Ninjago X Reader Oneshots | S...

By Little_Ninja-Nerds

116K 1.8K 2.1K

🌱Scenarios with you're favorite Ninja from Ninjago! 🌱Will include both Movie and Series and they may inclu... More

Movie! Kai x Reader }} Star Quarterback
Series! Cole x Reader }} Tell Me You Love Me
Movie! Cole x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Kai x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Series! Cole x Reader }} Baking is the way to a Ninja's Heart
♤Movie! Kai x Reader }} Mornings (NSFW)
Movie! Jay x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Affection
♤Series! Cole x Reader }} Sundress (NSFW)
Series! Lloyd x Reader }} GUY.exe
Series! Kai x Reader }} Evil Twin
(old)Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Your Different
(old) Movie! Cole X Reader }} Talking? Nah, Kissing
(old) Movie! Cole X Reader }} Photos
(old) ♤Series! Lloyd X Reader }} Sexy Dinner (NSFW)

Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Prom

3.7K 69 65
By Little_Ninja-Nerds

A/N: This is definitely influenced by my sadness of never getting a prom because I was class of 2021. The prom outfit above is what I would have worn, it will be used as a description but you can always add your own! I completely forgot to add makeup to the picture but it will be described (minimal as always unless you want more too, feel free to add!)

Enjoy my grieving process after seeing 2022 prom pictures. Thank you.


Word count: 3765

Y/N's P.O.V

Prom season, what usually blossoms new relationships has never made me feel so single. It was so painful seeing every couple in the school snuggled up and watching people ask each other with romantic gestures and punny yet cheesey signs. I never understood why people got so excited.

That's a lie, I was dying for someone to ask me. But not just anyone, Lloyd Garmadon to be specific. I had a few people ask if I was attending with anyone, I said I wasn't interested and left it at that.

Lloyd was extremely closed off. Being the school's target because of his father being the biggest reason. It was so hard to watch him just try to live and watch the school popular walk all over him. I've had the biggest crush on him since sophmore year, it was now senior year and no progress was made on my end. I didnt know if our friends knew about my crush, but I secretly hoped they didn't because they were all super close before I got into the group.

I think the only person I would be okay with knowing would be Nya. She could be very pushy though, I think she does know now that I think about it. She always made sure my a Lloyd got grouped together in pairs with projects, she would always try and get me and Lloyd alone together by making the others leave first - oh she definitely knows.

"What do you mean none of you are going?" I exclaimed, questioning my friends at the lunch table.

"We can't go to prom." Cole shrugged.

"Yeah, got that part. But why? It's our senior year. Why would you not want to go to prom? We could all go as a group." I frowned.

"Our parents said no." Nya quipped. "So unfortunately we can't go."

"I thinks it's best that way." Lloyd said, giving me a soft smile.

"Oh." I sighed.

"Why don't you just go to dinner with your parents?" Nya asked, trying to lighten my mood.

"Because I already bought my ticket."

"You could sell it to someone else." Jay said.

"I already have my dress and everything." I frowned again. "Its okay, I'll just go alone. I don't want to miss prom."

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Nya said sadly. What made them all back out with that lame exuse.

I never did find out why they bailed on me. So here I am, putting the finishing touches on my look before going into the living room. My parents were hesitant, prom has a bad track record, but felt better when it was announced the Ninja would be the security. I wasn't the party type anyway. I was probably going to eat and drink some punch - that hopefully isn't spiked - and possibly sit at a table alone.

I was lucky a little bit. My friend who is home schooled, B/F/N, was asked by a guy at my school so she would be attending. I would be a third wheel, but at least it would be something.

I finished the lilac eyeshadow on my eyes and finished it off with a winged liner. I did my brows to my liking and added mascara with/without lashes. I put on some blush and a warm toned highlighter, I lastly added some pinky nude lipstick and called it a day.

I stood in the mirror and examined my look.

It hurt a little bit knowing I wasn't about to have a great time after all this effort. Not just with the outfit, but over the past 4 years. Prom was such a huge deal and while I never hyped it up to its full potential, not having my friends that I experienced High School with at this final event before graduation sucked. It felt like a stab in the chest but no one took the blade out.

I guess it sucked extra bad when I found out they didn't even want to see me before, they weren't going to come and take pictures or anything. Nothing was planned for after either.

Could this night get any worse?

I huffed, shaking my head to try and get the negative thoughts out of my head. I grabbed my favorite perfume my mom got me, Gucci Flora, and sprayed my neck and my wrists. Those beauty shops really get you with those samples they give out.

I was such a sucker for perfume and cologne. And lotion. And candles. You know what, smells and fragrances in general. My favorite cologne had to be the one Lloyd wore, it smelled sweet but also more masculine. I would lie if I said I didn't go around smelling all the cologne in the beauty shop when I went to get my perfume just to try and find the one Lloyd wore. But I obviously didn't, that would be creepy.

But I had my guesses.

"Y/N, are you almost ready?" My mom shouted.

"Yeah, I'm coming down!" I shouted back, opening my door and walking down the hallway to the living room.

"Oh, pumpkin! You look so beautiful!" My mom gushed, bringing me into a hug.

"You look amazing, Y/N." My dad smiled, hugging me once my mom released me from the death grip.

"We are going to meet B/F/N and R/G/N at the roof to take pictures. We better hurry so you guys aren't late." My mom said, ushering us out of the apartment. Our roof had a very nice patio with strung lights and green patches with flowers.

I was just hoping no one would come into the elevator while we were there. I hated attention from people I didn't know. Which was ironic considering I was friends with Lloyd, you can only guess what happens.

"Y/N you look amazing!" B/F/N said as we got to the patio.

"You look amazing as well!" I smiled, bringing her into a hug.

"Alright girls, pictures!" B/F/N's mom said, grabbing our attention. So began the painful amount of picture taking.


I sighed, drinking more of the punch I had in my cup. Thankfully no one had spiked the drinks. They could do whatever they wanted at the after parties but not everyone did that. They were extremely over-rated anyway. Especially after prom.

B/F/N and R/G/N were dancing on the dance floor, happy as ever. Here I was, alone as ever.

The dance was held outside, luckily it was actually nice out, at our football field. They had placed solid flooring down on the whole field. There was alot of nice decorations around as well, very on theme to "Enchanted" as they called it. My purple butterfly look matched perfectly.

You could see the figures of the Ninja moving around the surrounding buildings and on top of the school. I guess they weren't going for subtle, but I was also probably the only one looking around bored. I made out one of the closer ones, it was the Green Ninja.

He was looking right at me. I noticed they eye contact once my eyes adjusted a bit. I'd never actually seen the Green Ninja this close in person. Truthfully I've never made it my mission to care all to much about them. I was definitely thankful that they stopped Garmadons attacks, but they also probably know Lloyd is innocent and they don't say anything. Overall it was a meh feeling about them. I gave him a small wave and turned my attention back to my friend.

It felt as empty as I thought it would be.

I looked down and noticed I was running low on my drink, again. So I reluctantly got up to get some more.

The golden glimmer of the sequins on the dress shinned under the light, the purple butterflies showing up better. My lilac heels clicked on the ground below me as I reached the line for the punch refill.

"Y/N, Garmadork left you all alone." I heard Chens teasing voice echo. I glared at him as he stood next to me in line.

"Lloyd didn't come."

"Oh really! Good, he doesn't deserve prom." My grip tightened on the plastic cup.

"Shut the fuck up Chen."

"Ooh, snippy." He laughed. "Want to dance?" I whipped my head in his direction, finally meeting his eyes.

"Why would I want to even touch you Chen?" I seethed. "You've made our lives a living hell these 4 years. I'm sure Lloyd didn't come because he didn't want to remember a night like this being ruined by you. Because that's all you do. You're more of a villain then you claim Lloyd is."

"God your such a bitch." He scoffed.

"You can go jump off a cliff for all I care. But leave me and my friends alone!" I said. The administrator that was managing the punch took my cup from me and filled it before handing it back to me.

"Of course we all know you and Lloyd all help Garmadon." He laughed.

"Suck it Chen."

"You wish, maybe Lloyd would pay attention to you then. So desperate for someone who refuses to date you."

That one comment was the final straw. Fuck prom, I wanted revenge. I took my now filled with punch cup and threw it at him, covering him in the pink liquid. He let out a gasp followed by more gasps from other people around us.

"You little-"

"Little what Chen? Use your brain."

"That's enough." A voice said. The Green Ninja landed between us. "Both of you need to calm down."

"I swear Chen, I will make these last weeks living hell for you just like you made them for us." I exclaimed pointing a finger at him.

"Shut it bitch. Go run to Lloyd." I tried to lunge at him but the Green Ninja wrapped his arms around me and held me back.

"Earth, get him out of here please." He said. The Earth Ninja then landed next to Chen, grabbing him by his arms and escorted him away. "Let's go talk outside."

"No, I'm fine where I am." I said, struggling against his hold.

"We are going to step away from everyone, please don't struggle because I don't want to ruin your look." He said. When I didn't let up he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground with ease. A small noise of suprise left my mouth in shock while I made a confused face at B/F/N who just shrugged at me. He carried me a little bit away from the majority of the crowd was, but we were still on the field technically.

"That wasn't nice." I said once he put me down.

"Well that's life unfortunately." He laughed. I turned to him finally, rolling my eyes.

"Can I go back now."

"So you can sit alone? No." I glared at the jab he made at me.

"What makes you think I came alone?"

"You've been sitting by yourself during every slow dance song. The only time you've danced is with your friend over there." He said turning to look at the crowd.

"You've been watching me that intently?" I asked, raising my brow at him.

"I guess I have." He chuckled. "My apologies if I made you uncomfortable. But, you do look amazing."

"Thanks?" I trailed off. "Dont exactly know how to take that."

"A compliment." He said. "So you're not alone the whole night, would you care to dance?" He asked, holding his hand out. I sent him a questioning look while changing my gaze from his eyes to his hand that were clad in black fingerless gloves. "You don't have too, it's just an offer."

"Why do you want to dance with me after I just caused a scene with Ninjago High's golden boy?"

"It was quite funny." He shrugged. "Do you want to dance or not?"

I contemplated, not knowing if I should or not. Granted, once dance wouldn't hurt. But I was loyal to Lloyd.

"Fine, one dance!" I said taking his hand. "But that's it."

"Noted." He said. His eyes crinkled a bit, showing he was probably smiling. A slower song played and all the couples got to the dance floor. He guided me into the crowd before stopping and turned to me. It felt weird, it felt really weird.

He placed his hands on my waist while I rested mine on his shoulder as we started swaying.

"You seem stiff."

"I feel stiff."

"So what's the matter?" He questioned.

"Nothings the matter. I'm fine right now. Just awkward." I shrugged. Silence fell on us after that. We kept eye contact, well he did, I would look away at some point to distract myself.

"So, why don't you have a date?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"The guy I wanted to ask didn't ask. I wasn't about to say yes to some random guy. I thought my friends were coming so I didn't stress not having a date, but they didn't end up coming."

"Oh, so you were asked by other people but didn't say yes because you like another guy?"

"Correct." I nodded.

"Who's the guy?"

"Nice try." I laughed. "I'm not telling you."

"It was worth a shot. Why didn't your friends come?"

"I don't know. Some lame exuse they gave didn't seem right. But I don't blame them, Chen and his gang have made our lives hell for the past 4 years I don't think they wanted to escalate tonight. But I so am going to make these weeks hell for Chen and his-"

"Y/N." He cut me off.

"Right, I'm making threats in front of one of Ninjago's heros. Not my best work."

"No its not." He laughed. "Is it Cole?"


"They guys you like?"

"No, it's not Cole." I said rolling my eyes.

"Kai?" Is he being serious?

"No, not Kai."


"How do you know my friends names and how do you know its someone from my friend group?"

"I know everyone, I'm a Ninja. It's my job." He said matter-of-factly. "Besides, it has to be someone in your friend group. You don't really talk go any other guy at the school. So is it Zane?"

"No its not Zane. I don't like this game." I huffed.

"So it's Lloyd then? That's why Chen was teasing you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"No its not - wait." I narrowed my eyes at him. I brought my face closer to his neck area and sniffed.

"Are you smelling me?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"You smell good." I said, quickly retracting my head to look at him. "Your cologne smells familiar."


"What is it?"


"What cologne do you use?"

"Why would I-"

"Answer the question." I pushed.

"Its Aramis Men's? Why is what I smell like important?" He questioned.

Same smell, same height, same eyes, his build is similar. His hands, what I can feel anyway, feel the same. Some lame as exuse.

I was right about the Cologne at least. One of my top guesses.

"So, parents wouldn't let you come?" I snickered.

"What? What does that have to do with you smelling me?"

"You smell familiar. I know why now." I smiled.

"I'm so confused."

"Oh please. You're just avoiding the subject. You know I know now." I said smiling yet rolling my eyes.

"No I dont."

"Its no wonder you took my side with Chen." I snickered. "Damn, what a way to find out."

"You know my smell?" He asked again, probably slightly freaked out.

"Yes. And you're height, build, eyes, your exuse." I jabbed.

"My exuse?"

"Right. See, my friends said that they couldn't come because their parents said no. Lame ass exuse." His eyes flashed realization as he looked away from me, turning his head to the side to probably look at the others. Without moving his head again he looked at me, smile on my face. "I knew something was up when they said that. I guess they are out partying without me."

"Right, partying."

"What about you, Green Ninja. You feel like partying?" I teased. He finally turned his head to me.

"I don't like you."

"Sure you don't. That's why you asked me to dance."

"I felt bad for you?" He said, more as a question trying to find an exuse.

"Right. Because my friends ditched me." I pressed. He gave me an unamused look.

"We didnt - they didn't ditch you." He said. "Hold on, can we back track to what we were talking about before you sniffed me. You never denied liking Lloyd."

"I didn't?"


"I guess I didn't."

"So, you do like him?"

"I never said that either."

"Y/N you are being very confusing."

"I always am, that's my specialty. Better to keep you on your toes." I said. I layed my head on his chest as we continued to dance until the song ended.

"Well, I guess that was your one dance. You have a job to do, I have some third wheeling to do." I said pulling my head off his chest. "Thank you, for the dance. Makes up for being left alone." I winked, pulling away and walking to the table I had been at.


I sat on the patio of my roof, eating F/C (favorite chips) while I waited. I didnf change, I was still in my prom attire. I had a gut feeling Lloyd was going to come, he had to after that exchange. My phone dinged, signaling I got a text. It was from Nya. 'That was pure gold. Only you could smell him from a mile away lmao' it read. I smiled and responded 'it was a pleasure to put on the show'.

I guess I should maybe have been more subtle about the fact that I've smelled him so much? Was it creepy?

No. We've always hugged a lot and I've just grown used to his scent. He hasn't changed that cologne in 4 years anyway. It was only a matter of time before I found out.

"What is wrong with you?" I heard a voice say, definitely Lloyd.

"A lot of things." I responded, taking another bit of my chips.

"You figured me out by smelling me?" Maybe it was creepy.

"Yes." I said standing up to face the blonde. He was no longer in his Ninja outfit, but his day to day one with the hood over his head. "I don't know why it was such a big deal. You smell good."

"Y/N, the only reason you figured me out is because you know the cologne I wear." He said, taking a step closer to me.

"Again, yes. You haven't changed it in over 4 years. I've never smelled it on someone else." I shrugged. This was a little more embrassing then it should be. Right?

"Really, what's Kai's cologne?" He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't know the actual cologne but it's cinnamon of some sort."


"That's tricky, he uses different ones a lot. My guess would be the amberwood thing for the most part." I laughed. "Lloyd, you smell sweet. It has hints of citrus and sage if I had to guess."

"That's weird."

"Not weird. I just like fragrances." I smiled. He sighed coming closer to me so her was only a foot away. "Besides, you should feel flattered that I know you so well."

"Flattered isn't a word that this issue is used for." He said. He grabbed the bag of chips from me and placed them on the seat I was sitting on.

"I was eating those." I murmured, grabbing a wipe I had brought to clean the mess and wiped my hands off from the mess.

"So, you never answered me."

"About what?"

"Do you like me or not?" I sighed at his question.

"I might have been a little hurt when you didn't ask me to prom. And then extra hurt when you said you weren't going. At all." I said.

"That didn't answer my question."

"I think it did." I said, avoiding the obvious that he wants a real confession.

"I want to here it, Y/N."

"I don't want to." I whined. "Its so embrassing." I covered my face with my hands.

"Why is it embrassing to admit you like me?"

"Because this all is happening because I splashed Chen with punch then sniffed you."

"Right, it's not a normal thing to come across." He chuckled. "But seriously, I wish I could have come to prom with you."

"But you didn't." I remarked, peaking at him through my fingers. He smiled at me.

"No, I didn't. Can I make it up to you?" He asked.

"I thought the dance was enough?" I asked, slowly dropping my hands.

"I know you said only one dance, but we aren't at prom anymore. And it would be a crime to waste such a beautiful look on an even more beautiful girl." Oh, I was 100% red right now.

"Are you-"

"I'm asking you to dance, Y/N." He said, extending his hand to me like he did before. I didn't hesitate like I did last time, I smiled and took his hand with more confidence as he lead me to the center of the patio.

There was no music, just us laughing as we danced under the stars with the strung lights illuminating us.

"Hey Lloyd?"


"I love you."

"Well that's good. Otherwise this would be awkward." I wondered what he meant by that before he dipped me and like any cliché story, he kissed me.

We kept the kiss connected as he brought me up from the dip and brought his hands to hold my face as my hands went to his waist. His cologne was still strong.

Maybe prom wasn't such a bad night after all.

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