Maybe, Maybe Not

By ifrigginglovestories

409 141 16

I kneed the back of his legs and he buckled and hit the counter just as the nice serving lady finished making... More

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🌹Character aesthetics 🌹
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🌹Chapter 26 🌹
🌹Chapter 27 🌹
🌹 Chapter 28🌹


8 3 2
By ifrigginglovestories

Aunt Emerald stood at the door with a not-too-pleasant expression along with her daughters;one shocked,the other,amused. I hastily pushed West away and scrambled to my feet.

"Nothing, really," I laughed, awkwardly.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me." Stephanie fumed. Anger issues,much?

"She's right." Aunt Emerald ruffled Stephanie's hair," Doesn't look like nothing to me."

"Mooom!" Stephanie stomped up the stairs." I spent hoirs on my hair today!"

" Both of you," Aunt Emmy pointed at us," Kitchen. Looks like we've got to talk." She grinned sinisterly.

Dread like never before.

"So, what's your name. I never found out." She asked West.

"It's West,ma'am." He answered solemnly.

'West ,huh?" She imitated a deep voice," What are your intentions towards LylyAnne ?"

"Aunt, he's just a friend. This is getting uncomfortable."

"Hush,missy, let's hear what he says." Aunt Emerald retorted. " Besides, I've got to play the part for him to take you seriously."

West cleared his throat with a pointed glare in my direction. He turned to Aunt Emerald," I recently moved here and LylyAnne turned out to be pretty cool so we kinda became friends. I'm just here because she wanted an escort today."

Aunt Emerald observed with a smile," Lyl, I didn't know you had a boy friend."

" I didn't know myself but it is what it is." I spread my arms in a grand gesture.

Aunt Emmy clapped," Let's get to the point,shall we? Should I go over the tall or you're tortured enough?"

I seized the opportunity like the greedy bitch  I am," We're good. Better than ever. We definitely don't need a recap. Thanks."

I steered a confused West out of the kitchen. I wouldn't wish that conversation on my worst enemy. Okay, I probably would.

"Don't you go forgetting that!" Aunt Emerald yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes, Aunt." I yelled back.

After the brief encounter with Aunt Emerald,West decided to take his leave. I'm blaming this on my aunt.

"Are you sure you want to leave? It's time for dinner." I asked hesitantly. Not wanting to come off as clingy. " It's not about Aunt Emerald or?"

" Nope. Your aunt's pretty cool. It shows she cares about you.( I blushed a little,just a little bit.) I've just got an appointment at 7. You big nag." He jogged to his car, laughing.

" Who are you calling the nag."

" You,of course. Who else is here?" He answered, still laughing.

" You-"

" Bye, I'll text you later." He drove off and I watched him go with a smile tugging at my lips.

Someone pulled me back inside and banged the front door shut.

"What's your relationship with West?" Steps demanded.
You know,I'm kinda getting sick and tired of telling people the same thing over and over again. Can a girl and boy be friends?

" He's my friend." I answered, guarded.

" A guy like that never becomes friends with someone like you." Stephanie fumed maliciously.

I perked up," Someone like me?"

" Want me to break it down. A nobody. Friendless. Orphan. Dumb. Ugly. Worthless." Every word was punctuated with jabs with her talon fingers in my shoulder.
Tears burned in my eyes but I blinked them away.

I pushed her away and strode towards the stairs to my room.

Stephanie laughed. " Think about it. He probably wants something from you and soon as he gets it. Snap. He's gone. But I get why he chose you for his little game because if it was me he chose the backlash he would receive is enough to make him commit suicide. Think about it,cousin dearest." The last words were whispered in my ears. Stephanie stepped back and strut to her room.

I wish I could say it was her evilness speaking but I'll be a liar if I say her words didn't get stuck.

Resounding and making me doubtful by the minute.


After the interview,where the elderly journalist tried to no- so- subtly probe into my non existent love life, I was ready to get to bed. Many times, I thought of LylyAnne and the many times she kept introducing me as a friend. If infuriating was a person, it'll most definitely be Lyly.

I know I don't want to get into relationship now,i can't say it didn't get annoying after a while. Besides I don't think she thinks of me like that. Why am I ever thinking of her?

Coming up is the monthly family dinner and I'm already dreading it because Sebastian is finally coming home after he got expelled from yet another boarding school. Who is he ,you might ask. He's the worst piece of shit in the world. He has absolutely no loyalty.

One time, I asked him to cover for me while I went to a party in Itaewon while we were in South Korea. What did this asshole do then. As soon as Father asked for my whereabouts and paid some money. He spilled not only my whereabouts. My clothes, the card I took,the card and how i freaking styled my hair. So as I said, absolutely no loyalty but expects me to always have his back.

My phone pinged; I got a text. I turned to the alarm clock on my desk. 3:27am. Who could it be? I tapped on the message.

✨Lyl : There's something I've been wanting to tell you for some time now.

Me: Umm. Okay. Sure. What is it?

✨Lyl: I've liked you since the first time I saw you. I think I'm in love with you.

My heart thumped and threatened to jump out of my chest. I don't understand what's happening. She's never looked at me like anything more than friends, though.

Me: For real?!
I waited for her reply. After 10 minutes, certain I won't be getting any answers, I put my phone down but sleep had long since eluded me.

Back in the Latimer household.

The female smirked, "Things are bound to become interesting now." She put down the phone and gently shut the door behind her.


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