Revealed Nightmares (Dekuvers...

By Chimera_Regarion

39.4K 2.2K 557

After the LOV failed to kidnap Bakugo, they came up with yet another amazing idea. DING DING DING! If you th... More

You wanna do what?
A dream or a nightmare?
What the fuck!
Screw you Kacchan!
Soo He not that nice ey?
Better than a show!
... Is he playing with them?
You sure he is a hero
A cute Death Reaper!
Pure Chaos!
Look at what I can do!
He is quite interresting!
This is fun!
Experience Points for LIFE!

What in the world?

1.9K 124 9
By Chimera_Regarion


Book: Fox fire 

Chapter: Imposter

Izuku's POV:

I was kinda curious to see where the next door let me to and so I went straight to the closest door and entered it. There  I was sleeping soundly when someone came bursting in through the door. I instantly woke up but in order to not give it way since it was not a normal behavior I fake being still sleep. Listening to the footsteps I knew that this person was using some kind of stealth technique nearly every day. With this information alone, I knew that this was Aizawa.

Viridian: The caterpillar is here!



That is soo cool!

And caterpillar!

I knew he was one!


I felt the hero coming to my side and slightly shaking me awake.

Aizawa: Midoriya?

He then went ahead and checked my pulse. Let's just say I am very skilled in letting other think I am either unconscious or still asleep. I needed to be!

Since training with the LOV meant training to the extreme, I needed to have some tricks up my sleeve and faking being unconscious helped to escape so serious pain. I was after all a valued pawn in Master's game. Without me he couldn't get rid of the heroes that easy.

After he checked my pulse, I could hear a relieved sight.

Did he think I was dead?

Did he really just check my pulse if I wasn't dead?

I mean I am faking a lot of things but death?

Come on that's sleeping and not death!

Viridian: Pfffff- hahahaha He looked like he just saw a ghost!

He then began to shake me more.

Aizawa: Midoriya?

Me: Hmm...

Aizawa: Kid, wake up!

Me: Let me sleep a little longer!

Well my acting was top notch and I wanted to leave an impression as if I didn't now what had happened. I needed to be innocent.

Aizawa: Kid, do you even know where you are?!

Me: Mhm...

Then I shoot up and looked at him. Again I knew that he was here but I faced my expression as if I were surprised and embarrassed.

What an actor I am. 


Never thought I should get an oscar but Holly Molly! 

Look at these skills!

Faking dumbness!

Faking sleep!

And soo playing dumb.


Now I know for sure if I was to be a villain, I would be unstopable.

Me: I am sorry Sensei!

Then I bowed to him, still in my bed.

Aizawa: It's ok kid! Just get ready and come with me.

I did what he said and after 15 minutes I exited the room and found him waiting there. Of course, the hero gave me privacy to change.

Viridian: Izu, I don't like this! I have a bad feeling.

Me too!

I followed Aizawa to an interrogation room and I immediately knew I messed something up.


Did they find out?!

Did I mess something up?!

Did I leave some kind of evidence?!


I am sure I didn't!

I was careful!

Viridian would have said something if I gave myself away!

What do they know?


Okay I am definitelly a villain here!

Tho why am I in UA?

Don't tell me I am a traitor!





I can't have that!

I don't care about villainy but traitor!


Just give me a break!

He then lead me to the desk.

Aizawa: I am sure you won't mind this?

He had some cuff in his hand.


Looks like I am a traitor!

Me: No of course not, why would I?

Yes, I do!

Get them as far away from as possible!

Better question!

Why wouldn't I mind?!

I am innocent!

Well not here but still!

Without prove then waking me up and coffing me?


You all have a screw lose!

He then went ahead and chained me to the desk. A closer look to the cuffs that are chained to the table I realized they were quirk cancelling cuffs. I than started to look around and saw a two-sided mirror. I then started to concentrate on the bond between me and Viridian.

Although I have quirk cancelation cuffs on, I could still see Viridian and he could use his flames too. All the cuffs do is prevent me from accessing my part of the quirk. This was only because my quirk was not only a part of me but it was alive.

Me: Vridian, go look who is on the other side of the mirror!

Viridan: On it!

He then used the moment when someone entered the room.

This still doesn't make any sense.

Why am I in this interrogation room?

They can't know that I am the killer!

Ok, Izuku!

Calm down!

Well... welcome to my life!

Nothing ever made sense at all!

Quirkless people are abused.

Villains are forced to be villains and heroes never change....

Yup sounds all normal here!

Well ama just watch this happen for now.

The door opened and aka All Might came in.

All Might: Ok listen up I have some questions for you!

"A-A-Am I i-i-in some k-kind of tro-trouble?" I started to ask nervously. I didn't like being chained and this whole situation is messed up. I was not the least bit nervous. Scared yes but nothing else. Answer and my acting was calculated and staged.

Hopefully this is all just an misunderstanding.

All Might: That depends on your answers.

Me: ...

All Might: Where were you all night?

Me: I-I-In my my ro-o-om.

All Might: You didn't hear anything?

Me: He-he-hear wh-what?

All Might: You don't need to lie nothing will happen to you if you are willing to cooperate. So tell me did you kill them?

Me: K-k-k-kill wh-who? Wh-wh-what?! N-no! Wh-wh-what ha-happened? Wh-who di-died?

All Might: Was it because of the money? Why did you do it? Do you wanted to get some attention?


What do they know?!

I need to deny everything!

Me: No, I didn't do anything like this. I would never to this!

After I told him that, he began to leave and after 10 minutes Nezu walked in. Viridian used that time to sneak in as well. He wasn't smiling.

Viridian: I heard them say, that they didn't had anything against you! They want to do this to every person!

At this point I was extremely relieved but I acted scared to death. He asked me the exact same question and I answered exactly.

Nezu : Midoriya, why did you decided to be villain and work for them as a traitor?

You can't know that!

Me: ...

I could not answered that I was too shocked that he hit the nail on the spot.

I am a traitor!

But you don't have anything against me!

You are only speculating!

I knew it!

I called it!

I am a traitor!


Nezu: Don't want to answer that? Ok, looks like we are done here!

Nezu left the room only for Aizawa to come in and ask me the same question.

Me: Who is behind these glasses?!

Viridian: Nezu, All Might, Midnight, Mic and Hound Dog.

Me: Perfect!

Viridan: How is that perfect?!

Me: Cause I only need to stage a mental break down because of all the pressure. Hound Dog is the psychologist.

Viridian: I see but be careful!

Me: I will.

I was fake crying. Aizawa was screaming at me! At some point, he also grabbed my collar and dragged me across the table. I played the role of a week and devasted child, who was just mentally broken down by his favorite hero. I didn't answer him. None of the question. I just cried to myself with my eyes wide open.

After that, even Aizawa left I hoped that it was over but then Mic came in and asked me the same thing again. I hoped Mic would let me speak seeing as he was the nicest one of them, but every time I tried to defend myself, he would scream at me louder and hit the table. This time however I did answer his every question. The only problem was I wasn't myself complete.

As he screamed, I remember, my "parents" if I could call them like this screaming at me and I couldn't take it. I remembered the treatment I get from Master and his adopted son. I began hyperventilating. I didn't need to stage it. I was thrown back in my past. I began hearing Ma'ams voice screaming at me because I did something wrong and all I could say was "I'm sorry!". He slammed his fist on the table, which didn't make anything better. Thanks to the sound I started to remember all the torture I survived. I didn't realize that I have started trembling in fear. My breathing began hitching.

Viridian: IZUKU?!


Viridian: You are save here!

I saw my fox jump on the table and then jump on my shoulder. He then nuzzled me and began to rub his head against mine.

There was a knock on the door and Detective Tsukauchi came in. He immediately told Mic to leave!

Me: I'm sorry.

I was still in a loop of my past and he must have seen my empty eyes because in the next moment he called for a hero to come in the room and it was Aizawa and Hound Dog that came to my side and began rubbing circles against my back. They both tried to get my attention but nothing could.

Hound Dog: He has some kind of metal break down. I believe he is stuck in a loop from a past experience. Something must have triggered this behavior!

Aizawa: Midoriya?!

Viridian: Izu?

Nezu: Release him from the cuffs, he is hurting himself!

Mic did that immediately and it was true my shaking and me pulling against them ended up in come cuts.

Hound Dog: Nothing can get him out of this state! Midnight!

Midnight: On it!

Small black dots appeared in my view and I started to lose consciences. I knew I couldn't win a fight with my consciences but I tried and I lost....

After that the room and everything went black till I had a door in front of me once again.


What the fuck!

How dare they put someone in cuffs and interrogation room just like that!

Come on!

It's a wonder I didn't had a break down!

The hell.... you were supposed to be smart!

Why would you do that?

What nonsense was this?

Well at least I know how good of anctor I am now!

I really deserve an Oscar!

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