Forbidden Ties (Malik & Coco...

By UrbanDynasty089

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Two families The David's & The Kades have had a feud going since high school. What started off as the adults... More



547 24 1
By UrbanDynasty089

I placed my bags in the bags or luggage part outside of the bus. Before making my way on. I watched as eyes followed me as I made my way towards the back. Each seat piled up since I basically showed up at the last minute.

"Alright that was the last one! Y'all ready for Spain?!" Our professor yells and about twenty to thirty other yells follow.

I smile to myself until it drops. I wasn't sure what to do but every single seat had two people in it besides one in the very back right near the bathroom. It was like it's own section. Just two seats in the way back, nobody next to it and no one behind or across it. I glanced down at MJ seeing him sitting there with his AirPods in right next to the window. When he sees me a smirk forms on his face as he removes one of his left airpod from his ear. "I saved this one for you." He says just loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh yeah?" I question my smile growing.

"Yeah I had to fight off a lot of nerdy girls. They were all like I know two plus two and I was all like then this ain't the seat four you." I find myself laughing at his corny joke as I sit down in the seat beside him.

When I do he places a kiss on my cheek. "Yeah mmm." I hum trying to hide my smile as he places a another kiss on my exposed thighs in my jeans shorts and then pecks me on the lips.

"Don't worry. They don't hold a candle to Kimia David's though."

I smile widely at him. "Good to know, aren't you supposed to be at practice though?" I question.

He smacks his lips removing one of his AirPods he places it in my right ear. "Had to make sure you and Cion ain't get all close and shit." He jokes.

I cross my arms over his chest narrowing my eyes at him. "What's the real reason?"

He let out a sigh. "What I can't wanna go on a trip that'll help further heighten my education?" We both try and keep a straight face before bussing out laughing.

I licked my lips eyeing him. He looked so comfortable right now. With a black fitted cap on his head, black t-shirt, and some cotton black shorts to match. I found myself getting zoned out staring at him. I was attracted to him in many ways. I even found myself worrying about him often.

He'd gone from having a full schedule, two practices a day plus his classes to suddenly being available to see me basically all the time. My intuition is telling me he's skipping practice, I also know that he must be skipping practice to be here. This is basically a four day school sanctioned trip. Last I heard he'd turned down going because he's an athlete. Attending this trip would mean missing practices ontop of the upcoming game. I couldn't help but wonder, was he doing all this for me? And while any other female would've jumped for joy at that I had a completely different reaction.

I want Malik to be the best him possible. Not because of what it'd benefit me but because of what it'd benefit him. We both came all the way from home to FAMU to achieve our dreams. And while I'm still searching for my purpose he's clearly found his. Last thing I'd want is him neglecting that so he can tend to me.

"You wanna watch a move?" He asks before pressing Netflix on his screen.

We'd have a drive to the airport and then we'd have a eight hour flight to Spain. This meant more and more alone time for me and Malik. I even started to notice that we weren't always being sexual, the nasty kisses had gone to passionate and gentle pecks, and while I didn't mind us being sexual I realized he actually enjoyed my company. And his mind was clearly elsewhere.

As I watched the movie I picked called "After" he occupied himself by laying his face in the crook of my neck. I glanced down at him to see his eyes closed and a peaceful look on his face. "Baby?" I call out in a whisper boldly.

"Mmm...?" He hums.

I lean down kissing him on the lips. "I'm so happy you came today." I admit.

The last thing he said before he went to sleep and I continued the move was

"I wouldn't of missed it for the world."

I stood in the lobby of the beautiful hotel tapping my feet against the marble floorings as our professor talked to the woman behind the desk about keys. While everyone else was going two or more to a room of course me and Malik ended up with our own rooms.

It's dark outside and I don't exactly know what time it is here. I have to remember to set my phone to Spain timing.

"Hi," a voice calls out to me. I glance over my shoulder seeing a pretty girl girl with soft eyes, dark skin and her hair in a bob and she's wearing a blue sleeveless dress that reaches mid thigh with some white sandals. "I'm Aubrey. I don't wanna seem weird but I always wanted to meet you. You've always seemed so nice." She compliments genuinely.

I can't help to smile widely at that. Noticing how MJ who is leaned up against the wall with a tired look on his face eyes quickly flicker over to us before looking away. I touch my chest kind of gasping. "Aww that's so sweet thank you," I reply back just as genuine. "Nice to meet you Aubrey I'm Kimia." I reach my hand out shaking hers. "I never saw you around here."

"That's because she's not in our class." Cion says walking up entering himself in the conversation.

Aubrey gives him a confused odd look before looking back at me. "I'm not," she clarifies. "I take studies though. I couldn't miss out on the opportunity to see a place as beautiful as this one for the first time."

I smile and nod in agreement. "Same I've been many places but Spain I have not."

"Well maybe we can hang out while we're here. Not trying to be weird or anything it's just I don't really know anyone and-"

"Me and her were actually going to-"

I cut Cion off. "It's fine of course we can hang." I say more to her than him.

"Great." They both say in unison.

I just focus my attention back on my professor as he starts to hand out keys. He passed me a golden swiper key, while everyone else's was black me and Malik's were golden. I hated feeling more important than them but I knew that who are parents was forbid us from being treated as normal. Thankfully nobody here seemed to recognize us and I hoped it'd stay that way.

As we both glanced down at our floor numbers on our keys and I peaked to look at someone else's I realized we were a floor above the rest of our class.

I was so sleepy I barely gave it any thought as I climbed into the elevator with everyone else. The ride wasn't silent at all. It was about ten of us on this elevator while the others waited in the lobby for the next. Everyone chatted amongst themselves meanwhile me and MJ stood in the back quietly. I found myself stealing looks in his direction. As he did the same. "So.....does this place seem basic compared to all the other places you've been to?" Aubrey asks curiously.

I stare down at my hands playing with my fingers. I heard a scoff causing both me and Aubrey to snap our heads in the direction it came from just to find Malik staring off in a different direction. I found myself fighting the urge to smirk. That urge quickly vanished when I glanced at her to see her still staring at him. I stepped towards her drawing her attention back to me. "No it's beautiful." Was all I said.

She nods her eyes flickering to him one more time before back to me. "Right I think the same. I'm so excited for tomorrow. That long ass flight got me ready to go to sleep though." She jokes and I laugh at that nodding in agreement. Suddenly we heard the elevator ding and the door open. "Well this is my stop. See you in the afternoon tomorrow." She gives me a wave and I wave back feeling relief wash over me as the doors close behind her and the rest of the others.

Soon as she's gone I feel Malik's presence closer near me. "She didn't mean anything by it. You know?" He questions as if reading my mind.

"I just hate that shit," I shake my head. "I wanted this to be a normal trip. I wanted to be on the same floor as everyone else. And not only do I have the room difference as a reminder I also have people asking me questions like that."

"Hey hey," he calls out softly and I feel myself calm down as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closely so that my chest is pressed against his abs. I don't say nothing causing him to call out to me again. "Mama.....mama....sweetheart, I know you hear me?" He tilts my head up.

"Hmmm?" I hum in attempts to hide the feeling him calling me those words gives me.

"Look on the bright side, at least we ain't gotta worry about anybody catching us. We can get as much alone time as we want when we here." Malik leans down pecking me on the lips and I almost melt in his arms. "Now lemme see that smile."

I turn my face as a huge smile starts to spread over it, he notices that and places about a hundred different kisses on my cheeks causing me to giggle.

"You gone lemme sleep with you tonight?" He asks curiously.

I shove him playfully. "Boy you got your own room."

He raises his hands in defense. "Then sleep in mine. I don't wanna sleep by myself though." he expresses.

"Why?" I ask jokingly as the elevator doors open. I step out slowly and backwards watching him as he follows after me. "You a big boy."

"Eh I don't know mama," he scratches his neck putting on a front. "This a big ass place, with strangers in a whole new country. I'm a lil scared." I can tell he's just trying to get me to give in and I do just that.

Rolling my eyes playfully I grab his hand pulling him after me. "Your clothes gone be in your room though, just letting you know if you sleeping in mine."

"Shit," he looks me up and down licking his plump lips wetting them up. "I can sleep naked."

"Malik." I gasp laughing a little.

"I'm just saying you off ya period ain't you-" I smack his arm flirtatiously causing him to raise his hands in defense. "My fault my fault."

I bite down on my bottom lip as I search for my room number. "You so slow," I joke. "But yeah....I been off it for a whole week now." I left out the part that I got on birth control also. I'd gotten the implant in my arm.

I was trying to be mature and responsible, me and Malik's last sexual encounter could've easily turned into sex if he wasn't thinking smart. I even found myself thinking about sex with him often when he wasn't around, and especially when he was around. I thought about all the things we've already done, and doing them again, then thought about everything we didn't do, and how good that would be. Then I got paranoid thinking of how much of a mistake it'd be if I got pregnant my first time, or how complicated the situation would be to explain to our families. Then I found myself asking questions like would I always want to wear a condom? Most people my age hardly ever wore them. And with Malik's list of bodies I know that I should definitely wear one with him to protect myself but what if he didn't want to wear one? It was just all to much to think of and too much confusion.

If there was one thing I wasn't confused about it's that birth control is definitely what I should be on. That I know for a fact.

When I find my room I walk over focusing on which side to swipe of the key card. MJ comes over wrapping his arms around me completely distracting me. He places his face in the crook of my neck, his raspy tired voice filling my ears. "Baby," he calls out. "You gone lemme eat it tonight?"

My face blushes red and I avoid his eyes. "Boy what? We just got off an eight hour flight." I remind him.

"I know I know," he turns me around after the door opens and tilts my head up by placing his hand around my neck giving me flashbacks. "I gotta taste it though. Com'on mama." He leans down pecking me on the lips slowly.

I pulled away stepping aside I lean against the doorway my eyes raking up and down his body. I motion inside.

"After you."

"So then I was like ayo ma com'mere real quick." He re-enacts in a Brooklyn accent standing up on the bed.

I laugh holding my stomach I lean over laughing loudly. "You did not!"

"I swear I did." He sits back down on the bed a huge smile on his face. "Same voice as him and whole."

"I can't believe you'd say that, we lived in Louisiana not New York." I remind him with amusement in my tone.

He nods in agreement. "Yeah yeah but my dad had me hipped to all the Spike Lee joints. & Mars? Straight smooth as fuck, hilarious and unapologetically himself." He explains.

I calm down a little seeing how serious he is. "What do you think about the show?" I question.

"I love it," he runs a hand over his waves. "Anthony the only nigga who can play Mars like Spike."

I smile at him reaching over I place my hand over his. "I didn't know you were into Spike Lee movies like that."

"Yeah cause it's not no shit you just come out and say." He laughs it off but I don't really find it funny.

Though the plan was for us to make it inside and for him to pleasure me and ways I've dreamed of, after we got out the shower we somehow ended up on the huge bed inside of this gorgeous suite laughing and telling eachother stories about our childhood.

Malik places his large hands on each sides of my waist lifting me up into the air he places me on his lap and leaned his back against the pillows. "What about you? Did you have any tv characters you wanted to be like?"

"Uh...." I trail off as I stare down at his chest, tracing invisible shapes with my fingertips into his bare skin. "Don't laugh."

"I'm not laughing." He says seriously and softly which only makes me want to tell him more.

"I used to love Halle Berry, I mean in B.A.P.S, Cat woman, Monster's ball.....I loved her." I quickly rush out.

"But?" He questions as if sensing there was more.

"Well," I let out a sigh. "I was at this event with my parents. I was only eleven years old. I had wanted to be an actor so bad because of her, and I guess I saw her and got excited. I bolted off leaving my parents way on the other side of the room, and before I could touch her she was having her security move me back. I asked for an autograph she wouldn't give me one, she wouldn't even give me the time of day. She stared at me with disgust." I shook my head. "Turned me off from wanting to act."

I watch him scrunch his face up and it's as if that short story of how my dreams got destroyed as a child made him feel something as well. He'd gone from sad to mugging within an instant. "Man fuck Halle Berry."

"Malik." I gasp covering my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Nah you heard me," he removes my hands from his face. "Fuck Halle Berry. With her old ass."

We both smile at eachother goofily as he places both hands on the side of my face pulling me down towards him. "Fuck Halle Berry." I whisper as he pecks me on the lips.

"Fuck Halle Berry."

I sat on the bed sleepily laughing tiredly as we recorded about the hundredth funny video of us tonight. My phone sitting on the drawer as the twirled circles around the hotel floors reciting Hamilton.

"I know my sister like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. If I tell her that I love him she'd be silently resigned, he'd be mine she would say I'm fine she'd be lying!" She sung from her heart.

I couldn't help but cover my mouth in shock as she did the exact movements and had so much facial expression. She crosses her arms over her chest faking a upset expression. "Is Angelica a joke to you?"

"No no," I raise my hands in defense a smile spreading on my face as she makes her way over towards the bed. "I just figured you were a Eliza type of girl."

"Un un," she laughs jumping on the bed and landing right near me. "You see Angelica is so much more complexed. She felt...." She trails off and I can tell she's talking off of pure sleep right now.

I lean over stopping the video and placing my phone face down as she continues. "She felt the most pain. Loving someone who loved someone else, watching him live on and follow his dreams that she had to support from the sidelines. And loving him meanwhile he messed around with not one but both her sisters?" She laughs before closing her eyes momentarily. "It's painfully sad. I mean obviously they had a bond, they were like soulmates. And in the end he died being someone else's husband. Even in his last breath she couldn't grieve him how she wanted."

I found myself in a daze as I listened to her talk. Seeing how serious and interested in what she spoke about had me giving her my undivided attention. "You're different than anybody I've ever met before." I blurt out.

She runs a hand through her hair a smile on her lips. "Really? How so? Because I talk about Hamilton?"

"No," I shake my head. "You're just so beautiful, and it's not even just your looks. I mean yeah your stunning and can't nobody else compare to that but you have this personality. I mean you say the funniest shit, you're goofy, down to Earth, caring, understanding, at times maybe sensitive...." I trail off laughing lowly. "You're the most interesting person I've ever met. And though are situation is a lil messy, I would never & won't ever regret meeting you."

Our eyes meet and we both stare at eachother for what feels like an eternity. I'd never went that deep into a woman before especially to her face. It seemed as if once I started talking to her about her I just couldn't stop. And though I found myself hoping she didn't find me corny for everything that I said I also felt like it was all worth it just to see that sparkle in her eyes.

"That was....that was so sweet Malik," she expresses softly. "Thank you."

I grab her left hand holding it in both of mine. "Anytime." I say genuinely.

Kim reached her manicured hand over towards me trailing it down my chest before grabbing a handful of my shirt. As she yanked me towards her both of our lips met eachother with passion. And though we're both sleepy our hormones are strong enough to just about wake us the fuck up.

I loved how she took control falling onto her back she yanked me ontop of her. Tilting my head up she started kissing and sucking at my exposed skin then down my chest. "Fuck." I muttered as my entire body burned with the need to feel and touch her.

She shoved me back slightly making me sit up, my knees on the bed and my upper half up while she's still laying down with her legs spread. I watch as she holds her hand up pausing me before grabbing her pajama pants and yanking them down exposing her pussy. As soon as I saw how smooth, fat, and wet it was I wanted to dive face first but I calmed myself trying to remember to go slow and please her the way she wanted.

"I want you to say everything you just said....but while making me cum." She whispers shyly.

I couldn't hide my shock. Just hearing her say that had me more turned on than I've ever felt in my life. It was different, sexual, yet empowering. And I'm one hundred percent down to try it.

I nod kissing her on the lips the both of us tugging at eachothers top and bottom lip. Her soft plump lips only making me ten times more horny. And as much as I wanted to follow through with her plan I have plans of my own.

I grab her by her waist lifting her up I flip her so that she's on the other side of the bed where the headboard and pillows are. Still on her back with her legs spread. "Malik." She gasps. "I though-"

"Let's trying something," I suggest. "I want touch yourself. & I'll talk you through it."

Her cheeks blushed red and she instantly looked unsure. "I don't know I've never...I've never even....I don't know MJ."

"I'll be right here baby," I reassure her as I move so that I'm right next to her. "Okay?" I ask as I slowly lift her leg placing it over mine so that it's slightly pinned up and her legs are spread.

She nods hesitatingly. "O-okay."

I take her hand the both of us watching that same hand together. I move it to where it's on top of her pussy. I place my face in the crook of her neck kissing it gently. "Don't be nervous. This is your body Kim, you know what you like. Just follows what feels good. Okay?"

She nods again and to give her courage I close my eyes continuing to kiss on her neck, I allow one of my hands to slip inside her tank top and play with her nipples. I hear her let out a shaky moan and toss her head back giving me more space to kiss all on her neck. I suck at it while opening my eyes I see her index finger moving against her clit slowly. I watch in awe as I continue to squeeze and grope her soft breasts. "You can do it baby." I whisper in her ear. "You doin' so good baby girl."

She bites down on her bottom lip using her free hand to caress my face as I drag my tongue up and down her neck. "Mmm oh my G-god." She stutters and I can feel myself growing hard within seconds.

"You're so perfect, you're so beautiful, please make yourself cum for me." I beg into her ear and she gives me the exact reaction I was hoping for letting out a series of moans.

I pause on her neck and lift her shirt up grabbing her breast I slide her entire nipple into my mouth sucking on it. I occasionally circle around her nipple with my tongue causing her hips to buck. I watch as she places her entire index finger inside of herself and even speeds up a little. Each time she pumps it in and out I can see her juices glistening on it. "Y-yes yes fuck...." She whimpers out and I close my eyes enjoying the sound of her cussing and moaning at the same time.

"Keep goin' baby," I say with her titty still in my mouth. I let it out but continue to place kisses all over her chest. "Don't stop until you cummin' all in these sheets."

She continued at that same space and her chest heaves up and down, her breasts shaking as her hips jerk while she cums. I cup her face kissing her on the lips passionately silencing her moans. After she's down she slowly pulls her finger out of her pussy and I grab her wrist guiding it towards my face I lick her index finger clean.

Kimia stares at me with heavy eyes and I can tell she's even more tired now. "Go to sleep mama." I whisper as I place a kiss on her forehead, nose, and then her lips. After I'm done I stand up off the bed turning the lights off and opening the window to get a view of the beautiful country. Causing the entire room to be dark the only light coming from the city lights from outside the window.

I pull the blankets back and she slowly moves under them. I remove my sweatpants leaving me in my briefs. I looked down at how bricked up I am and let out a sexually frustrated sigh. Though I wanted so badly to fuck Kim I know that we're making a good choice going slow. As for now I find pleasure in pleasing herZ

I pull her closely by her arm and when I do she winces causing me to glance down at her arm and squint at it. Seeing a small bit evident mark. "What is this...?" I ask curiously with worrying in my tone. I don't remember being rough, I hoped and prayed I wasn't. Last thing I want is to hurt her.

"I uh....I got on birth control, I meant to tell you it's just-"

"You thought I was going to pressure you into sex?" I say as if reading her mind.

"I wish you didn't think that way of me." I whisper.

She places her palm on my cheek guiding my face down so that I'm staring at her. "All this is new to me, wasn't that I didn't want to tell you it's that I didn't know how to tell you. Even now I still don't. I just wanted to be responsible."

At times I wished I wasn't Kim's first of everything. I know it's sad to admit but it's easier being with a female who has experience before me. I can live knowing that I'm not the cause of a woman's pain, or at least I'm not the first cause. If I play a woman or slightly hurt her feelings in the back of my mind I know it's already been done to her. Or that sexual things won't mean as much. But with Kimia? I'd be taking all the blame in the end. And not just in others eyes but my own. I'd forever be her first kiss, first touch, and possibly even the first guy who ever hurt her. Though I didn't want to be the last thing I knew what this would lead to in the end.

"And you are being responsible," I reassure her pecking her on the lips. "Don't let anybody make you feel ashamed of that."

She nods her head slowly before burying her face in my neck. Meanwhile wrapped my arms around her holding her close and covering us both with the huge soft white sheets, blankets and comforter. I closed my eyes and not even five minutes later I hear her soft voice whispering. "Baby...." She taps my nose. "You sleepin'?"

I didn't say anything in hopes that she'd go to sleep. I know Kim and knowing her if I responded and entertained whatever she had to say we'd be up all night. And considering it's already the am and we have to be up and out in the afternoon, we need as much sleep as we can get. So I laid there pretending to be sleep.

"I....I-I think I have feelings for you." She admits and I feel my heartbeat speed up. "I wish I could tell you."

After saying that she cuddled back close to me and moments later I heard her snores. I snapped my eyes open staring up at the ceiling I tried and control my breathing.

Did she say what I think she just said?

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