The Outcast

Par AshtonJohniken

102 0 5

Asher Kingston is feared and respected now. But that wasn't always the case. She left her home at the age of... Plus

Past Life
Past Life (pt 2)
Present Day
So Much For Peace
Here We Go Again...
Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home pt 2

6 0 0
Par AshtonJohniken

Addison walked around the front of the Camaro to meet Wes. He took her hand and led her over to where Brittany and Triston stood. I didn't even realize Wes knew them but then again, I guess there's a lot about Wesley Reynolds that I don't know.

I contemplated how I wanted to go about this. I have a plan forming on how to figure out the Russia situation but I need to know who I can trust. Or if there is anyone left in this pack that I can see myself trusting enough to work with.

Either way I can't make all my decisions up in this tree. With that thought in mind, I mind-link my girls, 'Whatever happens follow my lead. Don't attack unless I say otherwise. I'll explain later but right now we're just here to gather info.'

I don't wait for a reply. Instead, I launch myself from the tree, landing with a thud a few feet away. The girls followed closely behind forming a semi circle with me in the middle. All heads snapped in our direction. All except for Samantha.

Her eyes had been trained in my direction since the bark fell from the tree moments ago. We locked eyes as I glanced her way but she quickly averted them. Maybe I was wrong before. Maybe she did see us but chose to act like she didn't. Mmh weird.

Choosing to ignore that thought, I turn back to the small crowd ahead of me. After placing my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket, I stride forward with a half smirk on my lips. I keep eye contact with Triston, ignoring everyone else. If this isn't as complicated as I'm making it in my head then I don't want to seem weak. However, if I'm right and Triston isn't behind this then I still need to make Addison believe I do. So, singling him out seems like the best option. The party has gone eerily silent. Not even the music that was blasting earlier fills the air. All eyes are on me. No one is even daring to breath. Mmh this seems familiar....

I stop just in front of Triston. The keg stand is the only thing between us. Unsurprisingly he looks ready to rip me limb from limb judging from the way his face is contorted with rage. Brittany's on the other hand is frozen in shock, she resembles a deer caught in headlights. Her right hand is gripping Tristons left shoulder like her life depends on it and her right hand is dangerously close to spilling her cup of beer. Wes stands on the other side of Triston with one hand shoved in his jean pocket and the other locked in Addison's grip looking nothing but amused while Addison looks nothing short of pissed off. This is going to be fun!

I roll the tip of my tongue across the top of my teeth as I look around the rest of the party goers. All conversation has ceased the only noise is coming from the crackling of the bonfire. Even the grownups are dumbfounded.

Directing my attention back to Brittany I question, "So you gonna get me a beer or are you just gonna stand their gawking?"

She doesn't respond. Instead she offers up her own drink. Funny. I didn't think Brittany would be at a loss for words when we crossed paths again. In fact, I expected more yelling.

I took the cup without breaking eye contact.

"Girls would you guys like a drink?" I ask.
They must all shake their heads because after a few minutes Brittany has given each of them a cup too. Man I wish Elizabeth was here to see this.

"So this was the party you guys were planning on crashing?" Wes inquires with a pleased expression.

I chuckle at his lame attempt at acting surprised. "Playing dumb isn't cute love."

His smile disappears as my comment hits him where it intended. His ego. He clenches and unclenches his jaw before rolling his eyes and looking over at Addison. She pays him no attention though. Her eyes are trained on me and her entire body language screams "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

I can't help it I burst out in humorous laughter. Everyone is looking at me like I've gone mental even my own girls. But to be fair I would look at myself the same way so no big deal.

After my laughing fit, I dramatically wipe away an imaginary tear before saying, "This entire scene is just comical! You acting like seeing me here is the equivalent of a zombie apocalypse," I point at Brittany, "you trying not to kill me, what else is new?" I point at Triston. "And you two pretending to be in LOVE! Ha!" I point to Wes and Addison before stifling my laugh by chugging down some beer. The girls, to their credit, despite not knowing what the hell is going on, laugh with me as if they know exactly what I'm talking about.

Tristons fists clench but other than that he has no reaction. Brittany regains some of her composure and crosses her arms defiantly. Addison howls in rage, "You have a lot of nerve showing up here after disappearing for over a year." I snicker because really? You wanted me here so guess what!? Here I am!

"Like mother like daughter right?" My smile falters. This time it's her turn to snicker. All four of my girls snarl in rage on both sides of me. For once, I'm frozen. I can't make a sound. I can't move to throw a punch. I can't even feel my damn magic. Something inside me broke the night my mom disappeared and in that moment I felt another piece chip away. The part of me that recognizes Wes as a mate, the foolish part of me, looks to him for some form of comfort but his eyes aren't on me. They're on Addison. And they reflect nothing but approval. He APPROVES of what she just said to me? As if throwing my missing, possibly DEAD mother in my face is okay!? How DARE him? How DARE HER!

Booming thunder rumbles above our heads out of no where. Everyone around me jumps even my girls. They haven't dealt with "Asher the ticking time bomb" in over a year. Subconsciously, I realize that I've dropped the cup of beer I had.

A snarl rips from my lips as my eyes glitch back and forth between colors. Blue, red, blue, amber orange, brown, red, blue, amber orange, before finally settling on the sizzling blue. My magic courses down to my fingertips itching to be set free. Free to take revenge. Free to take control. And for once I don't fight it. I turn my hands palms up, keeping my eyes laser focused on Addison. Everyone and everything else around me blurs away. Blue lightning ignites from my palms like static electricity at the same time a lightning bolt comes down from the sky and strikes less than a foot from where Addison is standing causing her to let out an ear piercing scream. She talks a good game but right now she's frozen in fear with her arms shielding her face.

I register Grace start to yell, "Ash behi—"

But the rest of her sentence gets lost in the blackness that engulfs me.


A ringing. An ear splitting high pitch ringing rattles my brain like the sound of a train breaking on a set of tracks. Metal on metal. Lovely. All I can see is blackness because my eyes refuse to open. My body ignores every command my brain gives it.

Slowly, I start to become aware of some of my surroundings. I can feel what I think is a mattress underneath me. But, still, all I can see is black. Something is on top of me keeping me warm, probably a comforter. I can barely hear over the annoying ringing going on in my head but I can at least make out muffled voices. Unfortunately I can't decipher who they are or what their saying.

The skin prickling feeling of not being able to defend myself starts to sink in and I start to panic. Drowning out that crippling feeling, I focus my efforts on keeping my breathing even so I don't alert whoever is around me. Next, I slowly start moving my fingers one by one under the covers as I try to listen to the voices.

After a few minutes the voices stop and what sounds like a door shutting fills the air. As I inhale my next breath, I take in the different scents. Grace, Kenzie, Alexis, Shay, and Wes are either here or were here. There's at least 3 people in the room right now judging from the sounds of their breathing.

Not being able to take it anymore, I spring from the bed and land on the floor with a light thump. My claws are out and I've taken a defensive stance out of fear.

Grace is closest to me next to my dresser. Kenzie is on the other side of the bed. And Wes is by the door leaning against the door frame. Slowly, my surroundings come into focus. I'm in my room back at the Knox pack house.

But how?

"What's the last thing you remember?" Grace inquires as she takes a step towards me.

I'm still in panic mode so my first instinct is to bare my teeth as a warning. She puts her hands up and pauses in her steps, "Easy Ash no one here is going to hurt you. Your safe. This isn't like last time."

As the words leave her mouth I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. Kenzie looks haunted. No doubt she's having flashbacks from that night too. Wes looks confused and maybe even ready to bolt out the door?

Last time. Last time I was unable to defend myself. Last time I was unconscious.

Over a year ago, the same night we found Kenzie. We had just crossed the Texas border and decided to rest for the night. I, being the hard head that I am, insisted on going for a walk alone to clear my head. After about half an hour of walking I was so lost in my own head, in my rage, that I let my guard down. Male rogues came at me out of nowhere, the one behind me snapped my neck before I could even register what was happening.

When I woke up, I was in nothing but my bra. I have no recollection of what happened but I was sore enough in places to be able to take a guess. The rogues were still there laughing at what they had done when I regained consciousness and they were getting ready to do it again. I slaughtered all 5 of them without a single hesitation. Kenzie was the first to find me. I was covered in blood, theirs and mine. I had bruises and scratches from head to toe that were slowly healing. And I had not yet found the will power to put my clothes back on. I felt dirty. Ugly. Violated. And so many other things that I swore I would never feel again. But the worst was helpless. I hated feeling powerless. And that's exactly how I'm feeling now.

A sob escapes my mouth as my legs give way. As if she can sense me letting my guard down, Grace comes closer and kneels beside me without touching me. I don't like people touching me if the events of that night is playing in my head and right now they're on repeat.

"Get out. All of you get out." I command as I press my forehead to my knees. Screw being in a dress. Right now I just need to have a mental break down and I refuse to do it in front of anyone.

"Ash-" Kenzie starts but I cut her off.

"NO. I want to be alone. Now get. Out. All of you. Especially YOU." I direct towards Wesley as the events from Triston's starts to come back to me. He's the one who did this. The one who snapped my neck. The one who sent me back to this place of.. of.. self loathing, helplessness... place of vulnerability that I promised myself I would never go back to. And for what? To protect a girl he thinks he "loves". If he ever found out the truth about who I am I would LOVE to see the look on his face when he realized he chose HER over me.... Wait. Shit.

Wes was the first to leave. He hesitated for a second like he wanted to say something but after he looked at the look on my face he decided against it. Nothing he says will change what he did. Call me crazy but up until the moment he snapped my neck I actually trusted that man. The gut wrenching part is he didn't even look regretful. He looked as if he believed he did what he had to do and he'd do it again if given the chance. Kenzie left soon after but not before giving me her signature look of concern. As Grace was about to leave I stopped her.

"My scent—" I started but she cut me off.

"I masked it for you." She replied with a tired smile.

"Thank you." I responded breathlessly out of pure relief.

She nodded once before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

*a few hours later*

Turns out my unscheduled "nap" lasted through the whole night. So, when I finally came to it was mid morning.

I've been in my room ever since refusing to come out or let anyone in.

After atleast an hour of contemplation, I willed myself to get out of bed. I sauntered over to the dresser mirror and nearly gagged. I look terrible. My makeup is smeared from crying, my hair is a frizzy mess, my dress is jumbled, and don't even get me started on my morning breath.

"YuP. I need a shower." I said to myself, popping the P.

'Yeah we do. Thank the moon goddess that incessant ringing stopped.' Gypsy grumbled in my head.

"Well hellO to you too!" I replied sarcastically.

Her only response was a growl. Typical.

I grabbed  my signature pair of ripped black skinny jeans, under garments, and a white tshirt crop top, before making my way over the the bathroom connected to my room.

I know. I know. I said I wouldn't use this bathroom but desperate times okay? I'd rather do this then come out of the solitude of my room and risk running into people. I'm not ready.

I opened the door oh so slowly to be sure that I wouldn't walk in on a naked Jaxon. Thankfully, he wasn't in there.

*15 minutes later*

I didn't recognize how sore my body actually was until I stepped into the steaming hot shower. I had been so lost in my head the last couple days that I had neglected myself physically. I haven't been for a run in who knows how long. I've barely slept in weeks. I have dark spots under my eyes from the lack of sleep but makeup hides them pretty well. I really can't even tell you the last time I fed. I mean I've had human food obviously but for a creature like me, that only goes so far.

The scorching water eased some of the tension in my body. My head was still buzzing from the unplanned nap I took last night but the ringing has subsided. Gypsy has been in a mood since we got back to Texas so I don't even bother messing with her right now. The last thing I need is to fight with my wolf.

After about 30 minutes in the shower I decide it's time to get out and face the world. I can't hide up here forever.

I shut off the water before wrapping my white towel securely around my body. As I pulled the shower curtain back I yelped and nearly jumped out of my own skin which almost caused me to drop my towel in the process!

"What. The. Hell!? Jaxon! Get out!" I yelled at the figure leaning against the bathroom counter with his arms folded as I simultaneously yanked the curtain back in place.

(This is what Jaxon looks like present day^)

Thankfully my towel didn't drop which means he didn't see anything. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm pretty confident in my body and it's not like he hasn't seen me before right? But, after what happened that night in the woods, not to mention how I felt this morning when I woke up...

I still feel too vulnerable and Jaxon being in here right now isn't exactly helping.

He makes no move to leave nor does he respond verbally. I can see his shadow through the curtain. Although I can't make out his facial expression, I can still see his posture is relaxed. Its as if he doesn't have a care in the world. He's still the same arrogant jerk I left behind I see.

"Are you really going to stand there and make me stand in front of you practically naked?" I ground out in frustration. I mean seriously? Who does he think—?

My thoughts were cut off when the curtain was yanked back again. This time, it wasn't me that did it. I shrieked and held my towel tighter to my body. My eyes were shut so I didn't have to look at him looking at me. Let's be honest, this was weird enough without the creepy eye contact thing.

"Open your eyes." He urged in a deep calm voice. Huh? His voice got deeper. Oh the joys of puberty.

"NoPe. Not till you leave." I popped the P and gritted my teeth defiantly.

I can't see him because my eyes are still closed but I can picture his face in my head. His jaw clenched at my outright denial of the command he gave me. He's the biological son of a dead alpha and the adoptive son of a current alpha, after all. He's not use to people telling him no. His eyebrow is probably arched too if I had to guess.

I wanted to reach out and pull the curtain back in front of me but I didn't want to accidentally grab something else in the process so I resisted the urge.

I could tell from the sudden feel of his hot breath on my face that he had leaned in closer. "You changed your hair?" He questioned in a velvety voice. His scent was driving both me and my wolf ragged. He probably knows that which is why he's in here standing this close to me while I'm in nothing but a towel. If I stopped masking my scent the tables would be turned in an instant.

I felt him touch my hair as he spoke. I swallowed as quietly as I could in order to regain some of my composure.

My eyes snapped open as I slapped his hand away from my hair. He wasn't the least bit surprised by my outburst, in fact, he looks as if he's enjoying it.

I gripped my towel to my chest with right hand and used my left to point to the door that connected to his room, "OUT. Jaxon Cade Knox." His grin disappeared the second I said his middle name.

He huffed, turned on his heels, and slammed the door behind him.

Okay. Cue the dramatics. That should've been my scene seeing as how I'M the one who's privacy is being invaded.

Next time I'm locking the door.

I made eye contact with myself in the mirror as I stepped out of the shower.

"Home sweet home." Is the phrase I uttered to myself as I got ready to face the world for the first time today.

Next part coming soon! Comment what POVs you want to see!!

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