Love Me, Hate Me, Either Way...

By TheRiverRunsDeep

1.4M 33.1K 2.8K

I've committed a sin. Well, falling in love with a Blake Dazer should be a sin. One punishable by death, I be... More

Hey Dork, Hello Hooker, Got A Date?
Anger and Forgiveness
I'm Weak When It Comes To Him
Cancellations and Sudden Ideas
Oh Crappers!
How Long Can This Last?
Waking Up
I Promise ...
Drunken Kiss
Slap, Punch, Remember
You Shouldn't Have To Wait For Anyone...
Untamed Urges and Smiles
Just Friends...
It's Hot In Here, Don't You Think?
Not The Same Feeling...
Opening My Eyes
Give Me One Chance...
Date - Part 1
Date - Part 2
Raining Awkwardness
Reading The Signs
Should Have Said It Sooner...
Take That!
Falling Cliff
Why Can't You Just Say It?
An Eye For An Eye -- Still Makes Me Want A Drink
The Rave
His Munchkin ... Distraction ... and Woman
Boyfriend Trouble?
Arguments and Notes
My Official New Buddy
Girl Code
Too Close
The Past Haunts
Father Of Assumptions
Plans For Halloween
Like The Puppy, It's Over
We Need Each Other
Halloween - Part 2 (Love and Lies)
Halloween - Part 3 (Second Chance)
Web of Love and Lies
Rabbit Hole
Tough Love
Epilogue - Part Two (20 Years Later)

Halloween - Part 1

19.9K 591 91
By TheRiverRunsDeep

Sapphire P.O.V

I slipped on the final piece of my costume and smiled in satisfaction. For once in my life, my Halloween costume fit like a glove and was comfortable. Memories of past Halloweens still haunt my mind. See, I never really like going to any kind of Halloween stores, so I tend to always order my costumes off the Internet. In doing so I never really knew what I was getting. Like last year for example, I ordered a Greek Goddess Toga costume and the thing swallowed me whole. Alicia used some of her fashion magic and managed to make it work.

But looking in the mirror I found myself pleased as a butterfly. My legs were sporting some black leggings. On top of my black leggings, I had an orange mini skirt with black and white polka dot trim and bows. The top was a bodice with black lace-up in the front; the sleeves were white and a tad puffy. As for accessories I wore orange and black wings and two orange butterfly earring studs got while shopping with Joshua’s mom.

Applying some mascara, I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped a little before I heard my brother’s voice call out that he was going to get the door. Once I was finished with my make-up, I raced around the room and gathered up last minute things.

Putting on my black ballet flats, I ran out of my room. Upon going into the living room I heard laughter and voices. “I can’t believe you and her got the same costume.” I heard Linx say before I entered the den.

When I walked in my mouth dropped ... Alicia, Carmen and I were all wearing the same butterfly costume, only difference is Alicia was a gold and black butterfly, whereas Carmen was a black and blue butterfly.

“Maybe we should break our tradition of not telling each other what our costumes are.” Carmen suggested as we all realized we were practically wearing the same thing.

Alicia violently shook her head, “no! This is funny! I guess they are right, great minds think alike!”

Everyone gave off a chuckled, even Linx. Somehow I found myself looking at him, and when I did I began to laugh even harder. He was wearing a bee suit and had a net in hand. In my drunken laughter I spoke. “What are you wearing?"

He gave me a smile through the netted veil that was attached to his hat. “I am a butterfly catcher. Well, I was when Carmen told me she was going to be a butterfly ... but now I think I am going to change...” With that Linx turned away and dashed off towards his bedroom.

We all erupted in another set of giggles.

“Tonight is going to be fun. I can feel it in my bones.” Alicia said when we all sobered up from the constant laughing.

Gripping my painful sides, I smiled. “Of course it will be fun! Any night with Sapphire Smith is fun.”

Carmen and Alicia both shook their heads at me.

“So, Alicia, are you nervous to be going out on a date with Johnny tonight?” I asked her as we all collapsed on my couch. Due to it being small we all were crammed together, but this was normal for us and we paid no mind.

“No, I-I am not nervous,” she lied through her teeth. Her eyes refused to look at us, and I knew more than anything that she was downright nervous. Wiggling a little Alicia placed her head in my lap and feet in Carmen’s.

Running my fingers through Alicia’s hair in order to soothe her, I smiled. “Liar.”

Glancing at me in the corner of her eye she replied, “I am not lying. There is not one nervous cell in my body.”

“Then explain why you are sprawled out across our laps and allowing Sapphire to touch your hair.” Carmen stated as she played with the bow on Alicia’s golden flats.

“Because ... I need comfort ... for breaking my mother’s favorite cup?” Alicia asked more than stated.

Both Carmen and I rolled our brown eyes at her, knowing she was indeed nervous.

Running back into the room, dressed in his normal attire, cotton tee and jeans, Linx looked at us. “Ready?” He asked in a winded tone.

“Why aren’t you wearing a costume?” Carmen asked Linx.

He gave a shrug of his shoulders, “just decided to wear this.”

No one said a word to him because we knew not to argue with him about his clothing choice.

Standing up, Carmen went over to Linx and gingerly placed her hand in his. “Yeah, I am ready,” she muttered.

Nodding he led her out of the house and to my car.

“I guess we better go, before Linx leaves us here,” Alicia commented once they left the house.

Agreeing with her we dashed out of the house and to the car.


The second we entered the crowded restaurant Alicia tried hiding behind me. I would continue to move so she couldn’t take shelter behind me, but Alicia would maneuver right back behind me. With an exhale I moved no more. “Alicia, what are you doing?” I inquired.

I felt her hands grip my wings, “I just saw Johnny,” she mumbled in my ear. 

“Are table is this way guys,” Linx stated as notioned his head to the right.

Following him and Carmen, I started to try and get Alicia to leave from my shadow. “Alicia, you will have to see him when you sit down.”

I felt her fiddle with something on my wings, “I know ... but what if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks I am weird.” 

“So what if he thinks you are weird? Being weird is not a bad thing. Plus, he agreed to go on this date, didn’t he? That must mean something."

“What if Linx bribed him to come?”

Thinking about it for a second, I started to realize that was not a far fetched idea for Linx. But, I knew telling her that  wasn’t the best thing to do. “My brother didn’t bribe Johnny. Now, stop hiding behind me like a three-year-old or you might give Johnny a bad impression.”

With that said we reached the table, or more like two tables that were joined together. Johnny stood up the second we got to the table. He gave Linx a friendly handshake and gave a small wave to Carmen and I. When he saw Alicia, slip out from behind me his brown eyes widen. Ruffling his red hair, Johnny gave a nervous chuckle. “Hey, Alicia,” Johnny greeted with anxiousness laced in his deep voice.

Blushing at least ten shades of red, Alicia smiled. “H-Hi, Johnny.”


After a good twenty minutes it was clear Alicia and Johnny were going to be a couple, get married and have little spawns one day. I was smiling ear to ear as Johnny talked to Alicia like she was the only girl in the room. My mind kept thinking that she was lucky, for she really found something special with Johnny, even if they just met, it was clear that there was a huge spark between them.

I felt Carmen nudge my side as she pointed to the front door of the restaurant.

Walking in with all his glory was Joshua. He was sporting a Pac-Man t-shirt, brown leather jacket, dark jeans and brown Wallabee shoes. My heart gave a little leap as he looked over in our direction and locked eyes with me. Joshua gave me a smile, but it only made me frown. He was upset, something was troubling him. I could see it behind the fake grin he planted on his face. Even by the heavy steps he took towards us sent off alarms that he was indeed fighting an internal battle about something.

Linx gave a cough, “don’t tell me that is him.”

Breaking eye contact with Joshua, I looked at my brother. He was staring intently at Joshua that was only a matter of a few tables away. “Be nice Brother because I promised him some alone time if you didn’t act nice to him.”

Linx wiggled in his seat and got an uncomfortable expression on his face as he realized what I meant.

“Hi,” Joshua said from the front of the red checkered tables. He nervously began with his tongue to play with his lip ring on his bottom lip.

Suddenly, Linx stood up and out stretched his hand. “I’m Linx, Sapphire’s brother,” he stated with a smile.

Shaking hands with my brother, Joshua gave a sigh that sounded like slight relief. “Joshua, but you can call me Josh, most do.”

“Nice to meet you,” Linx said as they released hands. Sitting back down Linx looked at me; his face was clear as a sunny day. He was looking at me while non-verbally saying “There, I was nice, now no funny business later with him."

I giggled a little at the fact Linx thought I was serious when I told him I promised Joshua ‘alone time’ if Linx wasn’t nice.... but the thing is, I couldn’t have promised Joshua that, even if I wanted too because I haven’t freaking talked to him in three days!

Joshua introduced himself to everyone, Carmen and Alicia gave me twinkling eyes as Joshua sat down next to me. I could tell they already liked him. Placing an arm on the back of my chair, Joshua looked at me. He gave me another smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Hey, Sapphire.”

I tried not to glare or look upset at Joshua as I glanced over at him. “Hi, Josh.”

His eyes casted down and it was then that he knew I was mad at him.

“So, where did you two meet?” Alicia asked as she leaned over a little towards Johnny but her eyes stayed focus on Joshua and I.

Joshua glanced up, “I met her at my work.”

I sighed glad he speared them the details of how he works at a bar and I tried getting him to sell me liquor.

“Oh really, where do you work?” Linx asked as he looked around Carmen and at Joshua.

Shifting in his seat, Joshua began reply, but something stopped him ... or shall I say someone. 

“Did I miss something?” 

Looking over I saw Blake at the front of the table with Aerie standing next to him, hand in hand.


In spirit of Valentines Day and  banged_up's birthday, I updated!!!


Please, if you are wanting more, COMMENT!!! 


Or I will throw bananas at you ... and you don't want that... 

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