Dystopian zombie era

By CatFroste

6K 244 55

Darcy's life was finally getting good. She felt like personally thanking the universe for her luck, really. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 25

80 5 1
By CatFroste


It's raining hard. The raindrops hit against the window. I sigh. I didn't remember to bring an umbrella. I was up all night studying for the biology test that I forgot to check the weather forecast.

I stare down at my notebook, going over my work and I happen to overhear a conversation next to me.

"So, I'm having a party tonight. But first we'll go to Dynamite-"

"- Dynamite? Is that the club where Jay works?"

"Yeah. We're gonna have a few drinks, enough to get us tipsy and then the party will start."

"But who's gonna be at your house?"

"Coral. My brother will be there to keep her company."

I took this as my chance. "Hey, I couldn't help over hearing your conversation but this party, do you think I could join?" Now to be honest, I don't have many friends. There are a few people I talk to but not enough to call them friends and those people are the ones that I tutor so I don't think that counts anyway. I'm always busy studying for some test so maybe it's time that I made some friends. I look at them expectantly and they all laugh.

"What the hell man? You wanna go to a party? Don't you have a test to go study for?"


"Wait, he's serious." They stop laughing. "For real?" Asks the first one. "Yeah?" Although it comes out as a question. "Tonight we're going to Dynamite at eight. We'll meet you there."

My eyes widen. "I just want to go to the party not the club." He brushes me off. "If you wanna go to the party, you'll go to the club." Before I can say anything, the teacher walks in.

Oh boy.


The club looks small from the outside. It's neon green and purple. There are purple lights on the roof that are flashing about wildly and a really long line.

I check my watch. I'm on time but I don't see them anywhere. Suddenly I feel an arm around my shoulder. "Yo man! Never expected to see you here!" Storm grins. "First time?" I nod.

"The line is really long." His smile grows even wider. "Are you going to Gabe's party?" I nod again. "He told me to meet him here for drinks although I'll probably only have water. I still need to finish my homework, it took a while for me to choose an outfit and I ended up-" He chuckles.

"Man it's a Friday night. You're not supposed to think about homework or school. Come on, let's go."

"But-" Both his hands are now on my shoulders and he leads me past the line and to the front of the club. The bouncer eyes us.

"He's a first timer." Says Storm and the bouncer lets us through. I'm surprised. "Does he always let new people skip the line?" But Storm doesn't hear me over the loud music. A rap song is playing that everyone is dancing and jumping to.

'I shoot dice, yeah, gamble with my life yeah. No invites, yeah, keep my circle tight yeah.'

He leads me to the bar and a bartender approaches us already. "Give us shots of tequila. Like four each." My eyes widen. "Four each?" Storm smiles.

"Just enough to loosen you up buddy. This is the time where you should forget about school and have fun."

"I-" I want argue and ask for water but he's right. I want friends and this is how I'm going to make them. "Alright." I answer, giving in and he pats my back. "That's the spirit."

I look around. There are a few people sitting on the barstools talking to one another. The club is so full. I feel the bass of the music through my body.

"What's poppin' everybody? Get up and make some noise!" Exclaims a familiar voice that I know is Jay Webster.

The people go wild and cheers erupt and I'm unable to hear what Storm is saying to me. The bartender returns with shot glasses filled with golden liquid. The cheers die down and people go back to dancing.

"This is a shot so drink as fast as you can in one gulp."

"Okay." That doesn't seem hard. I watch him pick the glass up, tip his head back and swallow the drink. He smiles. "Amazing.Your turn."

I do the same and my eyes water as my throat burns from the alcohol. I cough violently and Storm laughs. "It gets better, I swear."

I want to leave. I want to go back home and just do my homework and forget this happened but this is how my life is supposed to be.

I could skip doing my homework tonight, it's no big deal. Another glass is placed in front of me and we down it at the same time. It's still as bad as before but I don't say anything.

My head feels clouded and my body is heating up. I fan my face. "It's hot in here." Storm chuckles. "Two more and we'll be out." My head is spinning and I feel the alcohol buzzing through my veins. The bartender refills the small glass and I quickly gulp it down.

"You feeling tipsy enough?" He asks. "Huh?" He swallows his shot in one gulp and pulls his wallet out. He places money on the table and gets up. He pulls me with him and I stumble over my feet. "Where are we going? We have one more left." He doesn't hear me over the cheering and loud music.

Soon we're out the club and the cold air hits my face. It's much quieter out here and I'm grateful for that. "Why'd you come so early?" I hear a voice ask. There's a pat on my shoulder. "I got him drunk." I hear Storm say.

"When can we go to the party? I'm starving." There are chuckles. "No way. Never thought I'd see the day where perfect Silas would be drunk." I roll my eyes. "Shut up Gabe." More chuckles.

"We're going inside to get drinks and then we'll go to the party. Think you can wait?"

"What choice do I have?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I'll wait with him." I hear Storm say.

I don't know how long we've been waiting but we're sitting on the sidewalk when I hear obnoxiously loud laughter behind me. "Let's go guys!" A voice exclaims and cheers follow. Storm stands and he pulls me up before leading me to a car that looks way too red. I'm pushed into the middle seat with a boy on either side of me.

I look down and try to find a seatbelt. Gabe turns the radio on and a song plays. The alcohol is still buzzing through my veins and I have the strange urge to sing along.

'Think I'm getting butterflies, but it's really something telling me to run away'

I hum the next part and feel all eyes on me. "Woah, since when can you sing?" One of them ask. I don't answer though, swaying to the rhythm of the music. Gabe turns it even louder and they urge me to sing some more.

Soon we reach a huge house, way bigger than mine. It looks almost like a palace but it's probably a normal looking mansion. I notice we're in the rich area of town. The car stops and everyone gets out. I follow suit.

The air is still chilly and smells of deliciously cooked meat or chicken. There's an arm around my shoulder. "Let's go party!" Shouts Gabe as he leads me into the house. There are a ton of people I don't know but they all smile and wave at me. So this is what it feels like to have friends. It feels like the cold side of your pillow on a hot summer night. Like eating your favourite food when you're really hungry. It feels good and I could get used to this.

I don't know why but this is the only thing I seem to remember as I'm pushing my weight against the desk to keep the zombies at bay. Of course, none of them spoke to me the next day. It was as if the party never happened but it was quite the experience.

My leg is really hurting. The scratches seem to never stop burning and it kept me from sleeping. I doubt it will heal and I'll only slow everyone down. Ruby rushes out from the back place where everyone is. "I'm getting a chair. The window is a bit high." She explains before grabbing the nearest chair and carrying it back.

"Come on, let's go." Says Jay and he and Storm move away from the table. I stumble after them, dragging my foot against the floor. I can hear the desk being moved away with each passing second and I feel my heart race.

I won't make it.

I make it to the room and see Darcy clamber out the window with Coral in suit. I take a glance back at the door and see it open with zombies already stumbling inside. Duncan reaches for his gun in his belt and pulls it out, aiming it straight ahead.

"We have to move fast. They're almost in." He says and fires a shot at one of the zombies. Ruby has just gotten out. Storm hurries out the window next.

"Come on. I'll help you out." Jay tells me. His expression is neutral but I can tell he's scared by the way his eyes keep looking at the zombies.

I won't make it.

"No. You and Duncan go."

"Sir Duncan to you." He fires another shot. "Shut up and let me hoist you up." Jay urges, pulling my arm. I shake my head. "I won't get far with this leg. You guys go first. I'll hold them back." The zombies are almost by us now. They're still falling over each other by the door. Duncan curses. "They're through and they're coming."

"Jay come on." I hear Darcy say. Coral's head appears at the window. The zombies are right at the doorway and I stand in the middle of it, holding both arms out and gripping the door frames. My body is the only thing standing between them and the zombies.

"What the hell is taking you guys so long? There are zombies-" She shrieks and I hold in a scream as a zombie bites into my chest. Jay curses loudly and Coral jumps back from the window as I feel another one bite into my arm. I keep my grip on the doorframes though.

I'm not gonna let these zombies get through. "Go now!" I yell as I feel multiple bites on my body. I feel intense pain and lightheaded from the loss of blood. I can feel the zombies feasting on me. I close my eyes.

I haven't known these people for long but they're the best friends I could ever ask for.

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