
By Romanogersroyalty

15.4K 839 525

(warning: signs of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying and harassment) Natasha Romanoff is... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 4

500 27 17
By Romanogersroyalty

It had been eight years since the day Natasha left New York to go to the prestigious SSR in Russia. Natasha found the activities at the SSR very enlightening and intuitive. To say that she enjoyed her stay at the SSR would be a complete and utter understatement. From the advance classes to the cold Russian weather she found herself completely intrigued in the culture that Russia has to offer.

But as the year comes to a close Natasha found herself a bit disappointed to leave Russia and the friends she had made there. On the bright side she was excited to see her old friends from New York.

While Natasha was away she made a point to keep in contact with her friends. Maria was now dating a guy named Sam who is in the Air Force. Clint was now married and had a baby boy on the way. And Nick, well, he was Nick, not much changed for him while she was away.

There was a knock on Natasha's bedroom door that ripped the red head from her thoughts. Thinking it must be Wanda or Yelena, Natasha said a quick come in as she folded her clothes and put them in her suitcase.

"Hey Tasha" a familiar masculine voice greeted from behind her

Natasha turned around in surprise as she looked at Clint who had a huge smirk plastered on his face as he held out his arms to envelope her in a hug. Natasha's eyes got glossy as she looked at the blonde and ran into his arms.

"What are you doing here" she asked as she pulled away from the hug and wiped the single tear that had fallen "my flight is in an hour your supposed to pick me up at the airport" she stated as she glanced up at the clock on the wall then looked back at the archer

Natasha had called Clint the night before asking him to pick her up from the airport at 11 o'clock sharp, he agreed of course. But imagine Natasha's surprise when the archer showed up at the prestigious school that she had been attending for eight years.

Yes, you heard that correctly eight years. When Natasha graduated from highschool she was quickly accepted into many colleges including harvard. Unfortunately Natasha didn't want to do law, she wanted to dance. So she ended up going to the most proteges dance school in all of Russia. While she was there not only did she dance but she also found a love for modeling which is how she ended up doing beauty pageant's and runway's.

"Nick thought you might want to ride in style" he replied with a smirk

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

"So, you ready to go" he asked

Natasha looked over towards her bed where her duffle bag laid and taking it in her arms she nodded. "Let's go" she replied

"That's all your bringing" he asked in disbelief as he pointed towards the small duffle

Natasha nodded "it's all I have"

Clint nodded and grabbing her hand they ran outside where a sleek black limo waited for them.

Getting inside the limo Natasha looked at the archer curiously "Who owns this" she asked as she buckled her seat belt

"SHIELD's" Clint replied nonchalantly before he told the driver where to go and the car took off

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics or more commonly known as S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret organization that protects the world from global threats. Nick Fury is the director of the advance program and Maria Hill and Clint Barton are devoted agents to agency.

"You plan on taking me home" she asked after a while

"To that hell hole? Natasha you're almost 22 years old now, you don't have to live by their rules" he stated

"I know, it's just that my father says he has something important to tell me" she stated with a roll of her eyes

Natasha hated the idea of going back to the house she spent most of her life getting abused in. But when her father says it's important than it's important. Besides she already tried to talk herself out of it but her father wasn't giving up.

With a sigh Clint nodded in defeat "fine. But I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning and if they do anything you call me ASAP"

Natasha nodded "where's Nick" she asked after a while of silence

"Washington. There was something that needed his assistants" he replied

Natasha nodded in understanding before directing her attention to the view outside the car window 'this doesn't look familiar' she thought with furrowed eyebrows.

"Clint, isn't the airport the other way" she asked in a knowing tone as she turned to look at the archer with a accusing look on her face

"It is. But we're not going to the airport" he replied nonchalantly

Natasha looked at him confused but her confusion was short lived when the car stopped in front of a huge private plane.

"A private plane" she asked in disbelief as Clint opened the door for her

"Yeah. Come on" he replied as he took her hand and they ran to the plane


"Are you okay" Natasha asked him worriedly as they took their seats

Clint looked at Natasha and gave her a warm smile "Never better. I have my little sis back" he replied

"I'm glad I have my big bro back too" she said with a smile

Clint looked at the red head in shock

"What? Is something on my face? Did I do something wrong" she asked recklessly

Clint chuckled lightly "you smiled. Like a real, genuine smile"

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully "I guess I'm happy to be back. I think those years at the SSR did me some good"

"So the SSR wasn't that bad?" He questioned

Clint had heard good things about the school but considering a woman like Natasha's mother went there he wasn't expecting Natasha to come out there alive.

Natasha shook her head "I thought it would be considering that my mother was raised there but it wasn't. It was... refreshing" she replied with a small smile lacing her lips

"Refreshing?" He questioned

Natasha nodded "no one to tell me what to do with my body or my hair. No one telling me what to wear and how to wear it. I was able to have friends....real friends. I don't think I've ever been happier"

Hearing that Natasha had a good time at the SSR was enough to put a smile on the archer's face. Natasha deserves nothing more than to be happy. Clint just hopes that that happiness will continue as she goes back to her life in New York.


The rest of the flight went by pretty quickly. Once off the plane Clint and Natasha took a private car to his house so she could say hi to Laura and the new baby before going over to her parents house for whatever the hell they wanted.

"I know this is a lot to take in" he said breaking the silence

"It is. But I'll get through it, I always do" she said with a small smile

Clint nodded and gave her a small smile "I like the hair by the way"

"Thank you" she replied as she looked down at her now short platinum blonde hair (Infinity War style)

"When did you do that" he asked curiously

"A few weeks ago. Wanda and Yelena were going to get their hair done by this new stylists and they insisted that I try something new" she replied with a light chuckle as she remembered that day

Clint smiled as he heard her laugh it had been so long since he seen a genuine smile on her face or heard her genuinely laugh. He could tell that Natasha was genuinely happy and unlike in the past she wasn't faking it.

"We're here" the driver stated as he parked the car in front of a two story house

Clint lived in a small neighborhood a few miles away from all the big city buzz. When Natasha asked Clint why he insisted on moving to a small neighborhood he simply said 'I like the simple life'. At the time Natasha rolled her eyes at the comment but now standing in front of the house she understood what he meant.

"I'll get the bags" Clint said as he got out of the car and went over to the trunk

"You mean the bag" Natasha joked and Clint rolled his eyes

Natasha smiled as she headed towards the front door of the house and knocked on it.

Laura opened the door with an exhausted look on her face but it quickly turned into a smile as she saw the now blonde "Hey Tasha" she greeted with a smile

Natasha smiled at the brunette "Laura"

"Come on in" she said as she opened the door and Natasha walked with her inside

"So how was the SSR" Laura asked curiously as she fixed Natasha a cup of coffee

Natasha smiled "Great. I met a lot of cool people there"

Laura turned around with a smirk lacing her lips as she gave Natasha the cup of coffee "you met someone" she said in a knowing tone

"What?" Natasha asked in a tone that made the idea sound absurd

"I know you well enough to know when you met someone" she stated "so who is he"

"More like who was he" Natasha said with a roll of her eyes as she looked down at the brown liquid in her coffee cup

Laura gave her friend a confused look

Natasha sighed "I was seeing this guy, James. Things didn't work out" she justified with a shake of her head like it was stupid to think that it would've work out

Laura gave her friend a sad smile and nodded in understanding

"What didn't work out" Clint questioned breathlessly as he entered the kitchen where the two women were talking

"Breathless just from carrying one bag" Natasha teased and Clint rolled his eyes

"Tasha had a boyfriend" Laura stated with a smirk

Natasha turned and glared at the brunette

"What?" Clint asked in disbelief

Not that it was hard to believe that Natasha had a boyfriend. She is a very beautiful woman but it surprised him because she told Laura about the guy before him and he's her brother.

"It was nothing serious... obviously" Natasha stated then clasped her hands together "so where's the little bundle of joy" she asked with a smile changing the subject


Natasha stayed at the Barton's house until late that night. She was currently on the couch cradling little Copper in her arms and rocking him to and frow.

"Your good with him you know" Clint said as he sat down in a chair across from her

Natasha gave him a small smile "I wish that I could have one one day"

"You will" he replied

Natasha's face fell as she remembered James last words to her before he broke up with her.

"What's wrong" he asked concerned

"Nothing" she replied nonchalantly

"Really? Because it looks like your a million light years away" he replied

"No one wants a broken women" she said sadly

"You're not broken" he stated sternly

Natasha sighed "you're right I'm not broken. I'm shattered" she said shakily as she tried to keep the tears from spilling

Clint shook his head in disagreement

"I have to much baggage Clint" she stated

"Yeah. But when you trust someone enough you'll trust him with that 'baggage'" he stated air quoting the last word

Natasha gave him a small smile"I think it's time to go. My parents planned this dinner thing over at the Rogers residence" she said as she stood up from her spot and gently placed Copper into the cradle.

"Rogers residence? Isn't that the kid who used to bully you" he asked with furrowed eyebrows

Natasha nodded in confirmation

"Why the hell are they taking you there" he asked with furrowed eyebrows

Natasha shrugged "your guess is as good as mine" she replied as she put her hands on her hips

Clint let out a huff "let me get my keys" he said as he got up from his chair and walked over to the key rack grabbing the keys to his truck

Bidding her goodbye to Laura Natasha and Clint left the house and began their drive to the Shostakov mansion.

"You're home" Melina said in a sickly sweet tone as she ran up and hugged Natasha

Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance

"What did you do to you're hair" she asked as she pulled away from the hug giving her daughter a look of disgust

Natasha shrugged "you don't have to pretend" she said as she glanced over at Clint

Melina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

"I'll see you tomorrow then" Clint questioned

Natasha turned around and gave the archer a hug "yeah" she replied "if I live through the night" she stated half jokingly

"That's not funny" Clint stated in a serious tone as he pointed a warning finger at the blonde

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully with a light chuckle before she followed her mother into the house.

Clint watched the door carefully not wanting to leave the blonde alone with her parents. But when the doors closed he hopped back into his truck and began his drive home.


"Look who's home" Melina announced with a smile as her and Natasha walked into Alexi's home office

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows not understanding why her parents were acting nice all of the sudden. But when she entered the office it became clear that they were doing it because one of her father's business partners was there.

Alexi looked up from his paper work and smiled at his daughter "welcome home sweetheart"

Natasha gave him a awkward smile "thank you"


After her father's business meeting was over Alexi walked into the living room where Natasha and her mother were sitting awkwardly.

"What's this dinner about" Natasha asked wanting to get straight to the point

Alexi glared at his daughter "don't use that tone with me"

"Oh, I'm sorry. What I meant to say was, why the hell am I going to a dinner with the guy that used to bully me" she asked

Alexi and Melina looked at their daughter in shock. Never in Natasha's life did she actually have the guts to talk back to her parents. This Natasha on the other hand is completely different from the pathetic one her parents used to push around all the time.

Natasha cocked a eyebrow "yes. I've changed and I don't just mean appearance wise" she stated as she made a gesture towards her hair

"There's a dress waiting for you upstairs" Melina stated as she came out of her shock

Natasha cocked a eyebrow "you still didn't answer my question" she stated as she looked over at her father crossing her arms over her chest

"You'll find out soon enough" he replied with a smirk making Natasha rethink her decision of coming back to the place that made her life a living hell

Meant to post this yesterday but I lost track of time, sorry.

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