Let's Talk About Racism

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A/N: This one is gonna be brief, because it should be self explanatory, but it clearly isn't to some.



Let's talk about racism !!! A topic no one seems to wanna talk about then wonder why it's still here !!!!

First off, let's briefly talk about the N word.

White people and people in general seem to have an issue with understanding why the N word is bad and why no one that isn't black should say it.

You know why?

Because it ISN'T your word to use.

The word does not affect you. The word was never used against you. The word wasn't used to degrade you, enslave you, mock you, dehumanize you, lynch you. And for white people, yall fucking CREATED the damn usage for the word. Your ancestors used it to enslave mine. This word has been used in a derogatory way for CENTURIES.

I personally don't think anyone should say it. I'm black and I don't. But if anyone should use it, it is black people, because you don't get to decide how to use that word. You wanna use the word, but don't wanna take our oppression? Don't want our history? Don't want our skin color? Don't want any of that? But then you want that word and our culture to appropriate? No. Fuck off. Accept your white privilege if you are white and run along. For any other race, I'd say the same for any derogatory term used for your race as well.

Now I'm sure there is gonna be at least one white person that is gonna be like "HOW AM I PRIVILEGED?! I'M NOT RICH !! I DON'T HAVE A JOB !! I GOT DENIED A COLLEGE !!"

If you honestly think that's what white privilege is get tf out of my face with your ignorant ass BS...

White privilege has NOTHING to do with money. NOTHING to do with social status.

White privilege is you will never be denied anything STRICTLY because you are white.

You will never be denied a job because you are white.

You will never be denied a college because you are white.

You will never be turned away at a store and refused service because you are white.

You will never be pulled over by a cop with no cause because you are white.

You will never have to deal with a history of slavery, being the only black kid or Asian kid or brown kid in your class reading a book with the N word in it, reading about Japanese internments camps, or terrorism.

You will never have to deal with ANY of that.

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