Fremione: 1998

Hippogriff2012 द्वारा

141K 4K 1.8K

Its a Fremione. What more do I have to say? Well, you asked for it... It involves the Yule Ball... अधिक

Lovers are gonna love... and haters gonna hate
24 Days of Yule Ball Preparation - with a Slytherin Twist
Corridor Conversations.
Awkward Silences...
Mixed Feelings
Recovery Recouperation Period
The Weasley Party
Day Before the Yule Ball
A Lot Can Happen in a Day
A Twist- 8 Hours till the Ball
Fight or Flight
Dancing With Myself
Ron the Git
Worthy of Slytherin.
The Room.
Screaming Marshmallows
Ron is Still a F*****g Git
Escaping the Ministry
Empty Hearted
The Locket and Surprises in the Forest
The Hallows Don't Exist... DUH
The Loneliness
Lost and Found
Caught like Headless Chickens
Scream Until You Mean It
The Gaps Are Bigger Than Ever
'Those bloody goblins.'
Gold, Gold and.... more Gold...
Newspapers and Jokes
Headlights at The Burrow
"How come you get all the fun?"
Playing with Fire
The Truth

The Yule Ball (Finally)

3.6K 107 57
Hippogriff2012 द्वारा

Hermione growled. She liked makeup but detested mascara. Already three times she had poked herself in the eye with the damn brush and four times she has had to clean it up with magic. Grumbling, she faced the mirror to finish so she didn't look like a demented eagle.

"So," Ginny giggled, stepping into the dorm, "How was it?"

"Ok, I suppose," Hermione said. "Do you know how to use this thing properly? It's unbelievable. I am muggle-born and I don't know how to apply goddamn mascara!"

Ginny laughed as she sat down and took the brush and applied some more mascara onto Hermione's eyelashes.

"Thanks," Hermione grumbled.

"I love your hair, Hermione!" Lavender walked in the dorms, already dressed in her dress and heels. "When did you do that?"

"This morning," Hermione replied. " I also went to Madam Pomfrey to get my teeth downsized a tad." She smiled to show her perfectly white teeth.

"Suits you well," Lavender's voice clearly held jealousy through every syllable. Looks like that, she could steal the Slytherin Prince at any rate.

"Done," Ginny declared then drew out her own pot of mascara. "Lookin' fab, as usual, 'Mione."

Hermione beamed in response. She stood up uncertainly then walked to the mirror. She twirled and giggled.

"Excited?" Ginny laughed, eyebrow raised.

"99% chance that is so," Hermione laughed.

"And the other one percent?" Lavender asked irritably. She was furiously trying to not looks like a bird's nest next to Hermione.

"That one percent?" Hermione began then trailed off. The Tower clock began to strike.

"Lets go already, 'Mione," Ginny sighed.

"Wait, I need the gold necklace!" Hermione rummaged through her bed but couldn't find the beautiful necklace anywhere. She flopped on the bed and heaved a sigh. "I bought it at that French shop in Hogsmeade, remember? Floral worked gold!"

"You still look stunning," Ginny tried. "Lets go,"

"Alright," Hermione stamped grumpily towards Ginny; regretting it a second later as one of her heels broke.

"Reparo," Hermione muttered and stuck the shoe on her foot in anger. She followed Ginny to the common room.

Lavender smirked. She drew out a beautiful gold necklace out of her purse and fastened it around her neck. The floral design contrasted beautifully with her dress. She grabbed her purse and walked down the stairs.


Fred sat around the common room with George and Lee Jordan. All in suits and looking their best, George drew a deck of cards from his pocket. Fred and Lee Jordan nodded and the game began.

They were halfway through (with Lee winning) then they heard the click ,click, click of heels down the stairs. They turned and saw Hermione and Ginny, looking stunning in their dresses. Ginny took Harry's hand, giggling at Harry who couldn't stop checking her out. They walked out of the common room, laughing.

"What do you think?" Hermione asked Fred shyly.

Fred stared. Hermione's curvy body and straightened hair complimented with the sleek black dress and the high heels. George and Lee sniggered but Fred didn't care. He walked over to her and she smiled. Hermione twirled in her dress and someone wolf-whistled.

"I lost my gold necklace though," Hermione added, disappointment flickering over her face. "It was a floral gold one I bought in Hogsmeade! It would've looked awesome..."

"You still look absolutely stunning," Fred grinned. "Shall we?" Fred held out his arm and Hermione took it. They walked out of the Gryffindor common room, leaving a stunned silence in their wake.


Hermione sat down in one of the many carriages outside the gates of Hogwarts, aware that a lot of guys were staring at her. She glared at them then sat back. Luna was sitting in their carriage, with Neville.

"Its nice to finally 'let our hair down,' as McGonagall said," Hermione tried to make a conversation. She smirked as she noted Fred was still staring.


"Oh, uh, yep, totally," Fred said quickly; he seemed to have woken from his trance. He blushed from his late response.

"It's perfectly dreamy," Luna whispered. She giggled as she hugged Neville and he blushed.

Fred coughed. Hermione was looking at the ceiling of the carriage while Neville and Luna were 'silently' making out.

"Oh look at the horses!" Fred tried to make his voice sound enthusiastic but failed as he struggled to escape Luna and Neville.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Hermione breathed. The moon-lit unicorns were prancing through the air in a graceful manner- so much so that Ginny, who was a dancer, felt slightly envious of their movements. Hermione saw, with the way the unicorns were 'flying,' they were heading to south-east London.

As the carriage touched down, Luna and Neville broke apart and turned red-faced to Fred and Hermione. They smiled weakly and fled out of the carriage door.

Hermione broke the silence. "Well that was-"

"-Awkward." Fred finished quickly. Eager to move on from the uncomfortable subject, he pointed outside. "Look at that!"

Hermione stepped outside into the cool air of London. The cobble stone path wasn't really cobble stone but was perfectly flat marble just in disguise. Fred offered Hermione his hand and she gladly took it, not wanting to risk slipping on the icy marble. His hand slipped around her waist but she didn't flinch or shrink away. Instead, she laughed and walked towards the welcoming doors of the Ball.

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