The IS Shinobi (On hold)

By MightyBrand3464

417 15 2

Born from a wealthy family, Ichika was determined to be like his elder siblings and join the military. Unfort... More

Harem School of Infestation
Challenge Accepted


183 3 2
By MightyBrand3464

*Writer's note- I apologize for holding this story on hold for so long. I wasn't a confident writer back then and I felt like I was overwhelming myself, but I gained much confidence this past semester. :)

The Orimura Clan lived for centuries as one of the most traditional clans in most of Japan. Their ancestors, the Uchihas were fierce warriors known for their unique bloodline ability, the Sharingan granting the user enhanced perception for combat making them the fiercest warrior in the Shinobi world.

Unfortunately, their desire for power caused them to be nearly wiped out by of their own though one descendant survived and through him the bloodline survived even when the nation became an empire the family still hold on their traditional life. With the rise of technology, it became difficult to sustain their old way of life, they moved into the city becoming soldiers for the Japanese military as their natural combat prowess was noted.

In the house, laid a tired woman Misaki Orimura as she came from a tiring day of work. She was the main scientist that oversaw the development of IS along with the young genius, Tabane who spent her days locked in a room, typing away. While she was isolated, the mother spent her days in the lab building the new set of suits that Tabane designed. Misaki used her eldest daughter the polit the first IS unit, Shirokishi that saved the entire world from the threat of global annihilation. Due to the new power of the IS they kept the identity of pilot a secret as she trained to be the best IS pilot.

"Alright my children let's start today's spar you know the rules. I have to check up physical report especially you Chifuyu-chan make sure you go all out understood?"

"Yes Kaa-san!"



"That's Oirmura sensei for now got it brats!"

"H-Hai Orimura sensei!" yelled the twins suddenly getting up.

Her eldest twins "Chifuyu", looked identical like her mother save for the red hair and sharp brown eyes from her father. She was conceived as the "ideal soldier" as she was levelheaded and confident in her abilities. The other "Chisuke" who is older than her by a few minutes was the opposite of her twin sister, where she focused on training, he focused on meditation where he had a level of calmness never seen before. Their mother trained them be the "Ultimate human" despite being polar opposites, both were very talented.

"I win this time Chii-chan you shouldn't have let your guard down like that. A moment like that could be fatal." Chisuke smirked.

"Hmph, only barely don't think I won't lose again Chisuke-nii" as she playfully slaps her brother's back.

"The mother wrote everything down on her notepad like she was observing an experimental trial. Behind her, laid two smaller figure the older "Ichika and the younger "Madoka. Both were observing their "idols" match.

"That was awesome Nii-san"

"I want to be just like the two of you when I grow up!"

"You flatter me kid" Chisuke patted the young boy's hair. "Seems like you had a fun day anything interesting" noticing his excited expression.

"I won my today's kendo tournament Chisuke-nii" Ichika said.

"Only because I let my guard down for a second. Besides I kicked your butt in first half Houki-chan would've laughed at your clumsy footwork" she laughed.

Ichika blushed at the mention of Houki. "N-No she wouldn't!" he protested.

"Yeah she would, it took you a whole year to finally master Kendo. Houki kept kicking your butt when she was here."

"Oh yeah I wouldn't be talking because those swords strikes barely hurt, I know Dan would laugh for that" he smirked.

It was her turn to get mad. "You leave Dan-kun out of this!"


"Stop fighting you two!"

"Itai!!" both clutched their heads.

"Why can't you two get along" Chifuyu facepalmed.

"HE/SHE STARTED IT!" The twins blamed each other.


"What did I tell you or should I make run a few laps again" she said menacingly causing a shiver on the younger twins.


"Good I must go now Chifuyu!" she commanded. "Come to my room in a bit I believe we have some important things to discuss regarding the "Shiroshiki". Chifuyu tensed slightly before standing back up.

"Yes Mother right away"

"Chisuke-kun, you will be in charge for taking care of Ichika and Madoka. I have to some to discuss with my daughter" she said expressionlessly.

"Yes Kaa-san" said Chisuke reluctantly before the older females closed the door.

"That damn woman using Chii-chan in one of her damn experiments" Chisuke thought bitterly as a red glare shined briefly.

"Nii-san is something bothering you?" asked Ichika slightly afraid.

"Yeah I thought I saw your eyes glow are you alright" asked Madoka added equally concerned.

Chisuke realized his siblings nearly saw his newfound power, he just simply rubbed their heads.

"Your brother is alright it just have been a stressful day that's all now I must go" he smiled before leaving.

Their relationship with their mother was anything but peachy. They hated their mother especially Chisuke who always had to assist the exhausted Chifuyu who received harsher training. Their mother would force them to train to the point of exhaustion. At the end of the day both of them are too exhausted to even which is why the younger twins never saw them around. When they ask to play, they usually get a reply of "maybe next time" or "later". Due to their absence the younger twins only played with themselves usually training outside or playing video games. Since they were younger Misaki was much easier on them often smiling at them much to the older twins jealously.

One day I'll put a stop to this mom I swear I'll make you pay for everything.

Three months later

Ichika and Madoka both pounced around the bedroom anticipating their elder sister's upcoming Mondo Grosso tournament where they get to see their sister's win for the second time. They watched the last tournament, how the Crimson Sakura easily defeated her opponents with overwhelming power. Both kids ran down the stairs to the kitchen to find it empty. They were no sign of their strict mother toasting bread, no sign of their older brother siting at the table. It was empty. The kids were confused now so they ran out.

Upon entering the living room, it was quiet, too quiet...

Until they smell something strange something like...


It was coming from the bedroom. Upon entering they were greeted with a sight they never wanted to see in their life. There laid their mother body slumped on the floor in a pool of blood.

"MOMMY!!!" they cried trying to wake their mother.


There was no answer.

"I-It can't b-be this has t-to be a d-dream"

"The dream is indeed real" replied a dark voice.

"W-WHO'S THERE S-SHOW Y-Y-YOURSELF!" Ichika grabbed the staff and got into his stance with Madoka behind him both very trembling.

" That is pretty courageous of you raise that staff at me little boy, I'm afraid it's useless if you want to know what happened I did indeed kill your mother" said the dark voice heading closer.

"Y-You monster why did y-you do this!?" yelled Madoka.

"That whore, she was just in the way in our operations, so I had to kill her, right before she died she told me to spare you two quite the doting mother isn't she."


"She is that bitch of woman really thinks she's invincible just because of her precious IS. Such machines are no match against me. Don't make me laugh" the masked man laughed as his eyes began to shine red his hands slowly reaching out. Seeing her sister tremble made him furious. She tightened his grip on the sword and proceed to a quick strike.


As with quick reflexes, the man dodged out of the way, but Ichika didn't relent as he quickly led a series a quick but calculated strikes eventually he did but only barely as he cracked the mask.

"Impressive Ichika-kun for such a small boy you already an expert at Kendo but I'm afraid you're nowhere near my level Perhaps we should end this game shall we I have other things to attends to so I'll make it quick and painless" he said suddenly appearing behind grabbing Madoka on his arms.


"YOU LET GO OF HER YOU HEAR ME!!" Ichika dropped his stick as attacked in rapid fashion relying on his martial arts, but the man dodged not even bothering to fight him. As it was happening his mask continued to crack before it completely revealing a familiar face.



"N-Nii-san why?"

The boy Ichika fell unconscious with Madoka under the same hypnosis as the they both collapse.

Hours later in a dark room

The boy woke up, tried to look at his surroundings, but found no light.

"W-Where am I? M-Ma-chan? Ma-chan w-where are you? MA-CHAN!!" Ichika yelled but no answer.

The room was dark, too dark where barely any light reached. It was one was there, only their hands were visible. The temperature is cold, freezing cold like walking into the freezer. The only sound was dripping water as it echoed and it scared him. All the memories suddenly came back as he tried to move, he felt his hands tied by a rope.

"C-Chisuke-nii it was you that killed kaa-san now Ma-chan's nowhere to be found that bastard already took her" he clenched his fist.

"H-How did it come to this today was supposed to be Chifuyu-nee's bid day, we were supposed to watch her win the match" "How did it turned like this? What caused Chisuke-nii to change is he really my brother..."

"Glad that you're awake Ichika-kun I was worried you weren't going to wake up how are you feeling are you still mad that I kidnapped your sister? Don't worry she's with me so you shouldn't worry about weaklings like her she has no potential."

"W-What did you say!?" Ichika glared as his eyes glowed a feint red.

"Allow me to explain the reason why I spared your life is because I see great potential in you little brother" he smiled manically. "Unlike Madoka-chan you have that hidden potential, even greater than the likes of Chifuyu I believe with enough training you will turn out to become a fine warrior. You already mastered Kendo, but that will only get you so far, I have something even better than that those useless toys the government trying to employ You want to know?"

"YOU'RE NOT BROTHER!!" he frantically yelled. "A brother is someone to rely on when you're feeling down someone who protects their younger siblings in case of trouble. I don't know who you are, but you're not Chisuke-nii that I know for a fact!" he defiantly replied.

The masked man laughed in amusement. "Well, aren't you the observant one Ichika-kun well, you one thing right I am indeed not your brother, but your wrong about another he's right here as we speak how about you enjoy a family talk shall we" the masked man said as he disappeared in sight his glowing eyes no longer illumining the room. Suddenly he heard footsteps there were quieter.

"I'm disappointed Ichi-kun I hoped all this went through your head, but you still don't understand. Kaa-san was foolish in her ambitions to use the IS to control the military, she never loved us it was all an illusion" he said.

"N-NO Kaa-san loved us there's way she would abandon us!?"

"Oh but it is the truth, in fact she never wanted the two of you. She only pretended to care to so you can lower your guard. For months she was planning to get rid you, you were fortunate that you posses talent otherwise she dealt with you ages ago.

Ichika was learning as he tried to break the rope. His tone sounded malicious like he was trying to scare him, but he also felt a bit of resentful. He still couldn't believe it, His mom loved him there's no reason why she would disown him that idea alone infuriated him but from his tone, it didn't sound he was lying. He remembered the time he spent from his mother, while she was kind at times he always felt ignored especially when his elder siblings were around. This led to constant comparisons with his siblings.

"Mother always ignored me even all my efforts were never acknowledged. Did she not love me...?"

"Well now that know the truth it's your choice, I can tell right now you're not going to listen so I'll leave you with this" Ichika raised his eyebrows at what he meant when suddenly a group of soldiers came forward arm knives looking ready to kill.

"Here are a group of battle hungry soldiers if you can manage to fight your way out, then you can escape for you your life, if you don't... then you know the rules. Oh and don't worry about your older sister, she's too busy to come and save you, If you want to survive then FIGHT FOR IT!! COME BACKS STRONGER AND DEAFEAT MY APPRENTICE AND THEN YOU SHALL SEE YOUR SISTER AGAIN!" the voice before the lights went dark. He looked around to see his brother gone.

"Hehe I'll fun with you kid" said a male soldier equipped with a rifle.

"Yeah the best ones are the one that scream and beg" said another male soldier loading his weapon.

"Too bad you brother and sister aren't here to save ya it's a real tragedy. I always hated your mommy she's thought she was all that underneath those glasses of hers good things she died like the whore she was" said the other female soldier armed with a katana. "No hard feelings kid but you gotta die."

"N-NO I can't die here not yet."

"I'm not weak."

"I can't die."




The female soldier fells down after being stabbed in the chest. She looked down to see the boy that tied up suddenly free and was now holding the knife in place. His eyes were now red as a small comma was spinning around his iris. He let go of her and died from the sudden shock and blood loss.

"T-That kid stabbed her?!" said the male soldier as began to tremble. That moment of vulnerability proved to be fatal as the gun was kicked away and he sliced his neck dying as a result.

"Guys fire your weapon don't let this kid escape!" ordered the female captain.

"You heard em fire your-GUAHHHH" said the other male soldier before he stabbed in the neck as well he grabbed the other knife and dashed around the other direction.

"HURRY AND SHOOT!!" she ordered.

"WE'RE TYING THAT KID TO IS TOO DAMN FAST!!" the female soldier aimed her weapon frantically almost targeting her comrades before she got a lock on.

"CONFIRMED" she smirked "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT LITTLE SHIT!" she fired her grenade launcher at point blank range destroying part of the wall.

"THAT BRAT NEVER SAW IT COMING!" she laughed maniacally, but her victory didn't last long when the smoke cleared the boy was still standing now holding a pistol with breakneck speed, he hit her in the face with the butt of the gun.

"IMPOSSIBLE! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD HOW DID YOU SURVIVE!?" the female soldier screeched as she lost her temper.

The knocked her down on the ground stomping on her stomach causing her to cough in pain.

"I see your moves right before your act. That missile was too slow to hit me" he said stomping her ribcage causing a crack sound and she screamed in pain.


"You see what I see, your death" he said before shooting her in the temple killing her.

"THIS KID IS A MONSTER!" yelled the male soldier as he tried to escape until he felt a gun to his head.

"Coward" she calmy said before shooting him.

She turned around and smiled taking off her hat as her wavy blonde hair moved freely. On closer inspection, she had blonde hair, mole on her right cheek, and voluptuous figure that rivaled Chifuyu. If she wasn't the enemy she would find her beautiful, but he was too angry to focus on that. She was still smirking like she already won it pissed him off so he broke the silence.

"Why are still smiling you think I'll let you get away you crazy bitch?"

"Fufufu... you're a real charmer young boy if you were several years older perhaps, I would've dated you" she grinned "You have impressive skills boy ashamed I have to end your short life, but orders are orders" she said drawing out two pistols firring upon impact.

The bullets were larger than average and had seemed to be longer ranged. The weapon seemed modified looking close he knew he had to be careful one slip and could die so he used his superior reflexes to get around her while firing back. This a lead to major shootout that lasted almost a minute until he ran out of ammo.

"Aw you ran out already just when we were having fun" she teased she reloaded the pistol.

"How unfortunate of you"

"Damn she has me cornered what do I do!?"

"Channel chakra and use these hand signs" a voice said as a visual motion of the handsigns were shown.

"Who said that? And handsigns you mean these?"

He did as instructed and felt energy flowing into his body, it began feeling hot until he released it.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!" she mentally screamed as she threw her gun and tried to dodge and the fire hit her.

"AAAARRRRGHHHH DAMN YOU BRAT!!!!" she said as her left arm was had severe burns. "HOW DARE YOU SCAR THIS BEAUTIFUL SKIN I WILL PERSONALLY SEND YOU TO HELL YOU BRAT!!!" She said as pulled the pistol out preparing to fire.

"I'm so weak I couldn't save mommy, I couldn't save Ma-chan "He closed his eyes. "Chifuyu-nee where are you I need you now..."


The crashed open as a bright light lit up the dark room. An angel like figure appeared the armor was scarlet colored and the person that piloted was none other his elder sister, Chifuyu. The angelic image will forever be ingrained in his mind it looked like a savior, a messiah, she was his messiah.

"N-Nee-chan you s-saved me..." Ichika said before falling into her arms, exhausted from his ordeal. The last thing he saw was his sister's smile he laid there safe under his sister's arms.

"Thank God you're alright little brother sorry I came late" she looked all around the assailant gone. "That bastard escaped I won't let you get away with hurting my family you'll pay for hurting my little brother and I will find Madoka mark my words!" she proclaimed as her Sharingan activated as well.

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