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I have 9000% had it with Ashton Fletcher Irwin and his nonsense with Bryana.

They've known each other for only a few months and have been together for roughly the same amount of time and she is already changing him.

If you don't know what I'm referring to, Ashton and Bryana just recently went back to their hotel where 5sos is at (recently as in maybe an hour ago it's like 1 am in London). Now that's not the issue here. The ISSUE is that there were fans there, probably waiting for possibly hours for Ash, and guess what he does? Doesn't stop, doesn't say hi, doesn't even LOOK at them. Check any update account I saw several describe it in that exact same way.

I'm sorry but wtf?? Excuse you?? You constantly PREACH about how grateful you are for us, how much you love us, how you appreciate us, and you do that???? I get you may be tired I'm not saying sacrifice your health for fans, but AT LEAST say freaking HI. ACKNOWLEDGE they're there. Don't just walk past them and ignore them like it's your ex or something. How fucking dare you.

Those fans waited you don't even KNOW how long, and while I do think it's stalker like to constantly go to your hotel and you deserve privacy, again, SAY. HI. But noooo because you have Bryana with you that's too much for you to do. It takes .2 seconds to say hi and wave and then continue on your way. To ignore your fans like that tells me everything that now comes out of your mouth is a lie and a joke.

I knew Bryanna was gonna do this the second I found out that she is a known manipulator in Hollywood and saw that racist fat shaming video. As someone said, she is the Yoko Ono of this fandom. I may not have been around when he was with Biannca, and while I don't like her, she didn't CHANGE Ashton. She was just annoying. But she didn't CHANGE him, and as far as I know wasn't a racist fat shamer. Biannca may have been problematic, but Ash was fine with her, which tells me one thing and one thing only: Biannca wasn't the problem, Ashton isn't the problem, BRYANA is. SHE is changing Ashton. Because if Ashton managed to not change and not be as whipped with Biannca, that tells me that isn't his MO in terms of relationships. Which means it isn't him DATING that's the problem, it's WHO he is dating that is.

Also, your fans GOT you here. WE did. NOT Bryana. US. Yes you and the others started 5sos and worked your butts off, congrats that's amazing, but you need support to get fame. WE gave you that. Without us, you wouldn't have even toured with Hot Chelle Rae, let ALONE 1D TWICE. Without us, you wouldn't have gotten all these awards and a #1 album. You wouldn't have millions of followers. You wouldn't be meeting and working with your idols. WE. DID. THAT.

Think of it this way:

This whole thing is kinda like a boat. 5sos built their boat (the band) and worked hard at building that boat to the best of their abilities. But the boat's purpose is to move off the dock and set sail (their career and fame). The boat is built, but can't sail by itself. It needs an engine and a driver to make it sail to its destination. WE are the engine. WE are the driver. You guys built the boat, but without us being your engine and driver, the boat cannot go anywhere and won't reach its goal. WE got you off the dock. WE  set you guys on sail. WE are the reason you made it to your goal, and we are bringing you even further than that.

Without us, Bryana wouldn't BE on your damn boat. She only wants Ash for his fame and money. Without us being the engine and driver, the boat couldn't be successful, and wouldn't work. And if that were the case, Bryana would not in any way be a passenger on that boat, but instead someone who almost went on the Titanic but decided not to and instead watched the boat sink.

Bryana won't be around forever. You will not last with her Ash. But you know who will always be there? Your fans and your 3 best friends: Luke, Michael, and Calum. Who you seem to be ignoring in favor of a girl who wants you for your money and fame and nothing else. And I get the vibe that the other 3 aren't particularly fond of Bryana. Probably because she is changing Ash. He went home to be with his family, yet stays there 3 days to go back to LA to fucking COACHELLA with a girl he barely knows only to have her follow him to London when this is a BAND thing. Because you know they didn't spend enough time together in LA. You could've seen her anytime because she has the money to travel. Your family doesn't. Your family and friends and fans will be there always. Bryana won't.

Get your shit together Ashton because you were my close second fav, Luke being my first, and now you dropped to like 5 and there are only 4 of you.

Remember who your fucking engine and driver is, because if you continually choose your passenger over who is actually making your boat sail, the engine will give out and the driver will go off duty.


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