Started with an Overcoat

By HowYaLikeDana

136K 5.8K 6.3K

A simple, chivalrous gesture triggered multiple chains of reactions. Blackpink's Kim Jennie was unprepared fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 43

1.4K 70 100
By HowYaLikeDana

Author's Note: Hi, happy May! Just want to let you know that the previous chapter does not contain any r-18 scenes. No sexy time there, so sorry. I will put a warning ahead if a chapter contains one. I love you! I am very overwhelmed to see that this book has reached 69.3K reads :-( guys, I don't deserve you all.

In this chapter, I just want to let people know that it's okay to hurt and grieve for as long as you want. It doesn't make you weak. It only means you're human. 

Trigger Warning/s: Talk about Suicide, Trauma


"Chacha," Jennie approached the pale girl, successfully pulling her bestfriend into her arms, and whispered into her ear, "Let's go. I won't be filming today."

Taehyung was anxious. He never expected Sooyoung to be Jennie's friend. He never once suspected that Jennie's 'Chacha' is actually Sooyoung. His ex-girlfriend from high school. He wasn't sure how to express himself because he didn't want to make a scene, but he knew he wanted a moment with Jennie.

He needed to talk to her. To explain himself. He didn't like this—the love of his life and ex girlfriend hugging—no, not at all. Not that he has anything to hide, but it seemed too odd and admittedly, he did not like this kind of surprise. His anxiety levels increased ten times more than average when Jennie refused to spare him a glance. What in the world is going on?

Taehyung was getting himself pretty worked up about it when Chahee returned Jennie's hug, still wearing the swirl of questions in her eyes.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, he saw the look of something he couldn't read on Jennie's face and knew that he had to wait until she's ready to talk to him. His eyes followed Jennie until he could no longer see her silhouette, then he slumped back down on his chair and let out a long, shuddering breath.

It was awful. Not being able to go to her. To talk to her. It isn't like he did wrong, no, he knew Jennie wouldn't jump into conclusions like that, and it was reassuring to know that he knew his girlfriend. But still. Waiting was fucking awful.

"Hey, man, you alright?" Joon-gi was quick to notice the dampened mood of his co-star as he drinks from his soda.

Taehyung brought both hands to rub his face and groaned on his palms, "I hate Mondays."

That night, right after dinner, Chahee and Jennie spent the rest of the hours talking in Jennie's trailer. Manager Lee let the girls catch up as she spent her afternoon outside by the picnic tables, typing away in her report and fixing Blackpink's schedule for every member. It was exhausting, but atleast she has a good view of greens of the mountain. Spring has come and love has bloomed, but why is the sky appear dark and gloom?

"Was that really Kim Taehyung?" Chahee managed to croak out, spinning around to face a conflicted Jennie. "It's him, isn't it?" She watched her bestfriend attempting a steadying breath but fail miserably as the emotions overwhelm her, her throat strung tight as she exhales.

"Wow," Chahee mumbled to herself, gripping the front of her shirt just above her chest as she tried to calm down and pull herself together. "I need a drink. I need a drink."

Chahee shot a short, sheepish smile to her bestfriend as she rummages through the refrigerator to grab herself a bottle of soju, then stop short to grab another one. She was quick to take the cap off and drink without grabbing a shot glass. Two, three big gulps in a span of a second, the burn was a welcome.

"Slow down," Jennie bit her lip in worry as she watches her friend contain the surfacing panic attack. It felt like her own was coming too. It was a horrible feeling. "Chacha, please, calm down..."

The thickness of Chahee's inner turmoil broke through for a brief moment when she heard Jennie's voice. "I'm so sorry," Chahee hiccupped, seeing the worry and fear cross Jennie's eyes, as she places the bottle down and sits on the unoccupied couch across from Jennie, "I don't know what's happening. I'm so sorry, Jenjen. I need to think—can't think."

Endless thoughts swirled in Jennie's mind and she wanted to confirm her dreaded suspicions, but one look into her bestfriend's eyes, she knew her priority was making sure Chahee was okay.

"Chacha," Jennie began meeting Chahee's eyes, her palms were sweaty and fidgeting, "I know it isn't my place to ask you to share your past, I respect and love you even if you don't tell me. We've been friends for more than a decade and I—I just want you to be happy. I want you to know that you're important to me and I am here for you."

"Jen," Chahee sniffed, pulling Jennie in a hug. They've been through so much together and nothing can break their friendship. Not now, not ever. It's a beautiful thing to find someone so different from you and yet, someone who gets you for you, and not be judged. "You're my other half, okay? You're important to me too and—" she broke off, knowing she had to tell Jennie now.

"You... Jen, you and Taehyuung?" Chahee whispered, swallowing the lump in her throat. She didn't need an answer to that since she could see it clearly on her dearest friend's face. The painful squeezing in her heart was incredibly depressing. "I saw how he looked at you and I knew."

Chahee released Jennie from her hug as they face each other.

Jennie did not know what to say as she watched the many emotions dance on Chahee's face.

Seeing this, Chahee downed the bottle and chuckled. "Fuck. I'm glad you do because he..." she paused, then released a shaky breath, nodding, "he deserves to be loved the right way. He deserves you."

"Chacha..." Jennie felt her heart swell. "You don't have to force yourself to tell me. It's okay if you're not okay."

"No, I'm not okay," Chahee shook her head, her chin trembling a little, "but I have to tell you. I just—I've been denying myself of the truth and now, it's here. You need to know. It's what you deserve, Jen. I want to tell you. Just—give me a moment."

Jennie knew what to expect. She really did, but when she hears her best friend say it, she still feels like she's been slugged in the stomach.

"He was my first love," Chahee confessed, bobbing her head in a nod before looking far away as if she were recalling the happier days when life was simpler. "Before you came to Chungdam, I studied in Daegu and there, I met Taehyung. He wasn't popular or jaw-dropping handsome at that time, not like Jimin, but he was friendly and kind and sociable."

Chahee met Jennie's stare and gave her a small smile. "I was going through a lot that time. Pressure from my parents was bad, you know how they are. Especially the weekly family dinners with my older cousins where they compared me how put together my cousin's aspirations, dreams, and goals were. I wanted to sing and perform on stage, you know, but coming from a family of pure business and—it's just, it's just hard. I only had my brother." Her voice broke at the end. Chahee used her sleeve to catch her tear.

"Don't force yourself," Jennie insisted after Chahee's smile has faded. "Chacha, it's okay—"

Chahee interrupted by placing a hand over Jennie's. "I am happy for you, Jen. I really am, but it still hurts," Chahee smiled, eyes slowly watering. "I have to tell you. I have to. This is for me."

Jennie only nodded and squeezed Chahee's hand in return.

"Taehyung was a breath of fresh air. I knew he liked me because I usually sing the anthem in the morning in front of the class and he always encouraged me to continue even when the others booed. He was the only consolation I had during those days. He was always so kind and understanding, I know I relied on him. I relied on him too much. He was my happiness, my hope, and I just thought he'd never hurt me."

"Did he?" Jennie had to ask. "Did he hurt you?"

Chahee's face contorted in misery. "No," she answered, bowing her head, "I hurt him. Because it's better to push away people who love you and know they will never leave. But I was wrong because I realized he was hurting too late. He was hurting because of me and still, he chose to stay. Jimin had to punch him in the face for him to wake up. He wasn't staying because he loves me, he was staying because I was alone. I took him for granted... I was a dumb teenager—"

"You weren't dumb. You were going through a lot."

"No, I was. Just because I was in a bad state is not an excuse to treat people like shit. It took me a while to understand it, trust me. I was pretty mean, you know this. I don't even know how you were able to put up with me when we first met," Chahee managed a faint smile of disbelief.

Jennie only rolled her eyes and put a hand over own her heart. "You have to give yourself some credit. You were a bit nicer when I called you out."

"Oh, I remember, girl. Quiet little Jennie telling me off in the middle of Mathematics," Chahee let out a short laugh, while Jennie smiled at her friend's reaction. "We had to stay in the office for like three hours. What a memory."

The start of their friendship began when Jennie was fed up with Chahee's behavior towards the teachers, so she stood up and marched towards Chahee's chair and screamed about not being able to focus in class because of Chahee's loud, potty mouth. Jennie's one of the scary quiet ones in high school and this was the testament. They were both given detentions and were forced to be in one classroom together sitting side by side in the principal's office writing about Chahee's inappropriate behavior and Jennie's temper.

"That was funny," Jennie agreed, remembering the time they climbed out of the window to escape the principal's office. She didn't know why she felt so sad, certainly not because of the history between Taehyung and Chahee, no. It's weird, she thought, as she wrapped her arms around herself. She guessed it had to do with Chahee's internal suffering and she had no clue for years.

"Anyway," Chahee breathed in deeply, "I broke up with him after my brother passed. I just wanted to be alone. I have been thinking about it for weeks and weeks but I was too weak to do it. I knew he didn't deserve to be treated how I treated him but—hell, Jen, I struggled with myself because I didn't want to let him go but at the same time I was so selfish for wanting to keep him. I knew that when we broke up, he had moved on with his life, just like the rest of the world, while there was me... still struggling to accept the past and do what I want to without my family's support. I was angry I was left alone."

Jennie listened on. Every now and then, she would offer the Kleenex box beside her.

"That was fucked up, Jen. I was fucked up. That self-sabotage was destructive and it reflected in all of my relationship with everyone. I had three therapists quit on me for the past 4 months by then. It was—it was bad."

2010 Chahee is very different from today's Chahee. Even Jennie saw Chahee's change. She had broken a lot of trust from most of her family and friends, rebelling and running away multiple times. Getting in trouble with the law for trespassing and just blatantly committed all things a teenager shouldn't do to rile up her parents. It was a destructive phase, and the trust that had been broken for years before it had just started mending.

Once the fragility of trust is broken, it can never be the same again. Just like spouses giving their other halves a second chance after cheating, it can be mended but only time and dedication through actions can possibly tell. Human beings are simple as they are complicated. No one has lived their lives without trust. It's the consequence of life and everybody submits to it.

Jennie is familiar with this. Too familiar.

"You know what I've been through, Cha. What I'm going through and it's a process. When I tried to kill myself," Jennie took a deep breath, slow and steady, holding her bestfriend's gaze as she tears up, "I broke my parent's trust. They had forgiven me, but therapy taught me that forgiveness wasn't the end process, it's a new beginning of a new relationship. And this is continuously being shaped by the very actions that had needed forgiving in the first place."

Jennie's relationship with her parents to date took years to be mended, reformed, reshaped, and reconnected. It was a long journey of constant assurance, patience, fights, and love. They were able to build a once crumbled trust to its own foundation because they choose to be, and it was not easy. Choosing to love and act upon that love were the key ingredients to start trusting again. They were not the same people as they were before, the trust may not ever be the same again, but they still choose to try.

"I remember, I cried beside your hospital bed for days." Chahee's memory of Jennie in the hospital was vivid, but the feelings accompanied the memory was very triggering and raw. "I felt betrayed you did not say anything, I was mad and afraid I would never see your eyes open again. Then, after some time, I realized that I was being a hypocrite because...because I never told you as well and then I understood. I understood you."

"You never said anything."

"I was afraid. I still am," Chahee finally broke down, crying as she presses the heels of her palms against her eyes, "I'm just so scared that I will not—I won't ever feel happy again. I'm so scared nobody would see me anymore. I'm so scared I will be alone and after the disbandment, I was alone again and my family... they were right. I should've never wasted my time in music—"

Jennie didn't want to hear anymore as she pulled her bestfriend in her arms. Her shoulder served as a comfort for Chahee's tears as she tries her best to soothe the crying girl. They sat there for about 20 minutes in silence and the occasional sniffs and sighs occupied the air with Jennie patting Chahee's back.

After a long silence, Jennie quietly mused, "Is it really time wasted if you were happy in those moments? Didn't we vow to love life the best we can when I got out of the hospital? Should we live our lives constantly haunted with the very concept of life unfulfilled just because we think we cannot achieve happiness? Were those small moments when we pray to the stars of our dreams and wake up with the sun as a sign it's a new day to carve new memories and learn and enjoy the moment we have, were they all time wasted?"

Chahee hummed, her lips chapped and nose red. "No, Jen," she answered almost too quiet for Jennie to hear, "I don't think so."

"I don't think so either."

Chahee began once more. "I became a trainee because of him. He had a dream with his friends, and I still relied on him by going through that just so I could keep him close to me, you know. He was the only happiness that I could get. When times were hard, I keep looking for him. Taehyung was understanding about the whole situation, but it just made me feel like shit because I knew I was dragging him down."

"Chahee..." Jennie whispered, her heart ached for her bestfriend. How cruel the demons in our heads could be, she thought, watching her strong bestfriend relived the lowest points of her life.

"I rebelled the most when my brother passed away. He was the only family who understood me but life is too cruel to even spare him."

"Your parents sent you to Seoul. I remember."

"I was grieving and they told me to start attending my prep classes and etiquette lessons. It hadn't been three days," Chahee's voice cracked when a sob escaped her throat. "It's like they didn't lose their son. Like they just forgot about him so easily. How could they sit there at dinner and ask me how my classes are after moving me without permission and the empty chair beside me felt so hollow and it's just too much."

"We all grieve in our own way, but what they did to you was unforgivable. Grief is an unwelcome friend, but it never leaves. We try to cope with the best way we can and I understand, Chacha. I'm really sorry I can't take your pain."

"Remember the times I told you I was called home and skipped school?" Chahee paused, taking a deep breath before she continues, "Well, I just wanted to see Taehyung—I forget why I was sad for a while— and I kept saying that it'll be the last time. But, of course, it took me years. Slowly, I saw him less and less and less."

"I'm so sorry you went through that alone," Jennie said, forlorn. "If only I knew—"

"Jen, you were going through a lot too. Do not ever think that not knowing is your burden to carry. I love you and you're my bestfriend, but this had to happen because it is meant to. So, please, don't do this to yourself."

Jennie wiped her eyes and listened on.

"Do you know why I couldn't forget him after all these years?" Chahee looked towards the window, then turned to Jennie again.

"No, tell me."

"Taehyung accepted my presence. No questions asked and just let me ride the sadness away. It's hard to let go of a person so good like him. Even if I knew he didn't feel anything more than friendship for me."

After a beat, "You still love him," Jennie whispered in recognition.

"I have feelings for him, yes, but I am not sure if it's because of romantic love or if it's the memory of him that I love." Chahee's admittance struck a cord in Jennie's heart, not because she felt conflicted but because she understood what Chahee meant.

"Chacha, I don't know what to say—"

"Please." Listen and stay were uttered in silence.

"A few years ago, I asked him if we could be together again, but he told me he wishes me happiness and that all he could offer was friendship. That," Chahee halted, staring deep into Jennie's eyes, "was the closure I needed, but I was thick-headed. I knew it's really over... I didn't want to, but it was the only way to keep him in my life. I dated a lot of guys, travelled around the world and was happy. Sometimes though, when I go through something difficult, my first instinct was to find a dark memory and remember how I got through. Sometimes, I find myself running from it, travelling helps keep my mind off it, or calling you. When nothing else helps, I search for Taehyung. And when I can't find anything that can help, I just drink until I shut down."


"It's not a healthy coping mechanism, I know. But it worked—works for me."

"I understand, Chacha."

"I know, Jen. You never judged me... so I can never hate you for loving Taehyung. It's so easy to love him, isn't it?"

Jennie sobered up at the mention of her love for Taehyung. "If being me being with him hurts you..."

"Jennie, no." Chahee's eyes screwed in pain even more. "As much as I have been selfish most of my life, I can never, will not ever let myself stop you from being happy. You're my other half. You know me better than myself and I can't—no, Jennie, you're my best friend. I will never forgive myself if you're going to stop yourself from loving him. He makes you happy and I'd rather skin myself than break your heart. You deserve love and he deserves you too."

"If you made that speech just for my happiness, then your eulogy for me better make everyone bawl their eyes out."

"You're such an asshole, Jennie Kim. That was not funny! I literally confessed my soul to you and you joke about me writing a fucking eulogy—"

Jennie quirked her lips in a tiny smile as she watches Chahee sputter and weep over her. "If you let me finish, you'd know that I will tell you that I can never leave him." Then she became somber and her tone quieter and deeper. "I love you, Chacha, but I love him too. And I can't let him go just because you love him. I am choosing to be selfish when it comes to Taehyung."

"It's not being selfish, Jennie. It took you so long to choose what you want for yourself—not what I want nor your parents nor anyone else, but what you want. You're finally choosing your happiness and I am so proud of you, okay? I am," Chahee cried harder, but this time it's filled with relief and gladness.

"Please stop crying now, I promise to take you somewhere nice and make you feel better when we go out next week."

"You always try to, Jen," Chahee attempted another smile, but it was just too pretentious so she dropped it and found herself staring at the beautiful tulip plant placed on top of Jennie's refrigerator, then her eyes trailed all over the indoor potted plants inside Jennie's trailer. "Were those all from him?"

"Yeah, he gives me a different type of plant every morning," Jennie unsurely whispered her answer in hopes it wouldn't hurt her bestfriend.

"I saw the flowers outside the front, they're really pretty. He never gave me a single flower. Not even once." It was true.

Jennie's phone began to ring and Chahee grabbed the free pass to leave.

Chahee excused herself and swept out of the room. She needed to get some air. When she headed out, she brushed past Taehyung and a wave of nausea filled her, but for the first time ever, she felt compelled to talk to him.

To finally free herself.


The man slowed on his step as if expecting for a confrontation. He spun slowly, facing his friend, and spoke, "Sooyoung. Is everything okay?" His eyes darted towards Jennie's trailer and her emotions swell inside her.

Chahee felt her head nod automatically in response. He looked good, healthy even, still she refused to meet his eyes. She will be happy for him. She will be happy for them. "You mean, is Jennie okay?" she offered a smile and the way his expression morph into concern made her heart burn bittersweet. "She's in the trailer. We both needed some alone time since I told her everything."

"Sooyoung, I'm sorry," Taehyung said.

Chahee shook her head, the drawl of his voice made her smile. "No, I think I owe you an apology after all these years. I was quite persistent, ne? I'm really sorry, Taehyung. I am."

Rubbing a hand across his scalp, Taehyung wondered why she felt the need to. Their friendship ended the same time their relationship ended in reality. It was such a long time ago, and he never felt like she should apologize for that. They were just kids.

"We were just teenagers. We made mistakes, it's normal. We grew up, don't apologize for that."

"You were too nice to tell me off and I needed that reality check. I relied on you too much. I am so sorry."

"Sooyoung, I don't think you needed a reality check. I think you know what you needed to do and how to live your life, you're just scared sometimes you need a reminder of the past. That's okay. It's okay to be scared and hold onto what you know, but it's holding you back from becoming a better person and from the happiness you deprive yourself from," Taehyung elaborated further.

"It's so scary," Chahee admitted, her voice becoming small. Her eyes still felt dry and tired from all the crying she did earlier as she flicked her eyes towards Taehyung's shoulder, focusing on the swaying dandelion behind him. "How did you do it?"

"If I don't push myself to be better, who would?" Taehyung answered, his expression thoughtful. "I wanted to be better because of the people I surround myself with. I wanted to be good to them because it makes me happy when they are happy. It wasn't always easy but I grew up."

When Chahee did not respond, Taehyung continued, "It's okay to be scared. We all get scared. You know what's not okay? Letting that fear stop you."

After a beat, Chahee pursed her lips and nodded. "You've changed a lot and it's nice—I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. I've gotten taller and I play golf now," Taehyung boasted.

"Thanks to Jennie's dad, I suppose," Chahee smiled.

The sheepish smile crossed his face before he rolled his eyes. "He told me I played decent for a first timer. I scored higher than him and he called me mundane. Mr. Kim is a hard man to please, a total opposite of his daughter."

"Jennie is easy to please, but it makes you want to show her better. She looks so happy every time." Chahee's smile grew fonder. "It's good to spend time with her dad. Got his approval yet?"

"Getting there. It's Mama Kim's approval that matters the most to Jennie, anyway," Taehyung laughed, tilting his head towards Jennie's trailer as his eyes unconsciously search for his girlfriend.

"I'm really happy to hear and see you like this. Do you love her?"

Chahee wasn't sure what had possessed her to ask him in the first place. It had been innocent, teasing even, of course. The surprise on Taehyung's face was momentary before it became wistful. She got his answer before he even opened his mouth to respond.

"I do," Taehyung answered, feeling a smile tugging at his lips, "I love her."

"Good, because if not, I will—"

"I am in love with her. She has my heart." It's real and it's true.

Chahee blinked at him, silently stunned at the sincerity in Taehyung's voice. Observing him, she has never seen him like this. It was clear that he wasn't lying and Chahee tipped her head down in acceptance.

She wondered if the reason of her chest expanding was because of the weight of his words, how genuine and raw it sounded, throwing her back to those romance movies she forced Jennie to watch with her and questioning if a love like that could possibly exist off screen—

Or because she knew he meant every word he said and she was faced with the reality that they can never be. Maybe in another life, but even then, would fate allow them be? If not, she would still be grateful she experienced a great first love she would treasure in her memories.

And she would be happy.

"I'm—I'm glad. This is a lot to take in, and it's all very overwhelming. I may not be happy now, but I'll be happy for you two. You have my support. You and Jennie deserve the happiness," Chahee said in full honesty. If there were only two people in the world who deserve the last oxygen tanks, she'd give one to Jennie and the other to Taehyung no questions asked.

"You deserve to be happy too. It's okay to forget about the past and the pain. It's okay, Sooyoung-ah. Don't hold yourself back and start living your life. I'm rooting for you, alright?"

Finally, Chahee met his eyes and felt calmed. Her eyes watered and she refused the handkerchief he offered. Hearing it from Taehyung felt like a goodbye, and she knew this chapter of her life has ended. She has to make space for new beginnings for herself and her dreams, and although the lessons are far from over, it would serve as good memories as she stacked it up on the shelf in her heart.

"That belongs to Jennie," was all she said (you belong to Jennie was what she meant) before she walked away, searching for a spot to be alone.

It takes an incredible amount of strength to walk away from your first love, knowing full well they would always hold a piece of your heart.


Rain pelted down the trailer so hard Jennie swore it was actually hailing. There's no use in waiting for it to stop, it was not going to let up. As it was she knew Chahee would most likely be sleeping on her bed tonight and she would lay a blanket on the floor, knowing how much of a nuisance Chahee could be when sleeping, tossing and turning the whole night, Jennie slumped against the seat facing her small dinner table and it has the clear view of Taehyung's trailer.

Manager Lee was dozing off on the small couch, exhausted and passed out. Always a fan of the rain, Jennie knew it was a lullaby for her manager. Jennie had updated her mother of Chahee's visit. News of Rosé and Jimin's fight reached her ears only after she called Jisoo, and Jennie was determined to check up on Rosé. Lisa brought Rosé in her new flat somewhere north of Seoul with a couple of girl friends.

"Did you know what happened?"

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone and a couple of voices chattering at the background before Lisa spoke up, "She's not talking to us about it, but she's binge-watching a british show on Netflix and eating more ice cream than I could remember. I've never seen her this way, unnie. Jisoo unnie would finish her schedule in an hour and I think she'd probably come here tomorrow."

"Oh," Jennie released a long breath and answered quietly, "where's your location? I think I can drop by there if it isn't too far."

"Not too far from yours, I think. But, unnie, it's raining hard right now—"

"I think I need some time to think alone too. I need to see you and Chaeng, Lali. I'll drive safe, you know this."

Another strike of thunder rumbled. The ground quaked. "Unnie, I don't think it's a good idea. Just visit me when you get another free time, okay?"

"Babe, I'm booked until the end of the week. I'll be back here before sunrise."

"I'll ask if Bam can pick you up, hold on."

"Lali, I have my car. You don't have to ask anyone else."


Jennie was reminded of how motherly Lisa could be. She often forgets that Lisa has children. 5 naughty kids at home. She wondered how Lisa manages all her cats and still has time for herself. Every time Jennie visits Lisa's place, it was always a mess.

"I texted Jungkook to tell Taehyung-oppa to send you here. Sent him our location and he said he's standing outside your trailer right now."

"Lalisa—!" Then the call ended.

Jennie drew in a deep breath as she fixed her clear plastic raincoat. With hurried steps, she grabbed her phone and bag, pocketing her keys and making sure everyone is asleep. She quietly opened the door and found Taehyung standing with an umbrella in the middle of the rain.

It didn't matter what happened earlier, her heart still pounded when he approached her, breath hitching and tongue tied. She looked as flustered as she feels and this did not escape his notice.

"Hi," Taehyung called out first, angling the umbrella towards her. "Are you ready?"

Jennie casted him a wave and joined him under the umbrella. "Hey, sorry about Lisa. She shouldn't have bothered yo—"

Taehyung craned his head downwards, leaning towards her. The uneasiness slowly dissipating as he musters up his courage. "She did the right thing. I'll drive you there."

Jennie was not sure which was louder, her heart or the thundering sky. "I just—I don't know what to say to you right now," she ruefully admitted. "And I don't want you to worry. Just need some time to think."

"I understand. I will worry if you insist on going alone though. At least let me drive you there. Is that okay?"

A grateful smile formed on her lips as she nodded. "Of course." Taehyung felt settled at this as he leads her to his car. He wouldn't know what to do if she leaves alone in this weather. The road was slippery and covered in thick fog.

The drive to Lisa's place didn't take more than 15 minutes. As soon as they arrived, Taehyung and Jennie proceeded inside the exclusive building, still wearing their mask and hat. Jennie rubbed her hands together and Taehyung reached over and blew his warm breath over her cold hands.

Taehyung's lips ghosted over her fingers as he stared at her. "Your hands are cold."

"You can keep them warm," Jennie pointed out.

A smirk forced its way out of his mouth. "I can and always will."

The elevator opened and they both walked towards Lisa's apartment. Jennie almost tripped over her legs as soon as she spotted Lisa's door. Good thing Taehyung was holding her hand or she would've face planted on the carpet. She wondered how Rosé's fairing. Once they got to Lisa's door, Jennie turned to face Taehyung.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Jennie said, squeezing his hand. "I'm worried about her."

"Of course, I'll pick you up in the morning," Taehyung gestured for the door, knocking twice before pulling her hand to his mouth. He kissed the back of her hand and murmured, "I love you."

Jennie's heart stopped. Then raced. Her hand buzzed in energy, as though electricity was generated where his lips touch.

"I love y—"

"Thank goodness, you're both here!"

The loud voice startled the quiet lovers as Jennie jumped closer to Taehyung. Jennie's face was of utter dislike as three smiling girls pull her in. Taehyung, who's face was beet red, was left standing in the hallway moved once he saw a few familiars inside Lisa's home. He removed his shoes and searched around the place. A white cat meowed at the sight of him and was quick to come towards Jennie's foot. The cat stared at Taehyung and he was unnerved.

On Taehyung's left, he could see Hyeri and another girl he didn't know were in the kitchen. IKON's DK and Chanwoo snoring on the sofa, while Lisa and Yeri fill Jennie in with what happened. BamBam was out picking up the pizza they ordered across the street.

Taehyung greeted everyone as he made his way towards Jennie. Lisa arched an eyebrow before excusing herself with Yeri as the other visitors watch Jennie and Taehyung.

"Is that Kim Taehyung?" Ladies' Code Ashley whispered non-too discreetly into Hyeri's ear. "He's so handsome."

It was loud enough for Jennie to hear as she narrowed her eyes in agreement and displeasure, making Lisa giggle at the corner.

"I'm going now, princess. I'll see you in the morning," Taehyung informed his girlfriend. He looked deep into her eyes as he noticed her worry. "Don't worry too much, okay? Call me if you need anything." He tucked a lose hair at the back of her ear.

"I can't let you drive now. The weather's worse," Jennie bit her lip, brows furrowing as she checks the window on her left. Then, she gazed back, capturing his stare, "Stay."

"I thought you wanted to be alone."

"I do, but I can't let you leave now in this weather. Look outside."

Taehyung blew a breath and clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "I wonder if we'd be able to shoot tomorrow with this much rain and wind. I didn't expect a storm."

"Just stay here for now." Jennie moved her head to look at Lisa. "Hey, you have another spare room for me and Tae?"

"Yes, unnie. I have 6 rooms. You can take the one at the end of the hallway near the bathroom," Lisa answered casually.

"They're sleeping together?" Yeri arched an eyebrow.

"As if you never slept with a guy ever," Lisa bit back.

"Zipping my mouth right now."

"Will you stay?"Jennie ignored the others as she met Taehyung's eyes again.

"Of course, I will," Taehyung murmured. "As long as you want me to."

"We'll talk later, okay? Chaeng needs me," Jennie hummed when Taehyung nodded.

"Ohmygod! How can you live and watch this everyday?" Hyeri loudly hollered across the kitchen with her hands covering her eyes. "I thought we're here for Chaeyoung-ah. I didn't ask for this!"

Ashley and Yeri looked away to give the two some privacy, but kept their ears glued to hear some more. 

"Well, I did! So shut up!" Lisa yelled back as she held her smiles to herself, cooing at the sight. "Please, continue." She motioned her hand wildly and waited for more heart-warming moments to unfold.

Jennie rolled her eyes as Taehyung let himself be amused, pulling Jennie to his side. He dropped his head and whispered into Jennie's ear, "Let's meet at Chaeyoung's room. You go ahead and I'll bring tea."

"Sounds good." 

Taehyung sets out to his task and before Jennie could leave, she announces loud and clear, "Everyone, Taehyung's my boyfriend. You can't flirt with him." Just because she can.

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