Beatle & The Beast

By AmandaSchaefer709

1.7K 33 88

Emilia Arquette has been turned into a beast for her nasty ways and must learn to love in order to break the... More

The Curse
Concert In Gotham City
Paul Rejects Catwoman
Wayne Manor
Take Me Instead!
Be Our Guest
The West Wing
If I Can't Love Him
Chased By Wolves
A Gift For Paul
Something There
Human Again
Beatle & The Beast
Emilia Lets Paul Go
A Change In Me
Kill The Beast!
The Battle
Back To Wayne Manor
Battle On The Roof
I Love You
Transformation (Finale)
Beauty & The Beast (End Title)
Song Credits
A Quick Thank You
Sequel Out

Come To Dinner!

75 1 7
By AmandaSchaefer709

Back at Wayne Manor, Paul was still crying his eyes out, until he heard a soft knock on the door. "Who is it?" Asked Paul through his tears. "Harriet Cooper, dear." Harriet's voice said on the other side.

Paul gets up to open the door, but it looked as if no one was there. He looks down and sees a talking teapot, which is Harriet, and she's followed by Dick. "I thought you might like a spot of tea." Said Harriet. "But you're a... a..." Paul said hesitantly. He backs up and bumps into the wall. "Oh! Careful!" Said Dick. "This is impossible!" Said Paul in shock. "I know it is, but here we are!" Dick said. "Sorry, I've just never met talking objects before." Paul said.

"Told ya he was handsome, didn't I, Aunt Harriet?" Asked Dick with a smirk. "Alright now, Dick, that'll do. Slowly now! Don't spill!" Harriet said as Dick hopped over to Paul. "Thank you." He said. Paul is about to take a sip, until Dick speaks up. "Wanna see me do a trick?" He asked. Dick takes a big breath, then puffs out his cheeks and blows bubbles out the top of the cup. "Dick!" Said Harriet admonishingly. "Oops! Sorry." Dick said sounding guilty.

"That was a very brave thing you did, young man." Harriet said to Paul. "We all think so." Said Dick. "But I've lost my best friends, my dreams, everything." Paul said sadly. "Cheer up, hon. It'll turn out all right in the end. You'll see." Said Harriet. She then remembered something. "Oops! Listen to me, jabbering on when there's a supper to get on the table. Dick!" She said as she called for her nephew. "I'll catch up with you in a bit, Aunt Harriet!" Said Dick. Harriet nods. "Very well, dear, but don't be long." She said before hopping away.

Paul stands and Dick approaches. "Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner? Let's see what we've got in the closet." He said. The closet door flies open and moths flutter out. Dick quickly slams the door shut. "Holy embarrassment! Sorry about that. Ah, here we are! You'll look dashing in this one!" He said as he looked at a fancy suit hanging on the door. "That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner." Said Paul. Dick gasps. "But you must!" He said.

Bruce enters the room. "Ahem! Dinner is served!" He said.


Emilia paces angrily. "What's taking so long? I told him to come down. Why isn't he here yet?!" She asked impatiently. "Oh, try to be patient, love. The boy has lost his friends and his freedom all in one day." Harriet said. "Uh, Emilia? Have you thought that, perhaps, this boy could be the one to break the spell?" Asked Alfred. "Of course I have!!! I'm not a fool!" Said Emilia in an annoyed tone. "Good. You fall in love with him, he falls in love with you, and poof! The spell is broken! We'll be human again by midnight!" Alfred said. "Oh, it's not that easy, Alfred. These things take time." Said Harriet. "But the rose has already begun to wilt." Said Alfred.

A disappointed sigh escapes from Emilia. "It's no use. He's so handsome, and I'm... well, look at me!" She said. Alfred shrugs his shoulders and looks at Harriet. "Oh, you must help him to see past all that." Harriet said. "I don't know how." Emilia said as she crossed her arms. "Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. Straighten up, try to act like a lady." Said Harriet. "Ah yes, when he comes in, give him a beautiful smile. Come, come, show me the smile." Alfred said. Emilia gives a big, toothy smile.

"But don't frighten the poor boy." Harriet said. "Impress him with your rapier wit." Said Alfred. "But be gentle." Said Harriet. "Shower him with compliments." Alfred said. "But be sincere." Harriet said. "And above all..." Alfred began. "You must control your temper!" Harriet said along with him.

The door opens. "Here he is!" Said Alfred with a smile. Instead, it's Bruce that entered the room. "Good evening." He said. "Well? Where is he?" Asked Emilia in an annoyed tone. "Where's who? Oh, yes, the boy! Unfortunately, he's not coming." Said Bruce. "WHAT?!?!?!?!" Emilia yelled at the top of her lungs before charging up the stairs.

Bruce, Alfred, and Harriet follow after her. "Emilia, let's not be hasty!" Bruce yelled. Emilia pounds on Paul's door. "I thought I told you to come down to dinner!" She yelled. "I'm not hungry!" Paul said from behind the door. "You come out or... I'LL BREAK DOWN THE DOOR!!!!!!" Said Emilia angrily. "Emilia, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the boy's affections." Alfred said. "Please attempt to be a lady." Said Bruce. "But he's being so difficult!" Emilia said in an annoyed tone. "Gently, gently." Said Harriet.

Emilia tries again. "Will you come down to dinner?" She asked. "No." Said Paul from behind the door. Emilia glances at the others with an annoyed expression. "Suave. Genteel." Bruce said. "It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner." Said Emilia trying to sound formal. "What's the magic word?" Asked Bruce. "Please?" Emilia said. "No thank you!" Paul said from behind the door. "You can't stay in there forever!" Said Emilia angrily. "Yes I can!" Said Paul from behind the door. "Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!!!!!" Emilia yelled.

"Emilia, please!" Said Alfred as he pleaded. "If he doesn't eat with me, then he doesn't eat at all!" Said Emilia before she stormed off. "Oh dear. That didn't go very well at all, did it?" Harriet said. "Alfred, stand watch at the door and inform me at once if there is the slightest change." Bruce said. "You can count on me, Master Bruce!" Alfred said. "Well, I guess we better go downstairs and start cleaning up." Said Bruce to Harriet.

The West Wing

"I ask nicely, but he refuses. What does he want me to do, beg?" Emilia asked feeling annoyed. She then picks up her mirror. "Show me the boy!" She said. The mirror reveals Dick talking to Paul. "Emilia may be rough around the edges, but she's really not so bad once you get to know her. Why don't you give her a chance?" Dick said in the mirror. "I don't wanna get to know her! I don't wanna have anything to do with her!" Paul said in the mirror.

The conversation made Emilia feel bad. "I'm just fooling myself. He'll never see me as anything... but a monster. It's hopeless." She said as she put the mirror down. At the same time, another petal falls from the rose.

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