Ophelia : A story of a privat...

By IsabellaYin

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Ophelia has been homeschooled from the very young age , until her parents suddenly decided to put her in a no... More

Normal School
New School
Busted Knees
Childhood Promise
Mafia Connection
PE Class
Bagel,Bottle & Bianca
To be or not to be a Giovanni
Happy Birthday Ophelia!
School Court
Double Date
Old Souls
Bianca 2.0
Marjorie goes to camp
This is just the first day
Ghost Stories
The number Two
Five things about you
Love is a rebel, that cannot be tame
Not so slow today
The Perfect Prefect
The Devil's Trill
The Void
But no one ever asked, How's Portia?
The storm clouds are gathering over Marjorie
The storm is here...in Marjorie
Match of the Year
Close encounter with the ex-girlfriend
Escapist Mentality
Knock! Knock! Whose up?
Kidnapping & Torturing for a Dummy
Each one claiming the territory
And the babies goes to...
We're in this together!
Principal Marjoriana
Things you do for love
The flower found the stem back
This is how marriage life for the young couples
Our mother Ophelia!
Peace now, War later

Ice Cream

232 14 0
By IsabellaYin

Ophelia didn't even fully put her attention on Bianca ,who is now talking about how Ophelia biography will be display on the very front page of the school newspaper with the title 'New girl from homeschool'. Ophelia actually still very much dislike the idea , but Bianca has helped her so much , so in the end she just accepted it. 

What cause her mind to drift were the conversation between her and Aria at the class earlier. Is it really going to be a date ?.

Again she tried to dismiss the thought , it's definitely not a date. This is just the way for Aria to forgive what Ophelia said to her. Just two normal high school girls having ice cream together , she guessed. Although Ophelia did admit in her mind , if it's really a date somehow it made her fluttered. After all , who doesn't want to have a date with the most popular girl in school ?

"Ophelia, look !".When Bianca nudged her , her attention turned to the three girls at the cafeteria. As a punishment for their 'disobedience' , Emilia , Cassidy and Heather were ordered to clean all the tables in the cafeteria. "Come on , let's greet them.". Ophelia smirked while nodding her head excitedly . They both arrived at the cafeteria pretending not to acknowledge the three girls presence around them.

"Bianca let sit here.". Ophelia chose the table that has been clean by Emilia previously. The latter watched Ophelia with a dislike on her eyes but she couldn't do anything as she still being monitored by one of the waiter who got a direct order from the principal.

"Pierre!".Bianca called the waiter , who instantly let out an exhausted sigh when he noticed it's the girl who always order something weird. "Two bottle of cokes please.". Bianca ordered somehow make the waiter stunned for her normal request. He didn't ask any further though , and immediately give the girls their order. "Thank you."

"Bianca wait !". Ophelia stopped her friend from opening the coke , her voice were intentionally loud enough for the three girls to hear. "Lets do what normal people always did when they were going to open a coke...."

"Oh yeah!".Bianca also raise her voice. "SHAKE IT !!!". The two said in the same time before shaking their bottles repeatedly. As expected , when they opened the cap , the little bubbles were seeping out from it , ended in a mess onto the clean table. "Oh shit ! Ophelia look what we've done!".Bianca said dramatically trying so hard to held her laughter.

"My bad! Don't worry though , someone will clean this table again VERY soon."

Fed up with the humiliation, Emilia threw the tablecloth onto Ophelia's table harshly. She slammed her hands against it , looking at the brunette fiercely with so much anger. "You think this is funny huh ?! I know you're the one who framed me ! Just you watch , I will never let this one go !"

Ophelia chuckled , standing up to the girl who almost in the same height as her. "What are you talking about ? Do you even have any proof ?". Her blue eyes countered the glare equally.

"I probably don't have any proof right now.".Emilia pointed her finger. "But I swear I will make your life suffer here to the point you feel regret to ever step in this school !"

Actually, Ophelia already did feel that way with or without Emilia's threat."Try me!".Both girls eyes fill with hatred towards each other. If it keep going , cat fight would be inevitable. To prevent it , Bianca immediately pulled Ophelia to her side. Last thing she wanted is to get involve and also get punishment from the principal is she caught them in a fight.

"Ophelia..i think we have to go now.". Nervously Bianca said , while glancing at the waiter who alerted by the little commotion. "Come on.". She pulled Ophelia by the arms , it was hard at first but finally the brunette let her , taking her outside the cafeteria.

"I'm sure it's her.".Whispered Cassidy to Emilia.

"Yeah , I'm not going to let this one go.". Emilia watched as the two girls go , she vowed to her self to take revenge on Ophelia. There's nobody can mess with Emilia.

"Excuse moi mademoiselles.". The three girls turned to the waiter. "I hate to interrupt your Le high school feud , but you still have work to do.". He pointed to the dirty table. The three girls growled , then continue their work. "pardonne moi , I was just told by le principal."

"Hahahaha..Did you saw how their faces when we spilled the coke ?!". Bianca laughed , sure it was a nerve wrecking experience standing up to Emilia's act and all but she admit it was fun and want to do it again , especially with her new friend Ophelia.

"Haha yeah that was hilarious ! If you didn't pull me though, I already hit her you know."Ophelia rolled her eyes , it would be satisfying if she fight that girl. Well actually she never fight before , but it would be fun if she did it the first time with someone she dislikes the most.

"I know , but as a friend I just don't want you to be in trouble.". Ophelia smiled , feeling so happy that Bianca also called her as friend.

Ophelia's attention were interrupted to the blonde girl who's looking at the bulletin board. As if Rosalind know someone looking at her , she then turned , a smile forming on her lips as her hand waving. Ophelia was smiling too and about to wave back , but she stopped when someone walked pass her greeting Rosalind.

"Hi I was looking for you.". The woman said in a high pitched voice.

"Really ? What happened?". Rosalind asked to the woman , that also the time Ophelia realized Rosalind wasn't smiling nor waving at her this whole time.

"Who is that ?". Ophelia asked looking coldly towards that woman beside Rosalind, who looked a little bit older than her.

"That's Miss Thatcher , Katherine Thatcher. She's our biology teacher.". Bianca informed somehow noticing the change of mood from Ophelia's expression.

"They seemed close.". Ophelia commented as she saw Rosalind and Katherine giggling together. Ophelia didn't even know that Rosalind could pull out such expression.

"Well yeah , rumor has it that they are dating."

Ophelia turned her eyes abruptly towards her friend. "Really?!"

"It's still a rumor , but it wouldn't be a surprise if they did. I mean ,look ! Both of them are hot and suit for each other.". Bianca didn't realize that her comment has affected the girl beside her.

"Huh...right..".Ophelia turned into silence as she turned her eyes back towards the teachers. Strangely , Ophelia dislike the idea of Rosalind dating someone. Romance has never been a kind of topic they usually talked about when they are still a kid or around each other until now. 

Is it also one of the thing that Rosalind never tell to her ? There are still many things Ophelia didn't know about Rosalind  and she felt annoyed by it. Suddenly , Ophelia feel uncomfortable around her chest , she even clutched on it , trying to lessen the pain with the pressure. Breathing are also difficult to do.

"Ophelia are you okay ?". Bianca asked in worry. "Oh my god you look pale , and ..you're sweating."

Ophelia gulped trying her best to breath properly."I'm okay. I think, I will go back to the class first.". With much difficulty , she started to walk back to the class limply. It's been awhile since Ophelia felt this way. Her vision blurred a bit when she arrived at the class, luckily no one here to see her in this condition. She dropped her self on the chair instantly , her breath was still hard to catch. She reached for her bag , looking for the prescription the family doctor always gave her. She got the orange pill box on her hand , then immediately gulp one of the pill.

The pill immediately took effect , Ophelia could feel her heart beats turned normal again and the pressure on her chest were slowly cease. A sigh of relief escaped her as she dropped her head onto the desk. "Why now ?".She mumbled looking at the almost empty pill box, she should inform her parents that her heart medicine almost ran out.

It must be because of stress , she thought remembering the doctor advise to avoid any stress or else she would be collapsed like this. Weakly , she reached for her phone to inform her parents about the medicine but her eyes betrayed her then slowly she fell asleep.

"Hey Ophelia !". Bianca shook her friend's body to wake her up since the class are about to start , but Ophelia still asleep while snoring. "Wake up ! Ophelia !". Bianca glanced towards the English teacher, who seemed already notice her struggle. "The class are about to start! Wake up!"

"What happened ?". Bianca turned nervously when the teacher approached them. Rosalind chuckled hearing the snore coming from Ophelia. She always snoring when she sleeps , Rosalind remembered. "Look like someone didn't get enough sleep last night.". She smirked before suddenly clapped her hands loudly , encouraging other students to do the same , some of them even cheering.

Awakened by the loud sounds around her , Ophelia jolted up on her seat , she was rather confuse with what actually occur by now , but ending up clapping her hands too following the mass. "What ? What we're clapping for ?". She asked Bianca , still didn't notice Rosalind's presence beside her.

"We're clapping for you idiot !". Bianca gritted her teeth , the second hand embarrassment were consuming her.

"What ? Me ?". Then finally Ophelia noticed the teacher beside her. "Ros,- Ms. Carson ?".She said in surprised almost blurting out. "Why didn't you wake me ?!". She asked in annoyed towards Bianca.

"I did ! But you sleep like a corpse!"

Rosalind told the other students to stop clapping , when the class finally quiet , she leaned a little bit closer towards Ophelia while smiling . She could see the redness on Ophelia's cheek , probably feeling embarrass by the prank Rosalind pulled on her. "Ms. Bennet , I think I should remind you that a night sleep is very important especially for the girl around your age. Sure , nap also has it's health benefit , but when you're doing an activity that require you to fully awake, it would be wise if you didn't take one."

Ophelia gulped , she was feeling nervous not just because the embarrassment of getting caught sleeping in class but also the proximity between her and Rosalind. "I-I'm sorry Ms.Carson.". She said almost in whisper , scooting further from the older girl. "I will not repeat it again."

Rosalind smiled, stepping back from Ophelia's desk. "Very well , if I see you sleep again during class. Next time it will not just a warning.". Ophelia rolled her eyes when Rosalind turned around , walking back to her desk. Ophelia will never let this one go as soon as she saw Rosalind back in her house.

Is she ok ? Rosalind asked internally when she opened the material to teach today. She saw Ophelia during break earlier , she almost forgot about their status here and threw her smile at her , luckily Katherine came and Rosalind immediately turned to her co worker. When she glanced back towards Ophelia's side , the girl already gone. The thing that actually concerned Rosalind was , she remember Portia ever told her that if Ophelia sleep rather heavily , then something must have been tiring her so much. It could also been because her heart condition. Rosalind will feel so bad if it did actually about it , but Ophelia look fine now though she noticed as the brunette threw a silent glare at her. She chuckled in amuse then start the lesson for today.

"There she is..". Rosalind watched from inside the car as Ophelia standing near Dillan park waiting for her. Portia couldn't make it again this time , so she's going to be the little boss's driver once more. Rosalind checked the surrounding for the second time , afraid if other students caught her taking Ophelia to her car. Feeling satisfied with the lack of familiar faces , she began to turn the engine but then step on brake abruptly when she saw someone riding a scooter stopped in front of Ophelia. "Who is that ?". She asked frowning getting closer to the windshield to get a better glimpse at that person. Judging from the curly black hair popping from the helmet. It must be none other than that Giovanni girl.

"Aria ?". Ophelia called the girl in surprised , glancing a moment at the white scooter she's riding.The Italian girl took off her helmet , before staring at Ophelia in silence. "What ?". Ophelia asked rather nervous by the brown eyes gazing at her.

"You completely forgot ?"

"Oh!". Then it hit Ophelia. "About the ice cream..."

"I knew it!". Aria put her helmet back , planning to leave soon. "You never really mean about your sorry."

"Wa-Wa-Wait !".Rosalind startled in her seat when she saw Ophelia holding onto Aria's arm. Ophelia sighed. "Okay, just ice cream right ? Lets go."

Aria smiled softly when crazypizza finally agree to have ice cream with her. "Alright then , hop on!". She handed Ophelia the other helmet.

"Are we seriously going to ride with this ?". Ophelia asked pointing at the scooter.

"Yeah , why ?". Aria smirked. "Are you afraid ?"

"N-No , of course not ! Why should I be afraid ? It just a scooter."

"There's no way Ophelia ride with that thing,- What the hell ?!". Rosalind eyes widened when Ophelia took the helmet then wear it. She watched as the girl hop onto the back , then soon both of them ride away from the park. "Where the hell they are going ?!". Rosalind can't just stay in here. "I have to follow them!". Who knows what that Giovanni girl will do to the new student like Ophelia , and beside Rosalind is the one who've been tasked to drive Ophelia home. She has to make sure of Ophelia's safety.

"ACKKKKKKK !!". Ophelia's scream could be heard across the road as this is the first time she ever ride in a scooter.

"What you're screaming for ?". Aria chuckled. "It's not even that fast! ... What ?". She asked Ophelia to repeat because she could only hear muffled sound coming from her. She felt pressured on her back , Ophelia must have been hiding her face on it.

"I said , I never ride in a scooter before ! This is my first time ! And I'm so scared!."

"Ah I see , don't worry and just relax ok ?. If you're afraid ... just hold onto me!". Aria tapped on her own waist. Ophelia felt hesitant for a moment but when a car honked at them from the opposite direction , she startled a bit then automatically wrapped her arms around Aria's waist tightly. Aria gulped , she didn't expected to feel nervous by the sudden contact.

"Well actually this is kinda fun !". Ophelia giggled as she got calmer and enjoy the ride.

"Told you right!"

Behind , Rosalind still tailing them while making sure not to get to close to the two girls. "What that kid thing she's doing ?! She will put Ophelia in danger!". She commented with dislike on her tone. When she saw Ophelia suddenly hug Aria , the dislike turned into anger that instant. Rosalind didn't even know the reason why , and last when she noticed Ophelia was smiling and even enjoying the ride, what Shakespeare stated as the green eyed monster consumed her.

She never looked like that around me , Rosalind thought.

 When the two girls pulled over onto an ice cream shop , Rosalind stopped her car at the side of the road. She decided to got out , silently walk to the parking lot watching them discreetly from the far as they entered the shop.

"So , what do you want ?". Aria asked as they both looking up to the menu board above.

"Mmmmmm.". Ophelia tapped her chin having trouble to choose because everything look so good. "I think I'll have , Vanilla ice cream , double scoop with strawberry topping , whipped cream , chocolate sprinkles and of course cherry on top !".Aria chuckled hearing her order. It seemed like she's the one who actually want to go for ice cream. "What about you ?". Ophelia asked while grinning to the Italian girl.

"I think I'll have chocolate , one scoop , with chocolate topping and oreo crumbles please.". She said towards the cashier , then turned to Ophelia when she noticed , she's been staring at her in weird. "What ?"

"Isn't that going to taste ..bitter? All those chocolates and oreos ?"

"No , it tastes good. I'll let you have a spoon later."

"No no , I'm good.".

"It's all $12.7 please.". The cashier informed , Ophelia was about to reach for her money but then Aria gave her card to pay it.

"I thought you're the one who asked me to treat you for ice cream."

"Well yeah , but I never tell you're the one who pay."

Yeah right , Ophelia smiled , this girl is really something, she thought letting Aria to pay. They both chose to seat near the window as they waited for their orders to come. From the far , Rosalind could clearly see both girls interacting to each other. "They both seemed close already.". She murmured before suddenly duck down behind a truck , when she noticed Ophelia turned her gaze at her side. Rosalind hoped Ophelia didn't see her.

"What's wrong ?". Aria asked glancing too at the parking lot.

"Huh ? Nothing.". For a moment , Ophelia thought she saw Rosalind earlier. That also the time she remembered her sister couldn't pick her up again , Portia might be telling Rosalind to do it.

Ophelia reached for her phone then text Rosalind immediately to inform her that Ophelia doesn't need a ride and will go home soon by taxi. In the other side , Rosalind received the text "So you're just remembering about me now.". She chuckled bitterly then slowly lean again to the side , continue on peeking on Ophelia.

"Here's your order. Please enjoy."

"Yay! Thank you!". Ophelia clapped her hands cheerfully when her ice cream finally come. She took a spoonful of her vanilla ice cream , moaning in delight as it melted on her taste bud. "Oopss sorry.". Ophelia giggled when she saw Aria watching her in amuse.

"I guess you really like ice cream huh?"

"Uhum , it's been so long since I have one. My doc,- I mean my sister rarely have time to accompany me since she went to college."

"Oh you have sister ?". Aria asked trying  to start the conversation.

"Yes , one.". Even one is a troublesome."Her name is Portia , she's five years older than me. What about you ? I mean , I know about Emilia , but do you have another sibling that blood related to you ?". Ophelia asked taking another spoonful of her ice cream , this taste like heaven , she thought.

"Yes I have a brother , but he lives in Italy now."

"Italy?!". Ophelia beamed in excitement when she heard the country name. "I have a friend too from Italy."

"Re-Really ?". Aria started to feel nervous yet fluttered too knowing the possibility that Ophelia was talking about her or as known as Italianbaddie.

"Yeah , But I don't know how they look like."

"H-How come ?"

"I met them online."

"Why don't you..just ask her,-their picture then ? They're your friend right ? I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Well I was thinking about it , but I'm afraid they will decline. It's fine by me just to see them by texts though , We've been talking a lot for few months now , It still doesn't deny the fact that we already become friends."

"Oh,,I – I see.".Aria tried her best to hide her smile, but it failed as she lowered her head , hoping Ophelia didn't notice the effect she caused to her.

"Why don't you eat your ice cream ? It's melting.". Ophelia pointed. Aria thought for a second that Ophelia was talking about something else that melting right now.

"Oh yeah.". Awkwardly Aria took a spoonful of her chocolate ice cream , strangely it tasted sweeter than the one she previously had. Probably because she's in the company of a person who taste the same. Now that probably sounded inappropriate and weird , Aria thought.

"So...". Aria looked up when Ophelia continued to speak. "We're having ice cream now. You forgive me right ?"

Aria put the spoon then rest her elbow on the table , supporting her chin with her palm as she looked at Ophelia with a hint of tease. "Mmmm.. I don't know."

"Oh come onnn..". Ophelia whined. "I told you the reason why I thought about you that way. I was just being cautious!"

Aria giggled , enjoy teasing the brunette. "Well , maybe if you try my ice cream. I will forgive you."

"Really ?". Ophelia squinted her eyes , not enjoying the view on Aria's cup. "That look weird though , but alright. Give me that !". She opened her mouth waiting for Aria to feed her.

"Believe me , it tastes amazing.".Aria took a spoonful of her ice cream , before feeding it to Ophelia. She couldn't help her self from biting her lower lip when she saw Ophelia opening her mouth like that. Damn hormone , Aria thought as her wrist started to get limp resulting some smear of the ice cream on the corner of Ophelia's lips.

"Hey what are you doing ?"

"So sorry!". Aria said frantically grabbing the tissue then hand it to Ophelia soon.

"You did it on purpose right ?". Ophelia giggled taking the tissue then wiped her own lips with it.

"I wasn't ,... I was just , well how does it taste ?". Aria asked trying to change the topic.

"You're right . It tastes great though."

"Told you right."

"Here , have mine."

"They even feed on each other.".Rosalind commented quietly." Are they actually dating now ?". Even If they are , what's her concern about it. They are her students , they can have any kind of relationship. Rosalind's business to them is just regarding their study. But , Ophelia it's not just her student , they know each other already more than student and teacher.

Still a question arise in her mind , What is Ophelia to her now ? If she's not just her student.

"I better go now.". Rosalind decided , thinking that Ophelia probably safe with that girl. And what was she doing here anyway ? Spying on her students having a date like a creep. 

Rosalind held her step suddenly , when she saw three girls on a Ducati motor bikes parked in front of the shop. Judging from the uniform they are wearing ,black blazer , white shirt and black trousers, they probably come from Huntington academy , other private school but less fancy than Marjorie.

"OH YEAH ICE CREAM !". One of the girl with bob hair lifted her fist on the air as they entered the shop. "You're going to treat us right boss ?". She asked towards the girl in a pony tail red hair.

"Yeah yeah , just take whatever you want.". The red haired girl , Rachel O'Connor said lazily towards her friends. Her eyes scanned the shop and it instantly stopped when she saw a familiar someone sitting on one of the table. A smirk appeared on her thin lips before she begin to approach the person. "Well girls , look who's 'ere.". Aria's expression changed into cold when she saw Rachel , her enemy walked to her side.

Ophelia turned to the side , catching the sight of a red head who Aria probably knew. "None other than the famous Aria Giovanni , long time no see ay.".There's a hint of Irish accent when Rachel spoke. Aria kept her self from talking , trying to ignore her enemy's presence. "And look at yo company 'ere.". Rachel smirked turning her gaze to Ophelia. The latter somehow disgusted by the stare Rachel has on her. "Is she yo new girlfriend ay? Wow you always got a great taste in girl. You know what miss , me have a better thing than ice cream to put in yo beautiful mouth.". Ophelia startled when Rachel rubbed her cheek with her finger.

"Don't touch her !". Aria jolted from her seat abruptly , glaring fiercely at the red head. Seeing Ophelia being harassed by her enemy was enough to boiled her anger.

"Ooohh ..a little territorial ay ?.Come on sharing is caring , right girls ?". Rachel's friends chuckled behind her.

"I swear to you O'Connor , if you don't leave right now! I will kick you out from here my self !". Aria threatened , pointing her finger firmly onto the red head's face.

Instead of backing away , Rachel took a step closer towards the Italian girl in an intimidating way. "If me don't want to leave , What yo going to do Giovanni ?". She taunted her in a whisper.

Ophelia watched the scene in horror and worry , she felt sure that a fight will break in a matter of seconds.

To be continued

I don't know how Irish people actually talked...So please don't get offended if you're an Irish XD

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