Revealed Nightmares (Dekuvers...

By Chimera_Regarion

39.4K 2.2K 557

After the LOV failed to kidnap Bakugo, they came up with yet another amazing idea. DING DING DING! If you th... More

You wanna do what?
A dream or a nightmare?
What the fuck!
Screw you Kacchan!
Soo He not that nice ey?
Better than a show!
... Is he playing with them?
What in the world?
You sure he is a hero
A cute Death Reaper!
Pure Chaos!
Look at what I can do!
He is quite interresting!
Experience Points for LIFE!

This is fun!

1.6K 109 17
By Chimera_Regarion


Book: I am Usagi!

Chapter: War Day 4: No one is ever safe!

Izuku's POV:

As I went through yet another door, I found myself on a rooftop and it looked pretty damn awesome up here. However I was not alone.

Aizawa: The rooftop again?

You take my words from my mouth...

I wonder what this is all about!

I hope another of this villain vs hero excercise!

I am so excited about them!

They are brilliant after all!

Me: Yes but this time we will have an advantage here.

Aizawa: How come?

Me: I am with you now!

Aizawa: Very reassuring.

It is!

Did you ever see me make a plan!

They are not dumb!

Besides I always get what I want.

Me: Aw come on have faith in me!

I went straight towards the rooftop door and kicked it open.

Aizawa: If they had some kind of alarm made there then you for sure just triggered it.

Me: That was the plan.

I then went towards Aizawa and put a hand on his shoulder.

Me: Kotetsu get us down in front of the building.

The cat immediately did what I asked.


I have a cat with a teleportation quirk named Kotetsu here!

Soo cool!

And soo cute!

I want one too!

Where can I get one of them?

Maybe black market?

Well I'll have to go there once in my life and that would be perfect reason as why I would go there!

Me: Now let's go inside.

Without even waiting for Aizawa, I took out my scythe from behind me and then I went inside the building. What I wanted was to get them all out. So I went inside and screamed at the top of my longs.

I have a damn scythe?!

What am I?

The grim riper?

I love this!

I wonder if I can get one?

I mean I love daggers and all but a scythe!

I need one of them!

They look soo cool!

Unhero like but whatever.... OHHHH!!!!

I am playing the villain here again!

Well no surprise at this point.

I ama shut up and just watch this.

I know this will be a great show!


Aizawa: Problem child! I am regretting teaming up with you!


Me: Nah, now come on!

Since Aizawa was looking at me as if I was stupid and clearly judged my decision. I needed to take him by his hand and then I pulled him behind me into the next room.

Me: *Sight* come on!

I went to the side of the entrance exam into the first room I saw. It was completely empty and it was only a small storage room.

Me: Shush!

We then waited and heard a couple of footsteps approaching us.

Iida: Izuku is in the building!

Hagakure: They should be on the rooftop.

Jiro: No I told you I heard him screaming down here!

The moment they past us, I opened the door towards the door and went behind them. Both me and Aizawa began to walk behind them very stealthy. We looked at each other and I smiled at him before we continued walking after them. I think I might have surprised him because of how stealthy I could be. It was nothing new to me that I could erase my presence but I was not so sure if Aizawa knew that at all. Well either way we were about to do some cool shit.

Aizawa went in and used his quirk to get Hagakure wrapped up in his scarf and he also made sure that her mouth was tightly wrapped up too. This meant that she was not able to make any sound. In fact, no one of us made any noise so far.

After that I decided to get right behind Iida and placed my scythe around his neck. The moment he felt the scythe he turned around and looked at me.

Me: Nice meeting you ohh hero~!

Iida: Midoriya!

Me: Ahm, no! I am Usagi! But you wouldn't know that! Well you will learn this soon enough since I will be your worst nightmare!

Definitelly love this name at this point!

I think ama use it.

Better than Deku after all.

Iida: A scythe? That is not very hero like!

Well dahhhh!

I am playing the villain after all.

Me: I am no fucking hero! Tried it once and didn't like it so here I am! The biggest villain you ever seen!

Jiro: Wait is that??

Me: Ohh I see you saw my partner in crime!

I put the scythe away and began walking around Iida. He was intelligent enough to not let me go of his eye sight.

Iida: So you did rescue him?

Me: Bailed him out or more like broke into the prison of a boat and got him out.

Iida: Jiro be careful.

Jiro: I know.

Me: Enough chit chat! Let's proceed to our business!

Just like that I began running straight at Iida with my scythe in my hand and using my quirk. He on the other hand used his quirk too and dodged just in the last second. My scythe hit the ground and broke the floor. There was now a small hole because of it.

Iida: That could have killed me!

Me: That is the point of a weapon!

I then went again at him swinging my scythe like a maniac.



This is soo much fun!

100% have to get Aizawa to make a game like this.

If not I'll go straight to Nezu!

He for sure would let me and class 1A participate in one!

Meanwhile I could see Aizawa knocking Hagakure out but not eliminating her. After that he went after Jiro.

Me: Come on where is all the speed you got!

I could easily keep up with him and the moment I managed to get in front of Iida, I tripped him making him fall, roll and hit the next wall very hard. Not wanting to lose my momentum, I ran at the place he went down, jumped into the air and used my scythe to hit his shoulder but he rolled himself away.

Me: Will you stop moving already?!

Since I used too much force, my scythe was stuck in the ground and it took me some seconds to get it out. While I did that I could see Iida beginning to switch from running away to attacking me. Too bad that his kick failed and I caught his leg. Now with one hand on his leg, I used my other hand to grab him properly.

Me: What a bad idea!

Very bad idea indeed.

Next thing he knew, was that I sent him flying towards wall beside me. I also took this moment to get my scythe out of the ground.

Me: Let's end this already!

I went straight after Iida, his movement began to slow down and I could tell that his engine quirk was overheating. Then I got a brilliant idea. I took my scythe and sidestepped him. Next I made an X on both of his legs where his engines are. It wasn't really a deep cut but it was enough to make sure that he would not be able to stand up again. I knew I could have just used some paralyses things but not after they eliminated my team. Not after how they went after me and my team. I endured enough my whole life and now I had Nezu's approval to go all out on them. I would not let this chance slip past me.

Iida: Arg!

Me: I am still not finished with you!

I went in front of him. He was now on his knees. I liked it when people were on their knees and looking up at me. It was a refreshing feeling because I would be normally the one that would look up no matter what.

Now that I was in front of him, I gave him the best simple smile I could muster that looked identical to a Cheshire cat's smile and I could see him shiver. His eyes were betraying him too. He looked scared of me but he acted all tough.

Me: Let me finish this.

I put my scythe away and looked at him. He was now clearly confused but what I did next was more than enough to give him a concussion and out of the game. Grabbing his neck, I quickly pulled him up on his feet, all the way up above and above myself. I threw him from in front of me to behind me head first towards the cold concrete floor.

If that was not enough to get him out of the game then, the broken rib and the broken bones would. With that in mind I went to his side and stopped on his both legs in order to break it. Next I put my foot on his chest and began leaning down.

Iida: ARG! Mid- *bloody cough*



You should fear me not Stain!

I am far more dangerous than I thought!

This is epic!

Where are ayomas sparkles when I need them?


Let's continue watching this.

Me: Did I just hear you say something wrong?

The moment I hear him beginning to say Midoriya, I put more pressure on the foot and broke his ribs. From the look of it, it also pierces his lung.

I would have gone further if not for him losing conscious because of all the pain he felt and I could also hear Nezu and Recovery Girl's voice that I should stop.

After he was done, I looked at Aizawa only to see Jiro hanging from the ceiling upside down. He used his scarf to get her to hang like that and was holding one end of it. She was hanging from a hook that was meant for the lamp which was on the ground completely broken.

Aizawa: She is all yours!

Me: Aww what a great gift, thank you!

She looked done and so I decided to sue her to allure the rest of the people in the building.

Me: Drop her.

He did as I asked and I went with my scythe over my shoulder towards her. She was about to stand up if not for my scythe piercing through her chest. It was only a flesh wound but the result was exactly what I wanted to have.


Her scream was a blood curled scream that was loud enough to warn everyone in the building about our presence. After that I took out my scythe and looked at her limp body. The blood was seeping out of it and my scythe was also completly drenched in it.

Aizawa: Was that really necessary?

Me: I want them to fear us and yes it was!

I walked over to Hagakure.

Me: What do you say if we put a trap for them with her?

Aizawa: What are you thinking on?

Me: Help me cover her with Jiro's blood. We will make them run towards her and get them out of their hiding places.

Aizawa: All right.

Everything went black and I was barely standing cause I was laughing soo hard from what I just saw. This was one of the best things ever. I loved it.

Note to myself.

Get some daggers and a scythe from support course!


Make Nezu announce such an excercise!

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