Out of Your League (Armin x R...

By Gabby_Yellow

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You attend one of the most prestigious Ivy Leagues in the country, and you got in all by yourself but there's... More



988 33 131
By Gabby_Yellow

"So you're telling me you insulted the highest ranking kid at this school."

"I don't give a shit how high ranking he is. He's an asshole."

"That's hard to believe y/n. Everyone loves him."

"Well I'm telling you he's a dickhead."

"Maybe you've got him confused with some other blonde. We're talking about Armin Arlert. He was mean to you?"

"No, I just made up the whole story I've been complaining about for the last fifteen minutes."

"Ok ok, I believe you. He's probably just threatened by you."

"Why? I mind my business and do my work."

"Because your a smarty pants and he doesn't want you to take his valedictorian spot."

"We're literally freshman we have four years."

"Doesn't matter. See Armin's spoiled too he's had help in everything just like me growing up. You on the other hand got in here all by your self babe. He's scared of you."

"Well if he's so worried he should study more. Thats, not my fault he's insecure."

"Can I talk about Niccolo now?"

"Yes you may."


"I don't care Eren!"

"Your mad for no reason. You don't even know the girl."

"Did you just listen to anything I just said."

"You go to the number one school in the country and you expect no one else to be smart?"

"That's not the point."

"Grow up Armin. Stop being an ass she didn't do anything."

"How are you on her side?"

"I'm not on her side I don't even know her!"

"My point is I could've done the e program by myself. Those credits were mine."

"You sound like a spoiled brat right now. It was supposed to be mine! No mommy I want that toy not that one. No I had it first! Please for the love of god- Mikasa's calling me!"

"Whatever. How'd your date go?"

"Good, now shush. Don't you have to get going anyway?"

"Yeah. Not looking forward to this."


"Don't you think charging seventy five an hour is a bit much?"



"Don't say my name like that it stresses me out."


"My time is worth a lot more than seventy five dollars so I'm  doing everyone a favor."

"I can't stand you."

"Then sit."

"Fuck you."

"I bet you would."

"I'm not doing this. You tutor Monday Wednesday Friday. I take Tuesday Thursday and Saturday."

"Fine by me."

"We can meet on Saturdays if we need to discuss anything, other than that we don't have to socialize."




"You post these flyers around. l finish the website."

"How come I can't finish the website and you put up the flyers?"

"Because men have no creative talent and I don't want to walk around campus and put up flyers."

"Whatever, just finish it quick, I want to get started as soon as possible."

The two of you split ways and you headed back to your dorm where Sasha had outfits spread across the room.

"What are you doing?"

"Picking us out outfits for later."

"I'm not third wheeling with you and Niccolo again."

"There's a party later. It's at a manor off campus."


"I know you have some weird thing against rich people well besides me of course, but it'll be fun! Plus there's actual alcohol, not that fake cheap shit, and don't wanna hear anything about 'we're under age' you don't have to drink if you don't want to."

"I have to finish the website tonight."

"I don't care you're going. You better start it now."

"I'll go if I can bring my laptop."


"I have to finish this Sash."

"Who brings there work to a party?"

"Me. I'm bringing it or I'm not going. I have an exam Monday too, I have to study."

"You'll be fine. Now go try this on."
"Sasha my butt is all out in this skirt."

"That's the point."

"I can't even bend down."

"Stop complaining."

Sasha opened the door to the foyer which was insanely crowded. Niccolo walked over to the two of you wrapping his arm around Sasha.

"Y/n I didn't think you were gonna come to Armin's party. Sash says you don't like him."

"You weren't supposed to tell her whose party this was." Sasha said pinching his arm.

"Ow! Oops."

"I'm going home."

"No your not. You probably won't even see him this place is huge and there's a lot of people."

"I need a place to sit so I can finish the website."  You walked out of the foyer and into one of the living rooms and sat down to finish the website. Once you had it finished you could go and hang out with Sasha.

"So you're the famous y/n I've heard all about."


"Sorry, I should've told you who I was. I'm Eren, I'm uh friends with Armin."

"So I'm assuming you've heard bad things about me."

"Yeah kinda." He said sitting down. "But I talked to him this morning and told him to get of your case."

"I don't think he took your advice."

"I'm not surprised. He just doesn't wanna lose his spot in the class, but he's a really nice guy once you get to know him."

"You know Sasha said the same thing but he's been proving her wrong."

"Trust me. I'll let him know you're here."

"Please don't."

"I'm kidding, but have a drink and relax or something. You brought you're laptop?"

"I have to finish the website for our program because I didn't want Armin to fuck it up."

"Fuck what up?" Said a voice from across the room. Armin walked over followed by a girl with short black hair. "I don't remember inviting you."

"Piss off. I was tricked into coming here anyway. Did you even bother hanging up the flyers?"

"No, I paid some kid from the high school downtown to."

"Of course you did."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Anyway, you have your first customer on Tuesday at five in the library. Jean Kirstein."

"You mean student. Not customer."

"Yeah, same thing. Don't fuck it up. And enjoy the rest of the party. I would prefer if you left though."

"Armin." Said Eren. "What did we talk about?"

The girl next to Eren rolled her eyes at Armin and gave you a reassuring look, "Armin if you don't have anything nice to say-"

"Yeah, don't say it all, I get it. I'm gonna go get a drink."

"You don't drink." Said Eren.

"I am today."

"Sorry about him." Said the girl. "He's just serious about school. I'm Mikasa by the way. Eren's girlfriend."

"Y/n, nice to meet-"

"Hey, sorry to interrupt." Niccolo said rushing up to you. "I um need help with Sash."

"What happened this time."

"She had too much to drink. Again, and she's throwing up all over the place and Armin's going to kill her."

"Ugh god. We've been here for like thirty

"I stepped away for like five minutes. I didn't think she was going to go that crazy."


"Try to hold it we're almost back." You said

"I'm gonna barf."

"Not in my car you're not." Said Niccolo.

"You don't have a doggy bag or something?" You asked.

"What happened to all the bags we brought from the party?"

"They're full."

"Ugh. My stomach."

"You brought this on yourself." You started "We've talked about you drinking to much. You're a light weight."

"Says you!"

"Everyone knows you can't drink Sash. That's why Connie tired to stop you earlier." Niccolo said.

"Yeah well what does he know! He's bald."

It was Monday now and time for your exam. You walked around campus by yourself today because Sasha was still hungover from Saturday night. You walked into the classroom and sat in your normal spot. Armin sat in front of you and glanced back at you quickly before directing his gaze to the front of the room again. You professor began handing back the previous quiz you took. He turned back around to look at and held up his paper showing you his grade. He pointed to the score and mouths the words ninety eight. With an eye roll you held up yours and pointed to the one hundred making him flip you off and turn back around quickly.

Once you finished your exam you left the classroom and headed back to your dorm to check on Sasha

"How was your test?"

"Good. I think I did well."

"You say well and then get a perfect score."

"That's not always true; how are you feeling?"

"I still have a headache but i'm not nauseous anymore."

"Well that's good. I have to prep from my tutoring session tomorrow. I don't wanna mess it up."

"You're tutoring Jean right? He won't care. Plus he likes you. Like, like likes you."

"I've only hung out with him a few times and that's when you Niccolo and Connie are there. Your messing with me."

"I am not! It's so obvious. Funny he scheduled it for Tuesday, it's cause' he knows Armin tutors on Mondays! Wouldn't anyone want to start as early as possible?"

"Maybe Mondays don't work with his class and athletic schedule Sash."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."



"Hey Jean, you ready?"

"Yeah. So you and Armin are running a program together?"

"Yeah it's for extra credits."

"I didn't know you guys were close like that."

"Oh we're not I kinda got forced into doing it but I don't mind, really. So what are we working on?"

"Trigonometry. I never really understood the Sin, Cosine, and Tangent stuff in high school and now it's gotten even worse. Now we're combining it with the Unit Circle and I have no idea what I'm doing. I didn't think Calculus was going to be this bad."

"Well I have bad and kinda bad news."

"Start with the bad one first."

"Unfortunately the Unit Circle doesn't go away and you continue build off of it. You use to solve equations, graphing , a bunch of other not fun stuff. The kinda bad news is you just have memorize it. Which is not fun but it becomes a lot easier once you know the quadrants, radians, degrees, and fractions."

"I have no idea what any of that means."

"Let's just start from the beginning then."
"Sin is y over r Jean, Cosine is x over r."

"This is so confusing."

"It takes a little bit to get it. But I think that's all the time we have for today. You have football practice right?"

"Yeah I better get going. Thanks though, you helped a lot. I see you on Thursday? Same time?"

"Yeah that works."

Jean began to walk out and Armin walked in past him. Jean said hello and patted him on the shoulder and gave you a quick wave goodbye before leaving the library.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you were doing your job properly."

"I did need a babysitter."

"Well, I peeked in a couple times because I didn't want to interrupt, but it sounded like you were too busy flirting instead of tutoring."

"First of all you creepy stalker I was tutoring him. Second of all why do you care? I tutored him so it's my money. I don't see anyone signing up for your help. Actually I think it's weird that you care so much, what are you jealous? You want me to flirt with you?"

"Please, I'm not jealous, I making sure you're not getting credits for doing nothing."

"So you felt the need to say that for what? Maybe I like him."

"Yeah sure you do."

"Whats your problem?"

"I don't have s problem."

"So what's the problem with me liking Jean?"

"Because I- There is no problem. Forget it. Just focus next time." He said walking out the door.

"I was focused! What an asshole." You sat back down and began to pack up your things but thought to yourself. Why was he so mad?

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