A New Age of Warfare

By TOWEC_Official

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"War... War never changes. But men do, through the roads they walk" - Fallout New Vegas Warfare has evolved... More

May God take care of you in Heaven...
A New Age of Warfare: Anime Opening... i think
Character Info (Rework)
Prologue - A New Player has Joined (Chapter Rewrite)
Chapter 1 - Dropping in... Literally {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 2 - New Developments... like my di- {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 3 - The Upcoming War... i like this title {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 4 - Welcome to Fort Krass... i've lost a chromosome :D
Chapter 5 - Defensive Planning... next chapter is big day
Grizalan Kingdom Armed Forces Ranks and News
Chapter 6 - Going on the Defensive... like my thesis research
Chapter 7 - Say what now?!... about my car's extended warranty?!
Chapter 8 - We are Going on the Offensive... nothing to see here.
Chapter 9 - Operation: Retake Lost Ground... sadly no epic fighting D:
Chapter 10 - Western Front... its that time bois >:D
Chapter 11 - The Auroran Army Upgrade... sadly no maus tanks D:
Chapter 12 - The Report... nope, i'm lazy to add something epic here
Chapter 13 - Outskirts of Town Krill... hehehe balls go splat
Chapter 14 - Liberation of Town Krill... and make it our own base :D
Chapter 15 - The Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 1)...
Chapter 16 - Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 2)...
Chapter 17 - Sweet Time...
Chapter 19 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 2)...
New Divisions and Special Forces Groups Arriving!!!
Imperial Quan Dynasty Army Ranks
Chapter 20 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 3)
Naming Convention #6 Winners
Chapter 21 - Planning the Invasion...
Chapter 22 - Interesting Find...
Chapter 23 - Added Plans...
Elections Closed and New Stories Added!
Chapter 24 - The Fall of Fort Padwell...
Cover Art and Description for the New Stories!
Chapter 25 - Under the Night Sky...
Naming Convention #7 Winners!
- Christmas Special -
Chapter 26 - Illuminating Threat Above...
Chapter 27 - Battle of Town Illragon (Part 1)...
Chapter 28 - Battle of Town Illragon (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - The Beginning of a Downfall...
Naming Convention #8 Winners!
Interlude - Quan Dynasty Arc (plus news)

Chapter 18 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 1)...

1.4K 52 22
By TOWEC_Official

Quick Recap On: A New Age of Warfare

Contact between the two armies in the Imperial Quan Army and the Auroran Army had came to an end, the battle of the plains was a decisive victory for the Auroran Army and the Grizalan Kingdom. They have dealt a brutal blow to the Quan Army as they killed 3 army size forces. This paralyzed the advance of the Quan Army from moving further into Grizalan Kingdom territory.

The IHQ took notice of this and initially started sending more troops to reinforce the frontlines but they will take days to reach the frontlines to stop them. So it was decided, they ordered a retreat to IHQ to take defensive positions, they know that they will start a counter-attack to reclaim their lost lands, which means Operation: Retake is still in effect after they completely drove the Quan Army out of the Grizalan lands.

Now, they will stage an attack...

The counter-attack has begun...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


One Week Later...

Location: Fort Kin (Formerly named Valk), In-between Quan-Grizalan Border.

Date: November 23, 904

Time: 1:04 AM

3rd P.O.V.


"Yes, commander!"

In the ruined fort of the Grizalan Kingdom, we see behind the destroyed walls Quan soldiers and engineers, it was a busy day and night making defenses for the possible counter-attack from the Grizalan Kingdom.

Destroyed walls were filled with debri from the parts of the fort to fill in the gap to increase the survival chance of the Quan soldiers. Wooden scaffolding can be seen covering the walls to put more rocks or anything hard to increase the strength of the walls. Wooden planks covered the top so the defenders have an easy time moving across the top of the walls.

On the high parts of the walls, ballistas were fixed from the slight damage or extensive damage that was done several weeks ago when the Quans sieged and took over the fort. It was now being used by the Quan and it was maintained to fight any heavy units that the Grizalans would throw at them.

Quan engineers could be seen all around carrying wooden planks rocks, and weapons to the defenses while soldiers were busy doing drills with their superiors.

The forts were almost done with preparing their defenses as the Quans were busy building more with some companies stationed at the bottom of the fort, acting as the first line of defense with wooden walls and some ballistas protecting them.

Outside at the entrance of the fort, an army from the western front can be seen stationed here. In total, there are 100,000 Quan soldiers stationed below the fort, the army stationed below the fort is the 4th army. These two were pulled back to the fort as they got orders from IHQ to retreat to friendly territory.

This created a lot of confusion among the generals in the army since they were attacking, they were doing so well at conquering Grizalan lands, why were they retreating when they're doing so well?

The reason then came from IHQ, needless to say, they were shocked and were in disbelief that not only 1 army was gone but 3 armies were annihilated in a span of a week. This was unheard of among the Quans. At first, they didn't believe what IHQ said to them, in their minds, it was all a false report from a Grizalan spy to scare them. However, they then got confirmation that the 3 armies were completely annihilated from the emperor himself. He told them to retreat and regroup to start a counter-attack against the Grizalans while they were still trying to figure out who was the sudden unknown ally that the Grizalans got.

Thus, the colonels had no choice but to obey the emperor's order, after all, it would be treason if they ignored his commands.

As of now, the 4th army was told to stay at the bottom of the fort to guard the entrance to their territory if the Grizalans were planning on a counter-invasion.

Right now, the 2nd and 3rd army is currently retreating back to friendly lines to gather more men as they took more casualties than the 4th army since they were falling behind. As such, they were told to stay and guard the entrance to Quan territory. The 2 retreating armies will arrive at the border of the two nations after 4 days since they are far away and are exhausted from the constant moving and fighting in the western front.

Inside the former Grizalan war room, Garrison Commander Cross and his subordinates alongside them is Colonel Koss from the 4th army stationed below.

Colonel Koss was a 6'0 tall general with a muscular look, he has a beard and a fierce look in his eyes. The armor he wore was quite big compared to Quan standards, this set of armor has a rounded helmet, it is a t-shaped opening leaving the eyes, nose, and mouth exposed. The shoulders are fairly oval, very long, and small in size. The breastplate is made from several separate pieces which are layered on top of each other. It covers everything from the neck down and ends at the groin. The upper legs are covered by long leather pants with several layered metal sheets reaching down to the bottom of his leg. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have a skull-shaped metal ornament piece on each of the outer sides.

"How is the fort's defense coming along Commander Cross?" General Koss said with a gruff voice and his arms crossed on his chest.

Garrison Commander Cross looked up to him to meet his eyes, being 5'8 with a sleek muscular build, his height was where the average height of the Quan Dynasty is, although he was somewhat taller than most of the people he had met.

"It's coming along greatly, Colonel Koss," he said. He looked down to the table with the map of the fort on the right and the map of the area where the fort was positioned on the left, "The fort's defense will be finished today if we put more work into it, if not, this will be done in a day or two," he said to General Koss.

He continued to talk about something to Colonel Koss while looking at the map of the fort and the area, "How's your defense down there?" He asked while not looking at him.

"The walls are complete, the installation of towers with heavy weapons are almost finished we just need a few hours for the final touches," he said to Commander Cross, he then let out a sigh under his breath as he was thinking about the problem that the Imperial Quan Army is facing, "I still don't get it, when did the Grizalans get such strong allies to push us back," he said as he puts his hands on the table.

Cross looked at Koss sporting a frown, "I get what you mean general," he said to him, "Whatever allies did those Grizalans get, they sure know how to defeat large armies after just a week of confrontation," he said to Koss, making him a bit anxious about the new allies that the Grizalans have.

Colonel Koss then shook his head to remove the bit of fear from his head, while it was clear that whatever is the allies of the Grizalans, outright destroying 3 armies is hard to accomplish. Maybe he thought that the amount of casualties was exagerated because there is no way that any professional army in the world can take down 300,000 soldiers in just a matter of days without taking significant casualties.

Surely they will wait a week or 2 till the next attack from the newly emerging allies of the Grizalans.

But boi was he wrong.

When the IHQ decided to order a retreat 3 days ago, reports from the captured towns in the area were under attack from what they described as 'metal beasts' and 'mages', these numerous reports from all northern captured towns were making the army and IHQ anxious as to what kind of gathered metal beasts and mages were they fighting, even more so anxious as they heard the amount of them there are.

These reports came from a week ago, meaning that the unknown allies are making big advances without showing any signs of stopping.

GC Cross then let out a sigh, earning a look from Colonel Koss and his colleagues inside of the war room, "And from what I have gathered, all of the captured towns in the north have been liberated from those unknowns," he said as he then took a breath to continue his talk, "Meaning that our northern flank has been exposed," he said.

He then puts his hand on the map to point the direction where the enemy could possibly attack next, "There is no doubt that they will attack us on the left," he said as he pointed his hand on the map, "Since they destroyed most of the forces on our northern flank, there will be 2 possible attack directions," he said.

Colonel Koss and his subordinates moved closer to listen to GC Cross' explanation for the possible upcoming attack.

GC Cross then puts a cross mark on the map, "The first possible attack is from here to our left," he pointed at the cross with the fort on the back and the elements of camp down below.

"Now, they have two possible attack directions if they do this move. Firstly they can bypass us completely and cut off the 4th army's way out in the northern pass, this might be their plan if they do this to cut off our possible retreating directions," he said, "Secondly, they can attack directly on the left, our left part of the camp is where the majority of the 4th army's supplies, food, and weapons are positioned."

GC Cross finished his explanation for the first possible attack from the Aurorans. Colonel Koss asked Cross about the possible defenses to take action if they were attacking from the north, "And what are your recommendations to fight this?" he asked.

GC Cross looked at the map for a minute of thinking, then he looked at Koss in the eyes, "We don't know what forces those unknowns are bringing to attack here, so I advise putting more archers on the walls and also deploying mana shields at the towers so that if the enemy decided to bring heavy siege weapons, we can at least do damage or outright destroy them," he said to General Koss, earning a nod from him.

Colonel Koss nodded at GC Cross, "Alright, what about the next one?"

GC Cross looked at the map and then marked another cross, this time at the front of the camp, "This is the second possible attack direction, they might decide to use full force to break the walls of the camp and destroy the command post," he said as he drew some arrows to show the possible directions.

"Any recommendations for this one?" Colonel Koss asked GC Cross.

GC Cross just waved his hand in the air as he still looked at the map, "Just like the first scenario, we still don't know the numbers and strength that they will bring, so it would be advisable to bring heavy weapons, hopefully, it's enough to counter the threat," he said. He then looked around him, "Any questions so far?" He asked before he would dismiss the people inside the war room.

Colonel Koss raised his hand to talk, but he was suddenly interrupted by a door that was violently opened.

Koss, Cross, and the people in the room looked at the door to see a soldier panting heavily. The soldier then looked at the people in the room and bowed, "Pardon for the intrusion commanders but I have brought news from the scouting team you have sent," he said.

This earned looks of shock, they didn't expect the scouting force to come back early meaning that they either didn't find any activity coming towards them or they spotted the enemy's advance. Both are equally terrifying in their own way.

"What is it, soldier?" GC Cross asked.

"Commander, the scouting force has spotted a large formation of enemy metal beasts and soldiers in the area," he said.

This earned a wave of disbelief and anxiety among the commanders in the war room including Colonel Koss and GC Cross. Cross asked the soldier with a fearful voice and look, "And where has this movement been spotted?"

The soldier let a sigh, "Sir, they were spotted moving southwest and west, when they spotted them, they were at least 8km away from the fort and the camp, but the scouts said they are moving faster than anticipated, for all we know they might be closer," he then looks at them in the eyes.

"As much it pains me to say this, but they are getting closer sir..."


5km's Away from Fort Kin

On the road to the fort, there is a large column of vehicles and tanks present in the area. Large dust clouds protrude in the air as many vehicles move along the dirt path. However, the dirt road was too small to fit all the trucks, artillery, and tanks so moving along the road was a tight fit.

Fortunately, the landscape was flat enough for the army to just drive alongside the road, making it easier to follow and move along the road.

While James said that he will not summon more troops, he decided to summon a few more divisions to help the army attack the fort, in hopes that it will be enough to retake the fort and completely block off all exits.

Currently, the army consists of Heavy and Light Tank Divisions, 7 Infantry Divisions, 3 Mechanized Divisions, and 2 Motorized Divisions. In total, there are 165,200 Soldiers in the attacking force which was led by General of the Army James himself to attack and retake Fort Valk.

Other divisions in the Auroran Army either stayed in the fort or were ordered by James to attack the remaining captured towns in the north and guard the towns from future counter-attacks by the Quan Imperial Army if they attempted to retake it.

In the middle of the formation, General of the Army James, Samantha, and High Mage Lukas is in James' vehicle with the veteran 2nd IS Division protecting their general and his companions from any possible attacks from the Quans.

≈Comrade General, the fort is just right in front of us, just 5 kilometers ahead≈ James' radio in his car suddenly opened as forward tanks said to him.

James looked at the radio, then grabbed the receiver to talk, ≈What else do you see General Sam?≈ he asked the General of the 1st HM Heavy Tank Division which is positioned at the front.

There was a minute of silence on the radio before it was opened again, ≈From what I have see general, there is a large number of tents, wooden towers, and multiple heavy weapons in the walls or towers at the bottom of the fort. It could be a camp sir≈

≈Thanks for the information General Sam≈

≈Will do general≈ The radio was silent again, James then put the receiver to its original position to safely secure it.

Then High Mage Lukas suddenly talked, "This could be a problem James," he said, earning the attention of James and Samantha.

"How would that be a problem Lukas?" James asked as he still looked to the front to drive the car, but Samantha looked at Lukas with a curious look.

"From what I have gathered from that..." he said as he pointed at the radio, "...contraption of yours, there is a camp at the bottom of the fort, presumably an army size is being stationed there at the fort," he said.

James looked at the mirror with an eyebrow raised, "Why are you anxious about that? We defeated 3 large armies in a week, and liberated multiple towns following for a few days," he asked Lukas, looking uncertain why Lukas was quite careful about the fort.

Lukas shook his head, "Yes I know that an army can be defeated easily, the fort is where I'm concerned," he said.

"How come?" Samantha surprisingly asked Lukas.

"Well they are a lot closer to the border between Quan Dynasty and the Grizalan Kingdom than the towns they took, so if we apply some logic to that, they can bring heavier weapons than any ordinary weapons we have encountered," Lukas said as he put his hand on his chin, "We might encounter something big in the upcoming battle to retake the fort," he said.

James then looked up front as he started thinking about what Lukas said. If Lukas' words are true, then they might have a battle that might be harder than the battles he and his army have encountered.

"Maybe you're right Lukas," he said to him while looking at the mirror, this promptly made Lukas look at him, "If your words are true, then we might have a hard time cracking the fort," James said.

Then the radio of the car was suddenly on, making the conversation put on hold as James picked it up, ≈General! Something is happening from the fort!≈ the radio shouted.

This earned the attention of James, he then grabbed the receiver to answer the radio while Samantha and Lukas followed James' hand since they don't know where the sound is coming from and what a radio is.

≈What did you see?≈ he said to the receiver.

≈General, there is a glowing light coming from the fort sir and it keeps getting stronger and brighter!≈

James was now bewildered about what Sam said. He then saw a very bright light just in front of the formation. This earned the attention of all of the attacking force, looking at the ever-growing light in the distance.

≈Ah Дерьмо! It keeps getting brighter and brighter!≈ The person on the other side of the radio said.

Curious about what the contraption was saying, High Mage Lukas then stood up from his seat and stood tall to see who or what was making that light source. Once he looked at the fort for a second, his eyes then widened as he remembered what made that light in the first place.

And he knew it well since every Grizalan fort is equipped with it.

He then yelled at James as he seated down with his staff gripped hard, "JAMES! I advise you to stop the army and tell them to hold onto something!" he shouted.

This confused James and Samantha, "Why Lukas?"

He then looked James in the eyes, "It's something that every Grizalan Fort has James! Once activated, a large gust of wind will be emitted while booting up before it is finished so I advise holding onto something!" He shouted, quite scared from the possibility that the army might be pushed or flown away.

This made the two widen their eyes at the possible harm and damage it might cause, he then frantically grabbed the radio and then turned the knob to all channels, ≈ALL UNITS THIS IS GENERAL JAMES, STOP THE CONVOY AND HOLD ONTO SOMETHING. THIS IS NOT A DRILL DO IT RIGHT NOW!≈ He shouted, he then put down the receiver and made the car stop.

The whole convoy then suddenly stopped as soldiers were quite confused by General James' order, but nonetheless held onto something.

Sudden gusts of winds suddenly picked up in the surrounding area as leaves, tarps and even hats from the trucks started flying away as soldiers tried to get their hats back.

The winds then started to get stronger as light vehicles started to get lifted off of the ground just slightly, making soldiers inside jerk backward a bit.

In James' car, High Mage Lukas gripped his staff and hat dearly to make sure his items didn't get flown anywhere.

As for James and Samantha, James was holding Samantha tightly as the winds kept getting stronger and stronger.

After 2 minutes of intense gusts of wind, it started to die down instantly. This made the army relax as the wind was gone, then the officers of each division were assessing the damage that the winds may have caused before continuing.

In the car, Lukas loosens his grip on his hat and staff as the winds had died down. He then pats his clothes knocking down any dirt or leaves on them, unfortunately, there was some on his clothes. Lukas groaned due to the annoyance.

As for James and Samantha, James was busy removing leaves from Samantha's hair, while this was happening Samantha was busy blushing from the closeness from James as he fixed her hair.

Once that was finished, James looked at Samantha with a smile, "All good," he said to Samantha. This made Samantha blush harder with a smile.


James and his companions look to the right to see General Sam from the 1st HM Heavy Tank Division running towards James' car.

Once he reached the car, he stopped at the doors as he saluted, "General, you must see this," he said to him bringing down his hand to his side.

After a while of walking to the front, soldiers from the tank division looked at the fort with awe and shock as they talked or murmured while James and his companions walked to the front.

"Look at that thing!" A commander from a Soviet tank exclaimed with awe.

"Can our tanks even penetrate that... thing?" A gunner from a heavy tank asked his companion inside the tank while the companion shrugged, unsure if it is possible to penetrate it with this caliber.

A Japanese General from the newly summoned 19th SA Mechanized Division moved at the front to see what has happened to the fort, "Nani?! Where the fuck did that thing come from?!" He said bewildered by the sudden appearance of something big.

As James and his companions were at the front of the formation, the two looked at the fort with shock and awe while Lukas looked at the fort while the grip on his staff tightened, "Those fuckers seriously captured it," he said angrily.

James looked at Lukas with an eyebrow raised and with confusion, "What?" he asked Lukas.

Lukas turned his head to meet James' eyes, "They took the Fortress Shield Crystal," he then looked at the fort once again, "It emits a large and strong shield that is almost impenetrable from the outside, the only way to destroy it is a large amount of heavy firepower that is continuously bombarding it. Even with your current firepower, we will be here for days. Days that the Quan Army will bring reinforcements, something that we can't counter."

As the army looked at the fort, soldiers from the Quan Army positioned themselves on the wooden walls below and the stone walls on the fort.

James looked at the fort with a frown, "Looks like our work is cut out from here boys..."


I'm still alive :/

but pls don't kill me D:

and also if you are interested in joining the discord server, check my bio or conversations tab. If it doesn't work just comment here to send the link.

Anyways hope u enjoy, cya next time mah dudes :D

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