
By Romanogersroyalty

15.4K 839 525

(warning: signs of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying and harassment) Natasha Romanoff is... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 8

433 26 29
By Romanogersroyalty

After Natasha got news of her engagement she was quick to tell Maria. Who even though was on a vacation with her boyfriend told Natasha that she was catching the first flight back to New York. So at 6 a.m. Natasha found herself standing outside the airport with Cooper in tow.

"There she is" Maria told her boyfriend as she pointed out the blonde and quickly ran up to her "oh my God. Your hair" she exclaimed with a smile as she hugged the blonde

Natasha chuckled "watch Cooper" she warned

Maria quickly pulled away and waved at the baby "oh, he's so cute. Good thing he didn't get Clint's looks" she joked and the two women chuckled

Sam cleared his throat and Maria turned to him with a smile "Natasha, this is my boyfriend Sam. Sam this is my best friend Natasha and my nephew Cooper" she introduced

Sam smiled at the blonde and shook her hand "so your the one getting married"

Natasha nodded in confirmation

"Congratulations" he said

Natasha gave a small smile "thank you"

"So where is your grom? And when do I get to meet him?" Maria asked as they all hopped into the car and buckled their seat belts

Natasha sighed as she started the engine "you'll meet him at the photo shoot, if you want to come" she replied as she started the engine

"Photo shoot"

Natasha nodded

"That sounds exciting. Sam you should come too" Maria said as she turned to her boyfriend who had a awkward smile on his face

Sam nodded "sounds cool"

Maria smiled

Sam cleared his throat "so, uh, what does he do"

"He's the CEO of Rogers Corp. One of the biggest companies in the world. His brother is Tony Stark, I'm sure your familiar with him" Natasha replied

Sam nodded "yeah. Met the guy a couple times. So high up on his own horse. Can't seem to look at you unless you have money" he said with a roll of his eyes as he thought of the brunette

Natasha chuckled "that's Tony stark for you"

"Wait, wait, wait. YOUR MARRYING STEVE FUCKING ROGERS" Maria exclaimed in horror as Sam covered his ears and Natasha chuckled

She remembered how bad Steve treat Natasha in highschool. Him and his brother. So hearing that the two are going to be getting married is a huge shocker to the brunette.

Natasha nodded "yep" she replied popping the p

"Have you gone mad" Maria questioned as she leaned back in her seat and folded her arms over her chest

"I don't see the problem. From what I've heard Steve Rogers is a nice guy who's always on the right side of publicity" Sam stated

Maria huffed "yeah. He also bullied Natasha all through elementary and middle school"

"Really" Sam asked in shock and the two women nodded "wow. I didn't peg him as that type of guy" he stated

"We're here" Natasha said as she pulled into the Barton's driveway

"So, you done wedding planning" Maria asked curiously as she got out of the car and grabbed her bags

Natasha shrugged "pretty much. My mom's practically planning it all to the very t. In her words 'everything must be just so'" she said imitating her mother with a roll of her eyes as she got Cooper out of his car seat and Maria chuckled."Speaking of wedding planning, I need you to watch Cooper tomorrow while I go over to Stark Tower to finish wedding planning" Natasha said as they pulled into the Barton's driveway

Maria furrowed her eyebrows "Stark Tower?"

Natasha nodded

"Yeah. I'll watch him" she said and Natasha gave her an appreciative smile


"You still want to come" Maria asked her boyfriend who looked like he was about to dose off on the couch

Sam looked up at his girlfriend and smiled "yeah. Rather go then be all alone"

Maria rolled her eyes

Grabbing Cooper's diaper bag and the keys the four made their way out of the house and back into the car.

"Someone's tired" Natasha joked as she looked through the rearview mirror

Maria furrowed her eyebrows and turned to look at the backseat only to chuckle when she saw her boyfriend's head laid against the car seat with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly agape. "Dork" she muttered as she took out her phone and took a picture with a smile on her face


"Vouge? Your doing a photoshoot for vouge" Maria questioned as they pulled up to vouge magazine headquarters

Natasha nodded and Maria squealed causing her boyfriend in the backseat to wake up along with Cooper who was now crying. Natasha let out a huff as she looked at the brunette beside her who had a look of sorrow on her face.

Getting out of the car Natasha quickly made her way to the backseat and took Cooper out of his car seat. As they walked up to the front door Natasha rocked him to and frow which caused the crying to stop and him to fall back asleep.

"Thank god your here" Melina exclaimed as Natasha walked through the door "what's that baby doing here" she questioned as she looked at Cooper in disgust

Natasha opened her mouth to speak but furrowed her eyebrows once her mother grabbed her by her arm and dragged her into the dressing room.

Maria rolled her eyes as she followed the mother daughter duo "there's Steve. Why don't you go talk to him. We could be a while" she suggested as she pointed out the blonde to her boyfriend

Sam nodded and muttered a quick see ya later before walking up to Steve

"She's here" Melina exclaimed as her and her daughter walked into the dressing room slamming the door behind them

Maria let out a huff as the door almost hit her in the face. Opening the door she walked into the room that was filled with clothes and makeup.

The two stylist turned to look at the blonde and smiled.

"Now we knew you were pretty but we didn't expect you to be this pretty" a woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes said as she walked up to the blonde and played with her hair trying to think of a way to style it

"Um, thank you" Natasha replied awkwardly

"Alright, we need to get you changed into your first outfit than I'll do your makeup while Stacy does your hair" a blonde woman with brown eyes informed (Lucy)

Melina smiled at the two woman before she walked out of the room to let the woman do their magic.

Natasha got dressed into a red off the shoulder mini dress. The sleeves although off the shoulder were long and the dressed hugged her curves in all the right places. She paired the dress with a pair of Luis Vuitton heels. Once she was dressed Stacy put her hair up into a high ponytail, placing in some extinctions while the Lucy gave Natasha a smokey make up look.

"I think your ready" Stacy said as she finished up

Natasha looked at herself through the reflection of the mirror. She could hardly recognize herself. Natasha was never a fan of smokey makeup or high ponytails, that were so tight you feel like your eyeballs are going to pop out of their sockets.

Maria stifled a laugh as she looked at her friend

Natasha looked up at the two women who had accomplished looks on their faces but it quickly faltered when they realized the look on the blondes face.

"You don't like it" Lucy asked with a frown

Natasha gave the women a reassuring smile "it's not that I don't like it" she started "it's just... not me" she said honestly

The women nodded in understanding

"We can fix that" Lucy stated and taking a makeup wipe she began her process all over again

After what felt like another hour, the two women looked at the blonde with smiles on their faces.

"Now we're done" Stacy said with a smile

Natasha looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. There she is, her blonde hair was now hanging loose above her shoulder. Her makeup done natural with a hint of pink to really make her green eyes pop. Natasha also changed into a light pink dress with short mesh puff sleeves and she kept the Louis Vuitton heels.

"I love it" she exclaimed with a smile and the two women squealed at their success


Going into the studio Natasha was greeted by her soon to be mother-in-law who wore a simple black dress. Sarah smiled at the blonde as she walked up to her "you look fantastic" she complemented

Natasha smiled "thank you. You do too"

"Ah, nothing can outshine you're beauty" she said with a wave

Natasha smiled and the two women walked over to where Sam and Steve were engrossed in conversation.

Steve looked over at Natasha when she came over and gave her a smile which she returned.

"Alright everyone's here. Let's get the pictures done" the photographer (Renee) announced


After what seemed like hours of posing and outfit changes Steve and Natasha were officially done for the day.

"You two were amazing. Just amazing" Renee exclaimed

Natasha gave the woman a kind smile and a quick thank you before she began to walk back to the dressing room.

"Natasha" Steve called as he grabbed her wrist causing the blonde to turn around

Natasha looked at Steve curiously

"Can we have lunch" he asked

"I don't th-" she began

"My treat" he insisted with his million dollar golden boy smile

Natasha sighed in defeat "okay. Just let me change"

Steve nodded and Natasha walked into her dressing room coming out moments later wearing a leather jacket, leather pants, a white lace tank top and a pair of boots. Steve looked at Natasha shocked by her fashion choice.

"What" she questioned in frustration

"N-n-nothing, I just thought" Steve cleared his throat "that's a lot of leather"

"Making fun of the way I dress now" she questioned with a cocked eyebrow

"N-no" before Steve could finish Natasha was walking away and as she did so Steve found himself unable to keep his eyes off her ass


"Where are we going" Natasha asked curiously as she hopped into Steve's black Tesla

Steve smirked "there's this amazing pizza joint down the road. You like pizza right" he asked as he started the engine

Natasha shrugged "never had it"

Steve looked over at the red head with a look of shock on his face "what do you eat" he asked curiously as he remembered the dinner they had not to long ago

Natasha shrugged "whatever's on my diet plan"

Steve furrowed his eyebrows "diet plan?"

Natasha nodded

Steve scoffed "okay. So what's on this 'diet plan'?"

"Salad. Salmon. Chicken, only grilled. Nothing fried or baked. No carbs. No sweets which means no dessert-"

"Okay. I've heard enough" he exclaimed "I officially declare today as your cheat day" he said with a smile

"Cheat day? Really?"

Steve nodded

Shortly after Steve pulled into the parking lot of Stanley's pizza parlor. Getting out of the car Steve went to the passenger side door and opened it leading out his hand to the blonde. Natasha looked at his hand questionably before placing hers in his and walking with him inside.

Once inside Natasha was greeted by the smell of freshly baked pizza dough and freshly picked basel.

"Steve, how are you" a older man with salt and pepper colored hair greeted

"Stan, good to see you" Steve said with a smile

Stan smiled at Steve before looking over at the blonde next to him "and who is this beautiful woman you've brought with you tonight" he asked with a smile

Steve looked over at Natasha before looking back at Stan with a smile "this is my fiancé, Natasha" he introduced and Natasha was shocked by how easy the word fiancé rolled off his tongue


Steve nodded

Stan smiled as he held out his hand to Natasha "it's nice to meet you"

Natasha smiled as she shook the old man's hand "you as well"

"The usual" Stan asked as he took out his note pad

Steve nodded "yeah"

Stan wrote down the order before looking over at Natasha "and for you?"

"Uh" Natasha looked up at the menu on the wall, none of it seeming familiar to her "I'll just have what he's having" she replied and Stan nodded as he placed the order

"Why don't we sit over there. It's where I always sit" Steve said as he pointed out one of the booths and Natasha nodded as she followed him. "You know I thought you were joking when you said you never had pizza but now that I seen you here I realized you really haven't" he said with a chuckle as they took their seats

"My mom never aloud me to eat greasy food" she shrugged

"Here you go" Stan said as he sat the food down in front of them and walked away

Natasha looked at the large piece of pizza that was on her plate questionably before she grabbed a knife and a fork

"What are you doing" Steve asked with a chuckle as she was about to cut the pizza

Natasha looked up at the blonde with a confused look on her face "cutting it" she replied and Steve shook his head

"You don't cut let me show you" he said as he picked up his pizza slice off the plate and folded it like you would a taco "and then you eat it"

"But then I'll get grease all over my hands" she stated

"That's the fun part" he stated with a smile as he took a bite

Natasha looked at the pizza slice questionably before picking it up and following Steve's actions.

"Let's play a game of 21 questions" he suggested "ever play" he questioned and Natasha shook her head "no? Do you ever do anything fun?"

Natasha shrugged

"Okay. Rules of the game, I ask you a question, you answer and vise versa" he explained "got it?"

Natasha nodded

Steve smiled "what are your hobbies?"

"I have a lot of hobbies. Piano, ice skating, violin, but my favorite is ballet" she replied

"Your a ballerina?"

"Uh un, one question per round" she said with a smirk and Steve huffed "what about you? What are your hobbies?"

"Art" he replied simply "now back to my question, your ballerina?"

Natasha shrugged "I used to be a prima ballerina then I went into the miss world competition haven't gone back yet" she replied

Steve nodded

"Art. You any good?"

"I like to think so. I do a few art galleries every now and then" he replied with a shrug

"That's good. Maybe one day you'll be a famous artist" she said with a smile

The game continued for what seemed like hours with neither of them noticing the time that went by.

"We're about to close" Stan stated as he walked over to their table

"Close? But it's only-" Steve trialed off as he looked at his watch "wow. Time flies" he said as he got up from his seat


"Thanks for dinner" Natasha said as they pulled into the Barton's driveway

Steve smiled "it was my pleasure"

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow" Natasha smiled as she opened the car door and stepped out walking to the front door and going inside

Steve didn't drive off until he made sure that Natasha was safely inside.

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