Ninjago X Reader Oneshots | S...

By Little_Ninja-Nerds

110K 1.7K 2K

🌱Scenarios with you're favorite Ninja from Ninjago! 🌱Will include both Movie and Series and they may inclu... More

Movie! Kai x Reader }} Star Quarterback
Series! Cole x Reader }} Tell Me You Love Me
Movie! Cole x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Series! Cole x Reader }} Baking is the way to a Ninja's Heart
♤Movie! Kai x Reader }} Mornings (NSFW)
Movie! Jay x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Affection
♤Series! Cole x Reader }} Sundress (NSFW)
Series! Lloyd x Reader }} GUY.exe
Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Prom
Series! Kai x Reader }} Evil Twin
(old)Movie! Lloyd x Reader }} Your Different
(old) Movie! Cole X Reader }} Talking? Nah, Kissing
(old) Movie! Cole X Reader }} Photos
(old) ♤Series! Lloyd X Reader }} Sexy Dinner (NSFW)

Movie! Kai x Reader }} Chapstick Challenge

3.9K 91 79
By Little_Ninja-Nerds

A/N: Kai is done. Let's me know if I should do ones with the series for these three too. More oneshots coming soon!


Word count: 3205

Y/N's P.O.V

Why did it have to be Kai I developed a crush on. I frowned as I saw him wink at one of the Cheerleaders. Life had a funny way of saying fuck you during my last few weeks in high school. What should be one of the happiest moments in my life - leaving this hell whole and graduating - has now become even more unbearable by the minute. I hated the lunch period.

"You know he won't know you like him unless you actually tell him. He's a flirt, not a genius." Nya snickered, seeing my unpleased look.

"What is that supposed to mean." I huffed, finally tearing my attention away from the brunette to his sister. She was a little over a year younger than us, but she worked hard to graduate a year earlier so she wouldn't be stuck with out us for a year.

"He's a flirt, but when it comes to other people actually having feelings for him and showing obviously signs," she nudged me, "he won't know unless you literally say it to his face. Scratch that, you'd probably have to kiss him at least because I'm sure those words would go right over his head to." She mumbled.

"Not going to happen."

"Oh come on, you've had feeling for him since you too were in 8th grade. You've been his Homecoming date every year. He likes you too." She exclaimed.

"He has a funny way of showing it." I said, pointing to him at the table of Cheerleaders. He had taken his jacket off and was showing his muscles with his plain white t shirt on.

"Listen, I don't know what goes through his head, and I don't want to know. But he is my brother. I'm telling you, he's absolutely in love with you." She reasoned. "He's just trying to get you jealous so you'll make the first move."

"Why would Kai want me to make the first move?"

"Because he's secretly insecure and just wants to be appreciated but he won't let anyone in to know this." Jay said walking up with the other 4.

"Its true, he has a picture of you in his red locker." Cole said while sitting down. The colored lockers was just a code for the lockers they had at the secret Ninja base so no one grew suspicious while we were talking in public. I had found out freshman year, they are terrible at hiding it. I'm suprised the rest of the student body hasn't figured it out.

"In case you haven't noticed, he will start fighting us to go save you if Garmadon attacks." Lloyd said. "He quite recently shoved Coles thing out of the way to get to you first."

"I've never heard him get angry quicker than that. That was the fastest I've ever seen him move." Cole snickered.

"His pulse increases and his temperature rises when you are around him. I have plenty of statistics to prove it. Same for you-"

"That's enough, Zane. I don't think I want to hear any more bodily statistics." I groaned, showing my discomfort.

"Well, his plan to get you jealous has failed. Should we try and make him jealous?" Nya asked. I let out a sigh, laying my head on the table.

"This will be fun." Cole snickered. "I'll be the target. I can handle him. Y/N, you in?"

"Do whatever you want, just let me die alone in peace."

"You make no sense." Lloyd said, shaking his head. "The plan is to make you not alone."

"Here I'll sit next to you instead." Cole said getting up and taking the empty seat next to me that usually was occupied by the hot head. I was the one who sat between the two siblings - Kai on my left and Nya to the right - and Jay sat next to Nya. Lloyd was across from me. To Lloyd's right and my left was usually Cole and on the other side of Lloyd was Zane.

"Uh, Cole. What are you doing?" Kai asked, finally deciding to join us.

"I'm sitting." Cole shrugged, continuing to eat his food.

"That's my seat."

"Not today."


"Kai, Y/N asked me to sit next to her today. Don't get your panties in a twist." Cole said. I could see Lloyd trying to hold in a laugh. I could only imagine what Nya and Jay looked like.

"Y/N?" Kai asked.

"I need to talk with with about plans for our final project in music class." I shrugged. Perhaps I could get something beneficial out of this lunch day.

"Did any of the Cheerleaders get you as a date?" Jay asked.

"No. I will have you know they all asked but I declined them." Kai said, matter-of-factly. "I am waiting for the right person to be worthy enough of me."

"So Y/N, can we meet at your place after school? You're the only one of us with your own apartment and I don't feel like having my dad nag at us about music and his history as a Blacksmith." Cole asked. I saw Kai frown from the conner of my eye.

"Yeah that's fine. We should probably try and get it done as soon as possible." I agreed.

"Sweet. Um, would you be willing to make dinner?" Cole asked sheepishly.

"Sure. I'll even make my mom's chocolate cake if you want." I chuckled.

"This is gonna be awesome." He grinned. "Let me let my dad know I won't be home till later."

"If you want, you are more than welcome to stay the night. I have a spare bedroom, I can drive us to school tomorrow and drop you off after." I guarantee Kai had smoke coming out of his ears.

"What about our project." Kai said, interrupting.

"Kai, I asked you to be my partner for the history project but you said Olivia had already aske you and you said yes. R/G/N (random guys name) asked me so I agreed." I shrugged. If his face wasn't red it sure was now.

"Ooo, he's cute." Nya said, trying to get Kai riled up even more. Oh boy.

"Why him?" Kai huffed, very agitated.

"Because he was the only one left. I tried to ask you but you already had a partner, I don't know why you're getting so worked up over it." I said, raising my brow at him. He just let out a noise of defeat and started eating his food.

"You should totally bring us some food and cake tomorrow." Nya quipped.

"I second that." Lloyd said.

"I guess we will be baking for 7." I said to Cole.

"Maybe I could help?"

"Absolutely not!"


I honestly had a great time with Cole. It was easy to talk to him. I didnt have any complications when it came to trusting him. He gave me advice with Kai and I gave him advice with girls in general. We started our project and ate dinner. I made 3 cakes. I had one slice and he ate the rest of it. I don't know how, nor did I want to know how. The next day came pretty quick, we got to school pretty early and I didn't, in fact, bring cake and left overs. I left them in my lockers, leaving the food in a few thermal cups for the others with some paper bowls to use for the microwaves in the cafeteria.

Lunch came sooner than I expected. Me and Nya met at our lockers and she helped me carry the stuff. It was only two lunch boxes but the second one contained the cake so it had to be held still. We got their earlier than the others so I heated up the food for them and brought it to the table and stuck it all out. I heard a screeching noise and then a thud next to me, Kai getting into his seat. If I had to guess I'd say he ran here to beat Cole, and got into his seat roughly.

"You good?" I asked him. He looked up at me and gave me a gentle smile.

"Yes," he started, "I'm right where I should be." He said, glaring at Cole who had started to sit down. He was giving an amused look at Kai which was short when he noticed the cake. He reached right for it so I quickly swatted his hands away.

"Oh come on Princess, after everything we went through last night baking together, you won't let me have some now?" He said, giving me puppy dog eyes. Kai stiffened next to me.

"Cole, you are not allowed with in 5 feet of my oven. Not to mention you ate a whole one last night, you can eat your food first." I bossed. He gave me a frown, but complied and ate some of the food.

"You know, this is what I like to call, wifey material." Cole hummed, taking another bite. "Better hope someone snatches you before I swoop in and take ya."

"Shes mine first." Nya said, jumping in before Kai had a chance to say anything.

"I thought I smelled something sweet." R/B/N said, coming up to the table. "Oh, there's cake here too." I blushed at that one. No one really flirted with me before, so when it actually happened I had no experience when trying to hide it since it happened every blue moon.

"Do you want a slice?" I asked, trying to be nice.

"I'll take anything you wish to give me." I ignored his comment and cut him a small slice and gave it to him on a napkin.

"I'll see you next period sweetcheeks." He winked, leaving.

"That was gold." Lloyd laughed, pointing to my red face. I gave him a glare, embrassed at the sudden attention.

"Shes blushing." Jay cooed.

"I've never had someone flirt with me, so obviously I'm going to get red at it." I said, grumbling as I took a bite of food.

"I just want to know what sweetcheeks means." Nya said, trying to pry.

"He kissed me on the cheek once last year when we had math together and ever since then, it's stuck." I answered with a shrug.

"Why did you never tell me this?" Nya said, faking hurt.

"I didn't think it was important. He flirts with me from time to time. But I don't like him in that way."

"Has he ever asked you out?" Lloyd asked.

"He asked me to Homecoming this year, but I had already said yes to Kai so I turned him down." Kai perked up at that.

"Would you have said yes if Kai didn't ask?" Cole asked. I think Cole wanted to dig a grave because I know Kai and his tells and he was getting livid.

"I mean, I guess. I don't have a boyfriend so it's not like it was ever a problem about who I went with." I said. "He's a little weird though. He's mentioned wanting to do the Chapstick challenge with me a few times, but I have no idea what it is or why it involves lip balm."

Nya let out a laugh at me.

"I'm sorry, the what challenge?" Lloyd asked confused.

"I don't know. It was a trend on YouTube a while back. I never knew what it was."

"Y/N, sweetie, the Chapstick Challenge is a challenge that two people do together. One person randomly picks a chapstick and puts it on, the other person has to kiss them to guess what the flavor is. Each correct guess is a point." She snickered.

"Oh." Cole let out a silent wheeze and Lloyd let out a snort and continued laughing after that. Jay made kissy faces at me. The only one who wasn't laughing was Kai, who stayed silent. Instead, he rested his hand on my thigh.

I didn't know how to feel right now.

"So you mean-"

"Y/N this whole time he's basically been asking you to make out with him."

"And now I have to go face him next class."


Kai made sure I wasnt left alone with him that class. In fact, he pestered the teacher enough to make us switch partners. So now, Kai was my partner and R/B/N and that Olivia girl were partners. Neither of them were happy, I can only guess why.

The whole situation made my head hurt. If Kai did like me, he's waited all these year and won't just tell me. I'm not one to talk, but you'd think the flirty Fire Ninja would have more balls about asking-

I heard knocking on my balcony door. Confused and slightly alarmed I grabbed the bat that was under my bed and held it in my dominate hand as I carefully walked over to my door. With one motion I opened the sliding glass door and my curtains ready to swing at the intruder.

"Its just me!" It said, holding its hands up.


"What the hell is wrong with you!" I exclaimed quietly, yanking him into the room. I locked the door and closed the curtains before turning to him. "It is 1 in the morning."

"I have a proposal." He said confidently. He took his mask off and grabbed a brown paper bag and gave it to me, a cheeky smile on his face.

"What did you do."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Kai, I swear if this is another prank-"

"Y/N just open it." He said, fully handing it to me. I gave him a suspicious look but opened the bag.

"Chapstick?" I questioned.


"Kai, what exactly is this." I said, looking at him. He grew a little nervous.

"Well, I know you probably don't like me, I would hope you would after everything we've been through, but I would like to do the Chapstick challenge with you." He said.

"And how do I know this is you trying to express that you actually like me and is not you trying to get back at R/G/N so you can brag about it?"

"Y/N I have asked you out every year for Homecoming. I sit next to you at lunch. I always make sure your safe during Garmadons attacks. I stay at your place a lot to the point where half of my stuff is probably here. My sister literally calls you her sister-in-law." He started, he was going to continue but I cut him off.

"And every year I have said yes and turned down people that asked me before you did. I sit next to you as well and bring you food most of the time. I always said 'thank you my knight in shining armor' when you save me. I wash your clothes and keep the room clean and will some times accidentally call it 'Kai's room' when other people are over. I never correct Nya when she calls me that. Should I continue the list for you." I said, giving him a lopsided smile. "Nya was right, for someone who is a huge flirt you sure can't seem when someone does it back."

"So you're saying-"

"Kai, I love you too. You and all your jealous attitudes towards our friends."

"Right, so what now."

"You could leave knowing I feel the same."

"Or?" He asked.

"Or you could go change and we can do this challenge." He fist bumped the air and ran out of my room to 'his' to change. I chuckled at his actions and sat down on my side of the bed and leaned against the pillows, which was still made because I was about to go to bed before this. I trying my best to mentally prepare for this.

He was quick, was changed in about a minute. Which was suprising considering all the gear that was on him from his GI. But I also had realized he was only wearing his Calvin Klein briefs - I could see the band - and joggers. He sat down next to me as we turned to face each other.

"You go first." He said covering his eyes. I reached into the bag and pulled one out. Pineapple. I applied it and then threw it on the floor behind me. I tapped his leg, signaling I was ready. He gave me a smile and started to lean in. My heart was pounding as I leaned in as well, slightly parting my lips. And then it happened. It was slowly and gentle, but also warm. He let out a hum as we both melted into our first kiss.

Once we needed air, we pulled away and I rubbed my lips together. We held eye contact for a few second before Kai licked his lips.

"Pineapple?" He guessed, I nodded at him as I leaned back to where I was as he grabbed the bag. I closed my eyes and waited for him to let me know he was ready.

"Alright." He said smiling at me as I opened my eyes. I was a little more confident this time, reaching out and grabbing his face while leaning in quicker. The kiss was a little quicker than the last time. His hands rested on my thighs, but traveled to my calves as he undid my criss cross applesauce position to make my legs go straight out on either side of his waist. Using the new position, and while still kissing me, he pulled me closer to him while he was still in tbe criss-cross position himself. I wasn't quite on his lap, but I was pretty darn close.

I pulled away and licked my lips and took my guess.

"Sugar Cookie?"

"Yup." He said, popping the P.

This continued for a few rounds. Kai was a naturally impatient person. I was to butbi was determined to out last him and have him snap first. By now, he did pull me in his lap. It was now my turn to put some on. And I got cinnamon, Kai's favorite flavor if all time. Once I gave him the green light he was quick to connect our lips again. I tangled my left hand in his hair as I shamelessly let my right hand travel his chest, feeling the muscles tighten under my touch. I was warm, my hands however were probably cold. Some thing triggered him because he lifted us up and layed down with me straddling his waist. He pulled away, trying to catch his breath. Looking down, I smirked at him.

"Cinnamon." He said, breathless. "You taste really good." He said, sitting up to kiss me again and bringing us back down.

"Do you want to get a prize or should I give it to R/G/N?" That struck a nerve.

The others did not let us forget the fact that Kai missed 5 am training that morning. Or the marks he and I both had.

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