Go bad or Go Home

By marichat316

138K 2.5K 2.9K

You're a (f/c) fox who is dating the one and only Mr. Wolf. What happens when the Heist of the century is p... More

The touchy topic
It's heist time
A Mischievous idea
A Second Chance
A/N If you're up to read
Going Good?
The Gala
Another A/N😅
Truth Hurts
A Past Reveal's Itself
Decisions are Questioned
Back At It Again
Actions are Forgiven
Things Work Out Even for Bad Guys
A/N So Sorry
Somethings are not meant to Be
Another A/N I Know😭😭
Feelings Lead to Something New
Sick Day

A Plan. A Bad, Bad Plan

10K 201 244
By marichat316

I finally finished this chapter!  I might update once a week or maybe twice if I'm up for it. I wasn't sure what picture you wanted @Braydenwarren639 so I'm just gonna link your story. If that ok. For sure I will put it in the next one. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes~

The plan was set. We would infiltrate the fancy-pants event at the Museum of Fine Arts, posing as guests who were there to celebrate the life and achievements of that annoying guinea pig, Professor Marmalade. During the festivities, we would sneak backstage using Web's clever hacking skills. Wolf finished explaining the plan to us, "... Where the golden dolphin will be positioned just beyond the backstage curtain."

"Pssh," Piranha said, waving a fin. "Sounds easy."

"Sounds easy, Hermano," Wolf agreed. "But to get there, we need to bypass three levels of security. So. Step one: We need to blend in."

We all got to work. Finding our costumes for the night. Since most of our lives have been stealing, getting gussied up for a party was a new kind of fun. By the time the party rolled around, we were all set. Wolf had chosen a snazzy suit, along with a dapper fedora, silk tie, fake mustache, and tinted glasses. In your eyes, he kind of looked like George Clooney. That man always looked good. Your outfit consisted of a beautiful white dress, with glossy white heels, and to top it off a pretty lavender flower that adorned your head.

As you were glancing at yourself in the mirror, Wolf came from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist. Hugging you from behind. Softly resting his head in the crook of your neck.

"You look gorgeous darling~" You gasped slightly as he placed a gentle kiss on your exposed shoulder.

You slowly turned around, gently cupping his face in your hands.

"You don't look too bad yourself, pretty boy~" You stated sighing in content as he leaned into your touch. "We have to get going. The others are waiting."

He pouted, causing you to let out a laugh. He fought the urge to not smile at your beautiful laughter but failed.

"Five more minutes (N/N)~" He said as he buried his face in the crook of your neck once more.

You sighed. Rolling your eyes at his subberness as you pulled him away from you. He was about to protest until you pulled him in for a kiss. Making his hands fall down and wrap one arm around your waist and the other behind your neck. Deepening the kiss. As you pulled away, he looked starstrucked confused about what just happened. You let out a small giggle, walking away to meet the others. Which he followed suit. You made it to the main room where you saw the others dressed very nicely. Shark was wearing a gorgeous gown that he managed to fit his muscular form into.

"Interesting." you said well feeling slightly uncomfortable about this.

You then glanced up, Webs was perched on the top of Shark head. She had fashioned her legs into the shape of a butterfly. You then glanced to the right of Shark and saw Snake who seemed to go with the old school kind of look. His outfit consisted of a classic suit with a handlebar mustache, monocle, top hat, and the pair of fake arms to help fill out the look.

" Nice." you stiffened a laugh as you looked at Snakes fake arms once more.

And last but not least, Piranha who is dressed in a kids size coat and tails. He looked like a kid but it did the trick.

All of us wear sunglasses to complete the look and to help hide our true identities from anyone who decided to look a little more closely at us under our disguises.

When we arrived at the Museum, we joined in with a long line of guests who were already milling about, waiting to enter the event. There was a grand staircase stretching up towards the Fine Arts Museum, and we had just begun to climb the steps when a stretch limo pulled up at the bottom of the stairs. Many of the guests turn to watch as Professor Marmalade, the eccentric and good-natured do-gooder who would be honored that night, popped out of the limo and began his own march up the stairs to the party. Paparazzi flooded in around the little guinea pig, eager to snap shots of the evening featured guest.

" Professor Marmalade..." Wolf muttered, rolling his eyes. " This year's recipient of the golden dolphin and the most annoying good guy on the planet."

Marmalade waved to his crowd of adoring fans, then stepped up to talk with Tiffany Fluffit, the eager news reporter who'd been assigned to the nice festivities. " Professor," Tiffany started. " In the past year, you stopped Wars, fed the hungry, and saved countless pandas." The reporter took a deep breath and flashed her smile at the nodding professor. " Some have described your goodness as second only to the Dalai Lama!"

Professor Marmalade nodded, putting on his look of earnest humility. " Oh, Tiffany, it's not a competition! and if it were, it would really be more of a tie. But we can all agree that there is a flower of goodness inside all of us, just waiting to blossom."

You rolled your eyes at his comment. "Sure there is."

Everyone within earshot broke into applause, overwhelmed with love for the oh so good Professor. Marmalade than gave a wave to the crowd as he continued his climb up the red carpet, heading inside to the awards ceremony where even more fans were waiting for a glimpse of that evening's headliner.

"Once we get inside," Wolf whispered to us, "There are two armor doors..." he explained how we would get into the doors that were locked and sealed tightly, with extra protections, to ensure that the beloved golden dolphin was safe and secure and until it was thrust into Professor Marmalade's grubby little guinea pig paws.

"The first door can only be opened by a special key card that is carried at all times by a dear friend, the chief of police." Wolf told us. " The second is outfitted with a retinal scanner that only works with Governor Foxington eye, and it's also guarded by an elite special ops unit trained to strike first and ask questions later."

We all nodded our heads. Wolf pointed out, "Since Governor Foxington is the only one who has clearance to open the second door, Step two is that she and I will need to get up close in person. A small growl releases from your throat while your ears pinned back slightly. You quickly cut Wolf off.

" That won't be necessary,"

"And why's that?" He questioned as you moved closer to his face.

" I have my ways," you stated as you showed him a picture of the governor that seemed to blur out the person who was in the picture next to her.

"Where did you get this?" he said looking skeptical.

" Oh darling, there's a lot you don't know about me." you pat his cheek softly, walking away from him.

Wolf quickly shook his head, and got back on to his train of thought.

Small time skip brought to you by Wolf wagging his tail

"Okay, friends," Wolf said, rejoining you and the others on the far side of the Museum's huge entranceway. "It's showtime!" together, we stepped into the main part of the museum. A big open space had been turned into a reception area for guests of the event. round banquet tables had been set with multi-course place settings, elegant centerpieces, and at the front of the room was a stage with a podium and a giant screen set up for a video presentation that would be used during the awards ceremony itself.

"Once we're in," Wolf reminded us. "It's on to Step 3: Split up and take our positions."

nearby, you and Wolf heard the police chief tells some of her crew,

"Officers, if the bad guys crash this event, I would definitely lose my job and I will not hesitate to take you down with me. "Now move out..."

On Wolf's command, we also broke off and moved into position. Piranha broke away from us and nonchalantly dovin to a nearby fountain to access the building's plumbing system.

Webs hopped off Shark's head and crawled stealthily across the floor, and between partygoers legs and shoes. Shark sidled up the main staircase, heading for the ceremony room and his next move. Meanwhile, you and Wolf headed for the balcony level, both of you snagging guests' wallets and jewelry on the way. Hey, if it's that easy to take, you thought, the owners deserve to lose their stuff to hard-working thiefs.

Downstairs, Snake slithered up a modern art sculpture to reach one of the Museum's upper ledges, then slid directly into an air duct.

"Mics on," Webs said quietly as soon as she was in position. "Everyone on comms, do you copy?" She hopped onto the back of a security guard, riding undetected as he unlocked the secret surveillance room.

As the rest of us established our positions, Webs then spoke again.

"Guys." Webs whispered into the comm link. "It's dolphin season."

The golden dolphin was right where it was supposed to be, sitting backstage waiting for our big moment. "Copy that," Piranha replied. "I'm on the move."

After we heard Piranha's confirmation, you and Wolf continued to make rounds. You both past by the police chief who had just started yelling,

"Unit two, is the backstage area still secure?"

The response came immediately to the walkie-talkie, " Unit two, all clear."

" Keep your eyes open, boys," The police chief reminded them. "They could be anywhere, just waiting to humiliate us." Just then, Wolf took the opportunity to bump into the chief, who looked up and was surprised.

"Oh pardon me officer!" He had said with one arm wrapped around your waist.

" Not a problem sir, ma'am" the chief said. "I thrive on the Instinct. This is where all the training pays off..."

Without missing a beat, you both strode confidently down the hall-with the Chiefs security key tucked securely in Wolf's fur covered hand.

Through the headpiece you had heard " Wolf and (Y/N) is in position!" Piranha, you penguin- suited and booted?"

Prana muttered, " Affirmative. I'm a clean, mean, dolphin stealing machine!"

You then glanced over at Wolf who had the security card in hand. Both of you made your way towards the staircase, where you stole more things while making it look as easy as taking candy from a baby. Suddenly, you came up to the easiest mark of the night: a frail and very rich looking old lady. dollar bills were spilling out of her purse, and Wolf just couldn't resist.

You looked at Wolf slowly, seeing what he was doing. You then warn him. "Wolf.. we have enough, let's go."

He so badly wanted to listen to you, but a theft like this was impossible to pass up. But just as he grabbed onto the woman's purse strap, the old lady tripped and began to fall down the stairs.

Your eyes widened in surprise "Oh shi.."

The purse strap, held on one side by Wolf, was the only thing keeping her from falling all the way down the stairs.

Wolf glanced at the old lady, and then at the purse, then at you, then back at the old lady. With a quick heave-ho, he pulled the old lady back up to safety. He sighed, feeling like a sucker for letting his conscience take over him. "Here," he grumbled. "Let me help you. Are you okay, ma'am?"

"Oh my gracious, yes!" she said in the tribute voice. "I may be dizzy, but I'm alive, thanks to you." she wrapped Wolf in a warm, huge hug.

"Wha-what are you..." he stammered.

You stiffened a laugh, as he glared slightly at you.

"Oh, thank you, dear," the old lady said, petting him lovingly. "You're such a good boy."

As she walked, Wolf's eyes went wide. His tail had started wagging uncontrollably.

You let out a hearty laugh as you saw his tail wagging. He looks so adorable.

He then flushed a bright pink when he realized you saw what happened. He then quickly tucked his tail into the seat of his pants, making sure no one other than you saw it slip out of his disguise. He then got close to your face,

"You say nothing of this." he said, narrowing his eyes.

You gave him a smug look. "Okay."

He didn't look entirely convinced but just shook it off.

A few minutes later, we strolled into the janitor's closet, Piranha had set up as a sort of makeshift command station

"You all good brother?" Piranha asked, noticing right away that Wolf looked a little off.

"He had a little issue, but we sorted it out, there's no need to worry." Wolf glared at you, but then spoke.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm all... all good," Wolf told him, trying to shake off his strange encounter with the old lady. into the radio he said, "Webs, what do you say about moving on to step four?"

Webs then responded back, "Copy that. Shark, you're up. Do your thing."

Excitedly, Shark blurted out through the radio, radio,"Do I get to improvise?"

We both climbed into Piranhas catering cart, very cramped you might add, Wolf then muttered back, "Yeah fine, improvise. But please be subtle."

You then heard Sharks very loud voice boom through the speaker radio, " I'm having a BABY! Is there a doctor or perhaps several SECURITY GUARDS who could LEAVE THEIR POSTS and help me?!"

As soon as the security guards moved, Piranha wielded the cart to the door of the guard room.Wolf's hand poked out of the underside of the car to swipe them in with the stolen key card. But getting that first story was the easy part now they had to get past to elite special ops guards keeping watch over the trophy room. Wolf, you and Piranha surveyed the scene from the far end of the hallway. That's when they noticed a food cart rolling towards the guards. The covered tray on the top of the car was labeled "Fish surprise."

"Fish Surprise?" One of the special ops guards asked, leaning toward the tray. Curious, he lifted the cover

"Stupid." You whisper to yourself.

"Surprise!" Piranha shouted, leaping into the guards faces.

That did the trick, and you and Wolf rushed towards the next part of the plan. You watched as he studied the retinal scanner, the last step before we could get in through the door. With a flick of his finger, he pulled up the selfie that you had sent him. He zoomed in on the governor's face then hit send.

"Webs," he called. "You're up."

A nanosecond later, Wolf's phone dinged with an intercom message. "Done!" Webs chirped back. " Eight steps ahead of you Wolfie, and Foxy."

You glanced over Wolf's shoulder to look at the photo. Web's head zoomed in and enhanced the picture to get a higher-res of Diane's Iris. Wolf pressed his phone up against the retinal scanner, watching as the light blink green. We were in. The highest was ON.

In the distance, you could hear Diane's voice which meant that the event had started. It was now time to get what we had come for, and to get out. You, Wolf, and Piranha had ripped off your fancy outfits which then revealed underneath full body tactical suits. We then launched ourselves over the gauntlet of lazarbeams surrounding the golden dolphin trophy as we flew through the air, a vent in the ceiling popped open and Snake popped out-Just in time to catch us.

"Need a lift?" Snake said seriously.

We all dangled directly above the golden dolphin. success was so close, Snake could almost smell it with his tongue when he flicked it out to say,

"Hurry up!" we sank lower and lower, getting closer and closer to the trophy.

"This is going surprisingly smoothly," Wolf mused.

"Don't jinx it." You said as you glanced at him.

But just as he said that, a diamond ring that he had stolen earlier fell out of his pocket. It bounced on the golden dolphin, then pinged back up into the air. Wolf grabbed it with the tip of shoes, but it was too late- dozens of laser cannons flipped out of the base of the golden dolphin pedestal and fired into the air.




Wolf's shoes were scorched to black and when the laser hit a nearby statue, the whole thing was vaporized.

"What the hell?!" You yelled.

" What the molt just happened?" Snake gasped.

Wolf used his superior wolf vision to read the plaque on the front of the trophy stand.

"The golden dolphin is protected by the..." he paused. " The wolf/(Y/N)(you can put your name or just put fox. It's up to you~) piranha/ snake/ shark/ tarantula protection system!"

Over the radio, Webb's gasped. "The W(F/L/N)(an f or first letter of your name)PSST?"

The laser cannons were motion-sensitive, carefully tracking even the slightest movement. Wolf, you, snake, and Piranha appeared to be trapped.

"This was not supposed to happen!" Wolf wailed.

You then raised your voice, "You think?!"

"Calm down," Webs told us. " I'm on it."

Few seconds later Wolf asked, " Did it work?"

Webs then answered back, " Give me five minutes!"

" We don't have five minutes, Webs." You answered

All of you then heard Diane announcing Professor Marmalade to the stage. " Vamonos," Piranha said, sounding desperate. " We got to go!"

"Webs! The curtain goes up any minute." she had to get us out of there.

"It's not letting me in." Webs growled. "Did you try rebooting it?"

"You probably need to download a driver," Snake suggested helpfully .

As this was happening, you blankly stared at the ground. " We're all going to die."

" Check your preferences," Wolf added.

" Oh my gosh!" Webs gasped. " You guys fixed it!"

" Really?" Wolf and Snake both asked at the same time.

You face palmed.

"NO!" Webs snapped back. "It's time to turn this baby on beast mode."

As this was happening, the curtains started to rise but luckily we all made it out with the golden dolphin.

"No!" Diane screamed, immediately realizing what had happened. " Everyone! Everyone! Please don't panic. Just stay calm!" " I'm sure there's an explanation for this. I repeat. Please do NOT panic."

We use the people panicking as a cover, where we quickly changed back into our disguises and discreetly made our way past the screaming crowd.

" Nice work," Wolf told us. " Now, let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here."

You snickered slightly at this.

" Ah,word play," Piranha said, chuckling. Then, after a quick pause, he added, " Wait, I don't get it."

You guys could still hear people panicking. Then Professor Marmalade's voice rang through the crowd. " Diane, Diane, if I may. You have to understand. I did not create the love crater and bring hope back to the city for an award..." We were almost out the door when Marmalade added,

" I did those good things because of how they made me feel... that tingly feeling... the shiver up my spine... the wag in my tiny tail!"

When Marmalade said those final words, you saw Wolf still. You raised an eyebrow slightly at this but said nothing.

" Because you see... being good, just feels so good. And when you're good, you're loved."

Wolf's tail began to wag. While he scrambled to hide it, his glasses and fake mustache started to fall off. Seeing what was happening, you called out.

"Wolf?" "Wolf!"

" What are you doing?" Piranha screeched.

" Go!" Shark and Webs both hollered. "Go!"

But Wolf was transfixed. The idea of having that wag in his tail all the time, of being loved by others besides his one true... it was as though Professor Marmalade was speaking his language!"

Suddenly, someone in the audience screamed: "IT'S THE BAD GUYS!"

" Arrest them!" The chief of police called out, pointing to where we were standing. " Arrest them before they get away!"

Your eyes widened at this, and we all froze as hundreds of guards surrounded us, ready with their batons. We were trapped, and there appeared to be no escape.

" They stole the golden dolphin!" the police chief crowd, staring down each of us in turn.

" Come on," Wolf snapped, finally snapping out of the trance that Professor Marmalade's little speech had trapped him in. " You can't prove that."

Just then, the golden dolphin slipped out of the bottom of Shark's dress and clanked to the ground. Shark look down at the trophy, then at the cops, then back at the prize.

" My-my-my baby!"

The police closed in on us, eager to keep us contained. They knew all too well just how easily we could slip out of a tight spot. " On your knees, bad guys, with your hands up!" The police chief ordered.

"Never," Snake hissed. " We're out of here."

" So long suckers!" Wolf added wrapping his arm around your waist as he grabbed the grappling hook that was anchored to his pants. You watched as he shot it towards the ceiling, both of you smirking about our clever escape plan. but instead of carrying us up into safety, the cable snagged the back of Wolf's pants... and carried his pants up and away.

"God damn it." you said with a forced smile

Wolf's grin slipped, and he covered himself up with his hands, " Well," he said awkwardly. " This just got weird."

Hello darlings~ It was a long one but it was fun to write. I hope you enjoy it and until next time comment and vote and see you next time darlings~

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