Beatle & The Beast

By AmandaSchaefer709

1.7K 33 88

Emilia Arquette has been turned into a beast for her nasty ways and must learn to love in order to break the... More

The Curse
Concert In Gotham City
Paul Rejects Catwoman
Wayne Manor
Come To Dinner!
Be Our Guest
The West Wing
If I Can't Love Him
Chased By Wolves
A Gift For Paul
Something There
Human Again
Beatle & The Beast
Emilia Lets Paul Go
A Change In Me
Kill The Beast!
The Battle
Back To Wayne Manor
Battle On The Roof
I Love You
Transformation (Finale)
Beauty & The Beast (End Title)
Song Credits
A Quick Thank You
Sequel Out

Take Me Instead!

63 1 2
By AmandaSchaefer709

In another part of the manor, a clock and a candlabra are deep in conversation. "Master Bruce, what're we gonna do about Emilia?" Asked the candle. "I don't know, Alfred. All I know is that she needs to find someone to love, and he has to love her in return. Here's hoping she gets that temper of hers under control." Said the clock.

As you just heard, the clock happens to be Bruce Wayne, and the candle is his loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth.

"Lads?" A voice said. Bruce and Alfred see the person, who happens to be Paul, pass by. "Did you see that?" Asked Alfred. "I sure did." Said Bruce. The two run into the hall to get a better look. "It's a boy!" Alfred said. "I know it's a boy!" Bruce said. "Don't you see? He's the one, the boy we've been waiting for! He has come to break the spell!" Said Alfred as he ran ahead. "Hey, wait for me!" Said Bruce as he went to catch up with his butler.

Paul continued walking down the hall, until he heard a small noise behind him. He sees another door open and walks through it. "Hello? Is someone here? Wait! I'm looking for my friends!" He said as he ran after a small glow, only to realize there was no one around. "That's funny, I'm sure there was someone. Is anyone here?" Asked Paul.

"Paul?" A familiar voice said. "Lads!" Paul said with a smile. "You found us!" Said Ringo. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here!" Said Paul. "Paul, you have to leave this place!" Said John. "Who did this to you blokes?" Paul asked. "No time to explain! You must go, now!" Said George. "I won't leave you lot!" Said Paul.

Emilia comes from behind Paul and grabs his shoulder. "What are you doing here?!?!" Growled the angry she beast. "Run, Paul!!!" Ringo yelled. "Who's there? Who are you?" Paul asked with fear. "Emilia Arquette." Emilia said. "I've come for my best mates. Please let them out! Can't you see they're terrified?" Said Paul as his voice trembled. "Then they shouldn't have trespassed here!" Said Emilia angrily. "But this is no place for them! Please, I'll do anything!" Paul pleaded. "There's nothing you can do! They're my prisoners!" Emilia said.

The she beast starts walking away. "Oh, there must be someway I can... wait!" Said Paul. Emilia stops and turns towards him. Paul hesitates for a minute, but speaks after finding the right words. "Take me instead!" He said. "You! You would... take their place?" Asked Emilia. "Paul, no! You don't know what you're doing!!" George cried. "If I did, would you let them go?" Paul asked. "Yes... but you must promise to stay here forever." Emilia said.

A light was shining through, and Paul realized he couldn't see Emilia very well. "Come into the light." Said Paul. Emilia slowly steps forward, revealing herself to Paul. He gasps at her terrifying appearance, then turns back to his imprisoned friends. "No, Paul! We won't let you do this!" John said. Paul slowly walks up to Emilia. "You have my word." He said. "Done!" Said Emilia.

Paul slowly falls to his knees in despair as Emilia releases his mates. "No, Paul, you can't stay here! It's too dangerous!" Said Ringo. Emilia grabs him and the others, dragging them away from Paul. "Wait!" He said. "Paul!!" Said John. "Wait!!!" Paul cried.

Emilia throws the other Beatles out of the manor. "Please, spare our bassist, please!!!" Cried George. "He's no longer your concern!" Emilia said before slamming the door. "Let's go, lads." John said sadly. "What about Paul?" George asked. "He's a prisoner now. From here on out, the Beatles are a trio." Said John. "But the band won't be the same without Paul." Ringo said. "Then we better make sure to always remember him whether he's with us or not." John said.

From the manor, Paul watches his bandmates leave as he sobs.

Emilia goes to where she left Paul, until Alfred got her attention. "Emilia?" He said. "What?!" Said Emilia in an annoyed tone. "Since the boy is going to be with us for quite some time, I was thinking that you might want to offer him a more comfortable room." Alfred said. Emilia growls at him. Alfred shrugs. "Then again, maybe not." He said.

Paul, who's still in a river of tears, looks up as Emilia enters. "You didn't even let me say goodbye! I'll never see them again! I didn't get to say goodbye!" Sobbed Paul. "I'll show you to your room." Emilia said. "My room? But I thought..." Paul trailed off. "What, would you rather stay in the attic?" Asked Emilia. "No." Said Paul. "Then follow me." Emilia said.

The she beast leads Paul through the manor to take him to his room. Alfred, who's being carried by Emilia, whispers to her. "Say something to him." He said. "I... uh... hope you like it here." Said Emilia awkwardly. "I suppose." Paul said sadly. Alfred motions Emilia to continue. "Wayne Manor is your home now, so you can go anywhere you like... except the West Wing." She said. "What's in the West..." Paul began. "It's forbidden!!" Emilia yelled, startling the Beatle bassist.

A little while later, they reached Paul's room. "Now if you need anything, the servants will attend you." Said Emilia. "Dinner, invite him to dinner." Alfred whispered. "You will join me for dinner! THAT'S NOT A REQUEST!!!!!!" Emilia said angrily before slamming the door.

Paul runs over to his bed and immediately bursts into tears.

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