Twisted Wonderland Book 1: Th...

By PinkiePieSweets

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Briar and her friends are beginning their first day at Night Raven College, but Ace shows up unexpectedly wit... More

Chapter 1: The Desperate Heart
Chapter 2: A Misappropriated Tart
Chapter 3: Garden Decoration
Chapter 4: Student Multiplication
Chapter 6: A Carbonara Scrape
Chapter 7: A Traditional Lesson
Chapter 8: The Legendary Seven
Chapter 9: A Mealtime Chat
Chapter 10: A Garden Spat
Chapter 11: Secret in the Oysters
Chapter 12: Egg Destroyers
Chapter 13: Past Improprieties
Chapter 14: Delicious Varieties
Chapter 15: An Army of One
Chapter 16: Hard Work Undone
Chapter 17: A Rule Slip
Chapter 18: A Surprise Tip
Chapter 19: Punishment Escalation
Chapter 20: Rookie Frustration
Chapter 21: A Duel Ill-Advised
Chapter 22: Soundly Chastised
Chapter 23: Magic Unchecked
Chapter 24: An Unhinged Prefect
Chapter 25: A Sad Little Child
Chapter 26: Feelings Reconciled
Chapter 27: Five Second Rule
Chapter 28: Finale for Heartslabyul

Chapter 5: A Class Escape

94 2 0
By PinkiePieSweets

Sometime later, after all the running, Briar and the others, including Ace and Deuce reach their first class for the day. Their first class is in a kind of laboratory full of potion bottles full of potions, empty cauldrons, and many different potions or spell books. There are also a lot of students in the class wearing lab coats and goggles. Briar and the others are actually wearing them too for this class

Sereia sighs and says, "We finally made it."

"I know that was really tiring," Tanzanite says.

Jasper chuckles, "Maybe you shouldn workout more."

"Maybe, but you're more athletic than I am," Tanzanite says.

Sereia then looks around the room, "So this is where we're having our first class?"

"Yeah. According to the schedule, our first class is Potionology," Brari says, looking at the schedule.

Suddenly, says to them, "Ah. You must be my new homeroom students."

The group looks to see the instructions for the class. A man who seems to be around Crowley's height. His hair is parted at the side, with the longer section colored white and the shorter section black. He has narrow gray eyes and wears silver studs in his ears. He is wearing a thick, black-and-white furry coat. Underneath is a tuxedo - consisting of a black dress shirt, red tie, a black-and-white vest, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a black belt with a silver buckle, studs, and spiky sections. He also wears red gloves. He has several tail-like appendages hanging from the bottom of his coat.

He then says, "Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure that you arrive properly groomed. My name is Divus Crewel. You may call me Master Crewel."

He then says, "Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin."

With that, all the students in the class begin to take their seats. Briar along with Grim, Sereia, the twins, and Trinket are sitting at the front row while Ace and Deuce sit in the row behind them with some other students.

Crewel then says, "We're going to start with the basics. And by that, I mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains."

The students, especially Briar, grow a bit pale to see the instructor holding a kind of teaching pointer with a red collar and jewel charm attached to the end of it.

Then the instructor explains, "The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws. For now, I realize you have all the self-control of voracious hounds." Then shows the teaching pointer again, "But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly."

"Huh. So... does anyone know what a mycelia is?" Deuce replies.

"I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know?" Ace replies.

Then Grim says, "All I care about is how to tell the yummy plants from the yucky ones."

"Come on Grim, maybe doing some potion making can be fun," Briar says.

"I never made potions before though," Sereia replies.

"Me neither," The twins reply.

Trinker tinkles as she shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head, meaning she doesn't know either.

"I'm sure the instructor can explain it during the lesson," Briar replies.

The others nod their hands in reply. And so the group begins to listen to the instructor as they start with the class, and learn about potion making and the herbs and ingredients used for it.

Later on, Briar and the others are at their next class. Second Period: History of Magic. The group sits down at the row desks and are ready for the course.

The instructor they see is not like the first one. He has the appearance of a tall elderly man with small gray eyes and graying, neatly combed-back hair. He wears a standard black suit beneath long maroon robes. Attached to his collar is a white jabot, which is tied off with a turquoise-colored pendant. He comes off very stern-looking and unapproachable.

With him is a chubby, black long-hair with a white muzzle and golden eyes. He has white patches of fur at his chest and at the tip of his tail.

The instructor says, "I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius. You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it has sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted.

The cat, Lucius meows, "Mrrrrooowww..."

"I grade based on classroom behavior as well as the quality of work. Don't let me catch you sleeping," Trein says. "Now, let us open our books to page fifteen. This section concerns the magestones discovered in the Dwarfs' Mine..."

Lucius meows once more, "Mrrrrooowww..."

Everyone brings out their books and turns the page to the page the instructor says.

Trein has the book on the page and says, "As knowledge and awareness of magical energy began to spread across the globe from this point, this year is considered Year One of the Magic Era."

"Mrrrrooowww..." Lucius meows and lets out a yawn.

Ace yawns as well

Reading the book, Deuce says, "Fascinating... 'Dwarfs' Mine'... Mhm, mhm... 'magical energy'...

"Maaan... When do we get to the classes where we blow stuff up with magic?" Grim questions.

"I'm sure we will eventually, but it does seem we'll have to learn a few things before we can use more magic," Briar says.

Sereia whispers to Briar, "Hey Briar, do you think this can help us learn more about that monster that attacked us in the mine."

"I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if that thing was in the mine to begin with," Briar questions.

Sereia nods her head in reply. Briar turns her head to see Tanzanite and Jasper really hit the book and looking at the page. Briar then decides to simply read the chapter of the book for today's class.

After some time in class, the group is at their next class. Third Period: P.E. Everyone is in the Sports Field wearing their gym clothes, well, except for Grim and Trinket.

There they meet their next instructor. He's strong and burly, and very broad-shouldered with a thick neck and thick chest. He has dark brown hair styled in a pompadour and small blue eyes. He also has a thin beard framing his face. He's wearing a whistle around his neck. Along with athletic black pants and a red jacket with gold stripes; a golden stag-head is pictured on the right side of his chest. He wears a golden curled arrow-shaped bracelet on his left wrist, which is a blood-like red at the point.

The man announces, I'm Coach Vargas, and physically educating your feeble little bodies is my responsibility.

Great sorcery begins with a great physique! Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs! A great mage needs a great physical constitution! So gimme twenty laps, and a hundred push-ups!

"Bleah. The forced exercise is bad enough, but meatheads like this guy drive me nuts," Ace says in disgust.

"Finally! A subject I'm good at!" Deuce says, eagerly.

"Yeah! I know I'm going to love this class!" Jasper says, excited.

Tanzanite doesn't feel the same, "I'm not too excited about it.

Then Grim asks, "Explain to me the appeal of runnin' around in circles! Do I look like a hamster?"

"Uh, because it's good to get some exercise," Briar replies.

"She's right. It's good to get some training with this class," Jasper says.

"Glad to see you're enjoying it," Grim replies with his arms crossed and doesn't feel the same for this class.

Soon, the P.E class gets started. They do stretches, pushups, running laps, and they also had to learn how to use a broomstick to fly, which is surprising for Briar's case, since the world she comes from doesn't use broom sticks to fly and such.

After their third class, the group are in the interior hallway to look for their next class since they're on their break right now.

"Let's see, our next class is..." Deuce says, looking at the schedule.

"This so-called magic academy feels a lot like a lame, ordinary school. It's not exactly what I expected, but at least this collar won't be much of a problem after all," Ace replies.

"That's a good way to put it, but we still need to help get that collar off," Tanzanite says.

"Still, it's a bit surprising that we haven't learned real magic yet," Sereia replies.

"Maybe that's something we'll be learning later on. I mean, I'm sure you guys weren't that good with magic without some lessons. Everyone's gotta start somewhere," Briar says.

"Maybe, but it's weird that we're not doing any magic stuff right now," Jasper relies.

"I have to agree," Ace says.

Then turns his head, "You with me on that, Grim? ...Hm?"

The group soon looks around to notice that a certain cat has disappeared.

"Huh? Where'd Grim go?" Briar asks.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Jasper replies.

Everyone looks around and wonders where their feline companion has disappeared to.

Just then, Deuce notices, Oh! Look out the window! I just saw a ball of fur running across the yard!"

Everyone rushes to the window and looks to see the courtyard. There, they see Grim running away.

Grim shouts in anger, "No way am I puttin' up with this boring routine day in and day out. I'm Grim, Sorcerer Prodigy, and I don't need no one to teach me how to blow stuff up!"

Everyone becomes shocked to see this, "EH?!"

"He's cutting class on the first day?!" Tanzanite says, shocked.

Briar facepalms her forehead and says, "The Headmage is going to be furious..."

"Boy, that guy is not a fast learner," Deuce comments.

"No kidding," Briar replies.

"Not a good look to lose your only student on your first day as prefect," Ace says with a smug look on her face.

"Wipe that smug off your face?" Briar asks, glaring at him.

Ace chuckles and says, "Want help catching him?"

"Yes please," Briar replies.

Suddenly, Ace says, "I do love the chocolate croissants at the co-op."

Then Deuce says, "I'd do it for an iced latte at the cafeteria."

Briar is a bit annoyed to hear that the boys expect her to pay for helping her.

Briar sighs and says, "You guys."

Then Ace says, "Grim's getting away... Do we have a deal, or what?"

"Fine, fine. We have a deal. I'm counting on you guys to help us catch him," Briar says, annoyed.

"Pleasure doing business," Ace says.

Then turns to Deuce, "Now, Deuce, shall we clean up the mess made by the worst prefect to ever set foot on campus?"

"I can already taste that latte, Ace," Deuce says.

"Oh you boys," Briar replies.

"Come on, Grim is getting away," Jasper says.

And with that, the group hurries down the hall and outside in the courtyard. Soon enough, the group is already to catch up to him.

Ace says, "Better head to class and be a good lil' Grim-lin if you know what's good for you."

But Grim says, "Myah?! You're not really gonna haul me back, are ya?!"

"You can bet your whiskers we are," Jasper says.

Then Deuce says, "For freebies? I'd haul you back twice!"

"What does that even MEAN?!" Grim asks, irritated.

Then says, "No way I'm goin' back to those dumb boring classes! You can't make me!"

Then runs off.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way," Briar says.

Then turn to the others, "Let's get him."

And with that, everyone begins to chase after Grim. Briar and the others practically chase him all over the courtyard. Since Ace can't use his magic, he is using a net to catch him. Briar, Deuce and the others try to use their magic to catch him. They chase him for the longest time until they're able to catch up to him.

Grim turns to the others, "You all are SO annoying!"

"Are you ready to throw it in and behave for the perfect?" Deuce questions.

But Grim angrily says, "I said no, and I MEAN IT!"

He throws his fire powers at them. Everyone panics and quickly moves out of the way.

"That was too close," Jasper says.

"I expected some difficulty, but this is ridiculous!" Deuce says.

"I couldn't agree with you more on that," Briar says.

Then says, "Come on, let's go."

And so the chase continues, they soon catch up with Grim and chase him. They try to use the net or use their magic to stop him in their tracks.

Sereia says, "We're never going to catch him at this rate."

Trinket nods her head in reply.

"Oh yes we will. I have an idea," Briar says.

Then turns to the others, "Ace, Jasper, follow me. Deuce, Sereia, Tanzanite and Trinket, keep tailing him."

"Right," Deuce says.

Briar then heads off in a different direction as Ace and Jasper follow her. Deuce, Sereia, and Tanzanite continue to try to stop Grim from running, but the feline is proven to be very difficult. Grim looks ahead and quickly comes to a stop to see Briar, Ace, and Jasper in front of them.

"Gotcha!" Ace says, holding out the net.

"Get him!" Jasper calls out.

Grim panics and runs back, but is cornered by Deuce, Trinket, Tanzanite, and Sereia.

Deuce waves his magestone pen, "I summon thee, cauldron!"

And conjures a cauldron that appears over Grim and falls right on top of him.

Grim screams, "MYAAAH?!"

Briar and the others hurry over to see Grim under the cauldron.

Ace smirks and says, "Score one swank lunch for us!"

"Alright Grim, enough is enough," Briar says.

Then Deuce says, "Back to class you go, Grim."

Grim continues screaming as he is being crushed by the cauldron on his back.

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