
By Leo_Lucky

112K 3.6K 342

Solenne is a girl trying to kill the Vampire Queen out of pure hatred. But will she be able to? Or will she e... More

Part 33
part 34
part 35
Chapter 37
part 36
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40


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By Leo_Lucky

Chapter 21

After a few days,

We reached the human empire. "How long do we have to travel?" Arina asked. "Not much. But the journey ahead will be comfortable. As we're in human world. So, we can travel by jeep" I said.

We left our horses at a stable and I rented a jeep. We got in and i started the jeep. We kept riding and there was a village in a mountain. We reached the gates and I stopped the jeep.

"Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?" A young guy asked. Whom I've never seen before.

"Stay here" I said to Arina, she scowled but nodded nonetheless. I got out of car. And the young boy raised his gun in a defensive mode.

"Solenne, what a wonderful surprise?" A man in his fifties said walking towards me. His name is Jax.

"Jax, I'm here to meet Nicholas" I said. 
"You can come in as you've the Nicholas's permission to come in whenever you want but your friend can not. At least not without permission" Jax said.

"It's important. I'm here to meet Nicholas so I'll explain to him" I said and he nodded. "Let her in" he said to the boy and I walked to the jeep. The gate opened and I drove in. The gates closed behind us.

"Try not to get caught as a vampire" I said she nodded and we got out of the jeep.

"Let's go. We'll have to meet Nicholas right away, if we want you to get the permission to stay here" I said walking away.

Arina followed me. I reached a house and knocked on the door. Someone opened the door and she smiled and hugged me. Her name is Haley and she's the daughter of the rebels leader.

"I didn't know you were coming" she said. "Yeah, Neither did I until a few days ago" I said and she furrowed her brows but before she could say something I interrupted her and asked "Where's Nicholas?"

"Dad's in a meeting. You'll have to wait" she said and I nodded. "Until then you can tell me about this pretty girl with you" Haley said whispered to me but I'm pretty sure Arina heared because of her super hearing.

"She's a friend of mine" I said and she said "Just friend? Are you sure?" I shook my head and said "you should stop reading so much romantic novels" before she could say something else.

The door to the meeting room opened and Nicholas walked out. "Solenne, pleasure to meet you" Nicholas said walking to me and hugged me.

"You too buddy" I said. "So what brings you here?" He asked. He is a straight forward man and doesn't believe in pleasantries.

"I'm here to discuss something important with you but I also need permission for her to stay" I said pointing towards Arina.

"Sure. But we'll discuss important matters later first let's eat" he said. I nodded and followed him to dining room along with Arina.

We sat on the dining table. "Let's start" he said and Arina looked at me. "You should eat too. Any friend of Solenne is a friend of mine" Nicholas said looking at Arina.

"Nick, she can't eat this food" I said. "Why not?"

"Because she is a vampire" I said. "She's a vampire and you dared to bring her here that's not what I expected from you" he exclaimed angrily.

"Guards" he said and in a instant at least a dozen man with their swords aimed at Arina's and mine neck came out.

Arina and I can easily handle all of them but if we want co-operation we can't cause any bloodshed.

I looked at Arina as she was about to attack. Our eyes met and I motioned for her to stand still.

"Nick listen to me. There's a reason as to why she's here" I said calmly. "Give me one reason not to kill both of you at this instant" he hissed.

"You know how much I hate vampire queen and how much I want to kill her. And you know why. Do you really think I would forget it so easily?" I said and at this something flickered in his eyes.

He motioned for guards to lower their swords. And looked at me expectantly "Explain yourself" he said.

"I'm sure you know about rising rebellion in vampire kingdom" I said and he asked "what about it?"

"Those rebels want the vampire queen to take the remaining half of the world, enslaving humans"

"What else can be expected from those bloodsuckers?" He hissed and Arina scowled.

"Anyways, the vampire queen is against it and wants to surpress this rebellion." I said.

"What does this have to do with us?" He asked looking at me.

"Everything. You know there are continuous attacks on human cities. Those attacks are done by rebels of vampire kingdom" Arina said.

"And what do you want from us?" Nick asked.

"We want you to help us in eradicating those vampires and maintain peace" she replied.

"So you want us to do your dirty work. I as the leader of this village refuse to help you. You have till midnight to get out of this village" he said turning his back to us.

"Nick at least think about this. Hundreds of children are being killed by those rebels in a span few days. Besides you don't have to decide anything right now. You can meet with vampire queen and I'm pretty sure you can come to an agreement with her"  I said looking at him.

"Dad, at least think it" Hayley said walking into the room. "Haley, you better stay out of this" Nick said sternly.

"Dad, Solenne is my friend. I'm not staying out of it" she said looking him in the eyes.

"Then what do you suggest? We give into those monsters?" He said angrily.

"There's no harm in meeting the vampire Queen. Besides, if there's a peaceful way to make things better for humans. Then we should try it"she said gently this time.

"I-I'll think about it. Till then you can stay in the village. But if she caused any trouble, then none of you are making out of here alive" he said looking between me and Arina.

Arina was about to say something by I grabbed her hand silencing her and said "Sure and thank you for this" I said and we walked out of there.

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