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Third Person Omniscient.

Billzo and Aimsey ran to the scream, to see a trail if blood, leading to the woods. Aimsey ran after it. Billzo raced behind her. Aimsey started running faster. And faster. And faster. She didn't even know how fast she was running.
"Aimsey!! Wait up!,, Billzo screamed. Aimsey slowed down, but didn't stop running.

She suddenly stopped. "Halt.,,
Billzo stopped. Thats when he saw it.

A human arm.

Billzo screamed bloody murder. Aimsey stared and picked it up off the ground. She shoved it in her bag and kept waling. Billzo hesitantly followed.

They states silent for most of the walk until they heard muffled yelling.
"TUBBO!!,, Aimsey yelled, running at the muffled yelling. Tubbo was tied to a tree, his mouth covered with some type of scale duck tape. She ripped it off. "Sorry if that hurt." She said, as she struggled to untie him.
The sound of a branch breaking send a shivered up her spine. She couldn't get the knot to undo. She grabbed it and bit down on it, trying to untie it with her teeth.
The footsteps only edged closer.
She finally untied Tubbo and gestured him away, but as she followed behind..
The loud sound of something snapping. Tubbo spun around to see a bear trap.

It wasn't a bear that was trapped.

It was Aimsey.

Aimsey stared at her now bleeding leg. Blood pulsed out of it like a river.
"Go Tubbo! I'll be fine! Go find Billzo, and be careful!,, Aimsey yelled. Tubbo nodded and ran through the woods.
Snarling, and growling...
Aimsey couldn't see what was behind her. She felt something run gently through her hair. She shivered, and shut her eyes, hoping it was all just a nightmare.

She then felt air on her leg. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down to see the beartrap was gone. She took a step forwards.
Two arms circled around her. The arms were mainly pitch black, but some tan parts stood out. She stiffined.

Tubbo and Billzo made it back to Aimsey.


Aimsey's head fell to the grass.

And Ranboo teleported away.


Sorry no gore warning ._.

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