FNAF : Little Rockstar 2 | Th...

De itzkevinbitsh

10.2K 182 94

(READ FNAF SB : LITTLE ROCKSTAR BEFORE THIS) After the events of FNAF SB : Little Rockstar, Roxanne ends up s... Mais

Advanced Learning Function
Mommy Roxy
Happy Birthday!
Mystery of the Basement
Freddy Fazbears
Nightmare Animatronics
Surprise at School
Normal, Illinois
Not Stem, a Branch
Freddy Fazbear Corp
End of the Road

Don't Mess with Gregory

466 12 4
De itzkevinbitsh

Gregory's hallucinations of the nightmare animatronics haven't continued since he's been in that basement. Gregory never went in that room again, mainly because he never had a reason to go down there again.

As the days turned to weeks, it became evident that the school was getting impatient and Axel got a call from school that Gregory must return to school. There was a big test coming that he just couldn't miss, and if be does, it could fail him for the entire year.

Gregory had trouble deciding, but decided he would go. However, Roxy insisted she come with Gregory, she said "After that little fiasco a couple weeks ago, Gregory doesn't leave my sight" they had no choice but to let her come, since there was no arguing with a robot. So, Gregory joined Roxy on the trip to school.


As to be expected, while waiting at the bus top, Roxy was getting quite a lot of attention by some fans. However, Gregory expected Roxy to just go crazy with her fans, but instead, she stayed with him.

"You not gonna go greet your fans?" Gregory said, and Roxy soon said "To be honest, im not really sure I care about fans anymore. That's the use in having fans when I have my best friend right here?" Roxy said, resting her arm around Gregory's shoulders. Gregory soon said in his mind "Heh, looks like the self-centered narcissistic wolf is long gone"

Soon, the bus arrived and Gregory and Roxy soon got up on the bus, but the bus driver stopped them and questioned why Roxy was there. Roxy soon said "Im here to make sure Gregory is safe" Roxy said, and she was soon allowed on. Both Roxy and Gregory managed to find a seat for them both, near the front of the bus. Gregory talked to Roxy about the school, the middle school he goes too is a pretty big school, and what the teachers teach him at school.

"By the way, what grade are you in?" Roxy said, "Im in 8th grade, meaning I'll be in high school next year"

"Wow! I didn't know you were growing up behind my back, which your not allowed to do!" Roxy said, grabbing Gregory and giving him a nuggie. Gregory and Roxy wrestled around for a bit, than soon Gregory continued talking about school.

Pretty soon, they arrived at the school and the place was much bigger than Roxy expected.

Gregory and Roxy soon walked into the building, and Gregory showed Roxy to his locker. Roxy continued looking around the hallway at all the students, curiously tilting her head back and fourth. Gregory soon saw a little note in his locker, and it read "Poorzie Robot Lover!" in green marker. Gregory scoffed and just placed the note back where he found it, and soon the bell rang for 1st period. For Gregory, that was PE.

Gregory and Roxy were treated by the coach, and he said Roxy should meet them down at the field, and let Gregory get into his PE clothes. Gregory went into the locker room to get changed, meanwhile Coach Green was leading Roxy down to the field.

Roxy soon asked the coach, "Is Gregory gonna be safe?" since the reason why she is here is because she wants to ensure the safety of Gregory. The coach reassured Roxy that this school is the safest place for him.


Meanwhile, Gregory was almost done getting changed. As be was putting his PE shirt on, some kid walked up to him, a kid named Miles, and he said to Gregory, "So, you brought that wolf with you because you think your cooler than everyone?"

Gregory soon got up, and said "No, she insisted she come"

"She insisted? You know what's scary about those robots, is they feel no emotion. That robot feels nothing for you, and it's not like she even can anyway" Miles said.

"You better watch what you say, Miles" Gregory said with a stern look, Miles soon said "You can't hit me, because everyone in the school will hit you back!" Miles said.

"Yeah, talk all you want about how depressed you are, so you can manipulate more to being your friends! Get out of my face" Gregory said, pushing Miles aside as he began making his way to the field. Miles soon glared at Gregory, and said quietly "Oh this kid is so dead..."

Miles had a lot of support at the school because he had depression, or so everyone thinks. Gregory knew Miles was manipulative, and was an asshole to anyone who didn't support him, and he would turn some of the school against them, like he did with Gregory. If there was anyone at the school Gregory could call his "Bette norrioes", it would be this guy.

A few minutes later, Coach Green started taking roll of all the students, and thankfully everyone was accounted for. Coach Green soon said they were gonna play some baseball, and began teaching them in the rules of baseball, and Roxy stood by him and listened to him give out the basic fundamentals of baseball, all while watching Gregory. Soon, Coach blew his whistle and began selecting who gets to be in which team.

In the first round, Gregory was on the running base team. Seems like running away from animatronics trying to kill him payed off, since he was able run all the bases for his team on the first round. Pretty soon, he was called to the benches for break. Gregory sat down in some shade, wiping a towel on his forehead to wipe off some of the sweat. Pretty soon, Miles came over and sat next to Gregory. "You already winded after the first round?"

"Well, it's a tough sport" Gregory said.

"I wouldn't know, since I'm still going!" Miles said, "Probably because you were standing in the back the entire time" Gregory said.

"You already know what I've done to you, you sarcastic bitch" Miles said to Gregory, who responded with "Well I know, and thanks for that, Narcissistic Bitch" before getting up and finding somewhere else to go. Mile's glared at Gregory, and soon said "The thing that pisses me off them most about your is your snarkiness, the only friend you have has no emotion for you"

Gregory just flipped him off as he walked away, and Miles soon got up and followed Gregory and yelled "You are just a momless bitch, you know that?!" This soon got Gregory's attention, and he soon said. "Remember when I kicked your ass 2 years ago? Im not sure you wanna test me again, because I'll fucking make you cry for your mommy!"

The argument soon got everyone's attention. Miles soon approached Gregory, and soon said "Yeah, well atleast I have a mom! A pile of junk doesn't count!"

"And a 6-figure earning neglectful moneybag doesn't count either!" Gregory said.

"At Least I have more money than you do! More than you ever will have!"

"Im rich in other areas!"

"Yeah, in being a poorzie!"

People were looking at Miles in disbelief, it seems they were starting to doubt his claims of him being a depressed kid. After all, depression doesn't make you do things. "You know, Miles, your just so self-centered that you don't have any feelings toward any other person!"

"You don't talk to me like that, do you understand?" Miles said, getting up in Gregory's face. Gregory soon pushed him back, "Get away from me! I ain't scared of you!" he shouted, getting ready to knock Mile's teeth out. Soon, Coach Green soon came over, "Hey hey hey hey! What's going on over here-" before Green could get a answer on what's going on here, Mile's shocked everyone when he pulled out his baseball bat and whacked Gregory on the leg with it.

Gregory wailed in agony as he fell to the floor, holding his kneecap, "AAAH! What the hell, you asshole?!" Gregory shouted. Miles soon placed his shoe on Gregory, and raised up his bat and said "You deserve it for being such a-"

Before he could finish, something came, and snatched the bat out of his hand. Gregory looked and saw Roxy sock Miles across the face and sent him to the ground, she soon stood over him and raised the bat over her head and was about to attack him before Gregory shouted, "Roxy! No! Don't!"

Roxy soon looked at Gregory, then down at Miles who was covering his face with his arms and shaking in fear, and soon looked back at the coach. "Green... you said... Gregory would be safe..." She said, after witnessing that whole thing. Coach soon said "Roxy... what did you do?"

"What did I do? You just sat there, and let this jerk here attack my son! If I didn't step in, who knows what could've happened?!" Roxy said, seething. Coach soon said, "I... I didn't know, Mile's has... depression, I didn't know he could-"

"Stop! Look at this jerk, would a depresso really act like that? Even if he does have it, it does not make this okay!"


"It does not!" Roxy shouted, slamming the bat onto the ground. Roxy glared at the coach for a few moments, before looking back at Gregory and helping him up, she soon scanned his knee, "No broken bones, just some bruising"

She soon picked up Gregory, and said "Im taking Gregory home!" as she began walking away from the field and back up to the school. Everyone was in shock as to what just happened, and when Miles got back up, he then started playing the victim. Everyone looked at him in disgust, and soon walked away from him, for Mile's had been exposed for who he truly is.


"I don't care about whatever dumb test he is taking! I will not my little rockstar here be around people like that! This is your school, and you seriously let people like this in?!" Roxy said to the principle in the principles office, while Gregory was being treated in the nurse's office. Mile's was also there, and he had an icepack on his face due to Roxy hitting him. Miles just glared at Gregory as if he wanted to kill him.

"I know, and we will make sure Miles get's punished for his actions, but still, I don't think you should've did that to him" the principle said.

"What was I supposed to do?! Just be like oh sweetie, please put that down and leave him alone? If it hadn't stopped him, he might've killed Gregory! And that'd be a different story, right?" Roxy said.

"...Your right, if you hadn't stepped in, thing's probably would've gone differently if you didn't step in"

"How can I feel comfortable with Gregory being here, if these are these type of students you allow in your school!?"

"You won't have to worry, because now, I am gonna try to make sure of that..."

Roxy soon got up, and said "You'd better..." before leaving the room and going to the principles office. "Hey there, Gregory, how is your leg feeling?"

"Still like shit" Gregory said, "Well, at least your leg is not broken. Think you can walk in on it for the rest of the day?"

"Yeah... sorry you had to see that, Rox. This has never happened before"

"No, Gregory. You did nothing wrong, that kid over there is what's wrong" she said, pointing to Miles. "Gregory, why don't you get back to class? I'll catch up with you"

"Alright, Roxy" Gregory said as he got up and soon left the room. Roxy soon looked at miles, and said "Why did you do that to Gregory? You could've seriously hurt him!"

"He deserved it for talking to me like that! Why do you care anyway? Your a robot, you feel nothing for Gregory!"

Roxy was silent by the remark, and she soon said "I hope you know everyone in the school knows who you really are, and don't think your little facade is gonna get you out of this. You made your own bed, now sleep in it" she soon left the room.

"Those two... Gregory just thinks he's better than me because that wolf is here guarding him?! Ha! We'll see..." Miles said, he soon pulled out his phone and began making a call. "Hey, yeah it's me. Listen, Gregory's wolf got smart with me at PE, and it's Gregory's fault for bringing her here, so I feel like you guys should teach him a lesson after school..."


Even though the start of the day was rather intense, the rest was a breeze for Gregory. He had science, math, english, health & family living, and even mechanics. Roxy was there with him along the way, and she helped Gregory through each period. Soon, Gregory and Roxy got back on the bus, and were on their way home. However, the bus was being followed by some tough 8th grade boy on a motor bike.

Eventually, they made it back home. Axel was working on his car, and Gregory offered to help, and Roxy had to go charge. Gregory talked to his dad about his day, including what happened with Miles. "I never really liked that kid Miles, he faked his depression for attention and when people don't support him, he ruins at school. Complete scumbag, good thing Roxy kicked his ass"

"Seems like every time me and Roxy go out, shit happens to either me or her"

"Well, she isn't exactly human. So she doesn't blend in with everyone, so people either don't like you two or they want Roxy" Axel said.

"Yeah... But still, if anyone trays anything against us, Roxy will make them pay" Gregory said.

"That's what family does"

Gregory soon said "Ya know, Miles said that Roxy feels nothing for us"

"Don't let that brat get to you, Roxy clearly loves you"

"Really? Because, isn't she just some robot?"

"Don't worry, Gregory. Im sure in some way, she does love you"

Gregory nodded, and soon said "Okay" and continued working on the car. Axel soon said "I gotta go for a number one, I'll be right back" Gregory nodded and as Axel left, he sighed and decided to take a little break. He went to the garage sink and began washing his hands, and just as he finished, someone grabbed him from behind!

Gregory exclaimed and hit whoever was attacking him with his elbow, and realized whoever they were, they are around his size, but bigger. The boy soon began punching Gregory repeatedly until Gregory headbutted him and used his back to push him into the car. Gregory was no match however, the kid soon got a hold of him and pushed him into the car AMD began punching him in the back. Gregory pushed him away with his leg, and he turned around and swung at his assailant, but he dodged it and punched Gregory right in the face and kicked him to the ground.

Gregory groaned loudly in pain, and soon looked up at the boy who was taller and bulkier than him, had a leather jacket on, and a motorcycle helmet on, and the boy soon kicked Gregory in the face and slammed his head against the car, knocking out Gregory.

Roxy soon woke up, and she soon heard someone else in the garage. She went in and soon saw Gregory on the floor, beaten up. "Gregory!" She said, kneeling down to him and scanning him. He has several bruising, and was knocked out. Roxy soon heard the rev of a motorcycle, she soon lifted up the garage door and saw someone on a motorcycle in the driveway and they soon began taking off!

Roxy snarled, knowing this person attacked Gregory. Axel soon came out and saw both Gregory down and the biker cycling out. "You get Gregory inside the house, I'll be right back" Roxy said. Axel soon picked up Gregory and said to Roxy, "if your going after them, please try not to hurt them!"

"Why?" Roxy said, "What do you mean why? Because it's wrong!" Axel said, "You can't fight violence with violence!"

"...Fine, just give me the keys!" Roxy said, and Axel gave her the keys and as he got Gregory inside, Roxy got in the car and began driving after the cyclist.


As the boy biking drove off, he soon pulled out his phone and began calling somebody. "Hey, Miles? Yeah, I beat that brat up, he's pathetic... Yeah, meet me at that abandoned garage with the 5 grand you promised me"

He soon ended the call, and soon called someone else "Hello? Yeah, I found him. I was payed to beat him up. No, he's alive, why? You wanted him dead? Where do they live? Uhhh, 6787 Ackle Street. Alright. The brat is still living with that robot. Okay-"

Whoever he was calling soon hung up, and he soon continued biking. He soon arrived at the rundown garage, and began waiting for Miles to come pay him. Soon enough, Miles arrived and looked at the kid and said "Hello, Connor. Great to see you."

"It's not good to see you, Miles. You got my money?" Connor said

"Yeah, you wanted $5K, right?" Miles said.

"Yeah, just hand it over and I'll be out of your hair" Connor said, Miles soon handed him a bag and when Connor looked inside, he saw there was 10x less than what they agreed upon.

"Uh... This isn't 5 grand! We agreed on 5K!" Connor said, and Miles shrugged and said "I'd actually give you the money if you killed him"

"Kill him?! What kind of maniac do you take me for? No wonder why you don't have any friends!"

"What..? I payed you 500 and your whining? Be lucky I paid you at all!"

"Hey Punk! I heard you beat up Gregory, does it make you feel good picking on a little-" Someone yelled as they entered the garage. It was Roxy!

Roxanne saw Miles with Connor, and said "Your Miles? Explain yourselves! What is going on?!"

"This selfish brat here payed me to beat up your little kid! He didn't even pay me what we agreed upon!"

"Connor!" Miles shouted.

Roxy soon turned to Miles, and she soon said "So let me get this straight, you payed someone to beat up my little boy, Gregory, and not just that, you aren't even paying your toy in full?" She approached Miles as she said this.

"He said he'd pay me full if I killed him!"

Roxanne didn't say anything, she just stared past Miles glasses, past his Grey eyes, she stared straight through him. "I know your type, pooch! You love yourself more than-"

Before Miles could finish, Roxy seized Miles by the throat and pushed him up against a brocken car left in the garage. She held him so tight he couldn't even speak, and she soon drew back her fist and preparing to punch Miles head in, however as she thrusts her fist forward, "No!" someone shouted and pulled Roxy's arm out of the way and she hit the side of the car, punching a sizeable dent on the door.

Roxy soon saw it was Gregory who stopped Roxy, "What the hell are you doing?!" Gregory said, "Gregory, he-"

"Let him go!" Gregory demanded, and after slight hesitation, she soon threw Miles to the ground and he began running off, "You know what? Fuck this, im outta here!" he cried.

"That's right, you better run you weasel! And stay away from my family" Roxy shouted to Miles. Connor soon walked up to Gregory and said, "Hey man, you okay-"

Before he could finish, Gregory kicked him in the crotch and he fell to the ground. "That was for kicking my ass!"

"... I deserved that..." Connor said, with pained straining in his voice.

Axel soon came in and picked up Connor, "You ain't going anywhere! Your gonna stay here until the police arrive!"

"By the way, what the hell, Rox, you were going to kill Miles!"

"He hired someone to kill you! Shouldn't you be thanking me?!" Roxy said.

"Roxy look, I know you are just trying to protect me, but you can't kill people, okay? I mean... don't you feel a little bad?" Gregory said.

"No" Roxy said.

"... Well... can you please just promise me your not gonna kill anyone in case something like this happens again?"

Roxy was silent for a second, "Sure..."


"So... Now we have his address, what now?" A man said to a woman looking at the sunset.

"We play the waiting game. The new Pizzaplex will be open in 1.5 years from now..."

Continue lendo

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