Yu-Gi-Oh! Tales - Welcome to...

By ArceusDescent

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After losing pretty much everything, (Y/n) saved a bystander and as her way of gratitude, she invited him to... More

Prologue - A Fateful Saving
First Tale - Morning with Tilroo and Parla
Second Tale - Afternoon with Laudry and Nasary
Fourth Tale - Delayed Dinner and A Night View
Fifth Tale - Morning Arrest
Sixth Tale - To the S-Force Headquarters
Seventh Tale - A Flashing Sword Encounter
Dragonmaid Report - Future Plans and Love?
Eighth Tale - The Hot Violet Courier
Ninth Tale - Cooking with Tilroo
Tenth Tale - The Wanderers from Beyond
Eleventh Tale - Gaming with Laudry
Twelfth Tale - Strolling with Chame...?
Thirteenth Tale - Prelude of A Journey
Fourteenth Tale - Welcome to the Cyberse World!
(Very Late) Halloween Special - Spooky Scary Festivity
Fifteenth Tale - Fun Times @ Ignister Aisland

Third Tale - A Chame Obsession and the Meeting

1.3K 32 14
By ArceusDescent

I'm bored... I know it's been like an hour now, but I want to move. But I can't just leave without Nasary knowing- speak of the dragon, she's here.

"Sorry for the wait, Master. I have to report your condition to our Head Maid." She explained, which I told her that it's alright. She did a final check up before she deemed that I'm okay to leave, so I did.

"Thanks for the help, Nasary." I thanked her before leaving the infirmary.

"Always a pleasure, Master." She replied as I leave. Now that I'm out of the infirmary, my stomach growled, and looking outside, it's almost sunset. Guess I'm heading to the dining room. On my way there, I saw something odd when I turn at an intersection. There's a door with ominous feeling coming out of it. Normally, a normal person would just avoid it, but I'm a cat it this scenario, so with my curiosity peaked, I slowly reach the doorknob and turn it, before opening the door. 

Looking inside, it's actually a pretty normal room, albeit it's a bit dark. I go inside and realizes that it's not feeling that ominous. However, the door closed behind me, but I wasn't aware of it. I was too focused on looking around, and sure enough, I found a picture of a man in a neat suit, and a Dragonmaid? I never met her before, which make me question if she's even here in this mansion. But the man must be the previous owner of this mansion, so that explains it.

"...Master?" I yelped as a voice came from behind me. I turned quickly and lo and behold, the Dragonmaid in question is in front of me.

The Dragonmaid looked at me, looking quite confused. She might mistaken me with her old Master. Then again, the room is quite dark.

"Are you... Master?" She asked again. I have to introduce myself just to end her confusion.

"Sorry, but I'm not the Master from the picture. Name's (Y/n)." I introduced myself. But the maid looked at me again and holds my tight. "Wh- hey!"

"But you smell like Master! I won't leave you again, Master!" What's wrong with her?! Does she have a PTSD or something?! 

"What do you mean?! I just came here yesterday with Houskey! Please, I'm not the same Master that you remember!" I tried to stop her, but it's no use. She pulls me closer and hugged me tight, and I can't even move! "H-help!"

"I swear, Master. I will never leave your side ever again, even when you have other Dragonmaids helping you. I will always be your personal servant...~" Her voice is getting more and more creepy, almost like she's obsessed! Please, Houskey, anybody, heeeeeelp!


~~ >/< ~~

Third Person POV,

Parla entered the former Master's chamber, that is now Chame's personal room.

"Chame, are you there-" She stopped when she sees the sight of the Dragonmaid herself, but in an... unorthodox way, as she hugged (Y/n) very close to her, not giving him room to breath. "Master! Chame, release him now!" She ordered, but is futile due to the state Chame is in.

"No! I won't leave him again!" She roared, mixing her human voice with her draconic one.

"Chame, he's not James, and you're going to suffocate him!" Parla yelled, making the other maid's eyes widened and looked below, realizing what she meant. She quickly pushes (Y/n) away and her face reddens in embarrassment before immediately bows in apology, with the man finally able to breath again.

"I-I'm so sorry!" She apologized. After getting himself stable, (Y/n) looked at the bowing maid and sighs.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. This is your room, and I intrude without warning, so..." He admits. Chame looks up and faces him, now realizing that he's indeed not the same Master she once knew.

"You... you're a new Master?" She asked, which (Y/n) nods.

"That's right. Name's (Y/n), nice to meet you, Chame." He introduced himself again, now with his hand reaching for a handshake. Chame stood to a sitting position and shakes his hand in return.

"I am Chame, and I'll perform any housecleaning duties." She introduced herself as well, before looking away, feeling shy of what she wants to say next, "And... I will be your personal maid, Master."

Before (Y/n) could react, Parla cuts in between with her hands forming a cross. "No can do! Anyway, we're having a meeting now with the other maids, Head Maid's orders!" She said.

"Ah..." Chame lamented, before standing up. Parla then grabbed her hand and pulls her out of the room, but not before telling her master,

"Sorry about your dinner getting delayed, Master. Please wait at the dining room for a while." And thus, the two maids walked away. (Y/n)'s stomach growls again, making him feel dejected as he went to the dining room as he planned before.

~~ >> ~~

Houskey's POV,

It's now sundown sharp. As on cue, the last two maids have arrived, and with that, I can finally begin the meeting.

"As you all are aware, except for Chame, we have a new Master living with us." I started, but Parla raised her hand. "Yes, Parla?"

"Actually, Chame met him earlier." Is that so? And Chame confirmed it by nodding. Well that eases my plan. I then continued.

"Today, I believe that he have seen you work, and even helped one of you. However, at the time of helping one of you, he became reckless and almost endangered himself." I can see both Laudry and Nasary keep being calm, albeit unease, but the other three are in shock. I guess they haven't seen him like this. I believe it's time to tell them the reason.

"As you said, Nasary, this might stem from his past. But, I have yet to tell you a brief of his past, where from what he told me during our first encounter back in the human world, he fell depressed by multiple factors, to the point of suicide." This however now made everyone gasp in shock. But I keep continue.

"So, in light of the situation, I decided to have a plan. A plan of him to forget his past and live the present here in the Spirit Monster world." I proposed. This is it. "This will have multiple stages, and I need each of you to do your task accordingly." I was interrupted when Tilroo raised her hand. "Yes, Tilroo?"

"Does it involve bringing him to any of the towns?" That's one of my plans, so I nod in confirmation.

"I will choose the towns personally, so there is no need to fear." Then, Laudry's raising her hand.

"Then how about the visitors? Will that help?" A good question Laudry. That's actually very helpful.

"Very. There are times that neither of us can't leave the mansion, so visitors like Kisara or Rena are much welcomed." I assured. Those two are occasionally visit the mansion for their own reasons, but I would be very happy if others would visit as well. Then there's Chame...

"But what if he, after all of this, want to return back to the human world?" I stumped. That's the worse case scenario of the plan. If anything, it'll be our failure. But I can't stop here, because all of this are for his sake and happiness. 

"He won't. Not after everything we done to make him happy. So that's why, I need your help." Am I selfish? Yes. He doesn't deserve any kind of negativity that brought him to recklessness. He needs this, and it's our duty to do so. "Are there more questions?" Thankfully, none of them have anymore questions. And with that, I should end it here.

"For now, you shall do what you do as usual, but now with Master's here, help him with anything he needs, even for something so simple or difficult. Dismissed." The other maids begin to leave, with Tilroo going quickly to make some dinner for Master. I just hope that with the plan, he will find happiness here, away from those who hurt him...

"We will make you happy, Master. Trust us."

(Take a guess who Rena is. Also, recommend any other archetypes to visit the Dragonmaid Chateau.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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