
By Romanogersroyalty

15.4K 839 525

(warning: signs of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying and harassment) Natasha Romanoff is... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 1

638 28 16
By Romanogersroyalty

Steve woke up the next morning to the sound of his alarm clock going off and the sun starting to rise. With a groan Steve reached his arm over and turned off the alarm that sat on his nightstand. Getting out of bed he slowly walked over to the closet and put on a white tee-shirt along with a pair of jeans and converse. Steve then made his way towards the kitchen where his step father and step brother were sitting eating breakfast.

"You look like hell" Tony commented as he took a sip of his coffee

Steve shot his brother a glare "thanks" he replied sarcastically

"I think you look great" Sarah complemented with a smile

Steve smiled at his mother as he walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before pecking his mother on the cheek.

"Thanks mom" he muttered and Sarah smiled in return

"Alright, I think it's time for you boys to go to school" she said as she looked up at the clock on the wall

Steve and Tony looked at the clock as well and groaned in annoyance as they saw the time. 'Another day' they both thought with a roll of their eyes.

"Bye mom. Bye Howard" Steve said as he grabbed his backpack off the back of his chair

"Bye Sarah. Bye dad" Tony said as he followed behind Steve

"Have fun. Be safe" Sarah shouted as the two boys walked to the front door

"Yeah. Have a good day" Howard muttered as he continued to look at the News paper in his hands

Steve gave his mother a small smile before him and Tony both walked out the door.

"Took you long enough" Sharon said as she rolled her eyes in annoyance

"Someone's grumpy" Tony muttered to Steve who rolled his eyes in return

"Sorry, woke up late" Steve said with a sheepish smile

Sharon rolled her eyes "whatever" she muttered


"So, you prank red yet" Steve asked with a smirk as he walked up to Tony after he finished putting his stuff into his locker

Tony sighed in frustration "no. I can't find her. I've looked everywhere" he stated as he continued to look over the large crowds of people coming in and out of the school

"You lost her" Steve asked with furrowed eyebrows

"Isn't that what I said. Do I have to repeat myself" he asked with frustration in his tone

Steve rolled his eyes and was about to open his mouth to say something when Sharon interrupted him. "Who cares anyway. It's not like anyone here likes her" she said as she walked over to the brothers and crossed her arms over her chest

"Sure we don't like her. But you gotta admit she's fun to prank" Tony said with his signature smirk

The bell then rang and it was time for the group to go to their first class of the day. Steve bid goodbye to Tony and kissed Sharon on the cheek before he head towards homeroom. Once he was inside Steve looked around for the red head but couldn't seem to find her anywhere.

'I wonder where she is' he thought

"Take a seat now please Mr.Rogers" Mr.Stork said with a friendly smile as he looked at the blonde

Steve huffed and as he sat down the bell rang again signaling that it was now time for the class to begin. The whole class period Steve kept on glancing at the door trying to see if the red head would show up but she didn't. After four classes and eight bells there was still no sign of the red head. Steve started to wonder where the red head with perfect attendance went off to. Ever since Steve's known Natasha she's never missed a single day of school ever. As he sat down at the lunch table Tony approached him with a defeated look on his face.

"Any sign of her" he asked with an eyebrow cocked

"No" Steve replied "you" he asked

Tony shook his head "nada"

"Please tell me your not talking about that red head again" Sharon said as she walked up to the pair interrupting their conversation yet again

"N-" Steve began

"Yeah, we are. Haven't been able to find her" Tony said interrupting the blonde as he took a bite out of his sandwich

Sharon rolled her eyes in annoyance before she looked over at her boyfriend with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "your still coming to my cheer practice right" she asked changing the subject

"Sorry, I can't. My mom needs me. She's having this auction thing and I promised her I'd help her set up" Steve replied giving her a sorrowful look

Sharon groaned in annoyance "it's always, my mom this, my mom that. When are you ever going to put me first" she asked before stomping away

Tony's eyes grew wide as he let out a long whistle before he turned back to his brother "you know, I don't get what you see in her" he stated as he pointed in the direction that the blonde went to

Steve shrugged, to be honest he didn't see what he saw in her anymore either.


After school Steve and Tony decided they would walk home instead of having Jarvis pick them up like they normally do. While they were walking a black SUV pulled up beside them.

"What the hell is this" Tony muttered with a roll of his eyes as he glanced at the car

Steve shrugged

"Need a ride" a darker skinned man with an eye patch asked as he rolled down the passenger side window looking at the two teen's

"No, we're good" Steve replied

"Are you sure" he asked again

Steve sighed clearly this guy wasn't gonna leave them alone so he looked over at his brother who gave him a nod of defeat. "Fine. But if you kidnapped us my mom will call the police" Steve said in a threatening tone

"Not that it matters. I'm sure that if he did kidnap us our fathers would pay a large sum to get us back" Tony added and Steve shot him a disproving look "now that I said that I realize I shouldn't have" he stated

Nick put his hands up in surrender "I'm not gonna kidnap you" he said in a matter of factly tone

Steve opened the car door and sat down in the back seat next to his brother. As Steve looked up to where the dash is he spotted a photo of a brunette and a red head. Natasha, the red head that him and Tony go to school with.

Steve and Tony shot each other a look not understanding how Natasha knows the man that's driving them home.

"Who's that in the photo" Steve asked curiously as he pointed towards the small photograph

Nick looked up at the brothers through the rearview mirror "the brunette is my daughter the other one is a friend of mine" he replied nonchalantly before he looked back at the road in front of him

"Natasha's your friend" Tony asked with a light chuckle and a cocked eyebrow 

"Yes a friend. I drive her to school everyday as a thank you" he replied with a small smile as he remembered the day he met the red head and how much his life has changed since then

"A thank you?" Steve questioned

"Yes. She helped me through a tough time I'm trying to do the same for her" he replied with a sad smile lacing his lips

The two brothers looked at each other not understanding what about a billionaires daughters life could possibly be so tough.

"What do you mean" Steve asked curiously

"Not my place to tell" he replied honestly

After that a wave of silence consumed the car until Steve decided to speak up again.
"What are their names" he asked curiously

Tony shot the blonde a confused look but Steve ignored it and kept his focus on the man in the driver's seat.

"Maria" he replied pointing to the brunette "Natasha" he said pointing to the red head "but you already knew that" he added in a knowing tone with a smirk lacing his lips. "Give me a sec" he said as his phone dinged and he pulled over to the side of the road to read the text.

"This is the part where he kidnaps us" Tony stated and Steve rolled his eyes

Hawkeye 🏹:
'Tasha's in the hospital'
                                                          'Is she okay?'

Hawkeye 🏹:
'Waiting on news. Looks like she tried to drown herself.'

Nick sighed as he put his phone back down and continued driving to the address that the boys had given him earlier.

"Here we are" he said as he stoped in front of the Stark mansion

"Thanks" the two boys said as they opened the car doors

"Have a goodnight" Nick said politely with a kind smile

"You too" Steve replied before getting out of the car and shutting the door behind him. "He seemed nice" Steve pointed out as him and Tony walked to the entrance with the SUV driving off in the background

"Yeah. But he could've kidnapped us" Tony stated

Steve rolled his eyes "but he didn't"

"But he could've" Tony said

"Mom, we're home" Steve said as they entered the mansion

"Hi sweetie. I'm in here" she said from the living room

Steve and Tony put their backpacks on the coatrack and walked into the living room where Sarah sat watching a rom-com with her feet propped up on the ottoman.

"So how did school go" she asked curiously as she looked up at the two boys turning off the TV

"Good" they replied nonchalantly

"Something wrong" she asked as she looked at Steve with a look of concern

Steve shook his head "no"

Sarah sighed not believing her son, he was never a good liar "what's wrong" she asked softly

Tony scoffed "he has a crush on that Romanoff girl"

Sarah gave her son a knowing look while Steve gave his brother a glare.

"I do not" Steve denied

Tony rolled his eyes "uh huh"

"I don't" Steve practically yelled in frustration and annoyance

Sarah sighed as she looked at her step-son "can you give us a minute" she asked him kindly

Tony nodded before he disappeared into the gaming room

Sarah gave Steve a half smile "maybe you don't have a crush on her" she started

"I don't" Steve said

Sarah smiled softly "but I do think you feel guilty" she added

Steve looked at his mother confused not understanding where she would get such an idea.

"Mr.Stork called me yesterday told me what you did to Natasha. I have to admit I'm disappointed. I didn't think our families buisness fud's would go this far" she stated

Hearing those words from her stung, Steve never wanted to disappoint his mother. She was always there for him when no one else was. Always supported his ideas no matter how crazy they may have seemed or been.

Sarah took a deep breath before continuing "you shouldn't bully someone. No matter what they look like, how they talk or even if your father's company is her father's company's rival. You never know what that person's going through behind closed doors"

"Yeah. What possibly could be happening to pretty, pretty princess. With her designer clothes and her nails always freshly done" Steve asked sarcastically with a scoff

Sarah shot her son a glare "I think next time you see her you need to apologize" she said sternly

Steve sighed "I'm going to apologize right now" he said wanting to get things done and over with

"Bring Tony with you. I know he's done things to her as well" she said

Steve nodded before walking into the game room where Tony was busy playing call of duty. "Tony" he called "Tony" he called again when he didn't get an answer. Steve rolled his eyes in annoyance before he walked up to the brunette and moved his headphones away from his ear "Tony" he yelled and the brunette jumped in surprise as he held his ear

"Did you really have to yell?" He asked still holding his ear

"You didn't answer me" Steve stated as he crossed his arms over his chest

Tony rolled his eyes "was busy. What do you want?"

"Mom, wants us to apologize to Natasha" he replied

"You mean your mom wants us to apologize to the compositions daughter" Tony asked in disbelief

Steve nodded

"Why" he asked

Steve shrugged "she said that we were being to mean to her"

Tony sighed as he got up from his gaming chair "let's get this over with" he grumbled

Steve and Tony walk out the door starting their walk to the Shostakov mansion. Walking up to the gate Steve pressed the button and a red light appeared on the screen.

"Hello" a masculine voice greeted coldly from the other side

Steve and Tony looked at each other not expecting the man behind the machine to be so cold.

"Hi. I'm Steve Rogers I'm a friend of Natasha Romanoff's" he lied

"And I'm Tony Stark also a friend of red's" Tony added with a smirk and Steve nudged him "ow" he winced as he rubbed his shoulder "what was that for"

"I'm pretty sure Natasha's friends don't call her red" Steve hissed and Tony rolled his eyes in response

"She's not here" the man stated

"Well. When will she be back" Steve asked curiously

"Never" the voice replied before shutting off

'Never' Steve thought to himself with furrowed eyebrows

He looked over at Tony who had the same confused look as the blonde "what the hell did he mean by that" Tony asked

Steve shrugged "I don't know"

Thoughts started to run through the brothers heads like wildfire as they started their walk back to the house. What if a all the bullying they put her through caused her to do something that cost her her life? That would mean that her life's on their hands. Once they got home they sat on the couch next to Sarah.

"How'd it go" she asked curiously

"She wasn't there" Steve replied as he looked down at his feet still consumed by his thoughts

"That's okay tell her tomorrow" she said calmly as she placed a gentle hand on her son's knee

"We can't" Tony stated

Sarah looked at the pair confused "sure you ca-"

"The guy said she wasn't coming back" Steve said interrupting his mother

"I'm sure he meant she wasn't coming back today" she tried to reassure them

"No. We asked him when she was coming back and he said Never" Tony replied

Sarah gave the boys a sad smile

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