Sucked inside !? Or not...? (...

By WayWindPrince

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-I'll fix this later- More

Sucked inside?!? Or not.....? [EDITED]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
NOT a chapter!!!!! OUTFIT # 1!!!!!
OUTFIT # 2!!!
OUTFIT # 3!!!
OUTFIT # 4!!
OUTFIT # 5~!!!
OUTFIT # 6~!
OUTFIT # 7~!
OUTFIT # 8~!
THE FINAL OUTFIT~!!!!!!!!! NUMBER 10~!!!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 7 {Day 2}
Chapter 7 {Day 2} [Pt. 2]
Chapter 8 {Day 3}

Chapter 6 {Day One}

110 5 6
By WayWindPrince

" Have you ever been so ticked off, in your life?! Well I haven't! Nuh-uh! NEVER!! " Hayner said finishing his 'little' rant, on how we were the ones who took the 'photo's'. And I think I might have a temporary long term amnesia thingy, since I got hit with Seifer's struggle bat that day. Man that hurt, now it hurts and is all fuzzy when I try to remember something about the game. Or exactly how I got here, its weird. But i'm sure it'll all come back to me soon. Hopefully.....

" We could find the real theives! That would set that record straight! " Roxas said, most people would probably freak at who they get to see and be part of a scene from their favorite game. But... Since i've played this part so much at home.... It's kinda boring...

" Our --------! ! All our --------, are gone! " Pence said , then grabbed his throat with his hand.

" All our -------- gone?!?! " Hayner said then grabbed his throat too.

" You can't say --------! why not?!? " Olette said shocked and confused and covered her mouth afterwards.

" And just the --------! The word --------! They stole it too! " Roxas said not bothering to cover his mouth or grab his throat like the others.

" Oh~! " I said smiling and jumped up and down once, causing all of them to look at me. " I'm all for Raoxy's idea but first~! --------!--------! --------! --------! --------, --------, --------, --------, --------, --------,----------------! " I said the word 'photo' but got 'blanks' instead, like I was being censored.  It made the others laugh.... Heh heh.... Yaaayy i'm funny..

 " Leave it to Mira....! " Pence said laughing and shaking his head

" To make all this seem silly... " Olette added giggling.

" Yeah.. " Roxas agreed chuckling.

" All right! " Hayner said pounding his fist into the palm of his other hand, no longer laughing. " Time for some recon! " He finished and ran out of the Usual spot, with Olette and Pence behind him.

'I think..... Some one might fall....... Eh... Probably just a sense i'm gonna fall flat on my face, like I always do. At least once a day, it's a shame... It really is.. And now i'm having a conversation with myself.. Great.'

 I rolled my eyes at myself mentally as I took Roxas' hand, and started to pull him with me so we can catch up with the others. " C'mon Roxas! " I said still pulling him, while turning to smile at him. 

"Alright, i'm comi- " Roxas cut off as he fell and blacked out, suddenly.

" Oh dear god! It was HIM, who was gonna fall! " I said as I started to lightly slap him after five minutes trying to get him up. " It's totally understandable I mean he IS part of Sora- Ah.! " I grunted as the sharp pain in my head came back again, causing me to close one eye in pain. As I am currently picking Roxas up by the collar of his shirt getting ready to shake the non existent stuff outta him, like a rag doll. That is until....... He grabbed my wrist...

" Sora...? What-How do you know him?? " Roxas asked me, starting to wake up while looking dead at me. It was kinda cute he's looks so tired~ 

 ' Dear god! How am I gonna say 'oh I come from a place where EVERYONE sis in a game! And, oh by the way! Your WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE!!!'' Dear glob i'm PANICKING!!'  I mentally yelled at myself, it's probably showing on my face too.

" Well..? " Roxas said snapping me back to reality as he grows impatient.

" Hey, you guys, c'mon! " Pence said standing in the entrance of the 'Usual spot'. "Oh.... Never mind, then...?!?! Carry on!! " Pence said leaving as quickly as he came leaving me and Roxas confused and awkward. Until we looked at each other again and saw the position we were in, both of us turning a bright red.

" Pence, wait up!! " I yelled being the first to recover, and ran after him. Trying to avoid any more short lived and awkward interrogations, as much as I can. I'm sure there WILL be some though, can't avoid some one forever.

 " Hang on! " I heard Roxas shouting, making me want to reach down hill to where Hayner, Olette, and Pence are.

" Mira! "  I heard my voice called only closer, he's catching up!!

" Shit..!! " I cursed under my breath at the same time reaching the hill and sped up, jumping over the rail like wail you grind on in the skate boarding mini game and ran.I feel bad running from him but I can't risk saying anything i'm not meant too, even though it's possible this is nothing but a dream. Although i've learned that injuries here DO hurt and not like 'dream' hurt to where all you feel is a tingle, but if you cut yourself here. It 'burns and stings' hurt like it would at home. Hmm.... Maybe i'm in a coma from the storm... Or I just got knocked REALLY hard by something in my room, since I have a ton of stuff hanging on my room walls.

" Hey, where's Roxas? " Pence asked as I stopped in front of him hunched over, hands on my knees, and panting. As I pointed my thumb behind me to answer Pence as you heard a 'Hey!' at the same time, as well as the sound of foot steps coming closer.

" Why are you so out of breath? " Hayner asked crossing his arms and tilting his head a little, I just rolled my eyes and held up a finger signaling for a minute. Still trying to catch my breath before I leaned back, taking on last deep breath.

" I DID RUN, here you know! " I said causing Olette to shake her head at the PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, answer to his question, He must not have thought about it before he said it.

" Oh... " He said looking away like he felt stupid.

' Uh - huh... I BET... For animations used by D-'

" Ugh..!! " I grunted putting up a hand to hold the side of my head, my thoughts are CONSTANTLY interrupted by this pain whenever I try to think or remember something about this game. And afterwards whenever I try to quickly gather up my thoughts before I forget what I was thinking of, but I can never do that. So whatever I still DO remember about the game isn't a lot..

" You should go talk to the lady, at the jewelery store... " The guy running the clothing shop said, turning away from us and leaving to the back of the shop. Out of our sight, and probably hearing zone.

" Let's go then! " Olette said smiling and clasping her hands together behind her back.

" C'mon! " I said smiling and already jogging to the jewelry store that had many wooden and lit up sign that had pictures of jewelry on it above it.

" Go on, Roxas..! " Pence said as we stood on the side lines, and waited for him to talk to her.

" Talk to her! " Hayner said lowly and shoved Roxas forward a bit, and basically all we got from HER was that we need to go to the candy shop now. Not very helpful, if I say so....

" Any one ELSE get the feeling- "

" We're going on a scavenger hunt? " Pence finished after interrupting me.

" YES, Pence..! YES.... " I said a TINY bit annoyed when i'm cut off, it makes me feel like I can't speak for myself or that they think i'll say something stupid... Weird but that's just how I feel...

" Sorry..! " Pence said rubbing his head nervously, taking a hint it annoyed me.

" It's fine... " I said brushing it off a bit.

" Yes.. My precious --------... " The elderly woman said, petting her pet cat.

" Well.... It's OFFICIALY been proved..! " Hayner said putting his hands behind his head.

"Everyone we've talked to, AND around town have had their -------- stolen! " Olette finished. 

" Yup.. " Pence said nodding in agreement.

" Yeah.... I wonder why they've been taken, though... " Roxas said spacing out a bit, thinking.

" Mhmmmm.... " I said not really paying that much attention from this point, trying to make at least a LITTLE bit of progress in my mind department. The only that's making a slight appearance in my memory here is something or whatever that's not remembered either, but then again.... Almost EVERYTHING in this game and series is forgotten and NOT meant to be remembered. UGH!! Let's put a pin in it, and come later (A/N: If you've seen Bolt you know who I got this from XDD).

" Let's go talk to Seifer, c'mon! To the Sandlot! " I have no idea who said that but~! We're going to the sandlot, now!

" Alright. let's go Mira! " Olette said shaking me a little having me realize I zoned out again for a SECOND time! I have to stop doing that..

" Oh..! Okay! " I said nodding and eager to leave, not because i'm excited to see Seifer, but because I saw Roxas staring at me.. It's that look that says 'I'm watching you' and 'I'll find out what your hiding' mixed together, it's REALLY nerve racking.

" Hey! That was low, y'know!? " Rai shouted, did I zone out AGAIN!?!?

" What did you do..? Burn it? Not that we need some -------- to prove that your losers..! " Seifer said all smug like smirking god he irks the HELL outta me, he's lucky I hold out a BIT of my anger for him. Just a BIT though, i'm not a nice person to be by in a full rage.. But then again no one is.

" Replay " Fuu said smiling she reminds me of ONLY like 5% of ZEXION because of the HAIR and being QUITE!! -,- gosh, is it just me? Or is it that almost every other Kingdom Hearts character... Reminds me of a Final Fantasy one, or ANOTHER Kingdom Hearts character?? Or sometimes BOTH!?!?! I think it's just me....... I'm going insane.

" Mira, get BACK! " Hayner yelled then yanking me back a minute a later, causing me to fall on my ass next to him. Since I wasn't expecting it. -_-

" What?!?? " I said looking at him from the ground.

" you almost got caught in the middle of THAT! " Pence said pointing at Roxas and Seifer fighting to what almost and probably is to the death or the very painful concussion of some one, with struggle bats. And it wouldn't have been nice if I got caught in the middle AND hit, some one would be getting beat to the DEATH by ME with a bat. A NORMAL WOODEN or possibly METAL baseball bat. Also.. That fight.. Between Roxas and Seifer... Is WAY more heated than MINE and Seifer's. Wooooo~ They are going AT IT!

" Thanks.. " I said to Hayner for moving me, while stadning up and dusting myself off.

" Seifer's not feeling so hot, y'know!?! " Rai said as he jumped in front of Seifer to hide him, and the OBVIOUS  fact he LOST.

" Tournament decides! " Fuu said quickly after and Pence took a picture of Roxas in front of all three of them.

" OH!! " Pence and I yelled as one of the dusks came and took his camera, weirdly swaying,flipping, and dancing weirdly as it twisted its body leaving.

" What was THAT?? " Hayner asked dumbfounded as he looked at all of us.

" The thief? " Olette suggested.

" C'mon! " Roxas yelled as we all chased it, leaving Seifer and his friends behind.

" Dear...God.. Why... Do.. We have..... To.....Run... SO MUCH!!?!? " I yelled panting in between words as I ran trying to keep up with Roxas and the Dusk...... Huh....... When did I remember THAT?? But anyway back to my mini mind event recap~ The others stayed behind because they couldn't keep up, Roxas was like he was on CRACK!! He's not even tired OR breaking a sweat yet! Even though I'm sure we've run across 1/3 of the TOWN!!

" We have to catch the thief! " Roxas yelled back, I was NEVER good at running long distances, the short distance sprint THAT I could do. But fighting, or sports, or anything like that.... I CANT do! I SUCK at it! So EVERYTHING in the gym section.. We can just say I fail at... 

" Ugh..!!! " I groaned my legs feel like their about to fall of! I want sooo much to stop but.. I don't wanna be left behind in these woods, also i'm not even sure if I have enough energy to go BACK to the town..

"Mira! Stay back! " Roxas yelled to me a few feet ahead facing the dusk, as he got his struggle bat ready.

' Wait...... WHEN DID HE GET THAT?? Was he running with it..? Hm.... Iunno, let's put a pin in it ' I thought to myself as I sat down. ' I really gotta stop mentally talking to myself.. '

" OOHHHHH!!!! " I gawked as I leaned forward now on my hands and knees, gaping as Roxas wields the most known key-blade EVER!! THE KINGDOM KEY, as he fights the dusk with it, and I watch with this face 'O0O' now don't judge! ANYONE would make that face, in a position like this..!

" What..? " Roxas said to himself lowly as he watched the key-blade fade from his hands, then directed his gaze to his hands.

" That's weird..... Their just.. Sitting there....... " I said gesturing to the pictures, on the ground in the spot where the dusk disappeared when it was defeated.

" Yeah.... " He said nodding while picking them up, still spaced out a bit. " So.. "

" What? " I asked curious and confused to why he trailed off.

" How did you know about Sora?? " Roxas asked as he looked at me dead serious, yo can't really blame him.

 " No specific way... I just.. Used to have a dog..!! Named 'Sora'.....? " I said lying and FAILING at it...

" Your lying... That made NO sense. " He said staring at me still " Why would I dream about YOUR dog..? Considering i've NEVER met your dog, or even if you HAVE one... Plus.. the way you were talking about him last time, made him sound like a PERSON. NOT a dog.. " He finished this time intensifying his stare.

" Shiiiitt..!! " I whisper yelled to myself, looking away fro a split second then back to Roxas. " Look some one's in the window, up there! " I shouted pointing the window on the left side of the house on the second floor, then got up and took off on a full sprint trying to get a head start before I slow down. 

" H-Hey! " I heard him call from behind me, and soon I heard him chasing after me from behind.


" So Roxas, Mira.. Tell us about the picture thief! " Hayner said while sitting down and flipping through the pictures 

" Yeah..! " Olette and Pence agreed.

" Not much too, say... " I sad sitting down and resting my left elbow my knee, with my in my palm boredly swinging feet. While scrolling through ipod listening to 'Mask by Aqua Timez' as my eyes are fixated on the screen. 

" Yeah.. " I heard Roxas agree with me " The pictures were just laying there.... " He finished.

' I wonder.. What, when, why, and HOW am I going to tell Roxas..? Not the truth. but something... I can't keep lying especially since in a few days Diz is just gonna- '

" Agh..! " I lowly grunted as I put the palm of my right hand over my right eye in pain, after getting kicked out of my thoughts ONCE AGAIN! Now I can't recall what was just going through my thoughts.. Greeeeaaaattt....

" -Thief want to steal the REAL Roxas or something? " Pence said.

" Who would wanna steal a bonehead like Roxas? " Hayner laughed as everyone joined in. everyone but me that is...

" Wouldn't doubt it..... " I muttered to myself lowly so no one would hear it but I guess they did, because Hayner raised a brow and Olette and Pence just looked confused. And well..... Roxas he just narrowed his eyes slightly at me.

" What? " Hayner said, being the one to do it out of all of them.

" Nothing.. Just.. Thinking out loud, about something is all.. Nothing major. " I said giving them a fake happy smile they all seemed to buy, Roxas slightly bought it. Enough to stop staring at me like he was trying to make a tunnel into my head to know what I was thinking.

" Okay, then! " Pence and Olette, along with Hayner said returning to talk amongst themselves about random things. Roxas joined in after a while but every now and then his eyes drifted towards me, with mixed emotions I could tell most of them were suspicions of me but the others....... I couldn't tell what the other emotions seemed to be..

Authors!Note: ^.^ I'm happy to be uploading something once again! YAY! Also From this point on I will be changing the name of my book, since the title 'Sucked inside KH!? Epicness~!' doesn't seem to fit the NEW plot of my story now~ And truthfully I don't know WHAT possessed me to put a title like THAT, so from now on~ This book will be known as 'Sucked inside?!? Or not....??' Not that much of better and/or different title I guess but~  I like this one better! ^^ And i'm also not going say 'Authors!Note' anymore when I wanna say something I don't know what i'll call it now, but I will come up with something! Anyway, I'm going to try to get back into the updating spirit again, since THIS ONE was WAY OVER DUE~ Before we go I would like to finally say I am halfway done with the NEXT chapter and I will finish handwriting it in my journal whenever I get the chance since family and school are cutting into my time a LOT MORE now! Ugh, now i'm nagging soooooo~   GOOD BYE, NOW~! *waves while smiling*

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