Sticks and Stones [Creepypast...

By YandereEmo

511 40 5

You do everything perfectly in life, and yet the innocent suffer and the guilty escape with no consequence. T... More

Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8

Chapter 1

122 8 0
By YandereEmo

Warning lots of cursing 🤬 😳 😬 and references 

2355 words


"What's going on? "

"Where... Where am I? It's so dark."

"It's so cold. Hello?! "

"Why can't I move?"

" We..... Er....... qui....... sur......"

"What? I can't hear you!"

"Get ... organs ready. We .... immed.... transplant!"

"[NAME]! [NAME]! Mommy's here! I'm right here baby! Don't worry baby We're gonna help you!"

"Ma'am you can't come any further."

"No! No! I'm her mother!"

"I'm sorry miss but we have to take her to surgery."

"Stay Alive baby! I'll be right here for you."

"Get the .... come on..... finish...... now"

"Sir..... its...... danger....... we can't."

"I'll take............."

What happened again? 

"You are becoming. "

"Becoming? Becoming what? "

"A friend,  or a foe. But that is for you to decide.  I don't have time, you will wake up soon. Dont panic, my memories will reveal themselves in time, as well as your new gifts. Goodbye little one, we will speak again."

"No! Don't leave! I'm confused! Please don't leave me too."


Bubbles floated upwards past me. How do I know that? My eyes are closed, but I can feel the gentle tugs and the faint vibrations as they ascend. People gathered in front of the glass, and I could hear their murmurs of awe. Who are they? Why are they here? They can't all be scientists. One of the people stepped forward, and the small, muffled whispers fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen," a man addressed the crowd, his voice resonating with authority. "Our great Lord Zalgo gave us a mission nearly a thousand years ago. After seventy-six attempts, we have finally succeeded!" The room erupted in cheers, a wave of excitement and triumph, before gradually quieting down to an expectant hush.

"Many of you have been here since the inception of our mission," the man continued, his voice swelling with pride. "Now, after so many years, the year 2000 is upon us! We are on the brink of witnessing the culmination of our efforts—the great birth of our success!" The crowd erupted in more enthusiastic cheering, their voices blending into a cacophony of jubilation. But something felt wrong. I could feel my features twitch involuntarily as the man spoke about my form, a creeping unease gnawing at the edges of my consciousness.

A long snout, designed for catching and securing struggling prey, whether animal or man. Sensory pits at the end of my nose for detection, similar to echolocation, ideal for navigating through water or the dark depths of caves. Horns, wings, and various fins along my tail, each aiding in either flight or swimming. The cartilage spikes along my spine, primarily ornamental, but also providing stability for sharp turns and flips, as well as assisting in regulating body temperature. He detailed my features methodically, as if ticking off bullet points.

Suddenly, a deafening boom reverberated through the chamber, shaking the very foundation. Panic erupted. People began to scream and scatter, their previous excitement dissolving into chaos and fear.

"The Proxy's are here!!"

"Protect Lord Zalgos'-" 

"Run for your lives!!" 

"Don't let them get to the female!"

"Quickly before they- Ah!!"

"Ben, I see you have betrayed your own kind," a voice thundered, dripping with disdain. A few people huddled by a strange, box-like station, their faces pale with fear and tension. The man next to me remained unmoved, a cold, statuesque figure amid the chaos. The once-crowded room was now eerily empty, save for us and those near the mysterious console.

"Would you honestly kill your family?" the voice continued, laden with incredulity and sorrow. The question hung in the air, a poignant and heavy accusation, as the man beside me remained silent, his eyes fixed on some distant point, lost in contemplation or perhaps, guilt.

"You aren't my family," Ben retorted, his voice cold and resolute. "I fight with the Slender now, and no one will stand in our way."

"No! Wait, Ben!" a voice cried out, desperate and pleading. "If you do this, the only female dragon will die. Think of the power we could wield together! This is our chance to dominate, to reshape the world!" The plea hung in the air, a mixture of fear and ambition, as the gravity of the situation settled over the room like a dark cloud.

"Dragons had their chance, just like all the other dinosaurs!" Ben snarled, his eyes blazing with conviction. "Their era has ended. It's time for something new!"

"No!" the voice cried out, filled with a mix of desperation and horror. The plea echoed through the chamber, a final attempt to sway Ben from his path. The room, now a battleground of ideals, seemed to hold its breath, teetering on the brink of an irrevocable decision.

The building began to shake violently as a series of explosions erupted, sending shockwaves through the structure. The walls trembled, and the ceiling lights flickered ominously. I could hear the sound of glass shattering, followed by more frantic screams as chaos descended. The ground beneath me seemed to shift, and a crushing weight of dizziness overtook me. Darkness edged into my vision, and I quickly fell into unconsciousness, the cacophony of destruction fading into a haunting silence.

"B-Ben, are you sure you want to do this?" Toby's voice trembled, a mix of fear and uncertainty etched across his face.

"We don't have a choice, Toby," Ben replied, his tone steely and resolute. "If I were her, I'd rather be dead than be Zalgo's slave." His eyes were hard, reflecting the grim determination that had taken hold of him. The weight of his decision loomed heavy in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of the grim path they were about to tread. Toby's hesitation was palpable, but Ben's unwavering gaze left no room for doubt.


How long had it been since the surgery? And that haunting dream?

My limbs were filled with a static numbness, an uncomfortable tingling that made every movement feel sluggish and disconnected. A strange weight pressed down on my shoulder, anchoring me to the bed. Various types of beeping filled my ears, each one a reminder of the machinery monitoring my fragile state. I tried to stretch, but the effort was met with resistance, as if my body was wrapped in an invisible shroud, confining me within its grasp.

"Hey. Hey. Careful, I don't want you ripping the IV out," Dad's voice soothed me, his tone gentle but tinged with worry. "Mom's down in the cafeteria. Hey... Hey, try to stay awake." His hand stroked the top of my head in a comforting gesture. "[Name], there's been an accident and I need to know if you remember anything." 

I groaned, my mind struggling to process everything as I noticed my dad was still in his uniform, looking tired and anxious.

"Ms. [Last Name], I'm Detective Rodriguez, and this is my partner, Detective Scott. We work with your father, and we'd like to ask you a few questions," Detective Rodriguez introduced himself, his tone respectful yet authoritative.

 Detective Scott retrieved a pen and notepad from his jacket pocket, ready to take notes.

"Do you know what today is?" Detective Rodriguez began, his voice calm yet probing. "Okay, could you tell me the last thing you remember? Do you recall anything that has led up to my investigation? Can you tell me if you know anyone other than your family who has come to visit you?"

The questions came in a steady stream, Detective Scott jotting down notes as they proceeded. "Can you tell us about the group that broke in and what they wanted? Did you know that they kidnapped you? Do you have any knowledge about the place they took you to?"

Detective Rodriguez paused, gauging his reactions carefully. "I think it will be best to stop here. Mr. [Last Name], could we speak to you outside?" he concluded, looking toward my father with a reassuring nod.

They were outside for another hour when Mom finally arrived. She took one look into my room, her face a mix of relief and worry, before rushing in and enveloping me in a tight hug. Her embrace was warm and familiar, grounding me amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the hospital room.

"Oh baby, my precious baby. I'm so sorry I was gone," Mom sobbed, tears streaming down her face, her voice choked with emotion.

"It's okay, Mom. I'm alright," I reassured her gently, my voice a whisper against the backdrop of beeping monitors and distant hospital sounds.


I woke up gasping, my heart racing from the vivid dream I just had. In it, I was going through rigorous training, stretching, and working alongside strange people. They seemed shocked to see me alive after the head scientist was killed. The "great leader" then sent me off to work.

As I lay there, I also realized something peculiar: my vision didn't seem right. Instead of normal shapes and colors, I could see in thermal vision, like a snake. It was unnerving, but strangely fascinating.

I haven't told anyone about these dreams or my altered vision. They're far too intriguing to share just yet.

After that, it was just a normal nightmare. They're getting more frequent, not to mention they started when we moved here, Praygue Village. The pandemic was finally over, and most people slowly returned to their usual routines. Not my family though—we moved away from our old home as soon as we could. Or at least, that's how it felt.

I sighed heavily as I sat up in bed, the weight of the nightmare still lingering in my mind. Just then, my alarm went off, jolting me into action. I got dressed and took care of my morning routine as usual, but when I glanced at myself in the mirror, I hesitated. I looked normal, but the unease from the nightmare persisted.

After finishing up, I headed downstairs, the events of the dream still playing on my mind.

"Hey munchkin!" My father greeted me cheerfully as I sat down at the kitchen table. I groaned in response.

"Did you enjoy your 'going away party' at school?" he asked, his tone tinged with enthusiasm.

I shrugged, recalling the last school day in my hometown when everyone gathered to bid me farewell. It had been a bittersweet affair.

To divert my father's attention, I knew exactly what to say.

"It was sad," I said matter-of-factly, remembering the farewell party at my old school. "All my friends cried near the end, and I finally got my crush to kiss me." Despite that sweet moment, I couldn't shake the frustration of having to leave everything behind.

Mom drove me, along with the last of our things, when it was over. Now, here I am, about to start my second year at school in this boring town. 

My dad didn't say anything after that, and an uncomfortable silence settled in the kitchen.

"Well, I have to go in, so I'll drive you to school," he said.

"Cool," I replied. We were quiet almost the whole drive there. Finally, my dad spoke up when we neared the college.

"We're almost there. Are you nervous?"

"I know you're going to be okay, [Name]. I'm serious. You'll be great," my dad reassured me as we pulled up to the school.

"Thanks, Dad," I replied, feeling a bit more reassured myself as I prepared to step out of the car and face my new school.

"You are going to have a wonderful... uh... experience," I stumbled over my words. "I said that twice. Look, you'll do amazing," I reassured, feeling a bit flustered. As we stopped at the entrance, I looked over at my child. "I love you."

"Bye, Dad," I said as I got out of the car and walked up the steps to the school. There's one thing I should probably mention. As I closed the car door, the sirens on the police car went off once, and I could hear my father's voice over the car's P.A. system. The official police number was both near the start and the end of the car.

"You gotta say it back," my dad called out, leaning against the black and white cruiser.

"Really, Dad?!?" I shouted back, exasperated, as I turned to face him.

"Say it," Dad insisted, leaning casually against the black and white cruiser.

"I'm not going to say it with everyone here," I replied, glancing around at the curious onlookers nearby.

"You gotta say it. 'Dad, I love you,'" my dad urged, his voice gentle yet firm.

At some point, my protests faded into a sigh of resignation.

"Dad... I love you," I finally said, meeting his eyes with a small, genuine smile.

"Copy that," Dad acknowledged, before driving off. I could hear people snickering to themselves and their friends as I made my way to the entrance.

I pushed through the doors and entered a bustling secretary area where a man greeted me warmly.

"Hello, how can we help you?" the man greeted cheerfully, his upbeat tone contrasting with my sigh. As I looked around the bustling office, I realized today was shaping up to be a long one.

"I'm new," I replied, feeling a bit awkward. The man behind the desk nodded kindly, asking for my name before handing me a map of the school grounds. With a smile, he pointed out the direction to my first class, offering a few helpful tips along the way.

Everything seemed to go like a normal day until lunchtime. I entered the cafeteria near the end of the lunch line, where everyone was busy getting their food. I grabbed my tray and paid the smiling lunch lady. As I scanned the cafeteria for a place to sit, I spotted a table near the middle that was relatively empty.

As I walked by, a boy with a long neck whispered something to his friends.

"I love yooouuu, daddy," he chuckled with his friend as I stopped in my tracks. Turning to him, I got a good look at him. His posture and smirk told me everything I needed to know.

"Yeah, you're right. I love my dad. Do you have a problem with that?" I smirked to myself as I watched him shrink back. Ignoring him, I continued on to the half-empty table. Everyone stopped talking when I sat down.

This was obviously the Cool Kids' table. I started eating, paying no attention to everyone around me. Amidst the chatter and laughter, a pale boy slid across the table and stopped directly across from me.

I glanced up from eating and saw a guy with blue eyes, blonde hair, and headphones around his neck, wearing a green shirt. This guy looked like a gamer.

"Hi," he greeted, but I said nothing and tried to focus on my food. After my phone buzzed, signaling a text from Dad checking me out early, the boy across from me opened his mouth to speak.

"Fuck off, Link, your princess is in another castle," I retorted, meeting his gaze as he sat before me. His jaw dropped, clearly stunned that someone would talk to him like that.

"I..." he stammered, clearly taken aback by my blunt response.

"Don't you have a pipe to go fuck, Link?" I shot back, my tone laced with sarcasm as I continued eating. The boy across from me hesitated, clearly caught off guard by my comment.

"Well, we..." he started, his words trailing off as he struggled to find a response.

"Go away, Mario. I don't want to talk to your fat ass," I snapped, my annoyance evident as I focused on my meal.

"Hey." A raspy voice came from behind me. "No one talks like that to my friend."

Turning around, I saw a raven-haired boy with a bleach white jacket and a blue surgical mask covering his mouth, standing protectively next to the boy I had just insulted.

"What do you have to say for yourself, slųt?" I spat out, my voice dripping with disdain.

"Oh, ooooooo. Ouch, my feelings," I exaggerated sarcastically. "Tell me when you have something new, you pathetic sack of horse shįt."

We glared at each other, tension thick in the air. Suddenly, a blue-sleeved hand grabbed the masked boy's shoulder.

"Jeff, come on. We have things we have to do," the other boy in the blue hoodie said urgently. His brown hair stuck out in different directions, partially obscuring his eyes, which I couldn't quite see the color of.

"Woah," the Link boy said, surprised. "No one ever talks back to Jeff."

"No one ever talked," I corrected him, raising an eyebrow. "Past tense. I guess I'll consider myself lucky."

"Yeah, lucky he didn't cut your face up right here," the Link boy remarked with a hint of seriousness. I looked up at him, genuinely interested now.

"The last kid who talked to him was found dead," he continued, his voice low and ominous. I kept my breathing normal, though shivers ran down my spine.

"A smile cut into his face," he whispered, leaning closer. "But those were just rumors," he added in a normal tone, as if trying to reassure me.

"He actually just moved away. But that doesn't stop people from talking," Link said with a smirk. "My name's Ben, by the way."

"Well, thanks for the scary story, Link—um, Ben," I replied, slightly amused. I thought to myself as Ben started talking again. After an hour, he finally got his tray and stood up. I dumped my tray, having barely eaten, and walked out.

"Hey, wait!" Ben shouted after me. "Aren't you scared to go home?"

I kept walking, ignoring him, but he spun around and began walking backwards, facing me. We locked eyes for a moment before I stopped, unsure of what to do next.

"I don't have any more classes, so I don't see why you're following me," I stated firmly, looking Ben in the eye. He looked at me like I was crazy.

Turning around, I suddenly came face to face with Jeff and the rest of his friends.

"You should watch yourself, girl," Jeff said, leaning forward so close that we almost touched. His voice was low and threatening, and the air around us seemed to grow tense.

"Estoy hambriento. No almorcé porque tu amigo no se calló." I said to him. I am hungry. I didn't eat lunch cause your friend didn't shut up. "Conseguiré una comida de pollo." I hissed at him. I will get a chicken meal.

"Y una bebida." I circled around him looking at his attire and stopping in front of him. And a drink. "Puede que hastatrainable," I waited a moment before continuing. "Unas papas fritas. Y un batido." I said with the most venom I could. I may even get... some fries. And a milkshake. He glared as I turned around and walked away.

"That has got to be the most intimidating way to tell someone that they're getting lunch," a man remarked as I walked away, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"WHAT!?!" Jeff yelled through the hallway, his voice echoing off the walls. I giggled to myself as I made my way to the front door. As I closed the door behind me, my father waited in the car, parked just outside. Stepping down the stairs, I approached the car and opened the door just as Jeff reached the entrance.

"HEY, NEW GIRL!" Jeff's voice echoed as he started down the stairs, with Ben chasing after him. My dad started the car and drove off, forcing Jeff to halt abruptly in our direction.

"BYE [NAME]! SEE YOU TOMORROW!" Ben yelled and waved as the group stepped out to join them. I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion, and leaned back in the chair. As I did, I caught Dad staring at me in the rearview mirror.

"What?" I asked, taken aback.

"Nothing," Dad replied quickly. We sat in silence for a moment, the tension palpable.

"Do you like him?" Dad finally asked, breaking the silence with a serious tone.

"DAD! What? Absolutely not!" I blurted out, feeling my cheeks warm up with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay," Dad said calmly, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender.

I can't wait to KILL

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