REX (Book Five)

By authormsdevera

2.1K 127 9

Thea had everything she ever wanted; her family, friends, her loving fiancé and beautiful son. Since she had... More

Author's Note
Message for my Readers
Message for my Readers
Book Cover Change and Next Chapter Schedule Update
Chapter Update on Hold


112 6 5
By authormsdevera

I look through the window watching the white puffs of clouds passing through the plane as my whole body jittered. It's finally the day we leave for Hawaii and have two weeks off vacation to celebrate Rex and I's engagement. Grandpa had booked us first class for everyone and almost had taken the total seats with a large group like us. My son and his cousins are taking a jet with Grandpa back to London. However, I'm excited about this trip and still worried about being away from my baby boy.

The instincts of a mother are kicking, and the nervous jitter starts.

"Excited?" Rex took his seat after he went to the restroom.

"Yes, I am." Taking his large hand into mine and the nervousness faded away. "Do you think Jacob is going to be okay without us?"

"You know he's fine with Papa Odin," patting my hand. "He will be well taken care of and also the kids. They have each other."

"I know Claire wanted to take Leo with us, but we will spend a lot of time. Adult times," I wiggle my brow and lean in for a kiss. As our lips locked, I released a soft moan.

"Can you two go do that in the cockpit? Or somewhere else so nobody can see you two get freaky," Seth bellow behind us as Rex and I stop kissing. Rex growled, and I sighed.

"Seth, be nice," Terry says to her fiancé. "This is their engagement. Let them be romantic."

I never thought I would hear Terry say that for once. After all, she has been through, pretending to be a guy for so long and making Seth doubt his sexuality, everything went great. She has finally become the woman she was meant to be and tied down on playboy Seth.

"If they wanted to spend alone time together, we should have gone to Universal Studios in Orlando with Poppy."

"Poppy is fine with the kids, and since she's the eldest, she will be watching them."

"I wanted to see Wizarding World," Seth claims. "Poppy and I binge-watched all the Harry Potter movies we planned a date."

"During Thea and your brother's engagement party?" Thea rolls her eyes. "We can go after we celebrate their engagement."

"Then will you wear a Slytherin uniform I brought for you for this trip?"

I shift in my seat and peek over. "You brought a Harry Potter costume for this trip."

"What? I brought my Gryffindor uniform. We are going to act a forbidden romance between the two houses."

"Oh gross," Liam gagged next to him, making Lily giggle. "No one wants to hear that, bro."

"Sometimes I feel like Mom had dropped him secretly without Dad and I noticing," Rex whispers, making me laugh.

"Hey fuck off; I have my fantasy; you guys have yours." Seth slumped in his seat, pouting like a child as Terry consoled him with a kiss on his cheek which made his frown turn up.

"I cosplayed once," Ares announces out of the blue. "I wore a white tux, with a black dress shirt and tie. Looking like James Bond."

I shift in my seat to look at Ares. "What you wore was your communion outfit. That wasn't cosplaying."

"I still look good in a white tux." Ares made his finger into a gun and made firing bullet sounds.

I roll my eyes.

"Can you guys stop arguing and relax before we land," Claire steps into the aisle, holding her swollen belly. She's only a few months away before she pops a baby out.

I guess she went to the restroom to pee.

I stand up and look over at Effie and Logan's seats; they have their headphones on and watching a movie on Effie's iPad. They are laughing and giggling there.

"Well, it looks like someone is enjoying themselves," I scoffed and sat down.

My little sister just gave birth last month to twins. I never expect her to have twins, but one has a chance to give birth to one after dating. She is still young and has a whole life ahead of her, but as I watched her take care of Zara and become a full-time college student, my sister was striving for her life. She's being responsible; Ares and I are proud of her. Although he didn't like the idea of Effie having kids at such an age, she's eighteen and already knows what she is doing. If our parents were alive, I don't want to explain except for being grounded for the rest of our lives; that includes Ares and me because we are her older siblings we are responsible for our baby sister. I'm worried she will be down and think of herself as useless if it wasn't for Logan and friends. Then I'm glad she has them. And with Logan by her side, I wouldn't worry too much as long they both finish school.

"Sucks Sam and Carter couldn't come," Claire says.

"Carter is taking Sam on a romantic getaway for all the stress he's been having with their wedding," Lilly announces. "

I remembered the day Sam proposed to Carter, and since then, they both have been busy planning a wedding.

"At least mine will be simple," I told them and sat back down, taking Rex's hand. "No matter where my wedding is, as long I marry the man I love."

"Love you too, baby," Rex leaned and kissed my cheeks.

I chuckle then gasp turning my head. "Terry, you recently got engaged with that guy."


Terry giggles. "Yeah, what about it?"

On the day Terry returned from her quarantine for four months, she and Seth announced their engagement. I'm so happy for her and Poppy can have a family. Terry's daughter was even more excited to have her mom and now a dad like Seth in her life. Sure he's much of a man-child, but I think he will make a great dad. Even his brothers say so, although they will worry. The family is growing, and I wish to add more. Ever since I lost my parents and almost lost Effie during that accident, it's just the three of us; Ares, Effie, and I. But we were separated to different foster homes because I was too young to raise my siblings, and Effie couldn't live with our aunt in the Philippines because of her tantrums.

I lived with a lovely old couple, John and Addy Ferguson. They are around their seventies, and their children already have their own life. They feel lonely sometimes. So when social services planted me in Ferguson's home, they welcomed me with open arms. I was skeptical at first because the Fergusons are strangers to me, and I learned from too many dramas that living in foster homes can be scary. They tried to open up to me by being kind and gentle, but I still didn't trust them. Over sometimes, while doubting they were friendly people, they never harmed me. I caused all sorts of trouble, not one they scolded or hit me. Addy would be more concerned about injuries than breaking her things. Or when I accidentally ruined John's vegetable garden, he says it's nothing to worry about because I'm still a child. They had five children, showing how much they know about raising kids.

They took care of me like their own. Because of them, I went to school, got well-fed, new clothes, and spent time with them. When I reached eighteen, they were able to help me move back to my parents' home and have my siblings back into my life. I could never forget them.

It's also because of them that I worked with the elderly. I haven't forgotten about them, but I wonder how they are doing?

I should try and give them a call and invite them to the wedding. I'm sure they will love to attend.

"What do you think about having a double wedding?" I ask her cheerfully.

"Double wedding?"

"Yeah, it will be fun."

"Are you sure?" Terry seems worried, which I get because it's my wedding and supposed to be my time. "Your grandfather is paying for your wedding, not mine."

"Oh, don't be like that, Terry," I wave my hand. "You are family. Grandpa took you in and raised you like his child. I'm sure he won't mind spending more money on his only daughter."

I watch her cheeks flush red. "Well..."

"And I know Seth wants to marry you right away."

"I do not," he protests.

"Face it, bro," Rex turn his head. "I know you want to make it traditional, but you wouldn't stop complaining whenever men find your fiancé hot and a badass."

"I couldn't agree more," I smile. "You even demand to marry her right away."

"That's because she was wearing a tank top and shorts," Seth says, his voice rising in panic, making it look hilarious to watch him act jealous. "She wanted to wear something she has never worn before, and I allowed her, but when the guys from the shop came over, they were all swooning over Terry as if she's the last piece of Hawaiian Rainbow cake."

"Terry may have some muscles and a four-pack, but damn," Liam hollered. "She could be in an action movie."

"I'll watch it," Logan called out.

"Me too!" Ares says.

Seth let out a growl, eyeing each of his brothers and mine, warning them. Then glared at the girls. "Are you ladies allowing your men hit on my fiancé?"

Then the ladies and I laughed, making Seth feel even more agitated.

"Don't get mad, Seth," Lilly tells him.

"Yeah, it's nothing to worry about that our man is hitting on Terry," Claire added.

"Before we met Terry, we girls, except Effie. We all had a crush on Terry when she was a man."

Seth faced his fiancé and then back at me. "Is that true?"

The girls and I all nodded in agreement. "We all thought if it didn't work out with our boys, we can join Terry and have her make a harem. Not bad, right?"

More giggles from the girls filled the whole plane. I watched the stewardess look at us oddly as she handed a glass of water to Claire.

"Tell me this is a joke, right?" Seth asks Terry, his face turning pale.

Terry rubs her chin. "I got hit on a lot while in disguise, so this wasn't the first." She laughed at her fiancé's stunned expression. Terry did told us that when pose as a male, she was hit on by both men and women. "Sweetheart, there is nothing for you to worry about. I love you and only you."

"Oh good," Seth sighed and slumped in his chair.

"But if the girls are being mistreated by you Wolfe Brothers, I don't mind a harem filled with beautiful women."

"Oh, come on!"

Then the whole room was filled with laughter as we continued to make fun of Seth. It may be wrong to pick on someone so vulnerable as Seth, but we only laugh because we are family. I glanced out the window and realized it was close to nighttime. If I recall, the time difference from California to Hawaii is three hours back. We got a long way before we arrived, but the excitement in me was still dancing around. I sat back down and lay my head on Rex's arm as he used his iPad with one hand. I let out a yawn as my eyes start to get heavy. My eyelids slowly close and hit me with sleep.

Hey, my beautiful readers!

Another Wolfe Brothers story has arrived, and I'm excited to be writing this one. So, s schedule will be every Sunday night. I apologize for not posting it yesterday. As you know, I was sick, so I was making up tons of work from home. I didn't have time to edit this chapter and upload it.

Also, I know it doesn't match the other ones for the cover, but I will have that fix, and it will be different. I will change all the other book covers of the Wolfe Brothers.

Thank you all for your love and support for this series. I have to finish all the Wolfe Brothers and add Ares stories before I start Jordan's Brothers stories and then the next-gen of their children's stories. Man, it will be a lot, but I can do this. So, each book will contain 50 chapters plus an epilogue.

Thanks again, and I'll see you all in the next chapter.


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