Rwby x Gears of War (Velvet x...

By Sessylu75

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I would write a description but that's simply too much of a hassle. This is a rewrite of my other gears story... More

Characters Information
Ch 1 Raven Down
Ch 2 Back To Remnant
Ch 3 Getting Hired
Ch 4 Shopping
Ch 5 Class
Ch 7 Farmer's Market
Ch 8 Summer and Tai

Ch 6 Meeting The Professors

639 18 18
By Sessylu75

With class over and the finishing touches to your class done it was time for lunch.

Anthony: (sees the time) Guys, it's time!

Hunter: Finally. Y/N, get your ass in gear.

Y/N: Hold up. I got this message but I can't find the thing.

Walking up to you and snatching up the scroll Hunter checks the message.

Hunter: It's from Glynda.

Anthony: What is it?

Hunter: Once a week the professors meet up in the cafeteria for lunch. Only three this time though.

Anthony: You think I can use this to get to know her better?

Y/N: Didn't you say she flung a mug with her wand or whatever at the wall?

Anthony: Yup.

Hunter: Anthony, I think it would be better to look elsewhere.

Anthony: Where's the fun in that?

Y/N: Hey, shouldn't we be going before all the good stuff is gone?

With that you all head to the cafeteria hoping that the line isn't too long. As you walked a lot of students gave you three some strange looks but you all ignore them as there was pressing matters at hand. Getting in the line you notice that coincidentally you were behind Velvet.

Y/N: Velvet?

Velvet: (turns head) Y/N?

Talking while the line moved you found out that the different schedule she talked about extends to lunch as well. Getting your food Ruby waves you over.

Ruby: Guys! Guys!

Finally walking over, Ruby spoke.

Ruby: Why are you still wearing your armor?

Anthony: Our room is too far.

Ruby: Wanna sit with us?

Y/N: You're by yourself.

Ruby: Well when everyone gets their food. They got there late because they had to help Jaune find his homework.

Anthony: And you?

Ruby: Saving the table.

Hunter: We can't. Once a week apparently professors meet up and today is the day.

Ruby: Oh, okay. See you later then.

Y/N: Can Velvet sit with you? Hearing about how some people are I don't think it's a good idea for her to sit on her own.

Ruby: The more the merrier.

Walking over to Velvet sitting alone in a table she perks up seeing you.

Velvet: Hi Y/N. I thought you had to sit with the professors today.

Y/N: Still do but listen I'm probably going to end up sitting with Team RWBY since Ruby is my sister and I want to find out more.

Velvet: Where is this going?

Y/N: Do you mind sitting with Ruby?

Velvet: Well, alright. Her team does seem nice. That and it is lonely here.

Y/N: (leans close) Good. Between you and me I think she is bored out of her mind.

Velvet: You know something tells me Ruby is not exactly used to dealing with that. I mean I do always see her with her team.

Y/N: Maybe. Well see you tomorrow. Wait, is that carrot cake you talked back during the shopping still on?

Velvet: Yup.

Y/N: Do you need help?

Velvet: Do you know how to bake?

Y/N: No.

Velvet: Well you can help out shopping at the farmer's market.

Y/N: Alright. Can't wait to try this famous cake you said your family made. Bye.

Velvet: Bye then.

Watching as Velvet went over to Ruby's table for a bit you point at Glynda's table to Hunter and Anthony. Walking over and sitting down you look to the three across the table.

Anthony: Woah, nice mustache. You know I always wanted one. It's just I will only grow it out when I have a position of authority.

Y/N: How would you plan on that when your job is flying?

Anthony: That's why I never grew one.

Glynda: If you two could stop talking about mustaches I believe that introductions are in order.

Y/N: And you are?

Oobleck: Dr. Oobleck but you may simply call me Bartholomew as you aren't students.

Hunter: I think we're gonna stick with the last name.

Anthony: I heard people called you professor Oobleck.

Oobleck: I did not earn my phd only to be called a professor. Please refrain from doing that.

Anthony: Fair point.

Port: I'm certain you know Glynda but I'm Professor Port.

Hunter: Well I'm Hunter and those two are Y/N and Anthony.

Anthony: Well so you won't feel left out hi Glynda.

Glynda: Hello.

Oobleck: I heard about the situation about the cutout of Ozpin. It was interesting to say the least.

Glynda simply gave an audible sigh knowing where the rest of lunch was going to.

Port: May we see one of these tools? I heard how each of your semblances can essentially create an army of sorts.

Anthony: I think I can only create weapons. Watch.

Looking at the table a books grenade appears on the table.

Glynda: This isn't the time or the place to have such tools.

Oobleck: Now, now Glynda, we each are all responsible adults here.

Port: More so with you here.

Oobleck: Think of it as a prelude to the Vytal Festival we have the honor of hosting this year. We are experiencing a part of culture however grim it may be.

Glynda: Fine, but if it so happens to explode you will be the ones fixing the mess.

With that said Port picks it up, inspecting the grenade.

Port: Interesting. I heard some details about this from some of my students that we share. Even that one would have died if they weren't dummy grenades used.

Oobleck: And you two are pilots, yes?

Y/N: We were soldiers like Hunter here but we decided to become pilots.

Port: I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your planet.

Hunter merely waves it off.

Hunter: We did most of that to ourselves. Unlike you all we did not have that common enemy to unite us. Well we do now with the grubs but at the worst time.

Y/N: If things went as planned right before we died the war should be won.

Oobleck: I would like to consider myself as a sort of historian. One of things that often get the most eyes on is the weapons of war. Now, I heard that two of you has chainsaws on your weapons.

Port: You know that reminds me of a weapon I had during my younger days.

Glynda: Here we go again.

Port: Now, I currently have a battle axe but I originally had a chainsword.

Anthony: What happened to it?

Port: That would require a story.

Oobleck: Now just hold on there. Every time you recount this you exaggerate it. Let me say it this time.

Port: Oh, alright. My voice is tired from all the stories I said earlier during class.

Oobleck: Mine and Port's team were on a mission to kill a particular Grimm. It was no ordinary alpha Beowolf. I still do not have a slight clue what it was but to make this easy let us say it is an alpha among the alphas. So there we were for a week tracking it down to exterminate of course until suddenly when we least expected it they ambushed us.

Anthony: Did you die?

Y/N: How would they be here?

Anthony: Got caught up in the moment.

Oobleck: Unfortunately due to the lack of time I must now gloss over details. Anyways we were forced to retreat to a more defensible position but as for Port he must have gotten separated as before we knew it we saw him bloodied with his outfit in tatters holding the chainsword ready for whatever might happen next. Unfortunately ladyluck must have not been smiling at that moment as at that exact moment his chainsword stalled. Now, I do not know why this Grimm did what it did next as it would of been more easier to simply strike him down right then and there. Though it did not and then it proceeded to tackle Port off of the cliff.

Stopping for a moment to take a quick swig of whatever liquid was in the mug Oobleck then continues on.

Oobleck: Now where was I again? Oh wait, now I remember. Anyhow he would survive the fall. Though seeing that the man survived but near death it pinned him down as he with his last vestiges of attempted to stab the beast in a vain attempt. Not taking Port seriously I assume it merely with its massive paws broke the blade in half. Now, from what I can gather next it must have been full of itself as rather than finishing him off it stood on its hind legs readying itself to strike him down where he laid on the ground.

Taking yet another sip out of the mug you all saw Oobleck gain a burst of energy. You made a mental note to ask what was in the mug.

Oobleck: Truly hubris killed the beast as at that moment Port stabbed it with the blade and revved it up for its final time. For a few scarce seconds it worked but it was the only seconds he needed as the beast with a mighty roar fell on him and then disintegrated. Now, as for Port after all of that he could only laid there in hopes that one of us would return. Unfortunately we simply could not. For two scorching days and nights he laid there. Then finally by the third he was unsure if any of us had survive or if we would arrive in time he opted to crawl. He crawled until he made it to the escarpment of the cliff. I don't know how but somehow by fortune or by sheer will he climbed up the cliff cracking and drinking the yolk of a bird's egg for nutrition. And when he finally climbed up and fell to the ground due to sheer exhaustion somehow there was an axe laying there.

Anthony: Did one of your mates fall?

Oobleck: We all survived. Though I'll admit a tad bit worse for wear. Anyhow now where was I? Oh right. Port couldn't walk and had to crawl to the rendezvous point. Concerning us we couldn't go back. We had to stand guard and protect the bullhead. It sustained quite a bit of damage to the point that this was going to be its last flight. We couldn't leave our ride home and we couldn't go to look for our lost teammate so where did that leave us? Well I'll tell you. We waited and hope. As I was saying with the final day arriving we gave him a few more hours. It was then at that moment we saw him crawling our way. Unfortunately or fortunately given that the next part would be what you see in those action movies that some Grimm arrived.

Drinking another drink for the long stretch of talking he continues.

Oobleck: Now these weren't the same ones. They weren't as ferocious but they were still dangerous regardless. We all opened fire to hold them off until he could crawl back with the pilot turning on the engines. By the final stretch the pilot began flying right besides the cliff as this would be a close one. He somehow stood up and began running and jumped off the cliff, sticking his axe into the bullhead. Seeing he was on we told the pilot to book it as some of the Beowolves tried doing the same thing. We did managed to get Port on board. That's the story.

With that said Oobleck looks to his watch.

Oobleck: Well look at the time I should be heading back to my class now.

And like that he seemingly vanishes.

Hunter: Where did he go?

Glynda: Let's just say he's fast. Anyhow this was eventful but this marks the time I have to go as well. I'm sure Port has his class and you three need to prepare more.

Y/N: Yeah...

You three had other plans in mind. Going to the deepest recesses of where no one goes to you three stood with grubs.

Anthony: Can you make a Corpser?

Hunter: Are you nuts? At best a baby one but I'm tired as is.

Y/N: Well guess we leave them do what they do best. Create underground networks.

Hunter: Yeah, and soon you make Gears.

Anthony: You think this is a good idea?

Hunter: Yeah.

Y/N: If we can slowly make a force we can fight these Grimm. That and for classes.

Hunter: Besides if an shit goes down Y/N and I can't just make a large army. We can barely make things as it is now.

Anthony: I meant telling Ozpin first? Don't think this'll go well for the property value.

Hunter: Eh, first let's make it big enough first. I'm sure he'll appreciate this. Probably enough so to get a raise.

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