Imagination Mover [Toji Fushi...

By disrespectfully_his

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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44

chapter 32

1.3K 41 8
By disrespectfully_his

"His here"

"He is?,show me"

"Over there.."

"Oh my god,he hasn't aged a day"

Your father had rolled his eyes and sat back,listening to his wife gawk to one of his many friends.She had been talking about this specific moment and him,like a puppet,sat quietly without any comment.
"Where's [Name],he brought his son along maybe they can be friends"

"I told you she's not interested in boys-"

"Oh shut up darling"
She pulled on a pained looking smile and fixed her hair.Her eyes turned hard as she glanced at her husband and crossed her leg over the other.
"I know my daughter better than anyone else and she loves men"

Your father sighed and stood up,fixing his suit.The only thing he could think about was how draining his wife had been the entire night through.

"Im serious,okay-"

Your father had leaned into his wife,taking hold of her arm as he gave her a pointed look.His nails dug into her arm while his jaw clenched and his sharp eyes turned into a deep glare.
"Would you shut that mouth of yours"


"You've embarrassed me enough tonight.Shut the fuck up and keep that damn nose to yourself"
He let go of your mother and scoffed,clearly he had enough of her shit.She had been about all night,boasting,laughing and judging others like some botched Regina Gorge.It was a friendly social gathering held by the mayor and his graceful partner,The Zenin Clan and she was ruining his entire experience.

It was an auspicious night that was filled with fun as the wealthy displayed there riches by taking part in the auction,donating to charity or a chance for a certain family to move up the social hierarchy.

"Where the hell is my daughter"

"Go find her"
He simply clicked his tongue in annoyance and let go of his wife.Your father had made his way toward the reserved area,where the entire clan had been seated.The amount of authority and power that dripped from each and every one of them was unbelievable.They looked serious,dominant and so traditionally aesthetic that anyone would feel out of place.

You had skillfully slipped out of the bathroom and popped your lips,making your way back to your table.Mum stood on edge,gulping down champagne glass after champagne glass and you just had to get away for abit.She embarrassed both your father and herself.It had gotten so bad,to the point where you dreaded this night and wished nothing more for it to end.

A loud whistle came from behind you and a soft frown formed on your face.You turned your head and slipped your hands into your silky pockets.There sat a bunch of boys,about your age,if not a couple years older,who couldn't hide there shame by staring at you.

Oh god they're staring at me

"Hey sexy.."

What de fuq!?

You kept your face neutral,raising a slow brow.Yes,0n the outside you seemed calm and collected but on the inside,the unknown attention shook you to your bones.They shamelessly licked at there lips and as one of them stood up to talk to you,you hid the buckle in your hips and sharply turned around,walking back to your mother.

Jesus fucking Christ i actually dodged it.Good god,imagine me with one of them.

You exhaled and balled your fists into your pockets.A small smile tugged on your lips as you tried your best to regulate your breathing and stop yourself from laughing at any second.A boy,a mere child,no younger than 23 had just cat called you.

I apologize for wanting to laugh but,he cannot be serious!

"Hey I'm talking to you!"
One of them yelled out too confidently.

And they just don't give up

He set his hand onto your shoulder making your head snap toward him.Your eyes instantly turned into a sharp glare,jaw tightening as you glanced at his hand.As much as you inherited your mothers beauty,you inherited her death stare as well.You had a tendency of acting like a true bitch at times especially when boys like these couldn't take a hint.

You shoved your shoulder away and stepped back.The little interaction drew the eyes of many and you completely hated it.Guests from all cultures and different backgrounds were around-the wealthy-not that you cared,but it caused unwanted attention and that was something you tried avoiding at all times.

"I said I'm talking to-"

"And I'm saying you're too young"

Your words had made the strangers eyes widen.He drew his hand back and frowned,watching you dust your shoulder off as if his hands had been the most filthiest.
"The moment you hit 30,maybe then we could talk"
Turning on your heel for what felt like the longest time,you joined your mothers side,leaving the stranger completely agape and his friends laughing at his rejection.

Dearest reader,I must admit that the walk back to your mums side felt wonderful.Leaving a boy your age completely stunned and in disbelief because you turned him down felt absolutely dignifying.You were never the type to toot your own horn but you knew you looked good.The red silk suit really did compliment your skin tone well enough and your straightened hair had made you look much older.Your red lips made you feel dangerous and toxic and those heels...

You hated these god forsaken heels but in that moment you truly did feel powerful and grown a soft spot to love them.The click of those heels on the marble museum floors,confidence in your stride,you felt like a woman.

A woman that could make Toji Fushiguro fall to his knees


I wonder what my husband is dooiinnggg


Probably spending the night with his Gumi-aah~so cute Toji-san

Your mother whispered yelled one more time and slapped your arm.She knocked you out of your smiling daze and shook her head.A faint blush dusted your cheeks as you cleared your throat and turned your attention to her.
"Where have you been goddamit!"

"I was in the bathroom but you were too busy talking to blondie over there"

"Mrs Welch isn't even a real blonde.They're extensions"
She clicked her tongue and nudged you forward.
"Follow me,your father is talking to an important man-"

"You mean this mysterious Casanova you've been obsessing about the entire night"

Mother gave off a fake laugh,trying to get rid of your statement.It was obvious to her that you had been listening in on her conversation and hell,it was the only thing she seemed interested in.
"His handsome that's all,a girl could only dream"

A girl really could

"Now behave,he has a son and his handsome too.If you play your cards right the two of you should click in no time,just don't talk about books or math"

"B-But books and math is all I know-"

"Not tonight it isn't"

You frowned and glanced at her arm that hooked around your own.Mathematics,it was something you hated yet something you loved doing.It challenged and mocked your brain leaving you angry and frustrated yet you couldn't bare to leave an equation unsolved.
Books had always been a part of your intricate life.You had been reading since the age of five and had made the library your first bestfriend.

Two things you loved so dearly were the two things your birth mother told you not to talk about.You always knew it bothered her,that her daughter was a complete bookworm,anime geek and math junkie and yet when your report card showed a 100% score rate she had taken full credit and responsibility for it.It left your father in the shadows and you feeling unjust.

God knew she didn't care,yet why did you?

You listened to her call out to your father,who on instinct,made way for her and took hold of her hand.He kissed her cheek and respectfully introduced her to the city's most elite.
"My lovely wife.."

You couldn't be too interested in this damn conversation.Why stay interested in what your mother liked when she could barely act interested in what you loved.Childish,you knew this,but still.Her words cut sharper than a knife and even though,being masochistic was your thing at times-this time it really did hurt.

"It's wonderful finally meeting you all.."
Her voice went a high pitch,flatteringly smiling at the guests of the hour.You had heard her use that tone before.It sounded sincere and appreciative,adoration laced to the maximum,yet filled with false lies and fake smiles and nothing but mere deception.She was embarrassing and practically dragged your family name through the mud at this social gathering,no matter if your family name was deceitful.It was what led you to keep your gaze down,hiding your face into your long hair and thank god for the last minute bangs you decided to go with.
"Especially you Toji Zenin.."

The familiar name caught your attention and your head shot up at full speed.Your eyes widened,staring at Toji who stood in your line of view,Megumi right beside him playing a video game on his cellphone.He seemed more uninterested than you were,so glued to his video game he couldn't care less.The large headphones covered his ears and the kid could barely hear anything.

Tojis eyebrows raised,surprised to see you at the party just as surprised as you were to see him.You looked completely different and compared to a wrinkled school shirt or a short pleated skirt,he preferred seeing you like this tonight.

"I look forward to having a conversation about the many fundraisers you had raised in the underprivileged areas near Tok-"

"I go by Fushiguro now"

His eyes stayed on you while he rudely interrupted your mother.Everyone had known that he was Toji Fushiguro,yet the grown man just couldn't help but feel pissed off when calling him a "Zenin".It was a fucking disgrace.His tone was short and off putting and came off as a hefty reminder that being a Zenin was something he could never turn back to.

"I apologize for my wife's mistake.Her knowledge on your past is much more bare than mine myself,she did not know"

Your mothers head dropped as she bowed in respect but Toji,he cooly waved it off.His "former" family members had given him a judging stare,along with his son who observed from the corner of his eye.It would seem that the entire clan had turn there backs on Toji Fushiguro and you had wondered why.

Toji drank up the gorgeous being that stood in front of him,you.His tongue poked at his cheeks as he stuck his hands into his pockets.He gave his son a nudge and Megumi looked up with a soft hum.He gracefully pulled off his headphones and pushed his hair back,his handsome features stood bold tonight.

The Fushiguro men never disappoints?

Megumi frowned yet his lips turned into a deep smile.He slipped his phone back into his pocket and pulled off his headphones as you leaped in for a hug.His arms wrapped around yours,pulling you closer and taking in your natural vanilla scent.His grip had tightened and you noticed.

These were one of those moments,where Megumi wholeheartedly adored you.He cherished these friendly hugs but at times would often get carried away.He was your bestfriend that happened to have a major crush on you,you'll let him have it this time.
"I barely recognized you,what the hell did you do to your face"

"Ask my mum"
You laughed nervously and pulled your head away from him,to get a good look.Your eyes darted toward Toji,who stood ever so silently as his jaw slowly tightened.

"You look disgusting"

You giggled at his words and playfully shoved his shoulder.The two of you had pulled away from one another and out of habit,Megumi pulled his arm over your neck.

Your mother stared at you wide eyed.They practically jumped from her sockets along with your father.The thought of you having a boyfriend was utterly shocking and something they couldn't comprehend.They had never met Megumi,only heard about him so this was a chance for you to finally introduce him.
"Mum..Dad..this Megumi"

They spoke in unison and uncomfortably stared at each other.Your father cleared his throat and your mother shifted her weight to her right leg.A soft blush tinted your cheeks,embarrassment shown onto your entire face when your parents could barely recall who Megumi was.

It wasn't the good kind.They were your parents and forgot who one of the most important people in your life was.It was sickening.Had they not paid attention?

You thought.

He laughed nervously and glanced at you,practically begging you for help.When Megumi saw your flushed state he sighed and shook his head in understanding.
"Oh this is all so wonderful!"
Your mother jumped excitedly,tugging at her husbands arm and dragging him forward.The two families had begun walking to a more private table,reserved for Megumi and Toji.
"Our children are inlove Mr Toji!"

You almost tripped over your own two feet as Megumi caught you.He laughed softly and pulled out a seat for you,having you sit comfortably down.Your father had done the same to your mother and Toji pulled out a chair for Megumi.You puffed your cheeks at the sight,he was so adorable toward his son.The little genuine act had made you feel slightly better. adorable.

Megumi grumbled in embarrassment and glanced at his father,who chuckled and watched his son sit down.Toji took the seat opposite you,where you avoided his intense stare.He hadn't said anything yet which made you feel intimidated.Your neck had begun to feel warm and goosebumps rose all over your arms.If Toji stared any further you would become a soaking mess once again.

"M-mum..his my bestfriend"
You protested and pulled a all too funny facial expression.
"I told you about him..two years ago"
The look your parents shared only made your stomach sink more.What exactly did they remember about you?

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