• Bees and Boos •

By xShadowedx

12.4K 517 461

{ READ BEFORE READING FANFIC.} Tubbo x Ranboo is this fanfic. Working on two at once. Send me help . Note thi... More

• CSGO •
• Tag, You're it •
• Snuggles..? •
• Woah, what? •
• The Goat and the Unknown •
• Stay away. •
•Soul of the End, Heart of Forver•
• Blubbles. •
Christmas Incidnet
• He can sing? •
Please Read!
• Tag. You're it. •
• Blood across the walls. •

• He Chased Me and He Wouldn't Stop. •

361 14 6
By xShadowedx

{ 2 days later. Ranboo's POV }

   It was back.
I struggled to fight it off.
Trying to hide i was fighting it off made it worse. And with Aimsey and Bill there, who were completely human, I didn't want to hurt or frighten them. Mid streams i would have to step outside to fight it off.
It was back.

{ A day later. }

I gave out.

{3rd person omniscient.}

A loud Enderman screech echoed from the side of the house. Tubbo's head flung up from their game of UNO.
"What was that..?" Bill asked, concerned.
"I'm not sure. I'll go check, you guys stay here." Tubbo said. "And if I scream thats when you come running for me."

Tubbo quietly slid open the screen glass door and stepped outside of the house. Gentle with every step he walked towards where the aggressive Enderman noises were coming from. Thats when he saw it. Glowing purple eyes, like the most beautiful amethyst you would ever see. Black-ish skin like the night sky. Ranboo's skin was slip though. Some parts of his body were enderman, others were human. Some... were both. (A/N: I'll put a decent enough drawing/Photo of what ranboo looks like at the end.) Tubbo stared in awe. He even forgot to not look in the eyes.
"⌇⏁⍜⌿ ⟟⏁!" Ranboo yelled in enderman. Tubbo came back to reality. He noticed it first thing. Ranboo's jaw. It could unhinge itself. It waa unhinged. Teeth as sharp as the tip of the sharpest blade covered 2 layers of his mouth. Tubbo stumbled back. Ranboo walked closer. Tubbo didn't think if hiding Ranboo's secret until they were in front of the glass door. Tubbo didn't even notice. He kept walking backwards.
"Easy, Ranboo... You dont have to hurt anyone..." Tubbi tried to calm them.
Tubbo's back hit the fence. Ranboo stood over him, his eyes glowing on Tubbo's face. Thats when Tubbo...
Started to cry.
He was frightened of Ranboo in this state. Tubbo was always afraid of death. That'd never change.
Tubbo, out of pure flight or fight, made a run for it. He ran through the side of the house and into the street. Tubbo halted to a stop. Ranboo's footsteps got closer. Tubbo's house was in a decently deserted area, and most of the houses were for sale. But since the area was in such low condition, nobody bought them. Tubbo ran down the road, Ranboo chasing behind him.
Tubbo fell against the pavement. He turned his body to be sat and slowly edged backwards against the pavement.
His back hit a Stop sign.
Ranboo stood in front of Tubbo.

Tubbo, then screamed.

Hello! Ans thank you for whiever commented the 'He chased me through the parking lot' thing, it was what gave me the inspiration for the title!

Anyways murdererboo how do u like that

Also heres drawing:

Goodbye ^^

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