiday's. I wanted it all with David and Harry.

"Maybe we should just run. Just pack up and leave. Take David and move to another country and start over." I said as I laid down next to him. He put his head on my chest and wrapped his arm around my stomach. I let my fingers run through his hair and I felt him relax a little.

"You know he would find us, Rose. He would never let us go. He would follow us till the ends of the earth and we'd be pulling David into this mess as well."

I knew he was right, but what other option did we have? There was one other option, but we would never go that far. We're not like him. Are we?
Were we capable of taking someone's life? Would I be able to live with myself after being responsible for such a thing? I don't think I would be. Maybe Harry would. At least with Jason I think he would, but would I?

"Maybe we should just kill him." I said cautiously. I just wanted to see how he'd respond.

"Maybe we should." He said without flinching. Was he serious?

"Maybe we should just kidnap him like he did with you and let him rot somewhere in the jungle. Maybe we should cut his hair and send it to Diana. Better yet, let's send her a few of his fingers." He was starting to get more angry and I could tell he was seriously considering it.
He stared at the ceiling with a big frown on his face. He was angry, but mostly frustrated I think. Oh how I wished I could take this from him. Or at least help him carry the load, but he would never let me. He was gonna try and find a way out of this without getting me involved. But I just really want to be involved. I want to help him fix this. I want to be his partner and be by his side and fight with him.
As I looked at him I remembered the first time he told me he loved me. It was after he had crashed my date with Jason. The pain that must have caused him. I felt a stinging pain in my chest as I thought about that night. I should've gone home with him.
I was pulled out of my thought train when Harry abruptly sat up.

"You know what, let's kill him. Be done with him once and for all. He has enough enemies. Anyone could've done it. If we just cover our tracks enough, no one has to find out." He said determined. He would really kill Jason and try to get away with it and honestly for a moment there I kind of wanted to just let him. But I'm not sure if I wanted to make him a murderer. We are supposed to be better than Jason and not submit to such primitive instincts. We are intellects. We can find another way.
Ugh what was I thinking, I wanted the bastard dead, but still..

"Don't we have anything on him that we can use against him? Something that's personal. Something he really doesn't want to come out?" I asked. Maybe if we had something we could make a deal. The secret for our freedom.

Harry stood up and looked me straight in the eyes. His eyes lighting up like a child on Christmas morning and the biggest grin I had ever seen. Wait, did he? Have something on Jason? No way.

"Baby, you are the smartest person in the room." He said as he squished my face in his hands and gave me a sloppy kiss.

I felt excitement flutter in my stomach. Even though I didn't even know what it was yet. I was gonna find out later and the irony of it all was gonna make for the best story.

But for now I just looked at Harry pacing around the room. He looked happy and relieved and I hadn't seen him like this in a long time. We would make a plan and it would work. I was sure of it.

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