By artkongPM

17.1K 994 327

THIS IS A FANFIC! JUST MY CRAZY IMAGINATION. Nope none of it real. With that being clear lets proceed. Kongpo... More



1.1K 54 18
By artkongPM

*Hi guys. just a little A/N before you start reading. To my dear readers, if you do read and enjoy my works please just drop a like and comment. this really keeps me going and sometimes makes my day, not only for me but for other authors too. even if the story is a year old or something a like or comment is still great and i really appreciate it.*

Arthit and Kongpob separated ways 4 years ago after mere 6 months of relationship. Kongpob, who was in so much love with Arthit has now nothing but hatred in his heart for Arthit.

After the first year, Kongpob changed his college well country too. It wasn't big of a deal well he was KONGPOB SUTTHILUCK, one of the heir of the Sutthiluck conglomerate, one of the largest conglomerate in europe with branches in europe and asia (just go with it). But no one in college knew that. He was in Thailand because it was his ancestor's land and he wanted to know the culture nearly (if that make sense) and also to find ways to expand his family legacy in Thailand. Actually his elder brother, Singto chose the states so he thought its better to do something for his homeland but everything went to drain after that debacle named Arthit. He was not here for love but when it came, it came so he really had no choice to accept it but to his dismay he lost it, his respect and his faith. So he went to live with his brother in the states and study there.

After his graduation he was called by his father for a party. And he had no effin idea that this was going to change his whole damned planned life yet again!

Singto and Kong arrived in the private airport in europe. They they were taken to the mansion they grew up in. It brought nostalgia to kong for he hasn't been there for 4 years. He was ashamed that he loved such a person who played him and his feelings to the point he felt nothing anymore and he damn well knew seeing his mother, he would break down. So here he was keeping ''distance''.

You could say kong was over arthit in a sense. He didn't cry over him every day now. He ate and drank properly now. He was focused now. He spent time with friends now...but he didnt date. He never felt attracted to someone again. He closed off his heart. He was not his usual flirty cheesy self now unless it was business.

Singto knew about this and tried to help his younger brother but all failed. It wasn't helping that Singto's fiance Krist looked a lot like Arthit. Singto tried to separate the time for Krist and Kongpob but it did collide sometimes and everytime Kongpob was like walking on shells. But as time passed Kong opened up to Krist and treated him like his brother. But that didnt mean he was completely okay.

Kong was in deep thought when he snapped his attention at sounds of glass clinking.

"Congratulations Kong for your graduation"- Kong's father Krekkrai.

"Thanks dad"
And it went on till his last of the long distance uncle said his congrats. Kong sighed.

'why the hell it cant just be dad, mom, p sing and p kit. Oh shit she is coming again now who was she mom's uncle's 2nd daughter or dad's sister's sister in law's daughter ai shit' as you can imagine the whole party was nightmare for kong.

Finally nightmare ended and now its only the 5 of them in the living room.

" So Kong as you know you have to undertake a project to gain a position in the conglomerate and for that you have to expand the company in one country..." now kong get the idea where it was going

"Oh yes dad I have thought of austalia. Maybe the market there..." he was cut by his father

"I am not done son. You are forgetting one part. Before doing that you need to work in another company for atleast 6 months then we will give you resources to expand. And for its not australia. You have to go back to Thailand"
'Holy shit' Kong was now kinda hyperventelating. Oh yeah I forget now kong developed a phobia towards the name.

"But dad he cant do that" singto said while rubbing his brother's back to soothe him and his mother was giving him water.

"How do you know? He needs to get over his phobia. He cant allow a silly petty man to dictate his life. You are a sutthiluck act like one dammit" kerkkrai roared the last part turning towards kong.

Now kerkrai wasn't bad at all he just wanted to make his boys strong.

"Y...yes dad I will be flying to T...Th...Thailand tomorrow itself" kong said and slumped against his shoulder

So that's how Kong ended up in one room apartment in middle of bangkok with a bank balance of what will get him through a month or 2 that too barely. He nees job and become independant and that's what his father wanted. He knew being born a multi millionaire is nothing but luck but he wanted his sons to prove themselves. And he knew money and fame came and go, what's needed more is the survival instincts so that you can make it through. Kong and singto undestood this so they never questioned but little did kong knew that this was going to come bite in his ass.

Thanks for reading.
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