The English Rose

By loislame0384

4.6K 263 17

Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intrigui... More

The First Letter
A Change to the Game
Curiouser and Curiouser
Walking Through the Looking Glass
An Unexpected Visitor
The Best of Intentions
The Tree Lot
Comfort Soup
Bella's Revenge
Scout's Honor
The First Date
Welcome Home Squeaks
Another Episode
The Bella Monologue
The Worthwhile Fight
The Story Continues
The Light
Stepping Stones
The Creepy Cellar
Therapy for Two

Turkey Sandwiches and Love Hearts

235 9 2
By loislame0384

The English Rose had gone through a few drastic changes in the last month including their new part time unpaid employee who had a habit of borrowing books throughout her shifts. Sales had doubled since the older woman started working there. She had a certain charm about her that had people buying more than they intended. Sales was apparently one of Bella's specialties. The shop was making a decent profit and both Henry and Hermione attributed that to all of Bella's hard and unpaid work. Valentine's Day was right around the corner and Henry was outside hanging up the pink fairy lights Hermione had requested be put around the windows. Inside, the book shop owner was moving a ladder around to hang various love hearts from the ceiling. "Love hearts, sunshine?"

"Oh stop," Hermione was dangling one of the purple and pink ones over the cashier's counter. "It's festive."

Henry took his coat off and went over to the window switching on the lights. "Is it festive or is it that you are finally in love and want to celebrate the holiday."

"I've had other Valentine's before Papa."

"Yes," he conceded, "but I don't think you've loved any of them the way you love Bella."

Hermione stopped to think about that. She climbed down the ladder and Henry took it along with a few strings of paper love hearts to the other room to hang them up. She was quite certain she had loved in the past but after having met Bella, she was sure that that wasn't the case. Bella was magical and their relationship was like no other she had previously experienced. The older woman cared for her deeply and always sought to take care of her even when it wasn't needed. After the ball and everything calmed down, the pair had decided that they would in fact pursue their relationship because there was an unexplainable connection that neither of them wanted to lose. Bella had started coming in on the weekends to help out around the shop. She was quite popular among the regulars. Bella would come in later in the afternoon mostly after Henry went home for the day because she still wasn't completely comfortable being around him knowing that he knew about her mental health issues.

"I do love her differently, papa," Hermione said with a smile in her voice as she leaned against the door frame and watched him hang the love hearts. "She makes me very happy."

"I'm sure it goes both ways, sunshine," he laughed. "Am I ever going to get to visit her while she is working? She always seems to conveniently not be here when I'm here. Is she trying to avoid the 'what are your intentions with my granddaughter?' speech?"

"I think you just make her nervous."

"Well," Henry came back down the ladder and took his cap off, scratching his head, "that's just silly."

"Is it though? Think about it Papa," she smiled. "You are my absolute favorite person and she knows that. She also probably knows that I've told you things about her and I'm guessing it makes her a little uncomfortable. I think she just doesn't want to be judged. I believe that she thinks of you as her first real friend."

"She has nothing to worry about. I see how happy she makes you. We all have things we go through daily and I would never hold a person's past against them. You tell her that I think of her as a friend as well and that I'd like to have dinner sometime and discuss literature."

"I think she'd like that," she smiled.

"Don't worry," he laughed. "I'll be on my best behavior and would never do anything to upset either one of you. I mean after all, she is an employee here now. I should at least get to know the staff, especially if she's dating my granddaughter."

"I'll talk to her about it," Hermione hugged her grandfather, "but I'm not making any promises or putting any extra pressure on her. She's been doing very well the past month."

"But you can't walk on eggshells around her dear. You know the bad days will come."

"And I accept that and will help her in every and any way that I can." Hermione bit her lip, "I really love her papa. It's almost scary how much I love her."

"Love can be a terrifying thing, sunshine but also beautiful and amazing. Now," he closed the ladder and leaned it against one of the shelves. "Tell me your plans for Valentine's Day."

After Henry left for the day like clockwork Bella showed up at the Rose. Bella took her coat off and hung it up on the coat rack by the door and looked around the main floor. There weren't currently any customers and she didn't see Hermione but as expected, Squeaks came running down the stairs and went straight for Bella's leg, purring and meowing as she rubbed her little head against the fabric of Bella's skirt. "Hello little miss," she bent to pick up the kitten. "Where is mummy? Upstairs?" The kitten meowed and Bella took that as confirmation and made her way up the stairs. She put the little kitten down and quietly walked around trying to spot her girlfriend first. It didn't take long. She stopped just inside the kitchen door frame. Hermione was standing at the stove, she had her hair piled up on her head, a book in one hand and half a turkey sandwich in the other hand. She seemed to be lost in the book, absentmindedly taking bites from her sandwich and Bella smiled, watching for a few moments before deciding to speak up. "What are you reading?"

Hermione jumped, screamed and threw the book across the room. "No, I don't remember what page I was on," she whined when she went over to pick up the book. She put her sandwich down and turned with a pout. "You gave me a fright."

"I'm sorry," Bella closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around Hermione. "You just look so cute. I couldn't help myself." She reached down and picked up the sandwich, taking a bite for herself. "Mm delicious as always."

"Do you just come over here to wind me up and eat half of my lunch?" Hermione nestled her face in Bella's neck and inhaled. She smelled of wood, citrus and parchment.

"No," she chuckled and took another bite before putting the sandwich back down. "You are much more to me than a vessel for delicious turkey sandwiches." She pulled her closer in her embrace. "Are you having a good day, love?" She asked, pulling back slightly, leaving a chaste kiss on the side of Hermione's mouth.

"I am," Hermione leaned back in and brought their lips together. She melted into the kiss. It was an experience that made her feel whole. The soft movement of Bella's mouth against her own, the slant of the older woman's head, the gentle whisper of Bella's tongue across her lower lip asking permission was enough to make the brunette go weak in her knees. She pulled back with a smile, "it's better now after that kiss."

"Cheeky," Bella went back in for another kiss, this time with a little more intent as she ran her hand down around Hermione's body to cup her ass, bringing her thigh between Hermione's legs, successfully pinning her against the kitchen counter. "What else could I do to make your day better?" She whispered as she kissed along Hermione's jaw line, nipping and sucking a path down her neck. "I love when you wear your hair up," she spoke against Hermione's pulse, sucking it harshly into her mouth.

Hermione gasped and found her lower body had a mind of its own as she started rocking her hips against Bella's thigh. They had gotten very good at making out. It had been happening frequently and Hermione was desperate for more but she didn't want to push her girlfriend beyond her comfort zone. "Mmm Bella," she whimpered when the older woman started a trail of reverent kisses along her exposed collar. Hermione thought that it might be a good time to talk about taking their physical relationship further soon. She was sure Bella had to be just as ready as she was.

"Hey," Bella pulled back and looked up at Hermione, "where were you just then?"

"Here," she flushed.

"No," Bella shook her head. "That's a lie but I'll let it slide because you look adorable when you are flushed and panting."

Hermione's cheeks flushed more, "Bella..." she whined and hid her face in Bella's neck. "I'm sorry I'm just a little more than worked up by you lately and it's not that I don't like what we are doing. I think I like it a little too much."

"You are horny," Bella stated matter of factly.

"Well," Hermione looked her in the eyes. "Yes. I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for, love? I'm fucking horny as hell too. I think the medicine is finally starting to kick in," she smiled and kissed Hermione quickly on the lips before untangling their limbs and taking a step back. Bella took a few steps back and leaned against the other counter, facing Hermione. "I went to my therapy week last week, as you know. Well there was another slight medication change and it's been doing things for me that I haven't had in a very long time."

"Have you...?" Hermione cut off her question and blushed.

Bella smirked, "have I what? Go on ask it."

"Have you masturbated?" Hermione bit her bottom lip, her cheeks flaming red.

"No," Bella chucked. "I haven't but I've had very, very dirty dreams about us and have been waking up soaking wet the past few days which I can't recall happening for the longest time."

"Does that mean maybe...?"

"It's so cute when you can't finish a question because your body is too busy flushing," she smiled. "Yes. It means I think I'm ready to take our physical relationship to the next step if you are, of course." Hermione nodded excitedly which caused another throaty chuckle, "well good then. It's settled. We will have sex soon. When it's organic and happens naturally."

"A romantic."

"Did you expect anything less?" Bella raised an eyebrow.

"No," Hermione shook her head. "Do you want a sandwich?"

"Sex to sandwiches... what a transition." Bella came back over to Hermione's side of the kitchen. "Yes. I'd love a sandwich but I can make it."

"Help yourself," Hermione kissed Bella's cheek and picked her sandwich back up. "This thriller is intense. You'll have to check it out when I'm done. You will absolutely love it."

Bella was smiling ear to ear. Nothing made her happier than being able to talk about books freely with another person. "Well with that glowing of a recommendation, I can't wait." She quickly made a sandwich while carefully moving around Hermione's kitchen so she didn't leave a mess behind.

"Are you always this tidy?"

"Depends," Bella smirked and took a bite of her sandwich. "If I'm trying to impress a lady then yes I'm always at my tidiest."

"You don't have to impress me, you know," Hermione finished her own sandwich and started washing her plate. "I'm already in love with you. I'd love you even if you were the biggest slob in the world."

"No," Bella shook her head. "That title belongs to Dora. Seriously, you can barely walk in her room. It's so messy and crowded with just piles of worthless shit. Borderline hoarder if you ask me," they laughed.

The shop door bell rang signaling a customer, "bring your sandwich?" Bella nodded and followed Hermione down the stairs with Squeaks following behind at Bella's heels. That kitten was so attached to the older woman it was quite cute. Squeaks would follow her around the shop, upstairs, downstairs, beg her to pick up her, follow her into the bathroom. Of course when Bella would sleep over, Hermione would wake up every morning to Squeaks snuggle under Bella's chin. "Hi. Welcome to the English Rose. Let me know if you need any assistance," Hermione greeted the young woman who was casually looking around at the round table book displays. Bella came up next to Hermione and sat on the other stool behind the register and rolled her eyes dramatically when Squeaks demanded to be placed on top of the counter. Bella put her sandwich down on the plate in front of her and bent at the waist to scoop the little kitten up, depositing her on the counter before quickly saving her sandwich from the little kitten paws. "Now, now," Hermione chided the kitten, "you know that's Bella's sandwich. Be a good kitten or you'll have to go back upstairs." Squeaks looked at Bella and her sandwich once more before walking over and flopping down onto her little bed on the far end of the counter. "It's been slow today. Papa and I decorated."

"It's cute. The black love hearts though unconventional are my favorite," Bella said looking at the decorations.

"I thought you'd like those best," Hermione smiled and grabbed Bella's hand, lacing their fingers together. When the customer was returning to the counter with an armful of books, she let go of Bella's hand. "Did you find everything okay?"

"Yes," the girl looked at Hermione and offered a polite smile then turned and looked at Bella who acknowledged her with a hello. The girl looked at Bella a beat longer than she was comfortable with so she cleared her throat and got the girl's attention. "Hi. I'm Anna," she was only looking at Bella who was just trying to finish her sandwich but remained polite.

"Bella," she held her hand out to the one Anna extended. The girl embraced her hand and smiled. Hermione was not comfortable with how long Anna was insistent on holding onto Bella's hand so she cleared her throat again. Bella shook her hand free.

"Will this be all?" Hermione asked, her customer service voice long gone.

"For the books, yes," she handed Hermione her bank card. "But," she turned her attention back to Bella, "I'd like to get your number if at all possible."

"It's not possible."

"Well I wasn't asking you sweetie," she gave Hermione an annoyed smile. "I was asking Bella here."

"And I told you. She's not available."

"Hermione," Bella tried to calm her girlfriend down because she didn't want Hermione to lose out on the sale. "Thank you, Anna. I'm flattered but I'm going to have to pass."

"Is that because your watch dog over there," she nodded towards Hermione, "won't let you out of her sights?"

"No," Bella's voice remained neutral, "it's because Hermione here is my girlfriend whom I'm very much in love with and I would never dream of doing anything to mess up what we've built together," Bella grabbed a cloth bag and put Anna's belongings in it as Hermione swiped the bank card and closed out the sale. "Will this be all?" She asked as she handed over the books. Anna grabbed the books and her bank card. She turned on her heel, exiting the store, and slamming the door behind her. "Well, she was lovely."

"Just a dream," Hermione was still fuming.

"I have to say, love," Bella leaned in and whispered in her ear, "you being jealous... it's doing things for me. I'm absolutely soaked right now."

Hermione groaned, "Bella you can't keep saying those things and expect me to not act on them."

Bella chuckled and kissed her cheek, "my apologies. I've always had a hard time filtering my thoughts as they travel from my brain to my mouth. My therapist says I need to work on that and I told her to go fuck herself. Now," she took the final bite of her sandwich, "I'm taking you out for Valentine's Day. No protests. The whole works."

"You aren't going to coerce me into adopting another kitten are you?"

Bella feigned hurt, "did you hear that Squeaks? Mummy said I coerced her. No," she scratched the purring kitten's ear, "it wasn't coercion at all."

"None. Whatsoever," Hermione laughed. "Coercion or not... she's a permanent member of the family now. Even Crooks loves her though he'd never admit it and might actually kill you if you insinuate it. Now, where are we going for Valentine's day?"

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises."

Bella raised her eyebrows, "sorry sweetheart. I'm not budging. You'll like this surprise I promise."

"Hmm," she gave her girlfriend a skeptical look. "I'll have to see the surprise and judge it accordingly."

"Fair enough," Bella threw her arm around Hermione's shoulders.

"So, Papa asked me today when he's going to get a chance to talk with you."

Bella cleared her throat and removed her arm. "Talk with me?"

"Not like the talk."

"Then..." she turned to face her girlfriend. "Like what? I can't imagine he's too fond of me with all my mental health issues."

Hermione reached out and cupped Bella's cheek. "Let me stop you right there. My Papa loves you and he loves how much you love me. He has been a supporter of us since day one. He told me to tell you that he thinks of you as a friend too and he wants you to come to dinner to talk about books and stuff. It's all very relaxed and chill. I promise."

Bella scratched behind her ear and looked away, "I'm not sure. What if something bad happens and he changes his mind?"

"Everything will be fine, Bella," she brought her girlfriend's hand up and rested it on her heart. "I wouldn't lie to you. You are safe here with us."

Bella smiled and rolled her eyes, "okay. I guess I can have dinner with your grandfather. Is it important to you?" Hermione nodded, "then it's important to me too. Set it up?" Hermione smiled and nodded again as another customer walked into the door. "Wait," she grabbed Hermione's arm after she greeted the new guests. "Before or after Valentine's day?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Because I need to know if I need to mentally prepare for two big events in the next week. That's all," Bella sighed. "Look, it's no big deal. Sometimes just when there is a lot going on at once is a trigger for me and I don't want to ruin our Valentine's. It's my first time spending the holiday with a girlfriend and I want it to be special. It's stupid," her cheeks turned red.

"It's not stupid. After Valentine's Day it is. I'll let Papa know," she kissed Bella's cheek. "You know it's my first Valentine's Day spending it with a woman that I'm in love with. I'm a little nervous too."

Bella was pacing around her room while Dora was inside of her closet helping her come up with an outfit appropriate enough for a Valentine's Day date. She wasn't really nervous as she had been out on plenty of dates with Hermione previously but tonight seemed a little different. She was ready to take the next step in their relationship but she was also feeling a little pressure to be able to perform. The mounting pressure was causing a lot of noise in her head but her therapist told her to be honest with Hermione when this was happening and hopefully it will work as a calming effect on her. "Come on now, Dora. She's going to be here soon and I can't really show up in my knickers, now can I?"

Dora laughed inside of the closet, "I don't think Hermione would complain if she came in and found you only in your knickers."

"That's beside the point," Bella rolled her eyes.

"Are you nervous?" Dora emerged holding a long dress and corset combo in one hand and a suit in the other hand. She held them out to Bella to pick. "Either will look great."

Bella took both outfits and brought them over to the bed to look at them. "You really went with the theme of Valentine's Day here, didn't you?" She looked between the black suit with the dark red dress shirt and the deep red almost black flowy off the shoulder dress and black corset. "Umm, I'll go with the dress. It'll be more comfortable for me," she gave her niece a sheepish smile and started to get dressed.

"You look like a pirate," Dora watched her aunt scrutinizing herself in the mirror.

"Is that a good thing?" She asked, putting spray into her hair to tame her long curls.

"I think Hermione will be into the look."

Bella nodded and moved over to finish her makeup. "And the date? Is it good?" Dora nodded. "And the gift is enough?"

"Auntie. You could show up at Hermione's house with a take away pizza and a card and she'd be happy. She loves you for you, not for your dates and gifts. Just relax and have a good time."

Bella looked at her niece through the mirror, "relax she says."

Hermione pulled up outside of Bella's house and parked on the long extended driveway. She looked in the rear view mirror to check her makeup again real quick before hopping out of her Kia and making her way to the front door. She wasn't sure what to wear because she didn't know where they were going so she opted for black trousers, a white button up shirt and a red blazer. She thought she might look like a theater usher but when she texted Ginny a picture of her outfit, she approved of it. Well, Ginny actually said something very inappropriate that made Hermione blush but she took it as a sign to wear the outfit. She walked to the door, holding a small bouquet of sunflowers. Hermione took a minute to breathe and knocked on the heavy wooden door.

"Hermione," Narcissa opened the door. "Come in," she ushered the girl inside. "It's so lovely to see you again." Hermione looked around, "don't worry Andy is still at the salon. She won't be here for the pre-date interrogation."

Hermione must have visibly relaxed because Narcissa smiled at her. "I'm a bit nervous. It's not like this is my first date or even my first date with Bella but she told me this was her first Valentine's Day date so I want everything to be perfect."

"I think she's nervous as well. She's upstairs with Dora trying to pick out an outfit I believe. You can head on up if you'd like."

Hermione nodded and thanked the youngest Black sister and started to head towards the back stairs when she turned around and stopped, "can I ask you a question?"

"Anything. Dear."

"This might be awkward."

"Nothing shocks me anymore, I assure you."

"Bella is hinting that she's ready to take our relationship to the next step," she waited for realization to hit Narcissa. "Do you think she's really ready? Or do you think she's ready because she thinks it's what I want?"

"Oh sweetheart," Narcissa smiled at the younger woman, "I don't think Bella would say she was ready if she wasn't. She knows her body well enough to know how the medication is working. I feel like there's more to your question though. And I believe you are asking if I think that if she pushes herself will she fall into another episode," she paused and saw Hermione biting her bottom lip. "I think it's okay to explore that side of the relationship. Bella will know how far she can go. Let her take the lead. Does that help?"

"Greatly. Thank you," she waved goodbye as she headed up the stairs to the third floor. Hermione had fond memories of Bella's birthday and Christmas Eve as she walked past the piano and down the long hallway, stopping outside of Bella's door. She checked herself over once more in the full length mirror at the end of the hall before turning and softly knocking on Bella's door.

"I'll get it," she heard Dora announce and Bella tried to stop her. "No, I've got it." The door swung open and her eyes took in Hermione's appearance. "Alice, welcome, you are looking festive," she stepped out of the way and let Hermione in the door.

Hermione walked into the room and spotted Bella standing up from her vanity, looking absolutely stunning. "Bella," she smiled and closed the distance, handing her the sunflowers. "You look beautiful," she kissed her cheek.

The subtle blush adorning the older woman's cheeks was endearing as she took the flowers and walked them over to Dora. "I'll just put these in some water. Have fun tonight," she smiled and left the room.

"Hermione," she turned back to her girlfriend. "You are breathtaking." She wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist, bringing her as close as humanly possible, just relaxing into the embrace. "Dora said I look like a pirate," she mumbled.

"Mmm, but a sexy pirate indeed," Hermione brushed Bella's dark curls over her shoulder and placed a line of open mouth kissed down the column of Bella's throat. "A. Very. Sexy. Pirate." She enunciated each word in between love bites.

Bella let out a shaky breath, "mmm. Hermione. That's," she wasn't used to being the one on the receiving end of the compliments and physical affection and it was swarming through her brain like a pack of feral bees. She wanted Hermione to throw her on the bed and have her way with her but she wanted to go through with the date she had planned. Hermione nipped at Bella's ear lobe and sucked it into her mouth causing a flood of heat to travel through her body, meeting at her core. "Fuck," was all she managed to breathe out.

Hermione snapped back into the moment and nuzzled into her ear, "you look amazing and that perfume is intoxicating." She kissed her on the cheek before resting her forehead against Bella's. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"The things you do to me, Hermione," she whispered. "If you asked me to, I'm sure I would rob a bank right now. I feel like I'm in a trance when you touch me like that and it's the first time I've ever been on the receiving end of such affections. I'm not used to it is all."

"Well," Hermione whispered back, "you'll just have to get used to it because my love language is physical touch and I find you irresistible."

"Funny," Bella smiled. "So is mine. I guess when we finally do end up in bed, we will both be extremely satisfied."

"Of that I have no doubts," Hermione smirked.

"Oh," Bella chuckled, "you are feeling cheeky tonight. I like this side of you." Bella untangled herself from the embrace and walked over to her dresser and pulled something out but quickly shoved it into her dress pocket. She walked back into her closet and came out wearing a leather coat which definitely wasn't helping Hermione's libido. "Come on, we don't want to be late." She laced her fingers with Hermione's and pulled her down the hall and the stairs. "Cissy, Dora?" Bella called out.
"We are leaving. Don't wait up!"

"Have fun you two," Cissy said coming out from the family room.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Dora added, standing next to her aunt.

"Well that doesn't really eliminate anything does it?" Bella laughed.

They said their goodbyes and left the Manor. Bella walked around to the driver side, opening the door for her girlfriend to get in. Hermione blushed as that would never be something she would get used to. "Buckle up, love," Bella kissed her forehead before shutting the door and walking around to climb into the passenger side. "Ready love?" She asked as she typed the address into the gps in Hermione's car.

"And you sure you aren't going to tell me where we are going?"

"I'm sure," Bella smiled and took Hermione's right hand in her own, bringing up to her lips and kissing it gently. "Just drive love. It's an adventure." She pushed the start button and the woman's voice sprang to life dictating Hermione's first driving directions. She put the car in drive and they took off on their first Valentine's Day adventure.

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