The Dark Warrior of Remnant.

By MysteryDude301

52K 778 239

This will be a male reader insert. Our story will begin with a young man who sacrificed his own life for a ra... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.

Chapter 12.

1.3K 24 2
By MysteryDude301

Y/n's Pov:
Once Vrak awoke, I did my best to approach him carefully.

Vrak; "What are you doing, human? Stay away!"

Weiss; "Are you sure about this? He doesn't seem to trust us"

& I turned my attention to the gang.

Y/n; "I'm sure. I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't"

& I turned back to Vrak & approached him again.

Vrak; "Do you want to perish too?"

Y/n; "Tell me something. What's the last thing you remember?"

Vrak; "Like I would ever tell. ...but, there is something. I was about to defeat the Megaforce rangers, but they used the same power of the solar eclipse I was using against me, & the red ranger came diving down on me in quite a rage &... oh my, I thought I was destroyed for good this time"

Zen Aku; "You were barely alive when we found you"

Y/n; "Right. Now, this may sound hard to believe, but your actually no longer on Earth nor in the same universe"

Vrak; "What? What are you saying?"

& I went ahead & explained to Vrak what happened with the Megaforce rangers & his father's alien armada & that the Warstar Empire is no more & that his father has been destroyed. In addition, I also told him of the world he's in now.

Vrak; "So, it seems that the rangers truly did save their planet. & the world I'm in now is called Remnant. Am I accurate?"

Y/n; "Correct"

Vrak; "As the last surviving member of the Warstar, I really am alone now"

Y/n; "Maybe so, but you now have a chance to start over again with a clean slate"

Vrak; "& why exactly are you doing this?"

Y/n; "'Cause if there's anything I've learned from where you & the Power Rangers are from, it's that not all villains are evil. There are some villains that finally opened their eyes & decided to change sides for the better"

Zen Aku; "Yeah, like me. I was once an enemy of the Wild Force rangers, & they managed to defeat me twice. When Master Org was finally defeated & destroyed for good, I've been on a journey for redemption through the Multiverse"

Y/n; "Yeah. & he saved me from perishing by the hand of Necrolai, a enemy of the Mystic Force rangers who is here now. This is proof that it is possible for villains to change their ways"

Yang; "Whoa! That's quite something"

Vrak was just sitting there in the bed giving what I explained to him some thought about all of this.

Vrak; "...Since it's possible that the Warstar armada has indeed perished, then maybe it is time for me to start over. What can I do now?"

Y/n; "Me & Zen Aku represent Team Dark here in Beacon Academy, & it's required that we need upto 4 members. & there's only 2 of us, which makes up ½ of our team. From what I've seen during your time against the rangers, you're 1 of the smartest intergalactic beings I've ever seen. What do you say? Want to be part of the team? 'Cause now, I believe that the formation of the team is made from the members who have a dark past & are still making up for what they did from their past"

& Vrak looked at both me & Zen Aku assessing the situation.

Vrak; "It's clear to me that your both capable fighters. But you each have a vital role in your team. Judging by some of the bandages on me, my guess is that Zen Aku provides the natural healing remedies in case anyone got injured bad in case you can't get to a doctor in time. As for you, you seem to be the type of person that keeps your team together no matter what. From what I can see, I think your team is in need of someone who has a good IQ, good with technology, & observational for battle strategies. Maybe I can fill that spot. ...Very well, I'm in"

Ruby; "Whoa. That was easier than we thought"

Pyrrha; "Now that makes 3 members for your team"

Ren; "That just leaves you with finding 1 more teammate"


As the 2nd semester started going through, Vrak actually got along with all of us really well.
As the weekend came, it was just me, Zen Aku & Vrak in our dorm.

Vrak; "So let me get this straight. You're trying to prevent the Grimm Queen, hence, Salem from bringing a possible prophesied apocalypse to this world by peaceful means"

Zen Aku; "& you got Roman Torchwick as an inside informant to try & get the schematics for a virus that'll involve the possible 'Fall of Beacon'?"

Y/n; "That about sums it up"

& just then, a message came up on my scroll. It was from Roman! & there's an attachment to it. So I opened it.

"Y/n, it wasn't easy. There were White Fang guards around every corner you look. But with Neo helping, we managed to find the virus that Cinder is in possession of, just like you said. Neo managed to analyze the schematics & copied the data attached to this message without anybody knowing. We'll be standing by for your message when your anti-virus program is ready"

Y/n; "Guys, Roman did it. Now we got the schematics for the virus"

Vrak; "Looks like this is where I come in"

We managed to get the computer up & running. I hooked up my scroll, & uploaded the virus schematics to the computer.

Vrak; "From what I'm analyzing, the program for the virus is quite complex & can be used for various different types of purposes. The human who designed this is quite skilled & smart in technology & science"

Y/n; "The guy's name is Dr.Arthur Watts. He's the brains of Salem's organization. The virus is likely to be used in the upcoming Vytal Festival Tournament, to help develop as much negative emotional responses as possible to attract the Grimm to the Academy & commence the start of the Fall of Beacon"

Vrak; "My theory exactly. Dr.Watts has programed quite a challenging virus. He sure is smart for Remnant, but not for me & my advanced IQ for being in space. Ok, you say that the anti-virus protection program needs to be ready by the time the upcoming dance comes?"

Y/n; "Precisely"

Vrak; "Well then, with my brains, I can get it ready by a few days before the dance arrives"

Y/n; "That'll give Roman & Neo enough time to get ready when that night approaches"

Apparently, Team RWBY along with Sun & Neptune went out to investigate White Fang activities I was able to tell them about earlier, & Blake's scroll called mine, so I answered it, putting it on speaker.

Y/n; "Blake, what's going on?"

Blake; "(on speaker) Y/n! Roman is piloting a mech suit from Atlas around Vale right now, & we're trying to stop it! We already lost Sun & Neptune somewhere on a bridge & we need help!"

Y/n; "Vrak, do you think you can hack the surveillance cameras to find them?"

Vrak; "Way ahead of you!"

& Vrak already brought up the live feeds & quickly found RWBY!

Vrak; "Quite a mech suit. I've already found it's weak points. Team RWBY, listen carefully!"

& Vrak & I already explained to them on how to take it down & we witnessed what took place.

(2:13 - 4:51.)

Vrak; "Wow. Those friends of yours knew what they were doing"

Blake; "(on speaker) Thanks, Y/n & Vrak. We got him"

Just as Yang was about to nail Roman, a particular female came in & shielded him from Yang's attack.

Zen Aku; "Looks like somebody has a thing for a certain variety of ice cream"

Y/n; "Team RWBY, listen carefully. That's Neopolitan. Her semblance allows her & whoever she's with to blend in with crowds & leave behind glass copys of herself & her companions to escape particular situations like this 1. & she's capable of holding her own in a fight, so don't underestimate her"

Ruby; "(on speaker) Thanks for the heads up, Y/n"

Unfortunately, Yang was already going in to attack & ended up shattering the copys Neo made & both her & Roman escaped.

(5:02 - 5:47 in the video above the picture.)

Y/n; "Don't worry about it, girls. There's always next time. For now, come back to Beacon. Sun & Neptune can find their way back"


Once Team RWBY got back & turned in for the night, I was heading back to my team's dorm when I ran into 3 very familiar people.

Y/n; "Judging from the uniforms your wearing, you 3 came from Haven Academy to compete in the Vytal Festival Tournament, am I correct?"

Mercury; "Right. We're Team CMNE. My name is Mercury"

Cinder; "I'm Cinder, the team leader"

Emerald; "& I'm Emerald. Nice to meet you- ...wait a minute"

& Emerald walked closer to me & took a closer look at my face.

Emerald; "...No way! Cinder, this is Y/n L/n from that workout video we saw!"

Mercury; "Whoa, seriously?! What a surprise!"

Cinder; "Well, it's nice to finally meet you face to face. & the music you used is quite entertaining unlike what we listened to anywhere on Remnant, & I must say that you're more dashing & handsome in person"

Emerald; "You'll get no argument from me on that"

Y/n; "Thanks, (aside) I guess. (normal) If you're looking for your dorm, it's back that way behind you"

Cinder; "Thanks back. Well, we'll see you in class"

& they turned around & walked back to their dorm.

Y/n; "See ya. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better"

& Cinder & Emerald briefly turned their heads & both shot me a flirtatious wink at me as they walked around the corner. Are they developing a crush on me too? Oh boy, what am I getting myself into?

End of Chapter 12.

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