By -platinumcopyshare

8.4K 222 88

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

918 33 4
By -platinumcopyshare

The Birth

Chapter Summary

This is the only non-fluffy chapter. I'm afraid Lucius makes his reappearance briefly in this chapter and he is not a nice man. Warnings for Non-Con Incest and Non-Graphic Violence.

January passed in a blur like it always did. Draco hardly noticed that Charlie went back to work during the days but spent all his evenings and nights at the Burrow. He was in the blissful state of being in love. He knew Charlie was worried for him but he also knew he'd support his decision about the birth as well. Then it was February and Draco felt like the biggest whale of a man that ever existed. He was embarrassed to be discovered by Ron crying that he couldn't reach his toes to put socks on. Surely this was too big, too uncomfortable. Ron and Charlie started to get upset at the idea of leaving him alone for any time at all. Draco felt bad tempered most of the time. Everything the two men did grated on Draco's nerves. He couldn't sleep, the baby was too uncomfortable, and finally he began to long for the birth just so he could get his body back. It was unbearable, and he gave up on the Muggle methods, he used his wand for everything.

Finally, thank Merlin the birth canal date arrived and they headed to the hospital. Charlie insisted on coming with him of course.

Luna was right, the potion felt cold as he swallowed it and then there was a strange tingling sensation between his legs that built and built to an uncomfortable feeling of stretching. And then after ten minutes it faded to nothing. Draco thought the potion must have done its work. Just as he was wondering what to do next Luna came into the room again.

"Right I'll need to examine you. Can you lie back on the bed and place the soles of your feet flat on the mattress."

Draco complied. Luna grasped Draco's feet and pulled them together and then pushed them towards his bum.

"Right now just let your knees fall open, that's right excellent" Luna said "Right I'll just check everything is as it should be."

Luna was completely professional but Draco still felt violated; it didn't hurt but Draco didn't like it anyway. Luna finished and then gave him a list of instructions for keeping his new body part clean. Charlie listened avidly and took the pamphlet Luna offered and put it in his pocket. Draco tried not to think about what that could mean.

A day later the pains started in the middle of the night and Draco woke Charlie and asked to be taken to St Mungo's.


Cassandra reassured Draco he and the baby were going to be fine. As long as he stayed in bed until he was fully healed from the birth and didn't exert himself at all. He had successfully birthed a beautiful baby girl who was sleeping in a cot next to him. His labour had taken ten hours from waking up in Charlie's arms feeling like a chainsaw was pressing against his spine to the nurse

handing him a tiny wet bundle who looked like a scrunched up grandma. The love that filled him when he looked at her sleeping in her tiny little knitted babygrow with one thumb stuck in her mouth, it was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It was all worth it. She was perfect. It was later as Draco lay perfectly still in the recovery room that he heard an explosion somewhere nearby, definitely within the hospital grounds. He lay still listening to random screams being cut off and getting closer and closer until he heard someone in the corridor outside his room screaming and then the handle on his door turned and he had never been so terrified in his life as when that door swung open and he saw his father enter the room.

If Draco had been capable he would have jumped out of the window right then and there. The New Lucius was staring at him and not advancing. He raised his eyes up to Lucius's face and knew that every life within a mile radius of this room depended on his next words.

"I knew you'd come for us." He said shakily trying to imbue the statement with some enthusiasm.

Lucius tilted his head intensifying his stare. "You ran away from me." He said as he advanced on the bed, as he reached Draco's side he turned back to the doorway and snarled to a minion "Bring me his Healer I wish to speak to her."

Lucius turned back towards Draco where he lay helpless in the bed. He leaned forward and trailed a hand across Draco's forehead brushing hair away from his eyes then he leant down and pressed a kiss to that forehead.

Draco held his breath.

"You've been a very naughty little Death Eater." Lucius said from only inches away from Draco.

"I'm sorry Father." Draco breathed utterly terrified and at a loss as to how to rescue this situation.

"Yes. Well." Lucius replied "We'll have to see what you can do to make it up to me."

Draco looked into the cold dark eyes of the man who used to be his father and now was simply his owner. He had never been so terrified in his life and his daughter was in the same room as this monster.

It seemed Lucius realised this at the same time that Draco did as he walked towards the cot next to the bed and picked up the baby. Draco's heart leapt into this throat.

"I'll do anything you want. Anything." Draco pleaded.

"Interesting offer" Lucius smirked "I accept" he said and then he leaned down placing the baby into Draco's arms and pressed an unwelcome kiss to Draco's lips. Draco tried not to flinch away from Lucius's dry and unyielding lips as he was plundered and assaulted by a much deeper kiss than he wanted to allow. Lucius seemed determined to taste every centimetre of Draco's mouth and Draco could do nothing but surrender to it.

"Ah, the Healer is here." Lucius said releasing Draco and standing back up. Draco looked up to see Cassandra being held by two of Lucius's bigger cronies in the doorway to his room.

Draco knew how this would go. The New Lucius would threaten, Cassandra would try to resist but then be forced to give in and then the New Lucius would kill her. He wracked his brains to find something he could do to stop it from happening.


Cassandra screamed as the cruciatus curse wracked through her body again and again. Draco

couldn't stand it. The noise reminded him of other times; times he didn't want to think about at all.

"Stop. Please Stop!" Draco screamed. "She already told me everything. You don't need her to tell you. Please stop"

Lucius turned to Draco but the screams continued.

"I went into labour two days ago. I gave birth to...your...daughter yesterday." It was like the words were being dragged from him. "I have to stay calm and not move around and then there's a good chance I'll heal properly. The baby's fine, she's healthy and strong."

Lucius put his hands over Draco's belly and closed his eyes. Draco felt terror clawing at his back and trying desperately to take over his entire body, but he wouldn't let it. He was raised better than that. He forced his body to relax and calmed his breathing down to normal. Lucius pinned him with a glare.

"You're attached to this little human Draco."

Draco swallowed nervously. "Yes, My Lord."

"I think you would do anything to protect her. Yes?"

"I already... Yes My Lord."

"Good." Lucius laughed maliciously "It is exactly as I planned." Lucius took hold of the baby and removed her from Draco; he passed her to the Death Eater to his left barely even caring if the Death Eater had hold of the baby before he let go. Draco cried out in fear and then quieted himself at Lucius's look. Lucius took hold of the cast iron bed Draco was laid on and took Draco's hand in his. Turning to the two men holding Cassandra he smiled and then said "Very well, bring the Healer and the baby." Then Draco felt as if a hook had been attached behind his spinal column and tugged. He knew Lucius was transporting him somewhere still in the bed. After a few seconds he felt the bed judder down and he knew when he opened his eyes he would be back inside the bedroom he had lived in before his escape. A terrible feeling of resignation poured over him and he closed his eyes hoping to avoid the moment when he would have to accept that this was his life and there was quite probably no escape from it.

When he opened his eyes he realised he was alone. His daughter was not in the room and neither were any of the other people who had apparated with them.


It was three days before anyone came into Draco's room and then it was just one of Lucius's minions who brought him a jug of water and a bowl of gruel. Draco was so frantic for news of his baby he begged the Death Eater to tell him where she was. But he received no answer and even pounding on the door begging someone to come did nothing except leave him with bruised hands.

On the fourth day the door opened and Lucius walked into the room. Draco fell to his knees immediately. Lucius laughed and kicked Draco out of his way. He sat down on the only piece of furniture in the room, the bed, and watched as Draco crawled back to him.

"How does it feel Draco? To know your daughter is in this building but you will never see her again."

Draco shuddered. "Please, Father" he muttered.

"Do you deserve to be punished Draco?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"What do you deserve to be punished for?"

"I tried...to...leave you"

"Yes Draco. You also tried to hide your daughter from me. Didn't you?"

"Yes my Lord." Draco was only just keeping it together.

"What punishment do you deserve?"

Draco didn't know how to answer that and stopped looking fearfully up into the face he used to love.

"I don't know My Lord. Whatever you think."

"Whatever I think. Mmm yes what do I think?" Lucius seemed to be thinking about it but Draco knew Lucius would have his entire punishment planned out by now. "I think it's been a long time since I felt the warmth of your body beneath mine. Let us begin with that."

Draco shuddered again and immediately berated himself. He could not afford to show reluctance, his daughter's well-being depended on his pleasing this terrible perversion of his father. He crawled closer to Lucius. Draco put his hands on his legs forcing himself to get closer to the body he knew so intimately only five months ago.

"Stand up Draco, you are wearing entirely too many clothes" Lucius said before Draco could really get going. Draco stood up.

Lucius flicked his wand and pronounced "Diffindo". Draco's clothes began to tear and fall off his body. Lucius was inaccurate with the incantation and sharp slashes appeared on his skin where the clothes had torn. He didn't dare move though or try to stop the rags as they now were falling off his body and soon he was naked. He shivered slightly at the sudden change in temperature.

Lucius leant forward and grasped Draco's arm in one of his claw like hands, pulling him toward the bed. Draco found himself laid down on his back and then his vision was filled by the face that had haunted his nightmares.

This Lucius didn't seem to care that Draco's body had only recently been through an extreme event. He didn't care that Draco cried out in pain more often than pleasure when he touched him inside. He didn't care what Draco thought or felt at all. And Draco submitted and muffled his groans as Lucius reasserted his ownership.

When he was finished Draco was panting slightly and sure that something inside him had torn at the heavy use. He could feel a trickling and pooling underneath him and he kind of hoped it wasn't anything too vital.

Then he heard "Incarcerous" followed quickly by "Obscuro" and he was bound to the bed and blindfolded. He heard the door close and he was left alone, naked uncovered and shivering on the bed as he prayed for help knowing it was hopeless and nobody would ever find him.

Time blended into one long avenue of pain after that. His days took on a sort of routine that he became accustomed to again. Funny how that happens. He woke still tied to the bed, his muscles screaming at their inability to stretch or relax, at some point he would be fed by hand. Sometimes he would be washed, but he was never untied. Later he would be visited by Lucius who would

use his body until Draco was wrung out and whimpering. Then he would be left to sleep until the cycle started over again.

He had so much time to himself that he mostly drifted in a fantasy world. Sometimes he would inadvertently think of the Burrow but he knew how dangerous it was to think of anything he loved around Lucius, who could read his mind with a simple spell and would take great pleasure in destroying whatever he found there. So Draco was careful, he never let himself think about the Burrow or the people who'd helped him. He just drifted in the darkness thinking about dragons and wizarding contests and his mother living out her old age in retirement. That was a safe thought because one thing was for sure Lucius couldn't touch her anymore.

Finally on a calm and warm spring morning, as he knew he would, Draco broke.

He no longer dreamed of escape, he co-operated when Lucius positioned him for penetration. He no longer resisted at all and it was when he had placidly accepted Lucius for the third time even with the addition of a full body cruciatus that made him writhe underneath Lucius that he felt his arms being untied and the blind fold he had worn for weeks, or was it months, removed.

After so long without light even the dimmed light in the room hurt his eyes and he cringed against Lucius's chest.

"Draco, look at me."

Draco obeyed blinking his eyes against the brightness.

"Who am I?"

Draco looked up at the monster who controlled his daughter's life and said the only thing he could.


Lucius leaned down and kissed Draco hard opening his mouth and forcing his head back into the mattress. He pressed so hard Draco's lip split under the assault and the taste of his own blood flooded Draco's mouth.

"I think you might be ready to leave this room." Lucius said as he searched Draco's face for any sign of rebellion.

Lucius left him then but soon the door opened again and he was surrounded by Death Eaters who dragged him up off the bed to stand naked before them. They washed him thoroughly using warm water and pleasantly scented soap and then after they had dried him they dressed him in a floor length set of robes. They styled his hair and filed his nails and when he had been primped and preened enough to drive someone mad with frustration he was led from the room out into a well-lit corridor. Draco cringed against the light, he had assumed he was being held in the dungeon but it appeared he was on the top floor. He tried not to gawk at his surroundings too much. This mansion appeared to be sumptuously furnished. Lucius had always indulged his expensive tastes. Draco wondered which minor nobility had been stripped of their ancestral home this time; now that Malfoy Manor was not available. He was led down a staircase and into what could only be described as a throne room. Lucius sat at one end surrounded by his cronies who all stood before him. As he entered the room the minions made a pathway for him. He was a Malfoy so he knew how to make an entrance. He drew himself up to his full height, no longer was he the short child he had been when first he met Voldemort, now he was a fully grown man. He strode into the room and through the crowd heading directly for Lucius. There were quiet gasps as he passed through the deatheaters; he knew he was pale by his normal standards but the clothes he had been

given showed his lean body to its very best and covered the bruises and marks left by Lucius's attentions.

He maintained eye contact with Lucius as he approached no-one else in this room mattered. He could tell from Lucius's face that his appearance was pleasing. As he reached the bottom of the dais Draco fell to his knees, bowed his head and spoke loud enough for all to hear.


Lucius stood and walked down the three steps of the dais to him, he wrapped a hand underneath Draco's chin and pulled him to his feet. Draco saw a second chair, smaller and lower than Lucius's on the dais. He was led to it and encouraged to sit down. He found himself facing the crowd, and a good number of them were regarding him. Lucius sat down on his throne and readdressed the crowd.

"Bring in the child." he announced and Draco's heart pounded in his chest. A door to the side of the chamber opened and in walked a woman carrying a small baby. The baby was wrapped in black blankets and made no sound at all as it was handed to Lucius. Draco could hardly breathe.

Lucius sat holding the baby for long seconds as Draco and the whole court watched.

Lucius turned to Draco and watched him for a few seconds then leant forward and handed him the baby. Draco felt like his heart would explode he was filled with so many emotions. He hadn't seen her since she was a day old and now she was so big. He realised he didn't know how old she was, he had lost track of time in that room.

"Thank you my Lord." Draco said quietly.

The business of the court resumed as Draco held his daughter. He didn't pay attention to anything that wasn't baby shaped for quite some time, but then he realised the room was emptying obviously whatever business was being discussed had finished. Lucius turned to Draco and reached for the baby. Draco thought momentarily about not handing her over and then he realised the consequences of such a direct defiance. He passed her back.

"You hesitated." Lucius said "Maybe it was too soon to allow you contact."

Draco couldn't speak, the fear that sentence engendered was too great, he simply dropped his head in submission. He was led back to his room and locked in. At least this time he wasn't naked and tied to the bed. As the door locked behind him he tried to control his wild emotions. Emotions would not help him survive here. They were not helpful.


Draco found after his first day in Lucius's new court that he had a new routine. He still spent a good portion of the day locked in the room on the top floor and more than enough of that time was spent with Lucius's warm breathe bathing the back of his neck, but more and more frequently he was brought into court for an hour or so and allowed to hold his daughter.

Draco lived for those times. Everything else was bearable when he knew he would have time with his daughter. He had even secretly named her: Selene Lucine; it meant moon light and it suited her pale complexion and her sereneness. But he never said her name out loud. No-one here deserved to know it.

He existed in a haze, he almost wished Lucius would use a mind controlling charm, at least then he wouldn't have to try so hard to avoid flinching or shuddering when he was touched with claw and forked tongue. He was sure there must be a suitable charm but he was equally sure that he

would never be given it. Lucius knew exactly how much of a punishment it was to submit and it was his submission Lucius had planned for. It would be no fun to use magic to force him.

Time seemed meaningless, there was simply pain and the absence of pain. Draco had no idea how long he had been back at Lucius's side but one day as he was sat in his chair beside the throne he heard the caterwaul charms go off.

He was as surprised as everyone in the room. The howlers were ear splitting and then the glass window that looked out over perfectly manicured lawns shattered covering them all in shards of broken glass. Draco looked around in terror, covering Selene as much as he could. Through the gaping hole came wizards throwing curses at every deatheater in the room. Draco moved back against the wall, he barely noticed the glass cutting through his feet as he tried to find safety. Only when he slipped on the blood did he realise he had a problem. Curses rebounded against every surface in the room. Draco cowered down his back pressed against the corner between two walls as he watched the mayhem and chaos spreading through the room. Lucius was stood in the very centre of the storm face to face with Harry Potter as witches and wizards surrounded them duelling to the death.

Draco saw deatheaters he'd known his entire life fall down dead as their Ministry attackers took no prisoners. He recognised Seamus from Gryffindor house as he battled. Draco said every defensive counter-spell he knew as he cowered in the corner.


"I swear if I hadn't knocked Charlie out he would have stormed the mansion by himself. I've never seen him so unbalanced, I was afraid of him. He forced me to make the Ministry step up their plans for finding Lucius. We located this mansion a week ago, but we needed to know where you were both being kept." Harry said in explanation "Charlie was like a mad man. He threatened to kill one of the department heads who said it was too dangerous to risk a rescue mission."

"Where is Charlie?" Draco asked not really interested in Harry Bloody Potter's problems.

"I had him isolated, he was becoming more of a liability than a help. He's in the second tent behind you."

Draco mumbled his thanks and headed for the tent. He found it without any difficulty as he approached he could hear Charlie shouting.

"...Ron if you don't get out of my way I am going to break both your legs....."

Draco steeled himself and ducked into the tent. Charlie immediately stopped trying to get past Ron and launched himself at Draco.

"DRACO! Merlin, are you alright? Are you both alright? I tried everything to find you... I swear I did."

Draco simply continued his walk towards Charlie. He handed Selene to him and then feinted dead away.


Draco woke to the feeling of a soft bed and warmth. He could hear Selene snuffling nearby and that made him happy. He experimentally stretched his limbs and was surprised to feel the weight of someone's arm across his middle. He turned over and realised Charlie was spooned behind him one arm above his head and the other around his belly. Draco smiled; he'd woken up in worse places, that was for sure so he lay still and enjoyed the feeling of security that came from being

surrounded by Charlie Weasley.

A few minutes later Charlie blinked his eyes awake and Draco was watching; he saw as Charlie slowly rose back to reality and the moment when he remembered he was in bed with Draco. He smiled and stared. Draco met his stare and drifted into Charlie's beautiful blue eyes.

Finally he decided to speak.

"I'm not changing my name." Draco said

Charlie looked confused. "What?"

"If we get married I'm not changing my name."

Charlie smiled and raised his eyebrows. He pressed an adoring kiss to Draco's lips.

"Who says we're getting married?" Charlie asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Charles Weasley, we have a child I think it highly improper to do anything else."

Charlie stared into Draco's eyes and Draco stared right back. They stayed that way for an age neither willing to look away or be the first to speak.

"If we get married we're going to live in Romania" Charlie said finally "I love you so much, Draco Weasley." Charlie said as he leaned down and kissed Draco soundly.

"I said I'm not changing my name" Draco replied, pushing him away.

"We'll see." Charlie said rolling them so he was on top pinning Draco to the bed and leaning down to kiss all thoughts out of Draco's head. "We'll see" The End

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