King of Hearts { A Las Nevada...

By embraced_

3K 95 190

Based on the Dreamsmp storyline, Heartbreak cant certainly leave you in the most brutal of times and the thou... More

CH.1: Remember...
CH.2: Our Love
CH.3: Dap Me Up!
CH.4: Safety
CH.5 Masking
CH.6: Trustworthy
CH. 7: Snowy Blade
CH.8 Fallen Kingdom
CH.9: The Book
CH.11: Malicious Intent
CH.12: Misunderstood
CH:13: Sugar Plum
CH:14: Regrets
CH.15: Nobodys Listening
CH.16: Travels & Truth
CH.17: Lost Tears
CH.18: Ruins
CH.19: Bad Person
CH:20. Discs & Death
CH.21: Empty Solitary
I need a response

CH.10: Encoded

44 3 5
By embraced_

I found myself surrounded by trees, the vast forest extending beyond my reach. There were plenty of ferns and various wildlife to navigate. The air was brisk and cool. 10 more blocks this way, 20 that way.

I reached the top of the large hill and realized the chest was buried. It took a bit of time to decide it must've been buried.

I reached my hands grabbing my shovel as I dug through the layers of dirt then I hit something. I threw the shovel to the side, scraping away dirt with my hands trying to pry the box from the earth. The wood was dirty and corroded. Finally I heard the click of the box as the lid opened up.

It was there

It was actually there

The real actual revive book sitting in a box on the ground. I was almost in disbelief I had come so far and done so much to get this book and George made it so easy. Now I had to break dream out of prison somehow in return this was insanity.

I held the book in my hands, staring at it, running my fingers over the leather. I hopped on boner that I had ridden the distance there on and made my way back to las nevadas. The town was lovely and busy with the bustle of getting ready for opening as I returned. I placed boner in his pen and walked around to enter the casino heading straight for my office.

" glatt what are you doing in here" I asked opening my office door"

" cleaning up and organizing your stuff" he replied

" oh thanks" I said walking around to sit in my chair

" your all dirty what happened?" He asked

"Shut the door" I stated

He shut the door before I placed the book on the table

I watched as glatts eyes went wide

" is that??" He asked in disbelief

" yep" I stated

" so dream caved?"

"Not exactly" I replied " I got the knowledge from a different source"

He nodded sitting down as I gestured to do so

" I don't know why your so excited you do realize you've got to die for me to bring schlatt back"

"I don't really care flatty patty can we just do it?"

" I'm not killing you dumbass" I stated

" you sure might be nice to take your anger out on something" he suggested

" shut up" I replied

I opened the book reviewing its many pages mush to our disadvantage it wasn't written in English it appeared to be all in ender language

" so?" Asked glatt after a minute

" I can't read it" I explained " it's written entirely in ender language"

"What?" He said "just do the ritual that's dumb"

" I can't do any reviving unless I know how too use this book! it's no use unless I could read it-"

"We'll then ask ranboo or something doesn't he know ender language" asked glatt

" yes but politically me and him are in quarrel because of tubbos cookie outpost" I explained

" is that that outpost infront of las nevadas?" He asked

" yes remember I had you snoop in it one time and there was gunpowder instead of cookies I don't trust them" I explained

He nodded

" is there somewhere you could get a translation book?" He asked

My mind only lead to one idea and I didn't want to have to go back there but it was the only place I knew that had a library


" there is a library but it's somewhere I don't want to go"

"well what choice do you have?" He stated

I sighed

" go do your job I'll figure this out" I told him "don't let anyone in this office especially slime"

He nodded as I made my way out the door with him

" I can make you a drink for the road" he suggested as I locked the office door

" yes please just fill my flask with whatever you got"

I say before walking to the bar

I watched as he poured a drink for him and a drink for my flask

" can I have a lemonade?!" Said slime skipping over

" yes slime one minute" said glatt

" I'm headed out slime I'll be back later" I said

" ok quackity from las nevadas!" He said

The sun was starting to set it was felt like the worlds longest day. This morning I woke up thinking glatt would be running the casino area for the opening and a week but now it might be schlatt again and I didn't know how to feel.

Did I really want to bring schlatt back?

He had done so much pain to me but then again it couldn't get much more painful than where I was right now. About to revive a man I love and hate, supposed to break a man out of jail.

I didn't know how to feel about anything. I was headed back to a kingdom that caused so much pain and suffering and I didn't know how to just smile and enjoy myself and I didn't want to fake it to some people I just didn't know what to do. I didn't know who to live or who to trust.

By the time I got to kinoko the sun had set and the town was quiet. I was the only one in the library with a whole library full of books to sort through. One might speak of weaponry, building, technology, economy, time travel, dragons who knew! This could take all night.

As dawn pulled itself into the sky I found myself still searching through the library.

Transition, transformers, translation of languages

I pulled the translation of languages out and searched through the book until finally I came across the pages. Each letter was perfectly translated to English from ender so I was finally able to head home without being caught thankfully.

" quackity?" I heard from downstairs

I peered over the ledge to see sapnap standing in the middle of the first floor looking up at me

I took a drink of my flask

" what are you doing here? It's like 6am" he asked as I put my stuff together to leave

" I could ask you the same thing" I retorted

" I live here why are you here?" He questioned

" I got here late last night I needed a book this is the only place that has a library extensive enough"

" did you find it?" He asked as I walked down the steps

" yep I'm leaving now you enjoy your time here" I said passive aggressively just wanting to leave

He sighed as he sat at a table in the library pulling out one of his pocket knives and a sharpener as I left

I wanted to ask how Karl was but I also didn't want to know. Any use I wouldn't need to come back here ever again now

I entered the casino but nobody was awake.

I pulled the book out in my office

A- ⏃


C- ☊

D- ⎅





I- ⟟











T- ⏁







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I began attempting to decode the entirety of the ritual once I found the page in the book I believed to be the right thing. It took several hours but after finding the passage it was quite simple translating the revive book to the correct language

The Ritual of Rivival

Be warned that the person experiencing the phenomenon will be subject to great amounts of trauma and pain from going through with this. It is suggested this book be used once on one subject to prevent permanent damage.

There are a few simple steps one must learn to complete a ritual these can be memorized if needed

Begin with the ghost form of the being that is on earth they must be killed by the person using the revive book. THEY CAN NOT DIE BY SUICIDE OR NATRAUL CAUSE. once this is complete you must say this sentence out loud. Revival satanic smile (in ender). They should be brought back to this world in the place that they died. Do not abuse this power and for further explanation seek diagrams on pages 80-112. The science behind this is explained in great her detail through the books

There was only one rule I'd concern in the book being that I needed to know how to properly speak that sentence in ender. That was something I couldn't just learn from this book . That became even more apparent the more I read as well. The book just spoke of the history of the revive book not of how to pronounce to translate anything in English and translation book only provided written translations meaning my only hope now was ranboo.

I suddenly heard a knock at the door

"Come in" I said kicking my feet up on the desk with a poker chip in hand

" Sam?!" I said " I wasn't expecting you what's up?"

" I was wondering if you would like to grab lunch in a bit it's my day off" he asked

" sure I just need to finish up some work"

" what are you working on maybe I could help" he said walking over"

I handed him the book

" how did you?" He asked

" it had nothing to do with dream I didn't visit him I found another way but the book is completely in ender. I found a translation book and have been working on it since late last night. I managed to translate how to use it but I need to know how to pronounce ender and me and ranboo aren't exactly in kahoots" I said

" why are you telling me this"

" your supposed to be my friend so as a friend I'm telling you do not kill dream yet also"

" why not?! Quackity do you know how much pain and suffering and and stress that would lift off of me off of everyone! I could go home and not worry about the prison!" He urged

" no and did you not forget you have more inmates than just dream techno and Connor are still there there is no reason for you to kill him i'm telling you not yet"

" and how am I supposed to trust you?" Said Sam

" JUST TRUST ME GOD DAMMIT SAM! I've been working my ass off to get this book Sam. My motive was never to kill dream, I promised someone I'd use the book and techno deserves to be in prison. Do you want me to explain to you how I got this scar?!" I said finally fed up

It was silence for a bit

" you know what your right we have no reason to trust anyone let alone eachother but I'm asking you please Sam don't kill dream I need him alive I wouldn't have told you I had the book if I didn't trust you you've done so much for las nevadas and me"

I sat there flipping the poker chip in my hand thinking back in everything

" fine I'll meet you in the restaurant in 30 minutes"

" alright I'm gonna invite slime too" I told him

" sounds good" he said standing up to leave

" wait Sam?"

" yeah" he said turning back around

" what do you know about ranboo?" I asked

" what do you mean?" He asked

" not much I mean he begged me to put him in the prison once said he'd done horrible things and he was acting like a danger to himself"

" put him in the prison" I said

" WHAT?!" He said

" im serious I need information from him and he doesn't want to be free I want to stay safe it's a win win Sam

" you know I can't that's against the prison guidelines

" you are the warden Sam you make the guidelines you've made that evident"

" quackity I've done so much for you and all you keep doing is making my life harder I don't know-" he said

" you can release him after I get the pronunciation okay it should only take me one visit" I explained

" fine but you owe me quackity" he said leaving the room

" oh would you do me the kind favor of grabbing glatt for me"

" sure thing"

I smiled because finally things were starting to go according to plan 

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