Chico Salazar Imagines

By darzzs

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Imagines about Deadly Class characters. Mostly Chico Salazar. If you like the imagines, please vote for the... More

First Date?
~ Tension ~
~ T e n s i o n ~
Kidnapped. 1.
K i d n a p p e d 2.
Kidnapped 3~
The cousins
Cousins 1.
Cousins 2.
Cousins 3.
Cousins 4.
๐‘†๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ ๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘’ โŒซ
๐‘†๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ ๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘’ 2โŒซ
๐‘†๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ ๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘’ 3โŒซ
Stay with me 4
Christmas Special

The new guy

757 10 13
By darzzs


Hey guys! I know this is going to be a bit different from what I write...I am usually a Chico Salazar Stan,but since I have so much friends that love Marcus,I decided to change a bit. Yes Chico and Juan are still my number #1. I'm making this for my closest and one of my best friends Theodora. I love you so much 🥰.


11:30 pm. I was at my room, studying for "Poison Lab" classes,since I couldn't go to bed. I couldn't stop thinking of my friends. Saya and Maria. Lin told them to get some homeless guy in here. "Since when did King's became a shelter ?" I thought to myself as I giggled,and continued writing down poisons. Time went by,but I couldn't stop thinking of the guy they had to get.

"Why is he so important?"

" If he's that good,why is he homeless?"

" What happened to his family?"

"Hm...Is he cute?"

But then I cut off my own thoughts.


But when I looked at the clock it was already like 2am. I was writing for ,and then got dressed,as I took my hair in a bun, because it was still wet.
Then,got my backpack,and started running to my classes. On the way there I bumped into someone,and my backpack,and the books in my hand,fell on the ground,along with me.

"Δεν μπορεί να γίνει χειρότερη αυτή η μέρα;»

I mumbled to myself,but then a man's hand took mine,and helped me get up,and handed me all my books.
We looked at eachother,and I got lost in his beautiful eyes. I looked at him more. Dark, curly hair,scar under his eye, good lips, perfect nose...Wow. he was perfect. That must be the new guy. And suddenly I got the answer to my question from last night. He was good looking,but of course everything had to end,when I heard the bell. "I'm sorry,I gotta get to Poison Lab classes." I said, walking away,and I heard him shout. "Hey,I didn't catch your name..." But Brandy only laughed at him, cause I didn't reply, just continued walking. I got into classes,and sat on my place. Everyone had a partner,but the seat next to mine was empty. Weird. I usually sat with that weird guy Jaden,now he's gone. Maybe he switched classes,or got killed. I'd be happy either way,cause he's finally gone.  Like 10 minutes in the class have passed,and then we all heard the door open,and someone rushed in. I looked up from my book,and saw the new guy.

M: "I'm sorry I'm late. I'm new and I got lost"

Mr. Denke looked at him,and just said

"Don't let this happen again"

New guy just nodded and sat next to me.

M: You're the girl I bumped into earlier... I'm sorry about your books.

T: Are you like following me or something?

He looked at me weirdly.

M: We just  have the same classes.

T: Yeah,and you decided to sit next to me,out of all free sits. Why are you following me like a lost puppy?

M: I just wanted to say I'm sorry,no need to be harsh.

He said taking out his books,and he started looking at them.

15 minutes has passed in the class,and it felt like hell.  Why was the time running so slow today? Suddenly,someone poked me,and whispered.

M: I didn't catch your name.

T: Why do you wanna know my name?.

M: I am trying to talk to you,so you won't die here. I see how bored you are.

T: Theodora. What's yours,Mystery guy?

I giggled a bit,as I turned to look at him.

M: I'm Marcus.

T: Pleasure to meet you,Marcus.

M: Pleasure? I thought you couldn't stand me like 20 minutes ago.

I laughed at him. We had a great conversation. And I felt like my whole day went brighter. Suddenly everything was better,after we started talking. I gotta admit it...He wasn't that bad. But then suddenly Mr. Denke spoke and said my name.

MrD: Wolf's bane? Theodora?

T: Wolf's bane? Um... The showy blue-purple flowers are produced in terminal panicles up the stem. The covering hood of the flower is a domed modified sepal that shrouds the inner parts of the flower.

MrD: True. What can It do to humans?

T: Well,Wolf's bane is One of the most toxic plants,the toxins in Wolfsbane can cause a slowing of heart rate which could be fatal, and even eating a very small amount can lead to an upset stomach. Its poison can also act through contact with the skin, through open wounds. It can be found in the UK,but since it looks so normal,nothing will make you think this is poisonous,you can grow it in your house,like every other plant. Even tho it's hard to find some. I find it really useful. If you want to take revenge on someone,just put this in their drink,and there is a high chance of them dying from heart attack. And it will take a bit long to the police to find the plant is poisonous,and you did it.

Everyone looked at me in shock. While Petra just rolled her eyes and sighed. Mr. Denke smiled at me.

MrD: Really good,Theodora. I'm impressed. Looks like you prepared yourself.

I smiled back at him,and I turned to look at Marcus. He was spechless. He mouthed "WOW''.

MrD: Okay class,that's it for today.

He continued saying some other stuff,but I didn't listen to him,I got my books,and left the room,as I signed in relief. Then I felt someone behind me. "You were amazing out there!'' I turned to see Marcus. "Thank you!" I said,and we continued walking.

T: Well...I gotta go to my locker. I gotta leave some stuff.

M: See you around?

T: Yeah...see you around the school.

We smiled and left. I got at my locker and switched a few stuff. I was smiling to myself,while Saya came,and started mocking me.

S: "So,what's up?"

T: Nothing...

S: I saw you with the new guy.

T: And?

S: You like him?

T: Ew,no.

S: Yeah,you do.

T: I literally just met him Saya. I can't fall in love with him,after I just met him.

S: NO one said you were in love with him,it's just...You find him attractive.

T: Maybe? And what if I do?

S: Stay away from him.

T: What? Why?

S: He is dangerous. He's a murderer.

T: Ain't we all tho?

S: He killed the kids in that orphanage.

My jaw hit the floor.

T: What?

S: Yeah,so stay away from him.

T: O,okay...

And I just  thought nothing could ruin my day. I was going to my other classes,and seems like today we didn't have classes together apart of the classes with Denke.

___________TIME SKIP ______<________

                       ●LUNCH TIME

I got served some disgusting food,and I just sat at my table. Suddenly I got surrounded by the Kuroki. They all sat next to me,and we had lunch. It was all amazing,but I couldn't take my eyes off the rats table. Only Marcus and Billy were there. I was thinking. "He doesn't seem like the type of person to do this. Not to kids." "Why are you defending him,Theodora,you just met him." I decided to stop looking at him since they both left,but Yukio started talking about him.

Y: You heard what happened earlier?

S: What?

Y: The new guy... He is gonna fight with Chico.

I choked on my water.

T: What? It's his first day here,and he already tries to kill himself. I swear. Why is he gonna fight with him anyway?

S: I don't know...

Y: Apparently he thinks he is a hero. Maria was talking to him,but then Chico started choking her,and he pushed him off her.

T:WOW,what a dumbass.

Y: You guys gonna watch?

T: Where they gonna fight?

Y: Probably behind the school. Chico is always there with the Vatos.

T: I don't know...I don't wanna see him get killed.

R: Awh...

Riku smiled at me and gave me that one look,she made when she thought I liked someone.

T: It's not like that guys,I swear.

R: Is it tho?

T: How can I like him,after I literally just met him. Besides he's not my type.

R: Yeah,yeah...

T: I would never date a rat.

S: Yeah,not like he would want to date you anyway...with your terrible  flirting skills.

T: Oh come on...I am not THAT bad.

They all laughed at me.

T: Not like,anyone will like you Saya,you barely talk with people.

S: I am focusing on myself,and I don't need anyone. Feelings and relationships are just a waste of time.

T: Oh WOW.

S: But if I want someone,I can get them.

T: Oh really? So do I.

R: You tried to flirt with Juan once.

Y: You told him you really liked his head,cause It's so clean,you cam use it as a mirror.

I went silent,cause as much as I didn't want to agree,I really had said that. Not like it wasn't true tho.

T: Okay,'re right. I am terrible.

I let out a giggle,and got my backpack,as I got up.

R: Where are you going?

T: I'll be in my room,Chilling. Except if Saya doesn't want to go out tonight. 

S: I would love to,but...I'm busy.

T: Oh...okay.

I smiled and left. As I was walking on the way to my dorm,I decided to go to the bathroom. I turned around,and got into the girls bathroom. I got into the toilet,and locked myself up in there. People here are weird. It was the best to always lock the door. I put my pants down,and I sat on the seat to pee. Then,as I wiped myself,and put my panties back up,I heard someone coming in,crying. I didn't say anything,cause only from the whimpering you can easily guess who it was. Maria. Chico's girl.
I honestly didn't pay attention,cause  I didn't want to get involved into any of these bullshit. As I was about to open the door,someone else walked in,and something  fell on the floor. Then,I heard Saya's voice.

S: Valproate?

That's what she asked Maria,but then the other thing I heard was like Maria snatched something from Saya,and they both walked away.

S: Wait,Maria. Maria!

It seemed like that,until I heard another familiar voice in the bathroom.

M: Please,help me!

S: Get lost!

M: Please!

Was that Marcus? Why was he asking  Saya for help,and with what?  What the heck is going on here?

M: He is gonna kill me.

S: Who Chico?

M: Yeah,that dude.

S: YOU started shit with Chico? Why?

M: He was choking Maria.

S: Oh yeah...Maria...

M: I just need help.

S: Good Luck with that psycho.

M: Please,Saya. I- I thought you actually cared.

S: What? Why in the world would you think that?


I was shook. Did she liked him? Is this the reason she keeps me away from him?

S: Dude... It was an assigment. I just had to bring your ass over here.

M: So what? The kiss actually meant nothing for you? 

S: I just had  to bring you here! 

M: Fuck it! 

He said as he left,and by his footsteps I could tell that he was angry. 

Not after long Saya left as well. I  unlocked myself,and I still had to process everything I heard from earlier. I walked out,and got to my room,still thinking. It was too much information. 

So if he didn't kill theorphans that night,who did? Should I tell Lin about it? 

Questions like those popped up in my mind,but I decided to mind my own business, keep my mouth shut,and pretend I haven't heard anything.  But staying in my room made things worse. 

So,I've got  an Idea. I got out of my dorm and went to Juan's. He has been trying to get ith me since last year. Probaby cause my boobs got bigger and I finally don't look like an 11 year old boy anymore. Bastard. I am not into him,but I've decided to give him a chance after all,what could've happen?  I knocked on his door,and he opened it, half naked. e was wearing no shirt on,just pijamas. I looked him up and down,and I gotta admit that he was hot as hell,he had the body of a greek God. 

J: Like what you see?

T: Ew,no. 

J: Yeah,and that's why you're drooling...

T: I am definetely not. 

J: What brings you here anyway? 

T: I was bored,and um...

he looked at me raising his eyebrow. 

T: Wanna go out? i mean-

I thought he was gonna say yes right away,but he laughed at me.

J: You wanna go out with me?

T: Yeah? Why acting so weird?

J: Probably cause you rejected me way too many times,and then said you can use my head as a mirror.

T: Okay,okay...You're right. It was a mistake coming here. Pretend this never happened.

As I walked away,I heard him shout my name from behind. I smirked at myself,and then turned around,to face him.

J: Fine! Where are we going?

T: I was thinking of you choosing the place. I am down for everything.

He had that smirk on his face.

J: Okay...I have a place in mind.

T: Oh God...

J: I will keep it as a surprise.

T: Tell me what should I wear at least...

J: Whatever you want. Surprise me.

T: Fine...I guess.

I walked away to my room and got some clothes.

I wore a black crop top with black heels and tight jeans. It was night,so I added a  leather jacket as I put my hair up in a bun,someone knocked on my door. I opened it,to see Juan. He was wearing jeans and a shirt. He looked really good,black jeans and a shirt.

J: Looking good.

He said looking me up and down. I smiled at him,blushing a bit. "So do you!" I replied.
"Thank you,gorgeus!" He said. We started walking away,and I asked him.

"So,where are we going?" Juan smiled. "At one amazing place! I am sure you will like it!"

He opened the door for me,and then he got on the driver's seat.

"Did I at least dress up appropriate?"

"I told you. You look gorgeus! Just perfect."

He looked at me,and then got his eyes back at the road. We didn't talk much,and then I saw that he parked next to a bar,or something.

"A bar? Seriously?" I looked at him really dissapointed. I hoped he would make me go to some romantic place.

"You'll see why I like it so much! Come on!"

He said as he held my hand and we both got in. It was amazing. Nice latino music was playing. We sat on the bar,and I got a martini. I started drinking it slowly,and we had a normal conversation. But then some people started circling around.

"What's happening?" "Juan?" I asked him,and meanwhile he just got up and pulled me in. I was still holding my martini when he got us places in the front row. Some people were dancing,and everyone cheered them up. It was beautiful. Reminded me of the days where I used to dance. "Is this why you like it?"
"Yeah" he replied. "I love dancing!'' I was a bit weirded out. I didn't even know he liked to dance. "When did you start dancing?"
"When I was a kid. It was my favourite thing to do,but then I got at King's and all my dreams of becoming a dancer just dissapeared."His smile faded away a bit.
"Same with me tho." I sighed,looking at him.
"So you come here to dance or just to watch?"
He took a sip of his drink. "Sometimes I watch,sometimes I dance,but rarely!"

I looked at him shocked,after he told me he wanted to be a dancer.

"Why don't you dance tonight?"

"What?" Juan was shocked.

"Dance with me! Come on!"

I said grabbing his second hand,pulling him in,close to me. "Come on,It will be FUUUUN!"

He tried to deny,and tell me no,but I grabbed and pulled him to the dance floor.
I saw him get uncomfortable,so I lift myself up,and whispered in his ear,and held his hands tighter. "Ay,It's gonna be okay!" I looked him in the eyes,and smiled at him. He gave me a shy,nervous smile. And then the music started. It was amazing. His hands were on my waist,we were moving slowly to the rythm,and then he spinned me around as then he pulled me in close to him,by my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck,and we slowly moved to the rythm. We looked eachother in the eyes,and I felt like the time has stopped. It felt magical. Like no one else was there,and it was only us. I totally ignored everyone. I don't know if it was me or the martini,but I felt so much butterflies in my stomach when he looked at me. His eyes burned me. After he spinned me for the last time and our faces got close to each other,it made me feel some type of way. I snapped outа,and came back to the reality after everyone started clapping and cheering us up,since the dance ended. We both laughed and hugged eachother,and we got back to the bar,to get some more drinks.

"That was AMAZING!!" I said,still excited.

"It really was,I didn't know you were such a great dancer!"

"Ay,what do you mean?"

"I thought you sucked."

He said,looking at me in the eyes trying not to laugh,and I punched him playfully.


He started laughung. We both did. Then some random guy in a suit came in and everyone stopped talking. He got a big microphone and started talking. Weird stuff,something about winners and stuff. Was it really a competition? What? I was shocked. Then I heard our names. WE WERE THE WINNERS?! what?

We held our hands and came into the circle. Everyone cheered and clapped for us. The guy shaked our hands and congratulated us. He hugged me,and not after long we left. Wow. Still in shock,we decided to come back to King's. He sat in the driver seat,and I sat at the seat next to him. Amazing. He started driving.


J: Me neither,but to be honest...

T: What?

J: You were amazing.

T: awh,thank you,Juan!

J: Just saying that If I was on their place. The jury's place, I would pick you as well.

I smiled at him,and he took my hand. He was holding it this whole time. It made me feel some type of way. Not after long,we were at King's.  He stopped the car and we got out of it. As we walked into King's he still held my hand. When we were about to open the door I heard Marcus and Maria's voice. I pushed Juan into some bushes. "Wha-?'' He tried to say something,but I put my hand over his mouth. "Shhh" and then I pointed at  them. We both looked at them,and we were both shocked,and angry.

Marcus: Where is your black eye?

Maria: Make up. You wanted to play hero. I just gave you an excuse.

Marcus: Jesus Christ. That's why you pretend to like me? So I'd fight you boyfriend?

She looked at him with the most cold expression.

Maria: So you'd kill him.

Me and Juan froze from what we heard. Yeah,Chico and Maria had their problems,but what could be that much of an issue so she'd want to kill him. Every couple has it's problems,but killing eachother? That's a bit too far.

Maria: I need him gone.

Marcus: Sorry I let you down.

Maria: Look...I know. I know I tricked you,but I wasn't pretending. I really like you Marcus.

She came closer to him and she kissed him,as she placed her hand on his cheek. Our jaws dropped. Then she invited him at the party at the graveyard. Marcus walked in,and thats when we sneaked in after him.

J: That whore! I knew it. I knew she was up to no good. I knew that she was trying to kill him.

T: Ay,ay...It's okay...We all know who Chico is. He is smart. Just tell him,and he'll know what to do.

J: You're right...I will tell him as soon as possible.

T: Yeah,come on now...think of something else.

I said as we started walking up the stairs

J: Theodora...

T: Hm? What?

J: Thank you.

T: For what exactly?

J: For giving me a chance.

T: Oh,come on...It's nothing.

T: Thank you so much for taking me out to this amazing place. I loved it.

J: I was hoping you'd like it.

T: Like it? I LOVE IT. I have an idea.

J: What is it?

T: Lets go there every i don't know...friday...saturday...?

J: I am in. It's gonna be our thing.

T: Yeah...I would love to be there with you.

I didn't even know why I said that,but anyways...It didn't matter. We were already in front of my room.

T: Well...see you tomorrow...I guess?

J: Yeah. See you tomorrow.

I gave him a lil smile,and as I was about to get in my room,he grabbed my arm, pulled me in close to him and kissed me. For some reason I liked it,and I kissed him back,putting my hand on his cheek,as he picked me up,pinning me against the door and kissed me even more passionately,which made me wrap my hands around his neck. We were getting even more and more passionate,untill we heard someone.

"Juan,I've been looking for you everywhere man...OOOOH"

We heard Chico say,as he just saw us making   out.

Ch: "I see why you were gone my man..."

He said with the smirk on his face.

J: It's not what it looks like,I-

Ch: It's not?

We both got as red as tomatoes,as he put me down.

Ch: Sorry to interrupt you two,but...

T: It is nothing,um...I will just go inside.

Ch: I can let you two finish what you started if you want to,I mean...

T: No,no...It's okay. Juan has something really important to tell you anyway...Right,Juan?

The kiss left him mesmerised. He looked at me and him,like I just said I was an alien.

T: RIGHT? Juan?

J: Yeah,yeah...I do

Ch: What's going on? I am gonna be an uncle?

He asked jokingly

T: Hahah,very funny salazar. Now for real...I will go.

T: See you tomorrow?

I turned to Juan to ask him.

J: Yeah,see you tomorrow.

T: Bye...

I said whispering,as I got in my room. I could still hear them talking in Spanish as they walked away. I smiled to myself,and I quickly changed into my PJ'S. I layed on my bed,and started rethinking my whole day. It was the weirdest,yet one of the most amazing ever. I was thinking of me and Juan the whole night. I can't believe I had so many things In common with someone I could have never thought that I will. We seemed so different. As I was thinking,I slowly fell asleep.

● Author's note:

● Hey guys I hope you like this new chapter! Epecially you theodora!

My socials:

@d.arzs on ig

@d.arzz on tiktok

Theodora's socials: 

@urdeadlyassasin on instagram tiktok and pinterest. 

Please tell me if you like the story. Votes are appreciated!!! 

Team Juan or Team Marcus? Comment below! 

Bye guys,love you! Have a great day| night! Stay safe! 

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