I dont wanna be your friend i...

By thestorysmother77

388 10 11

. Its been 5 months since i saw Marie im in london now taking photos again. As i usally do. I havent get a ca... More

Chapter 1 Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Chapter 2 The most amizing night in my entire life
Chapter 3 The flight
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 I swear i know when my best friend is in love
Chapter 9 Date night

Chapter 6 Happy new year! Happy new Year!

31 1 1
By thestorysmother77

Hey, this chapter might be a bit longer then usally just so you guys know :) Thank you fore reading this! I also forgot Hannas sisters name so i re named her to Sandra lol. And maybe some trigger warnings but yeah, hope you like this!

Marie's POV

I'm laying in bed with Hanna. Who else bitch did you think I will lay in bed with😅😊. No but Hanna and I are laying in bed. She is sleeping. I'm watching her sleep. And her white curtain. I see her back. She have a scar on her spine. I wonder where she did get it from. I look at her. Fuck she is so cute. I smile at her. Then she wakes up. I pretend to sleep.
"Marie, iknow that you are awake" she says.
"Why do you have a scar on your spine?" She asks. I look at her.
" I fell off a roof when I was nine, I was playing with my brother football and he kicked the ball up on the roof and told me to get it and it was raining the day after so I slipped on the water. And fell off the roof!" I say Marie looks at me.
"Oh fuck how did you survive?!" She says. I look at her.
"I don't know actually I had luck!" Hanna says.  stands up. Quick.
"Wait!" She says and jumps off bed she writes something down on the paper. I look at her curios.
"What are you doing?!"
"I'm writing something!" She says. Then she walks away. I look at her and smiles. Then she is laying next to my like a spoon. I hug her.
"It's New Years baby!" She says.
"Iknow and we are going to fucking celebrate!" She says. I look at her. She sights.
" Fuck that I can't drink alcohol because of my pregnancy but after the baby we need to be drunk toget!" Hanna says. I smile at her. Then I kiss her on the cheek.
"Yeah, that's sad!" Marie says. I look at her. Then I stand up.
"Nope, we need to get up!" I say. And walk up from the bed. Hanna sights. And takes me back I accidentally Tripp over and falls down next to her. She smiles and hugs me like the spoon. I smile at her. She takes my hand in hers.
"I think you are going to be a great mother!" She says. I smile at her.
"Wow, you really think?" I ask her. And smiles. She looks at me with her beautiful eyes. That is shining everytime I see her. Im so lucky to have her in my life. I feel so alive with her. Then i look at her. 

"No, but fore real Hanna i have some work to do!" i say and walk out from bed. Even if i know i hate to leave her like this. I look at her. She smiles. And i kiss her. Then she kisses me. I kiss her back. Then i take my clothes on. I put my black baggy jeans on. And my harward hoddie then a carhart jacket over. I put my shoes on. Its snowing outside now. I look at Hanna who is standing up. She is only wearing her underpants and a t-shirt. I look at her. Her brown hair is laying on her back. And her blue beuitful eyes. Im so inlove. She looks at me. Im standing next to the door. 

"Why are you standing ther and looking at me?" she asks me. I just smile as a answer. 

"Beacuse you are beuitful and i love you!" i say. And keep looking at her. She smiles and brushes her hair. She sights and looks at me. 

"Marie, don you have work to do?!" she asks. And i smile. 

"Fine let me just go!" i say. And close the door. Then chek her in between the door runner. She walks to the door and walks away.I look at her. Then she throws a pillow at me. And i smile at her.  

"Marie!" she says. I open the door. 

"Sorry its just that you are so hot!" she says. Then i kiss her. She smiles. 

"Go off to work now okey you need to go so you can come home earier!" she says. With a big smile at her face. At this moment i dont really now what to say. Beacuse thats how crazy im about her. Her beuitful smile. I just go crazy about them. She takes my hand and i take hers. 

"Love you!" she says. And drop my hand. Then i dont feel her warm hand anymore. And im outside the room. The only thing i need to do know. Is to fix this song. So i can realise it soon. 

Hannas pov. 

Im at the hotel room. Im wearing my baggy jeans. And Maries t-shirt. I look at myself in the mirror. And looking at the belly. I cant belive im having a baby. There. Its imposible. And fore just some reason. Everthing feels not real. I smile. And takes my hand on my stomach. Im 19 and pregnant? 19? And my girlfriend is going to rase the baby with me? This shit is sick. Im smiling. And laying in bed. The bed still smells like Marie. Then my sister texts me. 

Im on my way to town now :) she says. Right new years. Marie and i are going on a party. We are doing it before my belly gets bigger. Im so happy. Then suddenly i hear the door knocking. Marie is she already done with work? I smile and open the door. No its not Marie. Its David. I look at him. I look into his brown eyes. Then he takes his hand on my mouth. And close the door. 

"Im so sorry, i tried to figure out were you was and i followed your girlfriend ore your friend whatever she is and then i guessed you are here and look here you are!" he says. And smiles. I dont know what to say. But im so choked. 

"David, what are you doing here you cant be here if Marie shows up she is going to be super mad and i dont really want to argumenting with her again!" i say. David looks at me. And sights. 

"I know, but i just want to say im sorry fore how i treated you and im never going to do it again i promise just give me a chanse and i can help you i want to be there fore you and your baby!" he says. I look at him. He might not bee ther as a boyfriend. Maybe just a friend. I look at him. 

"But promise me to be there fore me as a friend and not a boyfriend!" i say. He nods and hugs me. I hug him back. Then i feel the smell of him. I wonder if he and Chleo. Had something togheter. Why did he cheat on me even. 

"This is no your t-shirt!" he says. I look at him and smiles. 

"Iknow, this is my girlfriends!" i say to him. He takes a step back. And smiles. 

"Look, im invited to a party tonight and i thought you might wanted to follow?" he asks me. I smile at him. 

"Yeah i was going to a party with Marie is it okey if she follows us ?" i ask him. He looks a bit annoyed. But then he sights. 

"Fine, she can follow us!" he says. I hug im. Then he hug me back. He smiles. And walks out. Then he stays. I look at him. 

"Ehm, David why dont you walk away?" i ask him. He turns around. And takes off Maries t-shirt that im wearing. I look at him. 

"David, what are you doing!" i say and sights. Then i look at him. He smiles. And takes off his t-shirts then put it on me. I look at him. He have a t-shirt under his sweater. He puts the sweater on me. And smiles. 

"I knew it would look better on you!" he says and smiles. Then he walks off. 

"Well, see you at the party!" he says and walks off. I look at him and smiles. 

"When does it start?" i ask him. He looks at me. 

"Its start 9 at the night ofcourse!" he says and walks off. I look at him. Then i sight. And change t-shirt. I take my t-shirt on. Beacuse its feels the safest fore me. Then im looking at the clock. The clock is 4 on the day. I havent done anything today. And now my sister is standing next to the door. 

"Why did i meet David in the stairs?" she asks me. I look at her and sights. 

"He come over to apollogise me fore being toxic and asked me in a kind way after a second chance!" i say to her. She looks at me and sigths. 

"Hanna, he is not a good guy you know that!" she says. I look! at her and sights. 

"Iknow, but i kind of cant let him go!" i say. She looks at me and sits next to me. 

"What do you mean?" she asks. In a sister way. I feel so bad that i havent told my sister that im pregnant. Everyone else knows. David, Isak Maries friend Isak. And Marie. I look at her. 

"Im pregnant with his kid and i know its fucked up!" i say. Sandra looks at me. And sights. 

" And are you sure that you are pregnant?" she asks. I walk to the wardrobe and takes the pregnancy test and showh her. 

"Yes, the test shows positvie and its already been two months!" i say. And show her my stomach. She looks at me. 

"Shit, Hanna our parents is not going to be happy!" she says. And i know she is telling the truth. That mom and dad will be pissed off. And they are already pissed off that im dating a girl. I know they would be happy if i was going to date David again. They hate that im Bi.  

"Yeah, i know!" i say. "It would be much easier if i dated David and if i wasnt Bi!" i say. And start to cry. Then i feel Sandra hugging me. I hug her back. And start to cry. Well this year started good and i mean it in a sarcastic way. 

Maries pov. 

Im walking home from work. I know that this day would be going good. Im done with the song. Finaly. I just need to sing it and record it. Im walking in to the hotel. And to the elevator. Then im at our place. Our room. Then i smile. 

"Hey, Hanna im almost done with the....!" i open the door carefully. I hear her talk with her sister. 

"It would just...things would just be easier if i dated David and if i...wasnt Bi!" she says. My legs froze in that second. She did not just. No. She did not just say that. She just. No. No way. I stand there outside the door and im having snow all over my hair. Im trying to pretend i didint hear anything. I acedentily made a sound on the floor. Then i see Hanna and her sister look at me. 

"Marie!" i here her says. I look at her and i dont know what to do. I run downstairs. And out of the hotel. I call Isak. He dosent answer me. Fuck. I look around. I dont know were to go. Im starting to panicking. I look at my phone and wonder when he will answer. Fuck. I know i shouldnt go back with Hanna. I just know it. I start to panick then Isak answers. 

"Marie, is everthing okey?" he asks. I look aruond. 

"No, not really could you pick me up?" i ask him. And i know my voice is shaking. 

"Yeah, im on my way i be there in any second!" he says. And we hang up. Then suddenly teh time went by fast. And Isak was here. I walk into the car. He looks next to me. 

"Is everthing okey?" he asks. I look out of the window. 

"Can you just drive away from here!" i say. To him. And he starts to drive away. From the place. I start to cry. Isak looks at me. He knows that i like to not be showed around if i wasnt there. I look out at the window. I hate too cry. 

Hannas pov

I dont really know what just happend. But Marie isnt answering me. And she is not here. I bet i saw her outside the door. And that i heard her running. Fuck im so stupid. Why did i even say those things. She heard everthing. Wtf should i do know? I lost her. She is never going back with me. I sight. And look Sandra. 

"I lost her, she will never come back what should i do Sandra to get her back?!" i say. Sandra looks at me. And sights. She walks to me and take her hands on my shoulders. Then she looks at me. 

"Hey, stop panicking there is no chanse that you will lose her i can see it clear Hanna she really loves you!" My sister says. I look at her. Then i nod. 

"Okey, were is she?" i ask her. And im starting to tapping my finger like i usally do when im stressed. 

"I dont know but maybe she went to Isak her friend?" Sandra says. I look at her. 

"Good, idea i call Isak!" i say. Then im taking my phone and starts to call him up. But he dosent answer me. "Fuck!" i yell. Then Sandra looks at me. 

"Hey, its gonna be fine just take a deep breath!" she says. Then im taking a deep breath. I look around. Marie is still having her things around here. Her acustic guitar. And her clothes and bags. I look at the clock. Its seven on the evening. I dont know were to go now. 

Maries pov. 

Im finally out from the hotel. And finally im away from Hanna. I know something like this would happen. And i know something was going on with David at the day when i picked her up from work. Fuck him. Fuck her. I feel tricked. Like hell a tricked. Isak and i are sitting in the car. I have stopped crying and now i only feel betryaded. And i only feel angry. And stupid that i trusted her. I always n'knew that it was David and not me. I know its not right. But i want a revange. After the things she did. I mean she did actually cheat on me. If we see it that way. I dont ever now if i can trust her again. Ever. But i love her so much so it hurts. But know i feel dead. When i think of her. Isak looks at me. We stopped the car at a random ass carpark. He looks at me. 

"Marie, what happend you can talk to me!" he says. I sight. And look at him. "Listen to Favourite Crine by Olivia Rodrigo!

"Nothing, ore its Hanna!" i say. He looks at me. He looks like he dosent know what to say. 

"Okey, is everthing okey between you guys?" he asks. I look at him. 

"No, its not its fucking David she said it would be much easier if i dated David and if i wasnt Bi!" i say. With a angry tone. He looks at me. 

"Oh, Marie im so sorry she is just uncurtain about her sexuality!" he says. I look at him. And smiles. 

"Yeah, but can we pleas talk about something else im so sick off her can we just have a good new years and party and stuff?" i ask him. He looks at me. 

"Marie, i dont think thats a good idea!" he says. Then i look at him. Why dosent he think thats a good idea. I would really love to get drunk and so something stupid to think of something else. Then her. I look at me. 

"Isak, look iknow you care about me but now i really need to think of something else!" i say. He looks at me . 

"But Marie!" he says. Auhg. Why does he have to stop me from this? Its like i can controll myself when im drunk. Then Isak phones starts to ring. He takes it up. I look at him. 

"Who is it?" i ask him. He looks at me. 

"None!" then i take his phone. Its Hanna. I takes his phone. 

"Marie no!" he says. I take his phone then i open the car window and throw it outside the window. He looks at me. "Well that wasnt necesarry!" he says and go outside. And walks to the phone. I look at him and the fastest i could i walk to the car. And open it up. Isak runs to me but i close the door and takes the key fast. "Marie what are you doing!" he says. I drive away from him. I dont give a fuck anymore.

Hannas pov. 

Fuck Isak isnt answering me. I sight. Then i yell. Sandra looks at me. 

"Hey, calm down" she says. And looks at me. Im trying to make myself calm. By taking deep breaths. Then my phone calls. I look at it. Its Isak. Im answering fast. 

"Hey, Isak is Marie okey?" i ask him. It takes a while until i get a answer. But then i hear his voice.

"Not to scare you up ore anything but Marie just took my car and drove away!" he says. Is she crazy? Did she stole his car. She is probaly hurted by me. But its her feelings that got hurted. I sight. Im so stupid why did i say something like that. I dont give a shit about what my parents are saying. All i know is that i love her. And that i regret everthing i said. 

"Are you kidding, she is not even good at driving she is crazy fuck did she say were she was going?" i ask him. He sights. I walk around the room. 

"No, she didint say anything about that the only thing i remember is that she said something about getting drunk and party stuff!" he says. A drunk hurted Marie is not a good thing. I promise that something bad is about to happen. 

Maries pov. 

I took Isaks car. And im outside a bar. I walk inside it. And people are dancing. The clock is around 9 at the night. I have been gone fore 2 hours. From Isak and Hanna. I have only been driving around the town and stuff. And now im here. At a bar. I sit in the chair next to the bar. 

"I would like a shot!" i say. Then the bar guy look at me i look back at him. He serve me a shot. I look around the place. 

"You are Girl in red?" he asks. I look at him and sights. Im not in mood now. Not in mood. 

"Yeah, but can you pleas call me by my name and not artist name?" i ask him. he smiles. And then give me the shot 

"Fine, but dont have any fights in my bar pleas!" he says. And walks to the dishes. I smile. 

"I cant promise that!" i say. Then somone sits next to me. The person spills out something on my pants. Fuck. 

"Hey!" i yell. The girl looks at me and takes her hand up. 

"Im so sorry i didint mean to!" she says. I look at her. Damn. She is hot. And so beuitful. She looks like Billie Eilish. And she is good damn hot. The girl stands up and starts to panic. "This is so emberesing and this!" she says. I tak her hand and look at her. 

"Dude, calm down is fine i mean i can just take some paper!" i say and snap my finger. "Hey, dude can i get some paper!" i say. Then he give me some paper and im starting to take it on my legs. Then he looks at me.   I take the paper on my pants. The girl looks at me. 

"Omg, im so sorry really i can order a new shot if you would like too!" she whispers in my ear. I smile at her. Damn. I got shivers. Fuck. I cant stand this girl. She order me a bear this time. I dont know if this is a good idea when i think about it. I mean Hanna did actually fuck with David. But what does this help with our realtionship. Its going to go down. But you know what. You only live ones! I took the bear and the girl looks at me. She takes her hand on my tight. 

"So, what are you doing here?" she asks. I smile at her. And then i put down the bear. On the floor. She looks at me. And take the tight more down on my leg. I look at her. Fuck. She is so damn hot. I cant stand her. 

"I thought that i was in a good realtion ship but apperently my girlfriend is a shamed to be with me so she said that she wish she wasnt Bi and that it would be much easier if she dated her ex who is a man!" i say. The girl looks at me and sits a bit closer. 

"You dont deserve her, you deserve so much better then that!" she says. I sight. It feels so wrong that this random hot girl says i dont deserve my girlfriend. I love Hanna i really do. But she said thosse things. And they hurted me so bad. 

"Thank you but you now i love her i really do but im so tired of all those lies she didint tell me that she is pregnant and she told her fucking ex before me!" i say. The girl stands up. And walks behind me. And whispers in my ear. 

"So, let her go and live your life fore one night with me i promise i will pleas you better!" she whispers in my neck. And kisses me. Fuck. Why is she doing this too me. She takes my hand and i jump off the chair. I sight. And moan a bit. 

"Come to the dance floor i know you can some moves!" she says. And takes my hand and walks down to the dance floor. I look at her. I feel so gulity. I dont want this girl. I miss Hanna. I miss her smell. I miss her brown hari. And i miss her hugs. The girl takes her hand on my waist. And lay on my shoulders. While i dance with her slowy. To the music. My phone rings. I drop the girls hug and takes my phone. Its Hannas i was just about to answer when the giner haired girl takes my phone and puts on the phone. She takes it and turn it off then she put it in her pocket. I look at her. 

"Im sorry i cant do this!" i say and walk away. Then the girl follows me. I run the fastes i can but she takes my hand. And holds me tight. And look into my eyes. And kisses me. I cant stop kissing her even if i want to. She pushes me closer to her. Then i feel like somone is watching me. Somone named Hanna stands behind me. I look back at her. She is about to cry. Fuck. This. The girl that just kissed me looks at me. Then at Hanna. 

"What are you staring at your freak!" she says. "Are you homofobic ore something?" the girl says. I look down and i bet im red in the face. And it wasnt so that i enyoyed the kiss with the girl. Not at all. Her lips wasnt like Hannas. Hanna runs away. Then the girl looks at me. 

"Finnally what a homofob she was!" she says and keep kissing me. Im trying to get her off me. And finally i did. I slap her. She looks suprised. "What the fuck are you doing?" i ask her. I look at the girl. And sight. 

"That was my girlfriend, she is not a homofob, she is the most amazing person in worl and she is the most amazing girl that ever have existed, she cares about me, she cares about everyone, but sometimes she can be too much, but i still now that i love her, i love her beuitful eyes, and i still love her just so you know and fuck you btw!" i say and takes my phone from her back pocket. She is so in choke. I walk away from the bar. And im so choked. Like usally. I look at my phone. Isak missed calls. I take the phone and call him. I dont know what to fucking do now. I need to talk with Hanna. 

Hannas pov. 

Im running from the bar that i saw Marie being at. She kissed a girl. Somene else then me. I look at my phone. Marie have called me. I dont want to answer her. I run into some guys. I look at them. 

"Hanna?" its David i look at him. I hug him. I dont know why. But i just wanted a hug. From somone. And i feel safe when im with him. He hugs me back.His friends looks at me like im a idiot. I start to cry. His friends looks at me. Then David looks at them. 

"Hey, guys you can start to walk so i can talk with Hanna!" he says. They nod and starts to walk away. He looks at me. With his brown eyes. 

"Can we go somwere and talk?" he asks i look at him. And nods. Then i walk with him and we start to talk. 

Maries pov. 

Im so fucking worried about Hanna. I walk to the hotel. I think she can be there. I walk up and im trying to call her. Then when im at the hotel room. I walk in and i see somones shoes. Its a man. Here. I open the door. And i hear somone moaning. I cant belive. This. I walk in. And i see Hanna laying in bed and David on the top off her. He is kissing her. Then her neck. I walk in. And take him off her. Then i hit him. 

"Your fucking idiot!" i yell. Hanna looks choked. She sits up. I put David back and hit him again. But he is much stronger then me so he is taking his hand on my shoulders hit me. And push me against the wall. 

"David stop fucking stop!" she yells. And put on her t-shirt. I look at David. He is taking his hands to my neck. "Stop it pleas David!" she says. I cant breath. I look at Hanna. 

"So you think you can just come here and make things right again after you broke Hannas heart by cheating on her!" he says. I look at him. And then Hanna. Who is crying. And i look into her eyes. And her eyes dosent shine anymore. They are dark. Like in space. Dark. When she looks at me. I feel hated. By her. 

"No, i didint mean it she was kissing me!" i say. But you cant barely here me. When i said that. Hanna looks at David. And put him. Away. I look at her. 

"Hanna, im so sorry its all misunderstood she was into me but i wasnt into her she came up to me and kissed me and i couldnt do anything!" i say. And get a tear up in my face. 

"Marie, go away!" she says. I look at her. But she dosent even look at me. I hate to give the hope up. I hate this. 

"No, i wont!" i say. David looks at me. 

"Go away ore i call the police on you!" she says. I look at her. I cant belive she is saying that. My own girlfriend. 

"But you are my girl, and my girlfriend!" i say. 

"Not anymore just go away pleas take your things and go away and i dont want to se you anymore!" she says. I sight. And take my bags. And my guitar. She looks away. David put me out from the hotel. And then he closes the door. And i dont know what to do. Fuck this. And a happy fucking New years. 

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