A Certain Misfortunate Spider

By Komigakuo

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(THIS BOOK IS PUBLISHED ONLY ON FANFICTION AND WATTPAD) A bite from a peculiar spider sends Touma Kamijou's s... More

That Fateful Day
First Signs
Alley Fight
A Sticky Situation
3 Days Later
Shopping Trip
Spinning an Identity
First Night
Second Day
Third Day
The Red Man
A Little Break
A Little Break 2
Twists and Turns
Concerned Citizen
The Dealers
Highway Battle
AIM Burst Part 1
AIM Burst Part 2
Vigilante's Holiday
Moment of Truth
Certain Revelations
The Prowler
In Memoriam
*Marvel Universe & Stuff
*found this on Reddit
*I made a mistake.
Tough Luck
*Ki (and Symbiotes)
Night Robbery
The Beetle


650 19 23
By Komigakuo

Update: minor edits

"So, Saten fell victim to the Level Upper?"

"Yeah. Apparently after she arrived, Uiharu went and took the song Saten had on her phone, and went for Dr. Kiyama's office. She's probably checking out and analyzing it now as we speak."

"I see." Misaka said. Aftet hearing the news about Saten from Kuroko Misaka went to the hospital as fast as she could. She and Kuroko were currently outside Saten's room, sitting on a bench near the doorframe. "How's she holding up?"

"...To be honest I rarely see Uiharu so... serious. Not that it never happened, but... can't imagine how she's feeling right now. She just... shuts down whenever she is."

"...Do you have a minute Kuroko?"



"I once said to Saten, around a couple days ago... that a Level doesn't matter all that much. ...All my life, everytime something was blocking me from reaching my goal, I wouldn't sleep until I breached it and continued on forward. For me, it didn't really matter whether it was difficult or not. I went in, and fought like hell to get to where I am now. And I took it for granted. Thought it wasn't a very big deal. "Anyone can do it as long as they work hard," is all they keep saying to me all those times.

And it blinded me.

It made unable to understand the other guys. Those that, when faced with such a challenge, could never go past it, no matter how hard they tried. Despite their efforts, it'll all go back to a single dreaded phrase in big red letters. I... I was so inconsiderate of her. Of the other people who struggled. I took for granted my Level, being one of the best. I never stop and considered... how others would truly feel about that. About how I was a sort of living reminder of their numerous shortcomings.

...Seriously, what kind of a person was I to do something so cruel?"


Shirai felt... uneasy. Her lovely, kindhearted and confident Misaka... felt lost. Vulnerable. Saddened. She understood a bit of what she had said. After all, she was herself on the same boat.

Trial and error, and perseverance had brought her to this position as a Judgement officer, where she could use her abilities to help others, and perhaps set an example for others to follow.

And she had a... couple of negative opinions towards Im- Level 0s.

She realized just how twisted that line of thinking was. Maybe she might have to reconsider her worldview for just a little bit. Later, though; there are fat more inportant things to worry about.

"I want to help with the case, in any way I could. Please?"

"...Sure thing Sissy," Shirai smiled. "We could use all the help we need."

"Thanks Kuroko. You're the best." Misaka felt relief rise up from her chest. The guilt from having had Saten take the Level Upper was eased, if only for a little bit. She will have a lot to make for, in regards to Saten.

She placed her hand in Shirai's shoulder as an act of gratitude, however she saw her junior schoolmate seemingly wince in pain.

"No problem Sissy, don't worry about it."


"You girls have a minute?" A male voice from behind turned the girls attention over their shoulder. In front of them was...

"Real-life Gekota!!!"

"U-Uh no, Onee-sama, that's not... Gekota..."

The Gekota-faced doctor, a bit confused by the brunette's remarks, gestured the both of them to his office.

Showing the girls his findings within the computer he explained that all users of the power-boosting device had identical brainwaves, which was impossible as an individual's brainwaves was very much unique. The doctor's suggestion of possible outside interference tampering with the victims' brains perked both girls' interest.

"So through this particular brainwave used the Level Upper's tampered the minds of all who used it, and had them fall to a vegetative state?"

"What kind of sick, twisted reason would drive someone like this?"

"...In the end, I can't do much at this point. I'm merely a doctor giving enough material for you two to work on. I'd say, good luck on your case, and happy hunting."


"I see. Even your friend from that meeting 3 days ago. I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm responsible for this. ...If only I had checked up on her sooner..."

"You're being too hard on yourself Uiharu-san," the professor assured Uiharu. "I'll prepare some coffee, in the meantime take some time to rest."

"I can't. Not when there's important things to discuss."

"I agree, but the results of the amalysis will take a while to be released. Furthermore, it won't do anyone any good if you broke down after your friend recovers.

Don't worry, it'll all be over soon, I promise."

Hearing Kiyama's kind words made Uiharu realise just how much she hadn't taken any break.

Wiping her tears in her eyes, a tired, tender sigh escaped her lips, as she leaned back on the sofa, replaying the events of 12 minutes ago in her mind.

'Saten-san...' she thought, saddened and worried by her friend's current state.

She had never felt this helpless ever since that incident few year prior, when she and Kuroko started out in Judgement.

If it weren't for a certain Electromaster's intervention she, Kuroko and Konori would've died that day.

She scanned around the cramped space of the room, looking for something to occupy het mind with, when she saw a piece of paper sticking out one of Kiyama's drawers.

The word "Synthenesia" stuck out like a sore thumb.

'That was the thing Shirai-san and Misaka-san were talking about, and I told Kiyama-sensei about it,' she thought. Getting up from her seat she opened the drawer and took the paper, hoping to see what Kiyama's research about the use of synthenesia in Level Upper.

Holding it in front of her she began to read the first page.

Uiharu's eyes widened in shock.


After their talk with Dr. Gekota (the nickname Mikoto thought of for the medical professional, much to Kuroko's unending dismay) the two went back to the 177th Judgement Main Office. Kuroko was currently typing on the computer, inputting and opening several tabs.

"So if we can match the signal of the Level Upper's wavelength to a specific persom..." Misaka remarked.

"Then we have our man straight away, as long as Uiharu..." Kuroko felt optimistic, but suddenly her spirits went down as she realized that, "comes back from Kiyama's office."

"Yeah, that's a problem. So, what now?"

"Really now, what's with the groaning around here?" An older voice piped in from behind the girls, and they sae it was Kuroko and Uiharu's senior, Mii Konori.

Of high school age, who joined Judgement around 2 years ago, as well as the possessor of a Level 3 power, Clairyovance. But despite its name, it does not grant Konori the ability to see events remotely through certain stimuli; instead it was simple X-ray vision. The limitations and lack of combat use of her Clairvoyance made her take up combat training and martial arts; she is considered one of the best fighters within Judgement, whose skills and experience make her more than a match against common street thugs and gangs.

"Well, since you've asked..."

After explaining to the senior woman about their case Konori instantly sat on the desk and went to work with the computer.

"In this particular case, we will have to use the Databank for identification. Maybe the data you're looking foris over there."

"But what if the data isn't placed in there?" Misaka asks.

"Most adults who have receieved hospital consultations, or took vocational aptitude tests, as well as students who underwent or are currently undergoing the ADP will have their personal data stored within the Database."

"But I don't get it. How would the Level Upper be used in a way to reprogram somebody's brainwave?"

"And still we're thinking how it causes drastic increase of an Esper's Level." Kuroko said.

"A computer's performance won't change drastically just because you begin using certain software," Konori explains. "Unless if it's connected to a network."

"So if one connects their computer to a network then its performance improves? Is that what you're saying," Kuroko asks.

"On an individual level, no not really. But you can link several of them into a parallel network, and through that the computing power does increase."

"Wait, so by using the Level Upper, they've constructed a collective mind network? But how could that be possible?"

"If I were to take a guess, then maybe by using AIM diffusion fields? Espers emit a diffusion field around them while being unaware of doing so."

"But it's a subconscious action. If we compare our brains to computers, then all of us have different operating systems. There wouldn't be any meaning to just connect them all together right?"

"Computers within the network have different OSs, and they even have different languages, but the reason networks can be created, is because of protocols, right?"

A search engine is made by linking thousands of computers to each other, allowing the software of each one to be shared into a single parallel network, thus allowing the user to

"Are you suggesting that a specific person's brainwave pattern is serving as a protocol?"

"In the end it's merely a possibility." Konori concluded.

"However, if a network like that is formed, then they can do tremendous amounts of computing."

"Yes. Even for an esper has an ability that isn't particularly strong, if plugged into a network the throughput of that ability will increase."

"Add to that the collective thought patterns of espers of the same type, and you'd be able to manage that ability much more efficently." Misaka concluded.

"I've a hunch that as of now the collective brain activity of the comatose patients is being used to power the network." Konori said as she pressed the enter button of the keyboard to complete the analysis.


'99% MATCH' blared onscreen. The culprit of this whole mess, the creator of the Level Upper and the cause of the comas, will finally be revealed to the girls.

Konori clicked on the button to show who was the one responsible for-


As Uiharu kept on reading the paper she held, the ground beneath her feet felt softer and softer.

'N-No, this can't be,' she thought in futility. 'Then... all this time...'

All of the papers she saw within this specific drawer had all files pertaining to Synthenesia. She figured that these files stretched out far into the past. Perhaps only a few months.

"Oh my..." Uiharu felt her mind blank out as she quickly turned around to face them.

"How naughty of you to snoop around and looking at someone's research findings without permission."

Uiharu dropped the papers in shock. She felt trapped within the room.

Harumi Kiyama produced something out of her pocket. It looked like a small pocket gun with double barrels. She pointed the gun towards the petite officer.

"I even offered coffee for you. Well, it seems that will have to wait."


'All... all this time.... and right under our noses...'

They couldn't believe it. And even then despite the evidence laid in front it felt as if the info took a year to enter their mind.

But then. That would mean that-

" "Uiharu!" "


The car ride was tense, silent, filled with an almost tangible air of hostility and danger. One could've even taken a knife and sliced through said air.

"By constructing a hive mind of over a thousand espers, through their diffusion fields as a medium, I managed to create a network which could perform high-level computations within seconds. That was the true purpose of the Level Upper."

"...Why do this?"

"...I requested the use of Tree Diagram to perform certain simulations, however for some reason I was rejected. I figured that I needed an alternative. A secondary way to receive the results of that simulation. And it took a lot of time for it to come to fruition." Kiyama explained.

"So the espers," Uiharu remarked.

"Yes. Around 10,000 more should do the trick."

Silence ensued. It was Kiyama that broke it. "Don't give me such a look. After I completed my experiments, I will free those in the network. Everything will be back to normal, they will all go back to their normal lives. And as a sign of good faith, here." Kiyama produced from her pockets a single memory card. "It's the program which deactivates the Level Upper. Think of it as a system reboot. With that you can wake up all the victims. No backlash. No aftereffects. One use, it's as if they woke up from a long sleep," she explained coolly.

"...I can't trust you! Whatever this is I cannot just use it to help the victims, especially when I have only your word for it."

"...You wound me." A beep from her monitor took her attention from Uiharu. "It seemed my emergency measures have been activated in case of forced access without the designate protocols. Still, I'm surprised they managed to get to my office that fast. Must've went to another route on the way.

Due to their actions all data regarding the Level Upper is completely erased. No way to recover it. What you have in your hands right now, is the only data that can cure the victims. So if you value their overall safety, I suggest you keep it safe on your person."

Uiharu felt the weight of the player and card within her palm. But whatever thoughts could come from her mind were interrupted as the car to a sudden stop. Uiharu managed to keep the two within her palm, not wanting to destroy the best chances of recovery for the victims.

"Harumi Kiyama. You are under suspicion of the illegal distribution of Level Upper. Come out and surrender immediately." A female authoritative voice called out the fugitive professor.

Looking up she saw an AntiSkill blockade. Rows of security robots, armored vans, and armed officers greeted their way.

"Oh well, time to face the music. Do take care of those in your hand, you will really need it." Kiyama said her last words towards Uiharu as she exited the vehicle. Placing her hands in the air she kneeled on the ground, ready to be taken into custody.

As the chief of the AntiSkill blockade sent two officers to detain the suspect, neither of them noticed the small grin in her haggard, sunked face.

A clash ensued, and the highway shook.



Kamijou felt lost at that moment. He didn't what to do now.

He had never felt so helpless following those depressing moments.

He couldn't even feel the pain within his knuckles after he incapacitated several delinquents within a particular part of the numerous Rundowns in District 7.

There might've been bruises within his fists now; he just didn't seem to care. Why would he, when he saw someone fall to a disease that could've been prevented had he just call emergency services.

'The hell did I listen to her for? Didn't she notice her condition? Why did I listen to her, I could've went to call them. It's not like I'd be gone.' Bitter, cynical thoughts stagnated within his blank mind.

He felt like he needed to hit something.

But it seemed that 6 minutes of going around and beating the shit out of common street punks wasn't a healthy way to deal with stress.

That said, that feeling of his Instinct, just telling him of the danger that lay ahead...

It was just enough to have him leap off the building and swing away to where danger strikes.

He really hoped, that at this point he wouldn't be late.


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And I'll see you guys on the next chapter.


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