Nacre's Promise

By JackelineAndrewsEng

577 139 0

SUMMARY Can we imagine a happier life than the one we would spend between hills and sea, vineyards and citrus... More

******** PART I ********
Chapter I : At the hacienda
Chapter II : Uncertainty
Chapter III : Education and more
Chapter IV : At the Pueblo
Chapter V : A harsh winter
Chapter VI : A summer of heatwave
Chapter VII : Share
Chapter VIII : Troubled future
Chapter IX : Rebellion
Chapter X : The big changes
Chapter XI : Responsibilities
Chapter XII : The Catalan nucleus
Chapter XIII : Salvador
******** PART II ********
Chapter XIV : Fair trade
Chapter XV : Feedback
Chapter XVI : Familiar universe
Chapter XVII : Reunion
Chapter XVIII : Resistance
Chapter XIX : Hard times
Chapter XX : Revolt rumbles
Chapter XXI : Back to domain
******** PART III ********
Chapter XXII : Ambient gloom
Chapter XXIII : Revelation
Chapter XXIV : The inconceivable
Chapter XXV : Outcome
Chapter XXVI : Symbiosis
Chapter XXVII : First contacts
Chapter XXVIII : Installation
******** PART IV ********
Chapter XXX : Projects
Chapter XXXI : Joys and sorrows
Chapter XXXII : The surprise
Chapter XXXIII : Supreme bliss
Chapter XXXIV : Troubled times
Chapter XXXV : Treason
Chapter XXXVI : Need help
Chapter XXXVII : Motherly love
Chapter XXXVIII : Frustration
Chapter XXXIX : Never give up
******** PART V ********
Chapter XXXX : Sant Llorenç del Munt
Chapter XXXXI : Quite an invention
Chapter XXXXII : My angel
******** CHARACTERS ********
Characters : BARCELONA
Characters : THE BIRTHS
Characters : OTHER PLACES
Characters : AND ALSO ...
******** ********

Chapter XXIX : Unwanted visitors

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By JackelineAndrewsEng

Cuevas-Blancas, 1910.

Despite the ventilation of the house, Isabel found it difficult to endure the heat. Although he thought that the heatwave was the source of his discomfort, Diego was quite worried.

His wife sometimes felt dizzy and had to lie down in a cool, dark room. She did not owe any activity and her only occupation then consisted in maintaining correspondence with her friends.

In Barcelona, ​​Don Campos, who despite his age was a visionary and lived with the times, had one of the very first phones for his company.

This made it easier and, above all, to obtain news from the outside more easily.

In Portugal, the assassination of the king and the crown prince, had placed the young younger son Manuel II on the throne. The country was on the verge of a major uprising that risked leading to a revolution.

In France, the feat of a certain Louis Blériot, who had managed to cross the Channel to land in England in an hour, aboard a plane of his design, thrilled the crowds. Construction of the world's largest ocean liner, the Titanic, had just started in England.

The world was changing. After the arrival of the first motor cars, it was conceivable that planes would fly over long distances, that the cinema would develop in cities, that electricity would become widespread in homes and above all those certain diseases could finally be cured.

What a beautiful time full of hope for the future! Isabel figured that she wouldn't live long enough to see these changes, but that her children could benefit from all of the progress. In the meantime, she felt happy to have time for herself and to be able to envision what their life would be like several years from now.

At the very beginning of autumn Isabel felt better, but not yet enough to follow her husband on his tours. This worried Diego. He called for the doctor on a day when his wife was having what appeared to be a relapse.

After examining the patient, the doctor joined Diego to inform him of his recommendations.

— For the patient's sake, it would be best if you went back to the hacienda, he recommended as he walked back.

Diego returned to the bedroom.

— The doctor has just informed me that you have to lie down for several more weeks and it is imperative that you are not left alone. How do you feel my beloved?

— I am very tired. I will remain lying down as he advised me, otherwise I risk losing our child.

— Oh, you are pregnant! This is the explanation. What good news! Your condition worried me a lot but now I'm really relieved and so happy! We must not take any risks, so we will follow the doctor's recommendations and temporarily move to the hacienda.

— Diego, this eventuality scares me! Your mother only inspires me with suspicion and I don't like the idea. She seems mentally deranged and I am afraid that she will do anything to ensure that I lose this child.

— Please be understanding. She's not that evil!

She didn't answer. No need to try to remind him of the episode of the fall from his horse. Diego was unable to accept that his mother could nurture the plan to harm his wife. Yet he had understood, from the revelations of their respective origins, that an old, nagging grudge was gnawing at her from within. However, it was impossible for him to see her as an evil person. She was his mother and he had a sincere but, alas, blind love for her.

The relocation to the hacienda was very quick. Diego had kept his room upstairs and few changes were necessary. The path had exhausted Isabel and she lay down as soon as she arrived. Dynamic and independent in nature, she was afraid of staying bedridden until childbirth. The baby was due to be born in about four months, and it seemed infinitely long. Waiting, to allow her child to finish growing in good conditions and gain weight, was the only option. .

The most difficult would be the cohabitation with Elvira, which would not fail to make her life difficult. She was convinced that her stepmother would do anything to prevent this baby from seeing the light of day. Her birth would formalize Isabel as a full member of the family and Elvira could not accept it. Without a child, she would remain a stranger who could be ignored or even chased away, but with a child, the situation would change in her favor.

Isabel chooses to remain unmoved despite the possibility of future attacks. Her main goal was to bring her pregnancy to term and have a healthy child. Secretly, she hoped it was a boy but of course nothing was certain. The families of the nobility were all waiting for a male heir, for the survival of their lineage, their title, and the future management of their property. If by misfortune there were none, the name of Almondara would die out and she would certainly be held solely responsible. Would she survive this?

Elvira had also well understood the stake that this child represented for the family. A girl would allow her to procrastinate, but if it was a boy, she couldn't do anything more to get rid of Isabel. It was therefore imperative that this child could not come into the world. No limit existed any more, she was ready to attempt the life of the mother or that of the child so that it never came to term alive.

It would not be an irresponsible act, but a premeditated murder perpetrated by a jealous and resentful woman. Elvira was aware of his cruelty but saw nothing wrong with it. She felt dirty and dishonored and that's what motivated her actions.

Isabel had decided to take all her meals in her room and not to go out very much. Fortunately, the bedroom opened onto a fairly large covered terrace where Rodrigo had asked to install a daybed, a coffee table and armchairs. She would not therefore have the feeling of remaining cloistered.

That day, she was lying on the terrace when a swarm of bees, which seemed confused, began to hover around her. Fortunately, she had the reflex to fully protect herself with the blanket she had placed on her legs. She remained like that for long minutes, making sure that no gap allowed the bees to reach her. She feared, in fact, the effect of the venom on her child. For long minutes, she heard the incessant buzzing of bees around her. However, the very thick blanket protected her from their bites.

After a while, Isabel risked removing her protection and inspecting the surroundings. The bees were still there but calm and gathered. The swarm had reformed, clinging to a pillar on the terrace. The bees appeared to be numb. They remained clustered together, and were no longer threatening. Isabel did not want to call for help fearing to frighten them again. Getting up very slowly, she slipped over to the patio door opening, entered the bedroom and closed it directly behind her, breathing in relief. Immediately she called for help. It was noon and Rodrigo had just returned. Hearing Isabel, he rushed upstairs.

— Isabel, what's going on here? I heard you calling for help, Rodrigo asked.

— Sorry Padre, but I was very scared. I was lying on the terrace when a swarm of bees, in an unbelievably excited state, swirled around me. I was able to protect myself under a blanket, and I was not bitten, but in my condition, I was very afraid of losing my baby. Fortunately, this blanket saved me.

Puzzled, Rodrigo glanced out onto the terrace and saw the swarm hanging from the pillar. This presence was abnormal. He had to call Ernesto who was the only one who knew bees enough to know what could have happened.

He advised Isabel to lie down on his bed to calm his anxiety and he went downstairs. He then walked towards the vegetable garden in which Ernesto had set up the beehives, when he saw the latter advancing towards him with a rapid step.

— Don Rodrigo, hello. I am looking for a very large swarm of bees. He left his hive. Have you seen him near you?

— Yes, Ernesto, and he almost killed your daughter! Fortunately, she had good reflexes and there is nothing more to fear. The swarm has reformed on the terrace of his room, so go look for him and try to put him back in his hive. Do you have any idea what could have happened? he asked.

— I didn't see anything but there is an unusual smell near the beehive. It is possible that the bees could not stand. I'll move the hive first, and then I'll go get the swarm, if you don't mind.

— You are the specialist! Rodrigo replied, but be careful not to let any enter the room where Isabel is resting.

Rodrigo was puzzled. This panic movement had no logical explanation. It was not a new swarm that had chosen the hacienda to land, it was not Ernesto who had handled the hive, there was still this smell that could have disturbed the bees. He will have to find out what could have caused such a stir.

Suddenly, Rodrigo remembered that Isabel had mentioned, at a previous meal, her sensitivity to injections that prevented her from breathing and her face turned white. It was not possible! He could hardly believe it but was it possible that Elvira could have instigated all this to harm Isabel? Her daughter-in-law had to be quickly removed so that she and her future baby had nothing to fear. He promised to speak to Diego about it that same evening. This time he was determined to make all the painful decisions that were necessary to resolve the problem.

For her part, Elvira, in her room, pretended to be occupied. To give herself some composure, she had launched into an embroidery and was calmly holding the needle in her hand when Rodrigo, drunk with anger, entered without knocking.

— No need to hide your filthy criminal, he yelled. What else have you found to harm our daughter-in-law? Your shenanigans are unbearable to me and I will not take another second to see you attempt to destroy the people who are dear to me. You made an attempt on Isabel's life and that of her child and you have exceeded my tolerance threshold.

Despite the tone and the address with which Rodrigo indicated to her that she no longer had his favors, Elvira did not seem really touched.

This attitude stirred Rodrigo's anger so much that he decided to end it.

— I have no choice but to repudiate you or have you arrested for attempted murder. Prepare your things, you immediately leave this house. I hope your family will take care of you because you no longer have your place in this house.

Fixing Elvira in the eye, he added threateningly.

— If, by chance, I ever agreed to give you a second chance, know that you can only return to the hacienda once you have publicly apologized to your daughter-in-law.

Elvira was shaken. She hadn't anticipated so much rage from her husband. Completely overwhelmed by the reaction, she looked at Rodrigo with an expression of amazement he had never seen her before and he was very satisfied.

— You have an hour to disappear before I kick you out, he finished screaming again. He left, slamming the door violently.

Elvira was taken that same evening to Barcelona. She was trying to retain some dignity, but being forced to return to her father's house was a humiliation and would have an impact on her reputation. The unexpected arrival would not help anything because the servants, fond of worldly gossip, would quickly disseminate the information which did not bode well for her.

Diego did not suspect a thing. When he arrived at the hacienda, he was just coming back from Barcelona and had not passed the car taking his mother. He entered his room and was surprised to find Ernesto, in beekeeping clothes on the terrace, the French window closed. Approaching the window, he saw Ernesto trapping a swarm of bees in a very fine mesh net and decided to wait cautiously inside. Once the operation had been carried out, Ernesto, with both hands taken, knocked on the window with one foot and Diego opened it for him.

— Here I am finished and there is no more risk. They are locked up and nothing more to fear. I will bring them back to the vegetable garden and reintroduce them into their hive. Good evening, Don Diego.

— Thanks, Ernesto. But, how did this happen? How did this swarm land there?

— We really do not know. There was a strange smell near the hive which could explain the panic and desertion. They were probably drawn to the terrace by honey. I found a trace of it on one of the pillars. The situation is under control now. I moved the hive a little further. I will reintroduce the bees there. I will look tomorrow, the origin of the smell and, what could have caused this stampede.

— Perfect! Diego replied. I'll go get Isabel as soon as the swarm is in a safe place.

— Yes, kiss her for me. She's in your mother's room while she waits.

This information intrigued Diego. Isabel even temporarily accommodated in her mother's room!

How was it possible that mother deigned to lend him her room? My absence must have made me miss some delicious exchanges.

In Elvira's room, Isabel had stretched out and appeared to be sound asleep. He came home very slowly, approached her and then sat down. As soon as she saw him, she threw herself on his neck. She was still all shaking and you could see that she had sobbed profusely. They remained without moving for several minutes then Diego asked him:

— What happened my beloved? I'm confused that I've been away when you needed it.

— The bees, whispered Isabel, did you see the bees on the terrace?

— Yes, when I arrived, your father locked them in a transport hive. Did they attack?

— I was half asleep on the bed outside when they appeared, completely panicked. They were flying all over the place, they looked very scared. I just had time to cover myself with the big blanket I had on my feet and luckily I wasn't bitten. But I had a big fright especially for our baby.

— Everything is fine now, he reassured her, they have returned to their hive. You no longer fear anything.

— I'm happy of that. You need to know that your mother is no longer here. Your father sent her away. She went to Barcelona to stay with your grandfather. He is convinced of his involvement in the panic of these bees and of their arrival on the terrace. I believe she can, moreover, this is not the first time that she has attacked me. He had very harsh words against him.

— Do not be worried my beloved. I trust his discernment. I unfortunately believe he could be right. I haven't recognized my mother for several years, precisely since she lost her last child. Looks like she's not the same person at all, let alone the same mother.

Isabel got up to go back to her room, where she lay down again, in an attempt to calm the pain in her stomach. This episode could trigger childbirth before the expected date.

She was not very far from it since there was only one month left.

The rest of the pregnancy passed, however, without further incident. Isabel gave birth to a baby boy who was named Jesus Andrea. Rodrigo wanted to be lenient in going to find Elvira in Barcelona but any privacy was definitely excluded. She moved into a guest room with no fuss.

Rodrigo didn't demand that she make a public apology as he had threatened to do, but it seemed the lesson had paid off as she stood on her guard.

Jesus Andrea was Almondara's first child and his arrival in 1910, in addition to legitimizing Isabel, gave new life to this family which tried to remain united despite the trials.

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