Through the window

By _family_show_styles_

65.8K 2K 875

Harvey is a 16 year old boy with a sassy attitude, he's sarcastic and plain rude. He lives in a mansion with... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
πŸ–€ The end πŸ–€


1.9K 63 45
By _family_show_styles_

April 19th

I stayed in my room the last couple days, I didn't want to go downstairs to see my family. I didn't want to go outside and see Milo, I just wanted to stay under the covers.

And that's just what I did.

My curtains were closed and have been for days, I couldn't risk seeing Milo. If I did I'd probably climb through my window then climb through his and smother him with one of his own pillows in his sleep. Or throttle him. Haven't decided which is worse yet.

I hate him if you couldn't tell.

We were getting along okay, still disliked him and found him irritating, until he got me in trouble with my father. My dad was right when he said having friends brings nothing but trouble.

I hear my belly rumble so I get out of bed with resistance. The first time in a while.

My parents aren't home, I heard them leave earlier this morning which is the first time in a couple days. So now I can actually leave my room, and I do.

I go downstairs in my pj's, just some shorts and a tank top. What? Did you expect me to sleep in silk or something. I love my fashion but I do love being comfy too.

I eat the breakfast the maid put in front of me in the kitchen, I threaten to fire her again. Just for fun.

It's hilarious seeing her worry.

Anyway, once my breakfast is done I go into the living room. There's a new rug, black this time. Which I have to laugh at, how different it is from the last. They probably are expecting me to mess it up again.

The sofa is clean, looks brand new but I can see a burn mark at the bottom right corner from my dad's cigarette that one time. I remember that, I remember because he blamed it on me when it was entirely his fault, and besides I was eight so what would I be doing with a cig?

I turn on the TV and watch it for an hour or so, family guy. My mother says how It's such a shit show but I like it, always watch it when they're not here. When they are here I stay hidden in my room.

I don't have a TV in my room, my parents don't allow it. I don't know why but whatever it is I don't question it.

I turn the TV off and stand up to stretch, going on my tippy toes and stretching up as high as I can, no where near reaching the ceiling as it towers over me. With it's golden chandiler hanging down.

I catch a figure in the corner of my eye and look infront of me, at the window which leads to Milo's living room window. I scrunch my brows up when I see him with two guys, a lad with light brown curlyish hair. And a guy stood close to him with darker hair and tattoos all over.

I advert my eyes back to Milo who stands opposite them with a wide smile, that dorky grin he always has. His eyes are crinkled up and he looks happy in that moment.

Which I hate.

No, I despise.

How come he gets to be happy and hang with his friends and I'm here, alone, grounded and feeling miserable.

Whatever, fuck him. And his freak of friends.

I go to the window and shut the curtains then storm out of the room, forgetting all about him. Or trying to at least.

I walk slowly along the hallways and glance at all the pictures hung up, pictures of my parents. Pictures of their parents and so on and so on. My ancestors and distant family look at me through the pictures and I can't help but cower.

They don't seem nice, none of the Gardners do. They have permanent scowls and soulless eyes, I shiver at that.

I come across another row of pictures, I trace a picture of me, the only picture there is of me which is near the back door going into the garden. It's me when I was younger, six or so. Whatever age, he looks happy.

His eyes are squinted and he smiles brightly, looking like he's in the middle of laughing. I know for a fact that he is not me. I've never been that happy, that's not me- can't be.

Even if he has the same deep green eyes as me, even if he has that small beauty mark at the corner of his right eye like me. Even if he has bright blonde hair that sort of looks yellow, the same shade as mine.

He's not me because I don't smile like that, or maybe I did once back then.

I shakw my head then look to the door which leads outside and contemplate for a moment, should I or shan't i?

It's not like I have anything else to do, so why not go enjoy my afternoon in the garden, trying and failing to catch a tan.

And that's how I ended up on the sunbed, yet again. With my sunglasses on and the sun burning my body. I like being out in the sun, I just hate doing things outside. Like activities, why would I want to go on a walk when I could just sit out in the sun. I'm still outside regardless.

I hear a noise and I groan, already knowing who that is going to be. By my logic I was hoping that because Milo has his friends or whoever around he will be preoccupied, probably go out in town and do something useful with his time for once, like buggering off.

But oh no, luck is never on my side.

"Hey Harvey, what you up to?" I groan sitting up and snatching my glasses off of my face, I glare at the boy stood a couple feet in front of me. My eyes squint because of the sun but my eyes take me to the two lads next to him.

"I haven't seen you in days" I roll my eyes at that, take the hint.

"What a shame" I tell him and cross my legs on the bed, I don't want him here. I dont want him near me, and his weird friends who just stare.

Speaking of his friends, the one with tattoos all over decides to think he can speak to me, "how friendly, I assume this is the bratty neighbour you always go on about" my eyes snap over to Milo who blushes ever so slightly.

Who gave him permission to talk about me to them I look back at the boy who has his arms crossed. I glance at the shorts he wears and slowly up to the back shirt that stuck to his stomach, probably because of sweat, which outlines his abs.

Damn he's fit, though I think the smaller lad already claims him. The curly haired one moves closer to him with a worried look, I almost laugh when he grabs the taller boy's hand and yanks it close to him. Looking shy and out of place as he does so.

It was a sad attempt to say the other boy is already taken, I roll my eyes when I hear Milo clear his throat. "Yes?" I question with a bored look and pick my glasses back up, putting them on so I can block away the annoying sun.

And hopefully them.

Before Milo gets a chance to respond I interrupt, "can you like, leave now?" I lay back down and put my arms behind my head. My shirt rolls up a bit as I do and I swear all their heads snap to me and they stare, but really can you blame them?

Milo scratches the back of his neck and asks if I want to join them with their day, I just laugh and threaten to drown lily if they don't get out of my garden. I hear the smaller boy gasp and I smirk, he thinks I'll actually waste my time with doing that which is just hilarious.

The taller one laughs and I snap my head to him, quirking a brow. "You were right, he really does have something against your dog." Milo nods- agreeing and I can't help but wonder how much does he talk about me to his friends.

I click my tounge against the roof of my mouth, "you can hardly call that thing a dog" the tattooed boy chuckles once again while Milo rolls his eyes.

"I like you" he tells me but then again, who doesn't? I ignore him but watch as the smaller boy tugs at his hand, pulling on his arm as he stares at him. It's funny how insecure he is.

"Relax baby, you know I'm all yours" the taller leans down and pecks his cheek to which he blushes at. I can't help rolling my eyes behind my shades, not wanting to see that shit in my garden.

I pull a face and wish for them to leave yet they are still here, Milo hits the dark haired guy on his arm. "Cole keep the PDA down, no one wants to see that" the guy 'Cole' nudges him. "Peyton doesn't mind it" he nods towards the smaller guy which i guess is Peyton.

I sit up suddenly which grabs their attention as I scowl at them all, I tell them to leave or I'll put the sprinklers on and drown them. Milo scruches his face up, "why do you have a thing for drowning people and dogs?" He questions but I rip my shoe off and pelt it at him.

He just squeaks and runs away before it can hit him so I glare at the others who soon follow behind Milo, the taller- Cole salutes to me before grabbing... Penton, was it? Hand and leaves my garden.

Which I sigh with relief at, finally.

Why did he even come here anyway, I hate him and I dont want to see him again. Or his friends which I don't care about, they seem like freaks anyway.

I lay back down and sigh peacefully, loving the quietness.


I'm wearing a white shirt which is tucked into my baggy cream trousers, I have a checkered thin material jacket on over it and a small silver chain having around my neck.

I'm currently on my bike slowly biking away from my house, I decided to go out because I can hear them next door. Milo and his mates.

Playing loud music, as if there're at a party which is pathetic. It's about 3pm what are they even doing, but whatever it is I don't want to be around. They're loud and annoying.

So I decided to go on small bike ride by myself, even though my mother grounded me and I'm not supposed to leave the house but she won't know. She's not even home.

My earphones are on and I'm glad I don't have them poor ones with the wires because that would be a lot of hassle with a bike. Anyway my music is blasting twenty one pilots, more specifically 'Johnny boy' they are one of my favourite bands. Besides the neighbourhood.

The sky is a bright blue and the clouds are white and fluffy, it's really spring now. The trees are decorated with blooming flowers, pinks and purples.

It's a nice day to go out biking, my hair ruffles up as I speed down the empty road. It's more thrilling to bike on the road than the path, and there's no cars so why not. I feel the air hit me in the face as I close my eyes and peddle faster.

It's quite exhilarating- biking with your eyes closed that is. Especially when you literally go no where and do nothing besides stay inside or sunbathe. This is probably the most fun I have.

I'm not even sad about it, I like being on my own and making memories with myself. Whenever someone else is present I just get annoyed, I like my own company more than others.

I open my eyes when the next song plays 'house of gold' my favourite song by theirs, I see a car turning this way and my heart skips a beat. I turn the other corner to miss it and a smile attacks my face.

I giggle when I nearly fall off the bike from turning it too fast, like I said- it's quite exhilarating. I jump off my bike and rest it against a building wall, I then lean against the wall myself and rest my hands agasint my knees.

I'm out of breath somehow, I didn't realise how fast I was going. I stand still for a while to catch my breath and I'm slightly embarrassed by myself, I really need to start doing some exercise.

My head snaps up when I hear a voice yell, looking towards the commotion I see a boy shouting at some man. Clearly way older than him, the man is walking away and doesn't turn back to hear what he says.

I squint my eyes at the younger lad and realise it's the boy I saw the other day when I was with Milo, the one with ripped dirty clothes. He turns around and wipes his mouth by the back of his hand, he has money in the other hand and he counts the notes.

He looks quite pissed, I think it's some sort of drug related thing. Probably a failed deal, he's probably pissed becasue the man didn't pay the right amount.

It's disgusting really, dealing drugs in daylight. Well at all really, no wonder he's poor- so I assume by his clothes and how he looks.

I stand up properly and stare at him for a moment or two, he sits down at a curb and rests his head in his hands. I almost feel bad, until I realise that he has no relevance to me.

So why would I be sad? I grab my bike and take a last look at him, Milo probably would care. He seems too nice for this town. Normal people in this town- me, would walk away and not care that some stranger is upset.

But I bet Milo would stop to ask said stranger why he's upset. I shake my head, I'm not like Milo. I'm like my father, only look out for yourself. That's what he says anyway.

I get on my bike and turn the volume up on my phone all the way, I then peddle away and back down the road. As fast I can to the song 'stressed out' . And I don't stop.

I just keep peddling, just to get far far away from this town.

By the time I get back to my house it's about 12am, my dad was waiting up and as soon as I stepped foot through the door you best believed he was pissed.


A little appearance from Cole and Peyton (from my first book i wrote)

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