My Rant Book

By Violet_Sky_29

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When the struggle is too real and I need to rant this is where you will find me. Come join the conversation i... More

Wtf is up with Ashton
Germanwings Flight 9525 Crash
Respect My Beliefs, and I'll Respect Yours
Be The Solution. NOT The Problem.
Let's Talk About Racism
Punk Rock and Outcasts
Lack of POC Representation and White Washing in Fanfiction
#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter


3.2K 22 53
By Violet_Sky_29



(Unedited soz)

Ok so I should be writing my paper now for Western Music History but instead I am here because this fandom has been pissing me off by INSISTING that we shouldn't dislike Bryana because they may just be "rumors" that she is just a bad person. My question for those people is:


There is a video of her, her ex, and his brother DELIBERATELY being racist and fat shaming to people at the beach THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW. Yet people seem to ignore this video and say "oh it was forever ago get over it maybe she has changed."


That's just it.

MAYBE she has changed. But MAYBE she hasn't as well. You can't have one without the other. And I saw on Instagram Bryana say how it was years ago and she didn't say anything and no one got hurt. Honey first of all, you did say a few things and used the term "fat," although your ex was worse. However, you did something that is just as bad as everything your ex said: you did nothing. You did absolutely nothing to stop him, correct him, NOTHING. You were a bystander and that's just as bad as the person doing the bullying. A bystander who watches someone get bullied, watches someone get sexually harassed, watches someone discriminate, and says NOTHING is not only just as bad as at the assailant, but something even more: a coward.

She was a coward and could've and SHOULD HAVE said something. But she didn't. And Bryana how do you know no one got hurt? How do you know those people didn't see you pointing? How do you know they didn't stumble upon the video and notice you were talking about them? You don't. For all you know they could have seen you and cried themselves to sleep tonight. They could've hurt themselves. They could have had a terminal illness. Could be dead right now. So unless you can confirm that they aren't hurt, stfu.

And to those of you saying she changed, there are MANY people who have gone on her Instagram (I've seen pictures) and saw her liking posts about Muslims being terrorists and fat shaming calling fat people elephants. SHE. HASN'T. CHANGED. So no I can't forgive her for that video because she's STILL doing it!! Do you see the problem here?

And don't tell me it's in the past or to get over it when I'm black AND fat with freaking body dysmorphia and degrade myself daily because of hating myself and her comments didn't help me at all. And there are people who felt the same. Hell people who aren't even a minority or skinny who found it repulsive. But some of you wanna stay in your white skinny attractive society loving glorified privileged little bubble and say stuff like this isn't a big deal. You know why? because it doesn't affect you. Because you're USED to being glorified and fat shaming is the norm, so why would some of you care?

Has anyone else noticed that whenever someone fat shames fat people don't say as much because we are so used to it but the SECOND anyone says ANYTHING negative about being skinny everyone and their mother attacks them??? Because skinny people are so used to being glorified they get thrown off when someone treats them otherwise. And that is what's happening here. The same people who probably SHREDDED All About That bass (no I don't like Megan Trainor I saw the ED article I'm proving a point) are the same ones defending Bryana saying what she did isn't "that bad." Because it doesn't hurt you honey. And that's cowardly and superficial. Yes skinny shaming exists, but it doesn't even COMPARE to fat shaming because it is institutionalized, just like racism, sexism, and homophobia.

I am tired of being told I'm ugly because I'm black and fat. I'm tired of turning on the news and seeing another black person being murdered. I'm tired of seeing people kiss up to skinny people but degrade fat people and make fun of people for their weight. I'm tired.

And it actually hurts me that people are defending this manipulating fat shaming racist JUST because she is with Ashton when if she wasn't y'all would destroy her. But NOOOO y'all think if you love her Ash will love you and you feel the need to kiss her ass to do so. He won't love you. He won't love any of us.

And I can't express how disappointed I am in him over this. Maybe he doesn't know about all the posts and the video, but at the same time how could he NOT have seen by now? And that makes me terrified to meet him because if he is ok with Bryana being a racist fat shamer then he either thinks her behavior is ok or he himself is a racist fat shamer. That's a bold accusation but it is an option. And as a fat black girl if this is true he would treat me unfairly based on my color and size. I've heard too many 5sos fat shaming stories and I've seen pics of Calum with fans and there is a CLEAR difference between how he treats fat fans and skinny fans and it's disgusting.

Because of this I'm TERRIFIED to go to my ROWYSO concert because this fandom is so shallow they'd probably make fun of me and 5sos would judge me. This fandom tries to play off as if it is body positive but 90% of you kiss up to big accounts because they are skinny and pretty and anytime you see 5sos with a girl you tear apart their looks. So why would I place myself in that environment?

At this point tbh the only one I would die to meet is Luke, because I've seen how he treats fans and have NEVER heard a bad story about him. He treats fans equally regardless of size and color, and I can't say the same for Calum or Ashton. Michael probably would be nice too. People say Calum and Ashton get the most hate. I don't agree with hate, but maybe they get crap a lot because they are in fact the most problematic???

And Ashton dating Bryana doesn't help his cause. Stop being a fake fan kissing his and her ass. Stop defending a racist. Stop defending a fat shamer. Because there is a saying that goes like this:

"First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time, there was no one left to speak up for me."-Martin Niemoller

So all of you who aren't of color, all of you who aren't plus size, remember that the next time you are about to defend Bryanna. Because all people ever do is come for people like me, but if you don't speak up for things that are wrong, there will be no one there to speak up for you when society comes for you.

Bryana Holly has not changed.

So stop defending her like she has.

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